AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-07-28Completes Components and AdHoc.Tarun Gupta
Adds Component, ComponentConnector, ComponentError, ComponentSession, ComponentXMLTracer, CoreComponent, ComponentSessionStanzaChannel, ComponentXMTracer, CoreComponent. Updates CoreClient, StrokeGUI, BasicSessionStream and SessionStream and Client, so that signal definition can be changed. Updates ComponentHandshake element, Entity. Updates OutgoingAdHocCommandSession to have feature parity with Swiften. This patch does not port Client or Session fully, which will be done in separate future patches. License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for details. Test-Information: Test added for ComponentSession, which passes. Test for ComponentConnector cannot be ported right now and will be done in future patches, as it requires some bits of Network to be ported. Change-Id: I7138a2041fe28a2be7ac57cb47b15365f9334b24
2012-01-23Update constructors of Command in line with swiftenMili Verma
Also fixes the call in OutgoingAdHocCommandSession which was sending null data and resulting in a crash when used in MLC. Test-information: No longer crashed MLC.
2012-01-11Update review comment related stuffMili Verma
This patch addresses some review comments: 1. Updates the Javadoc. 2. Disallows arguments from being null - throws NullPointerException. 3. Updates each test to use its own DummyEventLoop. Test-information: Unit tests pass.
2012-01-09Port Adhoc commands to StrokeMili Verma
This patch ports the Adhoc commands from Swiften to Stroke. It also ports their unit tests. Test-information: Unit tests pass. MLC able to use the ad-hoc command fine.