/* * Copyright (c) 2012, Isode Limited, London, England. * All rights reserved. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010, Remko Tronçon. * All rights reserved. */ package com.isode.stroke.muc; import com.isode.stroke.elements.Storage; import com.isode.stroke.elements.Storage.Room; import com.isode.stroke.jid.JID; /** * Class representing a Bookmark to mult-user chatrooms. * The chatroom bookmarking function includes the ability to auto-join rooms on login. * */ public class MUCBookmark { private JID room_; private String name_; private String nick_; private String password_; private boolean autojoin_; /** * Constructor * @param room storage room, not null */ public MUCBookmark(Storage.Room room) { this.name_ = room.name; this.room_ = room.jid; this.nick_ = room.nick; this.password_ = room.password; this.autojoin_ = room.autoJoin; } /** * Constructor * @param room room jabber id, not null * @param bookmarkName name of bookmark, can be null */ MUCBookmark(JID room, String bookmarkName) { this.room_ = room; this.name_ = bookmarkName; this.autojoin_ = false; } /** * Set the autojoin value which determines whether the client should * automatically join the conference room on login. * @param enabled true to enable and false otherwise */ public void setAutojoin(boolean enabled) { autojoin_ = enabled; } /** * get the autojoin attribute value * @return true or false */ public boolean getAutojoin() { return autojoin_; } /** * Set the user's preferred roomnick for the chatroom. * @param nick nickname, can be null */ public void setNick(String nick) { nick_ = nick; } /** * Set an unencrypted string for the password needed to enter a password-protected room. * For security reasons, use of this element is NOT RECOMMENDED. * @param password password, can be null */ public void setPassword(String password) { password_ = password; } /** * get the user's nick name * @return nick name, can be null */ public String getNick() { return nick_; } /** * Get the room password * @return room password, can be null */ public String getPassword() { return password_; } /** * Get the bookmark name * @return bookmark name, can be null */ public String getName() { return name_; } /** * Get the room's jabber ID * @return room JID, not null */ public JID getRoom() { return room_; } /** * Convert the bookmark to a room object * @return room object, not null */ public Room toStorage() { Storage.Room room = new Storage.Room(); room.name = name_; room.jid = room_; if (nick_ != null) { room.nick = nick_; } if (password_ != null) { room.password = password_; } room.autoJoin = autojoin_; return room; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(this == obj) return true; if(!(obj instanceof MUCBookmark)) return false; MUCBookmark rhs = (MUCBookmark)obj; if(!checkEqualsWhenNull(rhs.room_,room_)) return false; if(!checkEqualsWhenNull(rhs.name_,name_)) return false; if(!checkEqualsWhenNull(rhs.nick_,nick_)) return false; if(!checkEqualsWhenNull(rhs.password_,password_)) return false; if(!rhs.autojoin_ != autojoin_) return false; return true; } private static boolean checkEqualsWhenNull(Object thisObj, Object otherObj){ return thisObj == null ? otherObj == null : thisObj.equals(otherObj); } }