diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
commit0efa7c32aaf21a29b42b5926cc116007056843be (patch)
tree882f663a5dd0e65694bf6077b71086dd77fd7ff8 /3rdParty/Boost/boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp
parent1d20eabbc32274b491b4c2bedf73d19933d97bfd (diff)
Moved some modules into separate git modules.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 430 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost b/3rdParty/Boost
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 3bbdbc8cf1996f23d9a366da8bac0f97be6ad79
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b968bba..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/smart_ptr/detail/shared_count.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-// MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
-# pragma once
-// detail/shared_count.hpp
-// Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Peter Dimov and Multi Media Ltd.
-// Copyright 2004-2005 Peter Dimov
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
-// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#ifdef __BORLANDC__
-# pragma warn -8027 // Functions containing try are not expanded inline
-#include <boost/config.hpp>
-#include <boost/checked_delete.hpp>
-#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
-#include <boost/smart_ptr/bad_weak_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_counted_base.hpp>
-#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_counted_impl.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
-// In order to avoid circular dependencies with Boost.TR1
-// we make sure that our include of <memory> doesn't try to
-// pull in the TR1 headers: that's why we use this header
-// rather than including <memory> directly:
-#include <boost/config/no_tr1/memory.hpp> // std::auto_ptr
-#include <functional> // std::less
-#include <new> // std::bad_alloc
-namespace boost
-namespace detail
-int const shared_count_id = 0x2C35F101;
-int const weak_count_id = 0x298C38A4;
-struct sp_nothrow_tag {};
-class weak_count;
-class shared_count
- sp_counted_base * pi_;
- int id_;
- friend class weak_count;
- shared_count(): pi_(0) // nothrow
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- {
- }
- template<class Y> explicit shared_count( Y * p ): pi_( 0 )
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- {
- try
- {
- pi_ = new sp_counted_impl_p<Y>( p );
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- boost::checked_delete( p );
- throw;
- }
- pi_ = new sp_counted_impl_p<Y>( p );
- if( pi_ == 0 )
- {
- boost::checked_delete( p );
- boost::throw_exception( std::bad_alloc() );
- }
- }
-#if defined( BOOST_MSVC ) && BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 )
- template<class Y, class D> shared_count( Y * p, D d ): pi_(0)
- template<class P, class D> shared_count( P p, D d ): pi_(0)
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- {
-#if defined( BOOST_MSVC ) && BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 )
- typedef Y* P;
- try
- {
- pi_ = new sp_counted_impl_pd<P, D>(p, d);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- d(p); // delete p
- throw;
- }
- pi_ = new sp_counted_impl_pd<P, D>(p, d);
- if(pi_ == 0)
- {
- d(p); // delete p
- boost::throw_exception(std::bad_alloc());
- }
- }
- template<class P, class D, class A> shared_count( P p, D d, A a ): pi_( 0 )
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- {
- typedef sp_counted_impl_pda<P, D, A> impl_type;
- typedef typename A::template rebind< impl_type >::other A2;
- A2 a2( a );
- try
- {
- pi_ = a2.allocate( 1, static_cast< impl_type* >( 0 ) );
- new( static_cast< void* >( pi_ ) ) impl_type( p, d, a );
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- d( p );
- if( pi_ != 0 )
- {
- a2.deallocate( static_cast< impl_type* >( pi_ ), 1 );
- }
- throw;
- }
- pi_ = a2.allocate( 1, static_cast< impl_type* >( 0 ) );
- if( pi_ != 0 )
- {
- new( static_cast< void* >( pi_ ) ) impl_type( p, d, a );
- }
- else
