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Diffstat (limited to 'Swiften/Jingle/FakeJingleSession.h')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Swiften/Jingle/FakeJingleSession.h b/Swiften/Jingle/FakeJingleSession.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd3d7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Swiften/Jingle/FakeJingleSession.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Tobias Markmann
+ * Licensed under the simplified BSD license.
+ * See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <Swiften/Base/boost_bsignals.h>
+#include <Swiften/JID/JID.h>
+#include <Swiften/Elements/JinglePayload.h>
+#include <Swiften/Jingle/JingleSession.h>
+#include <Swiften/Jingle/JingleContentID.h>
+namespace Swift {
+ class JingleContentID;
+ class FakeJingleSession : public JingleSession {
+ public:
+ struct InitiateCall {
+ InitiateCall(JingleContentID contentId, JingleDescription::ref desc, JingleTransportPayload::ref payL) : id(contentId), description(desc), payload(payL) {}
+ JingleContentID id;
+ JingleDescription::ref description;
+ JingleTransportPayload::ref payload;
+ };
+ struct TerminateCall {
+ TerminateCall(JinglePayload::Reason::Type r) : reason(r) {}
+ JinglePayload::Reason::Type reason;
+ };
+ struct InfoCall {
+ InfoCall(boost::shared_ptr<Payload> info) : payload(info) {}
+ boost::shared_ptr<Payload> payload;
+ };
+ struct AcceptCall {
+ AcceptCall(JingleContentID contentId, JingleDescription::ref desc, JingleTransportPayload::ref payL) : id(contentId), description(desc), payload(payL) {}
+ JingleContentID id;
+ JingleDescription::ref description;
+ JingleTransportPayload::ref payload;
+ };
+ struct InfoTransportCall {
+ InfoTransportCall(JingleContentID contentId, JingleTransportPayload::ref payL) : id(contentId), payload(payL) {}
+ JingleContentID id;
+ JingleTransportPayload::ref payload;
+ };
+ struct AcceptTransportCall {
+ AcceptTransportCall(JingleContentID contentId, JingleTransportPayload::ref payL) : id(contentId), payload(payL) {}
+ JingleContentID id;
+ JingleTransportPayload::ref payload;
+ };
+ struct RejectTransportCall {
+ RejectTransportCall(JingleContentID contentId, JingleTransportPayload::ref payL) : id(contentId), payload(payL) {}
+ JingleContentID id;
+ JingleTransportPayload::ref payload;
+ };
+ struct ReplaceTransportCall {
+ ReplaceTransportCall(JingleContentID contentId, JingleTransportPayload::ref payL) : id(contentId), payload(payL) {}
+ JingleContentID id;
+ JingleTransportPayload::ref payload;
+ };
+ typedef boost::variant<InitiateCall, TerminateCall, AcceptCall, InfoCall, InfoTransportCall, AcceptTransportCall, RejectTransportCall, ReplaceTransportCall> Command;
+ public:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<FakeJingleSession> ref;
+ FakeJingleSession(const JID& initiator, const std::string& id);
+ virtual ~FakeJingleSession();
+ virtual void sendInitiate(const JingleContentID&, JingleDescription::ref, JingleTransportPayload::ref);
+ virtual void sendTerminate(JinglePayload::Reason::Type reason);
+ virtual void sendInfo(boost::shared_ptr<Payload>);
+ virtual void sendAccept(const JingleContentID&, JingleDescription::ref, JingleTransportPayload::ref = JingleTransportPayload::ref());
+ virtual void sendTransportInfo(const JingleContentID&, JingleTransportPayload::ref);
+ virtual void sendTransportAccept(const JingleContentID&, JingleTransportPayload::ref);
+ virtual void sendTransportReject(const JingleContentID&, JingleTransportPayload::ref);
+ virtual void sendTransportReplace(const JingleContentID&, JingleTransportPayload::ref);
+ public:
+ std::vector<Command> calledCommands;
+ };