/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited. * All rights reserved. * See the COPYING file for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Swift::PlatformApplicationPathProvider applicationPathProvider(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME); // Set crash report prefix to include date and version. std::stringstream prefix; // This date_facet will be cleaned up by the stringstream. auto outputFacet = new boost::gregorian::date_facet(); outputFacet->format("%Y-%m-%d"); prefix.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), outputFacet)); prefix << buildVersion << "_" << boost::gregorian::date(boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day()) << "_"; Swift::CrashReporter crashReporter(applicationPathProvider.getDataDir() / "crashes", prefix.str()); #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); #endif // Parse program options boost::program_options::options_description desc = Swift::QtSwift::getOptionsDescription(); boost::program_options::variables_map vm; try { boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); } catch (const boost::program_options::unknown_option& option) { #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104200 std::cout << "Ignoring unknown option " << option.get_option_name() << " but continuing." << std::endl; #else std::cout << "Error: " << option.what() << " (continuing)" << std::endl; #endif } boost::program_options::notify(vm); if (vm.count("help") > 0) { std::cout << SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME << " is an instant messaging client for the XMPP network." << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS]..." << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 1; } if (vm.count("version") > 0) { std::cout << SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME << " " << buildVersion << std::endl; return 0; } // Translation #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 QTextCodec::setCodecForTr(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); #endif boost::filesystem::path someTranslationPath = applicationPathProvider.getResourcePath("/translations/swift_en.qm"); QTranslator qtTranslator; if (!someTranslationPath.empty()) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 if (vm.count("language") > 0) { qtTranslator.load(QString(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME).toLower() + "_" + P2QSTRING(vm["language"].as()), P2QSTRING(Swift::pathToString(someTranslationPath.parent_path()))); } else { qtTranslator.load(QLocale::system(), QString(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME).toLower(), "_", P2QSTRING(Swift::pathToString(someTranslationPath))); } #else //std::cout << "Loading " << std::string(QLocale::system().name().toUtf8()) << std::endl; qtTranslator.load(QString(SWIFT_APPLICATION_NAME).toLower() + "_" + QLocale::system().name(), P2QSTRING(Swift::pathToString(someTranslationPath))); #endif } QApplication app(argc, argv); app.installTranslator(&qtTranslator); QtTranslator swiftTranslator; Swift::Translator::setInstance(&swiftTranslator); #if QT_VERSION < 0x050501 /* According to Qt documenation, Qt is suppsoed to set the applications layout * direction based on the translatable QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION string. There is a * bug in Qt prior version 5.5.1, i.e. QTBUG-43447, thus we set the layout * direction manually based on the tranlsated QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION string. */ app.setLayoutDirection(QGuiApplication::tr("QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION") == QLatin1String("RTL") ? Qt::RightToLeft : Qt::LeftToRight); #endif Swift::QtSwift swift(vm); int result = app.exec(); Swift::Translator::setInstance(nullptr); return result; }