/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Kevin Smith * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MUC_JOIN_WARNING_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS 60000 namespace Swift { /** * The controller does not gain ownership of the stanzaChannel, nor the factory. */ MUCController::MUCController ( const JID& self, MUC::ref muc, const std::string &nick, StanzaChannel* stanzaChannel, IQRouter* iqRouter, ChatWindowFactory* chatWindowFactory, PresenceOracle* presenceOracle, AvatarManager* avatarManager, UIEventStream* uiEventStream, bool useDelayForLatency, TimerFactory* timerFactory, EventController* eventController) : ChatControllerBase(self, stanzaChannel, iqRouter, chatWindowFactory, muc->getJID(), presenceOracle, avatarManager, useDelayForLatency, uiEventStream, eventController, timerFactory), muc_(muc), nick_(nick), desiredNick_(nick) { parting_ = true; joined_ = false; lastWasPresence_ = false; shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = true; doneGettingHistory_ = false; events_ = uiEventStream; roster_ = new Roster(false, true); completer_ = new TabComplete(); chatWindow_->setRosterModel(roster_); chatWindow_->setTabComplete(completer_); chatWindow_->setName(muc->getJID().getNode()); chatWindow_->onClosed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleWindowClosed, this)); muc_->onJoinComplete.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinComplete, this, _1)); muc_->onJoinFailed.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinFailed, this, _1)); muc_->onOccupantJoined.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantJoined, this, _1)); muc_->onOccupantPresenceChange.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantPresenceChange, this, _1)); muc_->onOccupantLeft.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantLeft, this, _1, _2, _3)); muc_->onOccupantRoleChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChanged, this, _1, _2, _3)); if (timerFactory) { loginCheckTimer_ = boost::shared_ptr(timerFactory->createTimer(MUC_JOIN_WARNING_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS)); loginCheckTimer_->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleJoinTimeoutTick, this)); loginCheckTimer_->start(); } chatWindow_->convertToMUC(); setOnline(true); if (avatarManager_ != NULL) { avatarChangedConnection_ = (avatarManager_->onAvatarChanged.connect(boost::bind(&MUCController::handleAvatarChanged, this, _1))); } } MUCController::~MUCController() { chatWindow_->setRosterModel(NULL); delete roster_; if (loginCheckTimer_) { loginCheckTimer_->stop(); } chatWindow_->setTabComplete(NULL); delete completer_; } /** * Join the MUC if not already in it. */ void MUCController::rejoin() { if (parting_) { joined_ = false; parting_ = false; //FIXME: check for received activity if (lastActivity_ == boost::posix_time::not_a_date_time) { muc_->joinAs(nick_); } else { muc_->joinWithContextSince(nick_, lastActivity_); } } } void MUCController::handleJoinTimeoutTick() { receivedActivity(); chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Room %1% is not responding. This operation may never complete.")) % toJID_.toString())); } void MUCController::receivedActivity() { if (loginCheckTimer_) { loginCheckTimer_->stop(); } } void MUCController::handleJoinFailed(boost::shared_ptr error) { receivedActivity(); std::string errorMessage = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Unable to enter this room"); std::string rejoinNick; if (error) { switch (error->getCondition()) { case ErrorPayload::Conflict: rejoinNick = nick_ + "_"; errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Unable to enter this room as %1%, retrying as %2%")) % nick_ % rejoinNick); break; case ErrorPayload::JIDMalformed: errorMessage += ": "; errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "No nickname specified"); break; case ErrorPayload::NotAuthorized: errorMessage += ": "; errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "A password needed"); break; case ErrorPayload::RegistrationRequired: errorMessage += ": "; errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Only members may enter"); break; case ErrorPayload::Forbidden: errorMessage += ": "; errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You are banned from the room"); break; case ErrorPayload::ServiceUnavailable: errorMessage += ": "; errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room is full"); break; case ErrorPayload::ItemNotFound: errorMessage += ": "; errorMessage += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room does not exist"); break; default: break; } } errorMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Couldn't join room: %1.")) % errorMessage); chatWindow_->addErrorMessage(errorMessage); if (!rejoinNick.empty()) { nick_ = rejoinNick; parting_ = true; rejoin(); } } void MUCController::handleJoinComplete(const std::string& nick) { receivedActivity(); joined_ = true; std::string joinMessage = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have entered room %1% as %2%.")) % toJID_.toString() % nick); nick_ = nick; chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(joinMessage); clearPresenceQueue(); shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = true; setEnabled(true); } void MUCController::handleAvatarChanged(const JID& jid) { if (parting_ || !jid.equals(toJID_, JID::WithoutResource)) { return; } std::string path = avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid).string(); roster_->applyOnItems(SetAvatar(jid, path, JID::WithResource)); } void MUCController::handleWindowClosed() { parting_ = true; shouldJoinOnReconnect_ = false; muc_->part(); onUserLeft(); } void MUCController::handleOccupantJoined(const MUCOccupant& occupant) { if (nick_ != occupant.getNick()) { completer_->addWord(occupant.getNick()); } receivedActivity(); JID jid(nickToJID(occupant.getNick())); JID realJID; if (occupant.getRealJID()) { realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get(); } currentOccupants_.insert(occupant.getNick()); NickJoinPart event(occupant.getNick(), Join); appendToJoinParts(joinParts_, event); std::string groupName(roleToGroupName(occupant.getRole())); roster_->addContact(jid, realJID, occupant.getNick(), groupName, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid).string()); roster_->getGroup(groupName)->setManualSort(roleToSortName(occupant.getRole())); if (joined_) { std::string joinString; MUCOccupant::Role role = occupant.getRole(); if (role != MUCOccupant::NoRole && role != MUCOccupant::Participant) { joinString = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the room as a %2%.")) % occupant.getNick() % roleToFriendlyName(role)); } else { joinString = str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the room.")) % occupant.getNick()); } if (shouldUpdateJoinParts()) { updateJoinParts(); } else { addPresenceMessage(joinString); } } if (avatarManager_ != NULL) { handleAvatarChanged(jid); } } void MUCController::addPresenceMessage(const std::string& message) { lastWasPresence_ = true; chatWindow_->addPresenceMessage(message); } void MUCController::clearPresenceQueue() { lastWasPresence_ = false; joinParts_.clear(); } std::string MUCController::roleToFriendlyName(MUCOccupant::Role role) { switch (role) { case MUCOccupant::Moderator: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "moderator"); case MUCOccupant::Participant: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "participant"); case MUCOccupant::Visitor: return QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "visitor"); case MUCOccupant::NoRole: return ""; } return ""; } std::string MUCController::roleToSortName(MUCOccupant::Role role) { switch (role) { case MUCOccupant::Moderator: return "1"; case MUCOccupant::Participant: return "2"; case MUCOccupant::Visitor: return "3"; case MUCOccupant::NoRole: return "4"; } return "5"; } JID MUCController::nickToJID(const std::string& nick) { return JID(toJID_.getNode(), toJID_.getDomain(), nick); } bool MUCController::messageTargetsMe(boost::shared_ptr message) { std::string stringRegexp(".*\\b" + boost::to_lower_copy(nick_) + "\\b.*"); boost::regex myRegexp(stringRegexp); return boost::regex_match(boost::to_lower_copy(message->getBody()), myRegexp); } void MUCController::preHandleIncomingMessage(boost::shared_ptr messageEvent) { if (messageEvent->getStanza()->getType() == Message::Groupchat) { lastActivity_ = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); } clearPresenceQueue(); boost::shared_ptr message = messageEvent->getStanza(); if (joined_ && messageEvent->getStanza()->getFrom().getResource() != nick_ && messageTargetsMe(message) && !message->getPayload()) { if (messageEvent->isReadable()) { chatWindow_->flash(); } } if (joined_) { std::string nick = message->getFrom().getResource(); if (nick != nick_ && currentOccupants_.find(nick) != currentOccupants_.end()) { completer_->addWord(nick); } } /*Buggy implementations never send the status code, so use an incoming message as a hint that joining's done (e.g. the old ejabberd on psi-im.org).*/ receivedActivity(); joined_ = true; if (!message->getSubject().empty() && message->getBody().empty()) { chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "The room subject is now: %1%")) % message->getSubject()));; doneGettingHistory_ = true; } if (!doneGettingHistory_ && !message->getPayload()) { doneGettingHistory_ = true; } if (!doneGettingHistory_) { messageEvent->conclude(); } } void MUCController::postHandleIncomingMessage(boost::shared_ptr messageEvent) { boost::shared_ptr message = messageEvent->getStanza(); if (joined_ && messageEvent->getStanza()->getFrom().getResource() != nick_ && messageTargetsMe(message) && !message->getPayload()) { eventController_->handleIncomingEvent(messageEvent); } } void MUCController::handleOccupantRoleChanged(const std::string& nick, const MUCOccupant& occupant, const MUCOccupant::Role& oldRole) { clearPresenceQueue(); receivedActivity(); JID jid(nickToJID(nick)); roster_->removeContactFromGroup(jid, roleToGroupName(oldRole)); JID realJID; if (occupant.getRealJID()) { realJID = occupant.getRealJID().get(); } std::string group(roleToGroupName(occupant.getRole())); roster_->addContact(jid, realJID, nick, group, avatarManager_->getAvatarPath(jid).string()); roster_->getGroup(group)->setManualSort(roleToSortName(occupant.getRole())); chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% is now a %2%")) % nick % roleToFriendlyName(occupant.getRole()))); } std::string MUCController::roleToGroupName(MUCOccupant::Role role) { std::string result; switch (role) { case MUCOccupant::Moderator: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Moderators"); break; case MUCOccupant::Participant: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Participants"); break; case MUCOccupant::Visitor: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Visitors"); break; case