/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Isode Limited, London, England. * All rights reserved. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2010 Kevin Smith * All rights reserved. */ package com.isode.stroke.elements; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Ad-Hoc Command (XEP-0050). */ public class Command extends Payload { /** * Attribute "node" */ public static final String COMMAND_ATTRIBUTE_NODE = "node"; /** * Attribute "sessionid" */ public static final String COMMAND_ATTRIBUTE_SESSION_ID = "sessionid"; /** * Attribute "status" */ public static final String COMMAND_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS = "status"; /** * Attribute "action" */ public static final String COMMAND_ATTRIBUTE_ACTION = "action"; /** * Element "actions" */ public static final String COMMAND_ELEMENT_ACTIONS = "actions"; /** * Attribute "execute" */ public static final String COMMAND_ATTRIBUTE_EXECUTE = "execute"; /** * Element "note" */ public static final String COMMAND_ELEMENT_NOTE = "note"; /** * Attribute "type" */ public static final String COMMAND_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = "type"; /** * Current status of the command. */ public enum Status { /** * The command is being executed. */ EXECUTING("executing"), /** * The command has completed. The command session has ended. */ COMPLETED("completed"), /** * The command has been cancelled. The command session has ended. */ CANCELED("canceled"), /** * No status has been set for the command. */ NO_STATUS(""); private String stringForm_; private Status(String stringForm) { stringForm_ = stringForm; } /** * Get status from its string form. * * @param stringForm String form of status, can be null * * @return Corresponding status if match found, otherwise * {@link #NO_STATUS}. Will never be null. */ public static Status getStatus(String stringForm) { if (stringForm != null) { for (Status status : Status.values()) { if (status.stringForm_.equals(stringForm)) { return status; } } } return NO_STATUS; } /** * @return String form of status, will never be null */ public String getStringForm() { return stringForm_; } }; /** * The action to undertake with the given command. */ public enum Action { /** * The command should be cancelled. */ CANCEL("cancel"), /** * The command should be executed or continue to be executed. */ EXECUTE("execute"), /** * The command should be completed (if possible). */ COMPLETE("complete"), /** * The command should digress to the previous stage of execution. */ PREV("prev"), /** * The command should progress to the next stage of execution. */ NEXT("next"), /** * No action is available for the command. */ NO_ACTION(""); private String stringForm_; private Action(String stringForm) { stringForm_ = stringForm; } /** * Get action from its string form. * * @param stringForm String form of action, can be null * * @return Corresponding action if match found, otherwise * {@link Action#NO_ACTION}. Will never be null. */ public static Action getAction(String stringForm) { if (stringForm != null) { for (Action action : Action.values()) { if (action.stringForm_.equals(stringForm)) { return action; } } } return NO_ACTION; } /** * @return String form of action, will never be null */ public String getStringForm() { return stringForm_; } }; /** * This class contains information about the current status of the command. * This is an immutable class. */ public static class Note { /** * Severity of the note. */ public enum Type { /** * The note is informational only. This is not really an exceptional * condition. */ INFO("info"), /** * The note indicates a warning. Possibly due to illogical (yet * valid) data. */ WARN("warn"), /** * The note indicates an error. The text should indicate the reason * for the error. */ ERROR("error"); private String stringForm_; private Type(String stringForm) { stringForm_ = stringForm; } /** * Get type from its string form. * * @param stringForm String form of type, can be null * * @return Corresponding type if match found, otherwise * {@link Type#INFO}. Will never be null. */ public static Type getType(String stringForm) { if (stringForm != null) { for (Type type : Type.values()) { if (type.stringForm_.equals(stringForm)) { return type; } } } return INFO; } /** * @return String form of type, will never be null */ public String getStringForm() { return stringForm_; } }; /** * Create a note element for the Ad-Hoc command. * * @param note user-readable text, must not be null * @param type Severity of the note, must not be null */ public Note(String note, Type type) { if (note == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'note' must not be null"); } if (type == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'type' must not be null"); } this.note = note; this.type = type; } /** * User-readable text, will never be null */ public final String note; /** * Severity of the note, will never be null */ public final Type type; }; private String node_; private String sessionID_; private Action action_; private Status status_; private Action executeAction_; private List availableActions_ = new ArrayList(); private List notes_ = new ArrayList(); private Form form_ = null; private void assignData(String node, String sessionID, Action action, Status