AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2015-09-17Do not override system default time-zone.Alan Young
Remove calls to TimeZone.setDefault(). Whatever problem the changes that introduced these calls were supposed to solve, overriding the system default timezone is not the right solution. Change-Id: I626419a1c00fe9d68df0c63472d4433e12502acb
2015-08-13VCard.getPhoto() to return null for absent photo.Alan Young
Most of the time when VCard.getPhoto() is called it is only used to determine presence or absence of a photo. Thus, it makes no sense to allocate an empty ByteArray() just for this purpose. Return null instead, if absent. Change-Id: I3bae02ffbece5589c74c950bbb4c0db6c0376c76
2015-07-22Complete VCard functionalities.Tarun Gupta
Updates VCardManager, VCardMemoryStorage and VCardStorage. License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for details. Test-Information: Test added for VCardManager, which passes. Change-Id: I0d4f1dbb647f262ff2a8967807fb798a8181b0b5
2015-06-14Correcting access specifiers in VCardManager.Tarun Gupta
Access Specifiers for Methods in VCardManager were incorrect which was not allowing usage of methods of this class. Correct Specifiers are added according to Swiften. License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for details. Test-Information: Successful Compilation. Change-Id: I550702534a2acf326faa3942ce1b9cdb9cf88d6b
2015-04-10Checkpoint - A bunch of initial stuff for AndroidAlan Young
MemoryStorages, Storages NickManager, NickResolver CryptoProvider, Hash, SafeByteArray, JavaCryptoProvider CapsInfoGenerator, CapsManager, CapsMemoryStorage, CapsProvider, CapsStorage, CapsInfo CapsInfoSerializer, CapsInfoParser ClientDiscoManager, DiscoInfoResponder, EntityCapsManager, EntityCapsProvider GetDiscoInfoRequest ChatState, Idle Presence, PayloadAddingPresenceSender, PresenceOracle, SubscriptionManager StatusSerializer, StatusShowSerializer, StatusParser, StatusShowParser, Replace, ReplaceParser, ReplaceSerializer SecurityLabel, SecurityLabelsCatalog, GetSecurityLabelsCatalogRequest VCard, GetVCardRequest, SetVCardRequest, VCardManager, VCardMemoryStorage, VCardStorage RosterMemoryStorage, RosterPushResponder, RosterStorage, SetRosterRequest XMPPRoster, XMPPRosterController, XMPPRosterImpl, XMPPRosterItem GetRosterRequest, SetResponder Add parsers and serializers for Idle, VCard, PrivateStorage & Stroage. Add parser for Subject. Add impromptu flag to MUCInvitation. Update copyrights. Change-Id: I9949f506b70e60b3a64f1dadde8f9b235b322e1d