diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
commit0efa7c32aaf21a29b42b5926cc116007056843be (patch)
tree882f663a5dd0e65694bf6077b71086dd77fd7ff8 /3rdParty/Boost/boost/date_time/special_values_formatter.hpp
parent1d20eabbc32274b491b4c2bedf73d19933d97bfd (diff)
Moved some modules into separate git modules.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/boost/date_time/special_values_formatter.hpp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost b/3rdParty/Boost
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 3bbdbc8cf1996f23d9a366da8bac0f97be6ad79
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/date_time/special_values_formatter.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/boost/date_time/special_values_formatter.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 33542b6..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/date_time/special_values_formatter.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2004 CrystalClear Software, Inc.
- * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
- * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
- * Author: Jeff Garland
- * $Date: 2008-02-27 15:00:24 -0500 (Wed, 27 Feb 2008) $
- */
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "boost/date_time/special_defs.hpp"
-namespace boost { namespace date_time {
- //! Class that provides generic formmatting ostream formatting for special values
- /*! This class provides for the formmating of special values to an output stream.
- * In particular, it produces strings for the values of negative and positive
- * infinity as well as not_a_date_time.
- *
- * While not a facet, this class is used by the date and time facets for formatting
- * special value types.
- *
- */
- template <class CharT, class OutItrT = std::ostreambuf_iterator<CharT, std::char_traits<CharT> > >
- class special_values_formatter
- {
- public:
- typedef std::basic_string<CharT> string_type;
- typedef CharT char_type;
- typedef std::vector<string_type> collection_type;
- static const char_type default_special_value_names[3][17];
- //! Construct special values formatter using default strings.
- /*! Default strings are not-a-date-time -infinity +infinity
- */
- special_values_formatter()
- {
- std::copy(&default_special_value_names[0],
- &default_special_value_names[3],
- std::back_inserter(m_special_value_names));
- }
- //! Construct special values formatter from array of strings
- /*! This constructor will take pair of iterators from an array of strings
- * that represent the special values and copy them for use in formatting
- * special values.
- *@code
- * const char* const special_value_names[]={"nadt","-inf","+inf" };
- *
- * special_value_formatter svf(&special_value_names[0], &special_value_names[3]);
- *@endcode
- */
- special_values_formatter(const char_type* const* begin, const char_type* const* end)
- {
- std::copy(begin, end, std::back_inserter(m_special_value_names));
- }
- special_values_formatter(typename collection_type::iterator beg, typename collection_type::iterator end)
- {
- std::copy(beg, end, std::back_inserter(m_special_value_names));
- }
- OutItrT put_special(OutItrT next,
- const boost::date_time::special_values& value) const
- {
- unsigned int index = value;
- if (index < m_special_value_names.size()) {
- std::copy(m_special_value_names[index].begin(),
- m_special_value_names[index].end(),
- next);
- }
- return next;
- }
- protected:
- collection_type m_special_value_names;
- };
- //! Storage for the strings used to indicate special values
- /* using c_strings to initialize these worked fine in testing, however,
- * a project that compiled its objects separately, then linked in a separate
- * step wound up with redefinition errors for the values in this array.
- * Initializing individual characters eliminated this problem */
- template <class CharT, class OutItrT>
- const typename special_values_formatter<CharT, OutItrT>::char_type special_values_formatter<CharT, OutItrT>::default_special_value_names[3][17] = {
- {'n','o','t','-','a','-','d','a','t','e','-','t','i','m','e'},
- {'-','i','n','f','i','n','i','t','y'},
- {'+','i','n','f','i','n','i','t','y'} };
- } } //namespace boost::date_time