MUCOccupant::NoRole: result = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Occupants"); break; default: assert(false); } return result; } void MUCController::setOnline(bool online) { ChatControllerBase::setOnline(online); if (!online) { muc_->part(); parting_ = true; processUserPart(); } else { if (shouldJoinOnReconnect_) { chatWindow_->addSystemMessage(str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "Trying to enter room %1%")) % toJID_.toString())); if (loginCheckTimer_) { loginCheckTimer_->start(); } nick_ = desiredNick_; rejoin(); } } } void MUCController::processUserPart() { roster_->removeAll(); /* handleUserLeft won't throw a part back up unless this is called when it doesn't yet know we've left - which only happens on disconnect, so call with disconnect here so if the signal does bubble back up, it'll be with the right type.*/ muc_->handleUserLeft(MUC::Disconnect); setEnabled(false); } bool MUCController::shouldUpdateJoinParts() { return lastWasPresence_; } void MUCController::handleOccupantLeft(const MUCOccupant& occupant, MUC::LeavingType, const std::string& reason) { NickJoinPart event(occupant.getNick(), Part); appendToJoinParts(joinParts_, event); currentOccupants_.erase(occupant.getNick()); completer_->removeWord(occupant.getNick()); std::string partMessage = (occupant.getNick() != nick_) ? str(format(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the room")) % occupant.getNick()) : QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "You have left the room"); if (!reason.empty()) { partMessage += " (" + reason + ")"; } partMessage += "."; if (occupant.getNick() != nick_) { if (shouldUpdateJoinParts()) { updateJoinParts(); } else { addPresenceMessage(partMessage); } roster_->removeContact(JID(toJID_.getNode(), toJID_.getDomain(), occupant.getNick())); } else { addPresenceMessage(partMessage); parting_ = true; processUserPart(); } } void MUCController::handleOccupantPresenceChange(boost::shared_ptr presence) { receivedActivity(); roster_->applyOnItems(SetPresence(presence, JID::WithResource)); } bool MUCController::isIncomingMessageFromMe(boost::shared_ptr message) { JID from = message->getFrom(); return nick_ == from.getResource(); } std::string MUCController::senderDisplayNameFromMessage(const JID& from) { return from.getResource(); } void MUCController::preSendMessageRequest(boost::shared_ptr message) { message->setType(Swift::Message::Groupchat); } boost::optional MUCController::getMessageTimestamp(boost::shared_ptr message) const { return message->getTimestampFrom(toJID_); } void MUCController::updateJoinParts() { chatWindow_->replaceLastMessage(generateJoinPartString(joinParts_)); } void MUCController::appendToJoinParts(std::vector& joinParts, const NickJoinPart& newEvent) { std::vector::iterator it = joinParts.begin(); bool matched = false; for (; it != joinParts.end(); it++) { if ((*it).nick == newEvent.nick) { matched = true; JoinPart type = (*it).type; switch (newEvent.type) { case Join: type = (type == Part) ? PartThenJoin : Join; break; case Part: type = (type == Join) ? JoinThenPart : Part; break; default: /*Nothing to see here */;break; } (*it).type = type; break; } } if (!matched) { joinParts.push_back(newEvent); } } std::string MUCController::concatenateListOfNames(const std::vector& joinParts) { std::string result; for (size_t i = 0; i < joinParts.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { if (i < joinParts.size() - 1) { result += ", "; } else { result += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", " and "); } } NickJoinPart event = joinParts[i]; result += event.nick; } return result; } std::string MUCController::generateJoinPartString(const std::vector& joinParts) { std::vector sorted[4]; std::string eventStrings[4]; foreach (NickJoinPart event, joinParts) { sorted[event.type].push_back(event); } std::string result; std::vector populatedEvents; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { std::string names = concatenateListOfNames(sorted[i]); if (!names.empty()) { std::string eventString; switch (i) { case Join: if (sorted[i].size() > 1) { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have entered the room"); } else { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered the room"); } break; case Part: if (sorted[i].size() > 1) { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left the room"); } else { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left the room"); } break; case JoinThenPart: if (sorted[i].size() > 1) { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have entered then left the room"); } else { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has entered then left the room"); } break; case PartThenJoin: if (sorted[i].size() > 1) { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% have left then returned to the room"); } else { eventString = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", "%1% has left then returned to the room"); } break; } populatedEvents.push_back(static_cast(i)); eventStrings[i] = str(boost::format(eventString) % names); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < populatedEvents.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { if (i < populatedEvents.size() - 1) { result += ", "; } else { result += QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("", " and "); } } result += eventStrings[populatedEvents[i]]; } return result; } }