#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # This Python script builds self-contained Linux packages, i.e. AppImages ( http://appimage.org/ ), of Swift. # It downloads required appimage tool that is executed at the end and an exculde list from the internet. # # Non-standard dependencies: # * plumbum ( https://plumbum.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ) # * click ( http://click.pocoo.org/5/ ) # # They can be installed via `pip install plumbum click`. # # The script requires git, wget, readelf and objcopy to work and will fail if # they are not present. # # Just run ./Swift/Packaging/appimage/build_appimage.py and after it executed # there should be .appimage and .debug files in Packages/Swift. # # The appimage will be for the same architecture as the host architecture. # Pass `--qt5=False` to the tool to build against legacy Qt4. from plumbum import local, FG, BG, colors, commands import click import os import re import time import sys git = local['git'] def git_working_dir(): working_dir = git('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel').strip() if not os.path.exists(working_dir): working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(git('rev-parse', '--git-dir').strip())) return working_dir git_working_dir = git_working_dir() resources_dir = os.path.join(git_working_dir, "Swift/resources/") @click.command() @click.option('--qt5', default=True, type=bool, help='Build with Qt5.') def build_appimage(qt5): print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Switch to git working directory root " + git_working_dir) with local.cwd(git_working_dir): def copy_dependencies_into_appdir(excludelist, binary_path, lib_path): chain = local['ldd'][binary_path] | local['grep']["=> /"] | local['awk']['{print $3}'] for dynamic_lib in chain().strip().split('\n'): if os.path.basename(dynamic_lib) in excludelist: #print(colors.info | "Not including " + dynamic_lib + " as it is blacklisted.") pass else: local['cp']('-v', '-L', dynamic_lib, lib_path) scons = local['./scons'] print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Building Swift") scons['qt5={}'.format("1" if qt5 else "0"), 'Swift'] & FG swift = local['./Swift/QtUI/swift-im'] swift_version = swift('--version').strip() print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Successfully built " + swift_version) swift_architecture_string = "" try: readelf_on_swift_im_output = local['readelf']('-h', './Swift/QtUI/swift-im').strip() swift_architecture = re.search(r'Class:\s+([^\s]+)', readelf_on_swift_im_output, flags=re.I).group(1) if swift_architecture == "ELF32": swift_architecture_string = ".i386" elif swift_architecture == "ELF64": swift_architecture_string = ".amd64" except: pass appdir_path = os.path.join(git_working_dir, 'Swift/Packaging/AppImage/Swift.AppDir') print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Prepare AppDir structure at " + appdir_path) local['mkdir']('-p', appdir_path) swift_install_dir = os.path.join(appdir_path, 'usr') print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Install Swift to AppDir") scons['qt5={}'.format("1" if qt5 else "0"), 'Swift', 'SWIFT_INSTALLDIR=' + swift_install_dir , swift_install_dir] & FG print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Download dynamic lib exclude list from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AppImage/AppImages/master/excludelist") local['wget']['--no-check-certificate', '-O', '/tmp/excludelist', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AppImage/AppImages/master/excludelist'] & FG print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Load dynamic library exclude list") excludelist = set() with open('/tmp/excludelist') as f: for line in f: if line and "#" not in line: excludelist.add(line.strip()) print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Copy dynamic library dependencies into AppDir") local['mkdir']('-p', os.path.join(appdir_path, 'usr/lib')) appdir_swift_im_binary = os.path.join(swift_install_dir, 'bin/swift-im') copy_dependencies_into_appdir(excludelist, appdir_swift_im_binary, os.path.join(swift_install_dir, "lib")) if qt5: print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Analyze binary for Qt plugin paths") # Run Swift binary and parse debug output to find plugin paths to copy. swift_plugin_debug_output = "" try: process = local["env"]["QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1", './Swift/QtUI/swift-im'].popen() time.sleep(2) process.kill() stdout, stderr = process.communicate() swift_plugin_debug_output = stderr except: pass if swift_plugin_debug_output: matches = re.search(r"/.*/qt5/plugins", swift_plugin_debug_output) if matches: qt5_plugin_path = matches.group(0) appdir_qt5_plugin_path = os.path.join(appdir_path, 'usr/lib/qt5') local['mkdir']('-p', appdir_qt5_plugin_path) local['cp']('-r', '-L', qt5_plugin_path, appdir_qt5_plugin_path) print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Copy plugin dependencies into AppDir") for plugin_path in local.path(appdir_qt5_plugin_path) // "plugins/*/*.so": copy_dependencies_into_appdir(excludelist, plugin_path, os.path.join(swift_install_dir, "lib")) print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Download https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/raw/appimagetool/master/resources/AppRun to " + os.path.join(appdir_path, 'AppRun')) local['wget']('--no-check-certificate', '-O', os.path.join(appdir_path, 'AppRun'), "https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/raw/appimagetool/master/resources/AppRun") local['chmod']('+x', os.path.join(appdir_path, 'AppRun')) print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Copy swift.desktop file") source_desktop_file = os.path.join(resources_dir, "swift.desktop") target_desktop_file = os.path.join(appdir_path, 'swift.desktop') local['cp']('-v', '-L', source_desktop_file, target_desktop_file) print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Copy logos to Swift.AppDir") local['cp']('-v', '-L', os.path.join(resources_dir, "logo/logo-icon-512.png"), os.path.join(appdir_path, "swift.png")) local['cp']('-v', '-L', os.path.join(resources_dir, "logo/logo-icon.svg"), os.path.join(appdir_path, "swift.svg")) local['cp']('-v', '-L', os.path.join(resources_dir, "logo/logo-icon-32.xpm"), os.path.join(appdir_path, "swift.xpm")) print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Download appimagetool to /tmp/appimagetool and make it executable") local['wget']['-O', '/tmp/appimagetool', 'https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/download/continuous/appimagetool-' + ("x86_64.AppImage" if swift_architecture_string == ".amd64": else "i686.AppImage")] & FG local['chmod']['a+x', '/tmp/appimagetool']() local['mkdir']('-p', os.path.join(git_working_dir, "Packages/Swift")) appimage_path = os.path.join(git_working_dir, "Packages/Swift/" + swift_version.replace(" ", "-") + swift_architecture_string + ".appimage") debug_symbol_path = os.path.join(git_working_dir, "Packages/Swift/" + swift_version.replace(" ", "-") + swift_architecture_string + ".debug") print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Extract debug information from swift-im") local['objcopy']('--only-keep-debug', appdir_swift_im_binary, debug_symbol_path) local['strip']('-g', appdir_swift_im_binary) local['objcopy']('--add-gnu-debuglink', debug_symbol_path, os.path.join(swift_install_dir, 'bin/swift-im')) print(colors.bold & colors.info | "Generate AppImage from Swift.AppDir") local['/tmp/appimagetool'][appdir_path, appimage_path] & FG if __name__ == '__main__': build_appimage()