AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-07-20Add StringIndexOutOfBounds catch to IDNAAlex Clayton
When run with java 7 class IDNA.getEncoded was throwing a StringIndexOutOfBounds exception if it was passed a String begining with '.isode'. This has the knock on effect of some of one of the isode MLC tests failing. This was caused by IDN.toAscii throwing the exception, when it should only thrown IllegalArgumentException. Java 7 is no longer supported so I can't raise a bug for this, a fix for stroke is easy though, just add the StringIndexOutOfBoundException to the catch block. Test-information: Ran the tests that were failing in eclipse on my machine (which runs java 7) tests now all passed correctly. Sanity test that tests still passed when run on command line against java 8. Ran the Stroke JUnit test against the code. Tests all passed when using latest version of java 7 (7_79) and when using java 8. Change-Id: Ifc9c830be7a0e5c9e5f2330a6782eff2401f18cb
2015-07-06Add Internationalized Domain Name Features.Tarun Gupta
Adds IDNConverter interface, ICUConverter using ICU for Stringprep. Also updates Makefile and build.xml by adding path to icu4j to compile tests classpath, so that icu4j.jar can be used in the tests. IDNConverter tests need StringPrepParseException from icu4j jar. License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for details. Test-Information: Added test for IDNConverter, which passes. Change-Id: I56aacf080a10216a2455cf561de567f5666cd0c9
2011-10-31Fix utf-8 encoding on Remko's name throughout. Now compiles with Java 7Kevin Smith
2011-07-01Initial importKevin Smith