/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2014, Isode Limited, London, England. * All rights reserved. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Remko Tronçon * All rights reserved. */ package com.isode.stroke.network; import com.isode.stroke.network.DomainNameServiceQuery.Result; import com.isode.stroke.signals.Signal1; import com.isode.stroke.signals.Signal2; import com.isode.stroke.signals.SignalConnection; import com.isode.stroke.signals.Slot; import com.isode.stroke.signals.Slot1; import com.isode.stroke.signals.Slot2; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; public class Connector { public static Connector create(String hostname, int port, String serviceLookupPrefix, DomainNameResolver resolver, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TimerFactory timerFactory) { return new Connector(hostname, port, serviceLookupPrefix, resolver, connectionFactory, timerFactory); } public void setTimeoutMilliseconds(int milliseconds) { timeoutMilliseconds = milliseconds; } public void start() { assert currentConnection == null; assert serviceQuery == null; assert timer == null; queriedAllServices = false; serviceQueryResults = new ArrayList(); if (serviceLookupPrefix != null) { serviceQuery = resolver.createServiceQuery(serviceLookupPrefix + hostname); serviceQuery.onResult.connect(new Slot1>() { public void call(Collection p1) { handleServiceQueryResult(p1); } }); if (timeoutMilliseconds > 0) { timer = timerFactory.createTimer(timeoutMilliseconds); timer.onTick.connect(new Slot() { public void call() { handleTimeout(); } }); timer.start(); } serviceQuery.run(); } else { queryAddress(hostname); } } public void stop() { finish(null); } public final Signal2 onConnectFinished = new Signal2(); private Connector(String hostname,int port, String serviceLookupPrefix, DomainNameResolver resolver, ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, TimerFactory timerFactory) { this.hostname = hostname; this.resolver = resolver; this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; this.timerFactory = timerFactory; this.port = port; this.serviceLookupPrefix = serviceLookupPrefix; } private void handleServiceQueryResult(Collection result) { serviceQueryResults = new ArrayList(); serviceQueryResults.addAll(result); serviceQuery = null; if (!serviceQueryResults.isEmpty()) { foundSomeDNS = true; } tryNextServiceOrFallback(); } private void handleAddressQueryResult(Collection addresses, DomainNameResolveError error) { //std::cout << "Connector::handleAddressQueryResult(): Start" << std::endl; addressQuery = null; if (error != null || addresses.isEmpty()) { if (!serviceQueryResults.isEmpty()) { serviceQueryResults.remove(0); } tryNextServiceOrFallback(); } else { foundSomeDNS = true; addressQueryResults = new ArrayList(); addressQueryResults.addAll(addresses); tryNextAddress(); } } private void queryAddress(String hostname) { assert addressQuery == null; addressQuery = resolver.createAddressQuery(hostname); addressQuery.onResult.connect(new Slot2, DomainNameResolveError>() { public void call(Collection p1, DomainNameResolveError p2) { handleAddressQueryResult(p1, p2); } }); addressQuery.run(); } private void tryNextServiceOrFallback() { if (queriedAllServices) { //std::cout << "Connector::tryNextServiceOrCallback(): Queried all hosts. Error." << std::endl; finish(null); } else if (serviceQueryResults.isEmpty()) { //std::cout << "Connector::tryNextHostName(): Falling back on A resolution" << std::endl; // Fall back on simple address resolving queriedAllServices = true; queryAddress(hostname); } else { //std::cout << "Connector::tryNextHostName(): Querying next address" << std::endl; queryAddress(serviceQueryResults.get(0).hostname); } } private void tryNextAddress() { if (addressQueryResults.isEmpty()) { //std::cout << "Connector::tryNextAddress(): Done trying addresses. Moving on" << std::endl; // Done trying all addresses. Move on to the next host. if (!serviceQueryResults.isEmpty()) { serviceQueryResults.remove(0); } tryNextServiceOrFallback(); } else { //std::cout << "Connector::tryNextAddress(): trying next address." << std::endl; HostAddress address = addressQueryResults.get(0); addressQueryResults.remove(0); int connectPort = (port == -1) ? 5222 : port; if (!serviceQueryResults.isEmpty()) { connectPort = serviceQueryResults.get(0).port; } tryConnect(new HostAddressPort(address, connectPort)); } } private void tryConnect(HostAddressPort target) { assert currentConnection == null; //std::cout << "Connector::tryConnect() " << target.getAddress().toString() << " " << target.getPort() << std::endl; currentConnection = connectionFactory.createConnection(); currentConnectionConnectFinishedConnection = currentConnection.onConnectFinished.connect(new Slot1() { public void call(Boolean p1) { handleConnectionConnectFinished(p1); } }); currentConnection.connect(target); } private void handleConnectionConnectFinished(boolean error) { //std::cout << "Connector::handleConnectionConnectFinished() " << error << std::endl; currentConnectionConnectFinishedConnection.disconnect(); if (error) { currentConnection = null; if (!addressQueryResults.isEmpty()) { tryNextAddress(); } else { if (!serviceQueryResults.isEmpty()) { serviceQueryResults.remove(0); } tryNextServiceOrFallback(); } } else { finish(currentConnection); } } private void finish(Connection connection) { if (timer != null) { timer.stop(); timer.onTick.disconnectAll(); timer = null; } if (serviceQuery != null) { serviceQuery.onResult.disconnectAll(); serviceQuery = null; } if (addressQuery != null) { addressQuery.onResult.disconnectAll(); addressQuery = null; } if (currentConnection != null) { currentConnectionConnectFinishedConnection.disconnect(); currentConnection = null; } onConnectFinished.emit(connection, (connection != null || foundSomeDNS) ? null : new DomainNameResolveError()); } private void handleTimeout() { finish(null); } @Override public String toString() { return "Connector to \"" + hostname + "\" " + (currentConnection == null ? "not connected" : "using " + currentConnection); } private String hostname; private DomainNameResolver resolver; private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; private TimerFactory timerFactory; private int timeoutMilliseconds = 0; private Timer timer; private DomainNameServiceQuery serviceQuery; private ArrayList serviceQueryResults; private DomainNameAddressQuery addressQuery; private ArrayList addressQueryResults; private boolean queriedAllServices = true; private Connection currentConnection; private SignalConnection currentConnectionConnectFinishedConnection; private final int port; private final String serviceLookupPrefix; private boolean foundSomeDNS = false; }