- {
- d( p );
- boost::throw_exception( std::bad_alloc() );
- }
- }
- // auto_ptr<Y> is special cased to provide the strong guarantee
- template<class Y>
- explicit shared_count( std::auto_ptr<Y> & r ): pi_( new sp_counted_impl_p<Y>( r.get() ) )
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- {
- if( pi_ == 0 )
- {
- boost::throw_exception(std::bad_alloc());
- }
- r.release();
- }
- ~shared_count() // nothrow
- {
- if( pi_ != 0 ) pi_->release();
- id_ = 0;
- }
- shared_count(shared_count const & r): pi_(r.pi_) // nothrow
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- {
- if( pi_ != 0 ) pi_->add_ref_copy();
- }
-#if defined( BOOST_HAS_RVALUE_REFS )
- shared_count(shared_count && r): pi_(r.pi_) // nothrow
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- {
- r.pi_ = 0;
- }
- explicit shared_count(weak_count const & r); // throws bad_weak_ptr when r.use_count() == 0
- shared_count( weak_count const & r, sp_nothrow_tag ); // constructs an empty *this when r.use_count() == 0
- shared_count & operator= (shared_count const & r) // nothrow
- {
- sp_counted_base * tmp = r.pi_;
- if( tmp != pi_ )
- {
- if( tmp != 0 ) tmp->add_ref_copy();
- if( pi_ != 0 ) pi_->release();
- pi_ = tmp;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- void swap(shared_count & r) // nothrow
- {
- sp_counted_base * tmp = r.pi_;
- r.pi_ = pi_;
- pi_ = tmp;
- }
- long use_count() const // nothrow
- {
- return pi_ != 0? pi_->use_count(): 0;
- }
- bool unique() const // nothrow
- {
- return use_count() == 1;
- }
- bool empty() const // nothrow
- {
- return pi_ == 0;
- }
- friend inline bool operator==(shared_count const & a, shared_count const & b)
- {
- return a.pi_ == b.pi_;
- }
- friend inline bool operator<(shared_count const & a, shared_count const & b)
- {
- return std::less<sp_counted_base *>()( a.pi_, b.pi_ );
- }
- void * get_deleter( sp_typeinfo const & ti ) const
- {
- return pi_? pi_->get_deleter( ti ): 0;
- }
-class weak_count
- sp_counted_base * pi_;
- int id_;
- friend class shared_count;
- weak_count(): pi_(0) // nothrow
- , id_(weak_count_id)
- {
- }
- weak_count(shared_count const & r): pi_(r.pi_) // nothrow
- , id_(weak_count_id)
- {
- if(pi_ != 0) pi_->weak_add_ref();
- }
- weak_count(weak_count const & r): pi_(r.pi_) // nothrow
- , id_(weak_count_id)
- {
- if(pi_ != 0) pi_->weak_add_ref();
- }
- ~weak_count() // nothrow
- {
- if(pi_ != 0) pi_->weak_release();
- id_ = 0;
- }
- weak_count & operator= (shared_count const & r) // nothrow
- {
- sp_counted_base * tmp = r.pi_;
- if( tmp != pi_ )
- {
- if(tmp != 0) tmp->weak_add_ref();
- if(pi_ != 0) pi_->weak_release();
- pi_ = tmp;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- weak_count & operator= (weak_count const & r) // nothrow
- {
- sp_counted_base * tmp = r.pi_;
- if( tmp != pi_ )
- {
- if(tmp != 0) tmp->weak_add_ref();
- if(pi_ != 0) pi_->weak_release();
- pi_ = tmp;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- void swap(weak_count & r) // nothrow
- {
- sp_counted_base * tmp = r.pi_;
- r.pi_ = pi_;
- pi_ = tmp;
- }
- long use_count() const // nothrow
- {
- return pi_ != 0? pi_->use_count(): 0;
- }
- bool empty() const // nothrow
- {
- return pi_ == 0;
- }
- friend inline bool operator==(weak_count const & a, weak_count const & b)
- {
- return a.pi_ == b.pi_;
- }
- friend inline bool operator<(weak_count const & a, weak_count const & b)
- {
- return std::less<sp_counted_base *>()(a.pi_, b.pi_);
- }
-inline shared_count::shared_count( weak_count const & r ): pi_( r.pi_ )
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- if( pi_ == 0 || !pi_->add_ref_lock() )
- {
- boost::throw_exception( boost::bad_weak_ptr() );
- }
-inline shared_count::shared_count( weak_count const & r, sp_nothrow_tag ): pi_( r.pi_ )
- , id_(shared_count_id)
- if( pi_ != 0 && !pi_->add_ref_lock() )
- {
- pi_ = 0;
- }
-} // namespace detail
-} // namespace boost
-#ifdef __BORLANDC__
-# pragma warn .8027 // Functions containing try are not expanded inline