/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Isode Limited, London, England. * All rights reserved. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Kevin Smith * All rights reserved. */ package com.isode.stroke.adhoc; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import com.isode.stroke.elements.Command; import com.isode.stroke.elements.ErrorPayload; import com.isode.stroke.elements.Form; import com.isode.stroke.elements.IQ; import com.isode.stroke.elements.Command.Action; import com.isode.stroke.elements.Command.Status; import com.isode.stroke.jid.JID; import com.isode.stroke.queries.GenericRequest; import com.isode.stroke.queries.IQRouter; import com.isode.stroke.signals.Signal1; import com.isode.stroke.signals.Slot2; /** * This class maintains the session between the client and the server for an * Ad-Hoc command. */ public class OutgoingAdHocCommandSession { /** * Availability of action. */ public enum ActionState { /** * Action isn't applicable to this command */ ABSENT, /** * Action is applicable to this command but not currently available */ PRESENT, /** * Action is currently available (not used in * {@link OutgoingAdHocCommandSession}) */ ENABLED, /** * Action is applicable and currently available */ ENABLED_AND_PRESENT }; /** * Emitted when the form for the next stage is available. The client should * add a listener to this signal which will be called when the server sends * a form. */ public final Signal1 onNextStageReceived = new Signal1(); /** * Emitted on error. The client should add a listener to this signal which * will be called when the server sends an error. */ public final Signal1 onError = new Signal1(); private JID to_; private String commandNode_; private IQRouter iqRouter_; private boolean isMultiStage_; private String sessionID_; private HashMap actionStates_ = new HashMap(); /** * Create an Ad-Hoc command session. The initial command will be sent to the * server on calling {@link #start()}. * * @param to JID of the user for which the Ad-Hoc command is executed, must * not be null * @param commandNode Node part of the Ad-Hoc command as published by the * server (e.g. "http://isode.com/xmpp/commands#test"), must not * be null * @param iqRouter TODO: not sure how to explain this, must not be null */ public OutgoingAdHocCommandSession(JID to, String commandNode, IQRouter iqRouter) { if (to == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'to' must not be null"); } if (commandNode == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'commandNode' must not be null"); } if (iqRouter == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'iqRouter' must not be null"); } to_ = to; commandNode_ = commandNode; iqRouter_ = iqRouter; isMultiStage_ = false; } private void handleResponse(Command payload, ErrorPayload error) { if (error != null) { onError.emit(error); } else { List actions = payload.getAvailableActions(); actionStates_.clear(); if (payload.getStatus() == Status.EXECUTING) { actionStates_.put(Action.CANCEL, ActionState.ENABLED_AND_PRESENT); actionStates_.put(Action.COMPLETE, ActionState.PRESENT); if (actions.contains(Action.COMPLETE)) { actionStates_.put(Action.COMPLETE, ActionState.ENABLED_AND_PRESENT); } if (getIsMultiStage()) { actionStates_.put(Action.NEXT, ActionState.PRESENT); actionStates_.put(Action.PREV, ActionState.PRESENT); } if (actions.contains(Action.NEXT)) { actionStates_.put(Action.NEXT, ActionState.ENABLED_AND_PRESENT); } if (actions.contains(Action.PREV)) { actionStates_.put(Action.PREV, ActionState.ENABLED_AND_PRESENT); } } sessionID_ = payload.getSessionID(); if (actions.contains(Action.NEXT) || actions.contains(Action.PREV)) { isMultiStage_ = true; } onNextStageReceived.emit(payload); } } /** * @return true if the form is multi-stage. Will return a valid result only * after the first response is received from the server so should be * called only after the listener for {@link #onNextStageReceived} * has been called at least once. */ public boolean getIsMultiStage() { return isMultiStage_; } /** * Send initial request to the target. */ public void start() { Action action = null; GenericRequest commandRequest = new GenericRequest( IQ.Type.Set, to_, new Command(commandNode_, null, action), iqRouter_); commandRequest.onResponse.connect(new Slot2() { public void call(Command payload, ErrorPayload error) { handleResponse(payload, error); } }); commandRequest.send(); } /** * Cancel command session with the target. */ public void cancel() { if (sessionID_.length() != 0) { submitForm(null, Action.CANCEL); } } /** * Return to the previous stage. */ public void goBack() { submitForm(null, Action.PREV); } /** * Send the form to complete the command. * * @param form Form for submission - if null, the command will be submitted * with no form. */ public void complete(Form form) { submitForm(form, Action.COMPLETE); } /** * Send the form to advance to the next stage of the command. * * @param form Form for submission - if null, the command will be submitted * with no form. */ public void goNext(Form form) { submitForm(form, Action.NEXT); } private void submitForm(Form form, Action action) { Command command = new Command(commandNode_, sessionID_, action); command.setForm(form); GenericRequest commandRequest = new GenericRequest( IQ.Type.Set, to_, command, iqRouter_); commandRequest.onResponse.connect(new Slot2() { public void call(Command payload, ErrorPayload error) { handleResponse(payload, error); } }); commandRequest.send(); } /** * Get the state of a given action. This is useful for a UI to determine * which buttons should be visible, and which enabled. If no actions are * {@link ActionState#ENABLED_AND_PRESENT}, the command has completed. * *

* Will return a valid result for the current stage only after the response * is received from the server so should be called only after the listener * for {@link #onNextStageReceived} has been called for that stage. * * @param action Action for which the state needs to be determined for the * current form. Useful for Next, Prev, Cancel and Complete only, * for other values and null, {@link ActionState#ABSENT} will be * returned. * @return state of the requested action, will never be null */ public ActionState getActionState(Action action) { ActionState actionState = actionStates_.get(action); if (actionState == null) { actionState = ActionState.ABSENT; } return actionState; } @Override public String toString() { return OutgoingAdHocCommandSession.class.getSimpleName() + "\nto: " + to_ + "\ncommand node: " + commandNode_ + "\nsession ID: " + sessionID_ + "\nis multi-stage: " + isMultiStage_; } }