# Stroke Stroke is a port of the C++ Swift library ( http://swift.im/swiften/ ) The source is available from the Git repository at http://swift.im/git/stroke/ For XML parsing, Stroke depends on the Aalto XML Parser and the STAX2 API, from http://wiki.fasterxml.com/AaltoHome It also depends upon http://www.jcraft.com/jzlib/, which is passed to ant in the jzlib-dir parameter. The passed folder should contain a jar called jzlib.jar. It also depends upon icu4j from http://site.icu-project.org/ It also depends upon dnsjava from http://www.dnsjava.org/ To build, run: ant -Dxpp-dir=third-party/xpp -Djzlib-dir=third-party/jzlib -Dicu4j-dir=third-party/ -Dstax2-dir=third-party/stax2/ -Daalto-dir=third-party/aalto/ Changing the paths to the relevant paths for the dependencies on your system Easy version: The included Makefile should, on Unixes with make/curl installed, grab the dependencies (once only) and build. For development: If you want to commit changes to Stroke, first run `make .git/hooks/commit-msg` to download a script that will generate change-ids needed by our review system. ## Differences from Swiften Stroke tries to be a clean and accurate port of Swiften, in order to facilitate mirroring changes. Sometimes differences are either necessary or desirable. * `VCard.getPhoto()` returns null instead of an empty `ByteArray` when there is no photo.