status) { setNode(node); setSessionID(sessionID); setAction(action); setStatus(status); setExecuteAction(Action.NO_ACTION); } /** * Create an Ad-Hoc command with the given node, session ID, status and * {@link Action#NO_ACTION} action. * * @param node Node, must not be null. Each command is identified by its * 'node' attribute. This matches its 'node' attribute from the * service discovery. * @param sessionID The ID of the session within which the command exists, * must not be null but can be empty if this is the first stage * of the command and the client does not know it yet * @param status Status of the command, must not be null */ public Command(String node, String sessionID, Status status) { assignData(node, sessionID, Action.NO_ACTION, status); } /** * Create an Ad-Hoc command with the given node, session ID, action and * {@link Status#NO_STATUS} status. * * @param node Node, must not be null. Each command is identified by its * 'node' attribute. This matches its 'node' attribute from the * service discovery. * @param sessionID The ID of the session within which the command exists, * must not be null but can be empty if this is the first stage * of the command and the client does not know it yet * @param action action of the command, must not be null */ public Command(String node, String sessionID, Action action) { assignData(node, sessionID, action, Status.NO_STATUS); } /** * Create an Ad-Hoc command with an empty node, empty session ID, * {@link Action#EXECUTE} action and {@link Status#NO_STATUS} status. */ public Command() { this("", "", Action.EXECUTE); } /** * @return Node, will never be null */ public String getNode() { return node_; } /** * Set command node. * * @param node Node, must not be null */ public void setNode(String node) { if (node == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'node' must not be null"); } node_ = node; } /** * @return The ID of the session within which the command exists, can be * empty if this is the first stage of the command and the client * does not know it yet, will never be null */ public String getSessionID() { return sessionID_; } /** * Set session ID. * * @param sessionID The ID of the session within which the command exists, * must not be null but can be empty if this is the first stage * of the command and the client does not know it yet */ public void setSessionID(String sessionID) { if (sessionID == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'sessionID' must not be null"); } sessionID_ = sessionID; } /** * @return action of the command, will never be null */ public Action getAction() { return action_; } /** * Set action of the command. * * @param action action of the command, must not be null */ public void setAction(Action action) { if (action == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'action' must not be null"); } action_ = action; } /** * @return execute action of the command, will never be null */ public Action getExecuteAction() { return executeAction_; } /** * Set execute action of the command. * * @param action execute action of the command, must not be null */ public void setExecuteAction(Action action) { if (action == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'action' must not be null"); } executeAction_ = action; } /** * @return status of the command, will never be null */ public Status getStatus() { return status_; } /** * Set status of the command. * * @param status Status of the command, must not be null */ public void setStatus(Status status) { if (status == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'status' must not be null"); } status_ = status; } /** * @return List of allowed actions for this stage of execution, will never * be null. The instance of the list stored in the object is not * returned, a copy is made. */ public List getAvailableActions() { return new ArrayList(availableActions_); } /** * Add to the list of allowed actions for this stage of execution. * * @param action Action to add, must not be null */ public void addAvailableAction(Action action) { if (action == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'action' must not be null"); } availableActions_.add(action); } /** * @return List of information elements for the current status of the * command, will never be null. The instance of the list stored in * the object is not returned, a copy is made. */ public List getNotes() { return new ArrayList(notes_); } /** * Add to the list of information elements for the current status of the * command. * * @param note Note to add, must not be null */ public void addNote(Note note) { if (note == null) { throw new NullPointerException("'note' must not be null"); } notes_.add(note); } /** * @return form of the command, can be null. The instance of the form stored * in the object is returned, a copy is not made. */ public Form getForm() { return form_; } /** * Set form for the command. * * @param payload Form for the command, can be null. The instance of the * form is stored in the object, a copy is not made. */ public void setForm(Form payload) { form_ = payload; } @Override public String toString() { return Command.class.getSimpleName() + "\nnode: " + node_ + "\nsession ID: " + sessionID_ + "\naction: " + action_ + "\nstatus: " + status_ + "\nexecute action: " + executeAction_; } }