#!/bin/sh #If you want to share tar output (note: necessary if you want multiple archs with the same hashed tarballs) # set SHARED_DIR - YOU MUST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TRAILING / ON SHARED_DIR # If you want to pass parameters to debuild, set them in SWIFT_DEBUILD_FLAGS # e.g. -S for just source, -b for just binaries set -e -x export PYTHONPATH=../../../BuildTools/SCons VERSION=${VERSION:=`../../../BuildTools/GetBuildVersion.py swift`} DEBIAN_VERSION=`../../../BuildTools/DebianizeVersion.py $VERSION` DIRNAME=swift-im-$DEBIAN_VERSION SWIFTEN_SOVERSION=`../../../BuildTools/GetBuildVersion.py swift --major` if [ -z "$SHARED_DIR" ]; then echo "Using standalone output" else echo "Using shared output in ${SHARED_DIR}" fi if [ -z "$DEBIAN_VERSION" ]; then echo "Unable to determine version" exit -1 fi echo "Cleaning up old packages ..." rm -f swift-im_* rm -f libswiften* rm -rf swift-im-* TARBALLBARE="swift-im_$DEBIAN_VERSION.orig.tar.gz" TARBALL="${SHARED_DIR}${TARBALLBARE}" if [ -f $TARBALL ]; then echo "Found existing tarball for the right version, using ${TARBALL}" echo "Cleaning out any previous builds in ${DIRNAME} and re-extracting" rm -rf $DIRNAME cp $TARBALL tmp.tmp mv tmp.tmp $TARBALLBARE tar xzf $TARBALLBARE else echo "No shared tarball found" echo "Checking out a fresh copy ..." rm -rf $DIRNAME git clone ../../../.git $DIRNAME # Remove development files & 3rdParty files rm -rf $DIRNAME/.git find $DIRNAME -name .gitignore | xargs rm -f if [ -z "$SWIFT_COPY_UUID" ]; then find $DIRNAME/3rdParty -type f | grep -v SConscript | xargs rm -f else find $DIRNAME/3rdParty -type f | grep -v uuid | grep -v SConscript | grep -v miniupnp | grep -v natpmp || xargs rm -f fi find $DIRNAME/3rdParty -depth -empty -type d -exec rmdir {} \; rm -rf $DIRNAME/3rdParty/SCons rm -rf $DIRNAME/Swift/Packaging/Debian # Initialize the build version echo $VERSION > $DIRNAME/VERSION.swift # Fork local Boost UUID copy # FIXME: This shouldn't be necessary, but SCons isn't picking up the generated headers for compilation if [ ! -z "$SWIFT_COPY_UUID" ]; then mkdir -p $DIRNAME/3rdParty/Boost/uuid/boost cp -r $DIRNAME/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/uuid $DIRNAME/3rdParty/Boost/uuid/boost fi # Create orig tarball tar czf $TARBALLBARE $DIRNAME cp $TARBALLBARE tmp.tmp mv tmp.tmp $TARBALL fi # Detect dependencies WEBKIT_DEPENDENCY=", libqtwebkit-dev (>= 2.0.0)" DISTRIBUTION=`lsb_release -s -i`-`lsb_release -s -c` if [ "$DISTRIBUTION" = "Debian-squeeze" -o "$DISTRIBUTION" = "Ubuntu-lucid" -o ! -z "$SWIFT_FORCE_LUCID" ]; then WEBKIT_DEPENDENCY="" fi # Initialize debian files cp -r debian $DIRNAME/debian if [ -z "$CHANGELOG" ]; then ../../../BuildTools/UpdateDebianChangelog.py $DIRNAME/debian/changelog $DEBIAN_VERSION else cp $CHANGELOG $DIRNAME/debian/changelog fi cat $DIRNAME/debian/control.in | sed -e "s/%SWIFTEN_SOVERSION%/$SWIFTEN_SOVERSION/g" | sed -e "s/%WEBKIT_DEPENDENCY%/$WEBKIT_DEPENDENCY/g" > $DIRNAME/debian/control rm $DIRNAME/debian/control.in mv $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften.install $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften$SWIFTEN_SOVERSION.install cat ../../../COPYING.thirdparty | tail -n +3 >> $DIRNAME/debian/copyright # Build cd $DIRNAME set +e debuild -i -I ${SWIFT_DEBUILD_FLAGS} --lintian-opts --pedantic