diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
commit0efa7c32aaf21a29b42b5926cc116007056843be (patch)
tree882f663a5dd0e65694bf6077b71086dd77fd7ff8 /3rdParty/Boost/boost/type_traits/msvc/remove_cv.hpp
parent1d20eabbc32274b491b4c2bedf73d19933d97bfd (diff)
Moved some modules into separate git modules.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/boost/type_traits/msvc/remove_cv.hpp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost b/3rdParty/Boost
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 3bbdbc8cf1996f23d9a366da8bac0f97be6ad79
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/type_traits/msvc/remove_cv.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/boost/type_traits/msvc/remove_cv.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c7b0379..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/type_traits/msvc/remove_cv.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2004 Peder Holt
-// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (
-#include <boost/type_traits/msvc/typeof.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_volatile.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp>
-namespace boost {
- namespace detail {
- template<bool IsPointer,bool IsArray,bool IsConst,bool IsVolatile>
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- typedef T type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T type;
- };
- };
- template<> //Volatile
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<false,false,false,true> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U,ID> test(U volatile&(*)());
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (T(*)())(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T& type;
- };
- };
- template<> //Const
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<false,false,true,false> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U,ID> test(U const&(*)());
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (T(*)())(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T& type;
- };
- };
- template<> //CV
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<false,false,true,true> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U,ID> test(U const volatile&(*)());
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (T(*)())(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T& type;
- };
- };
- template<> //Volatile Pointer
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<true,false,false,true> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U,ID> test(void(*)(U volatile[]));
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (void(*)(T))(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T type[];
- };
- };
- template<> //Const Pointer
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<true,false,true,false> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U,ID> test(void(*)(U const[]));
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (void(*)(T))(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T type[];
- };
- };
- template<> //CV Pointer
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<true,false,true,true> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U,ID> test(void(*)(U const volatile[]));
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (void(*)(T))(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T type[];
- };
- };
- template<> //Volatile Array
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<false,true,false,true> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,value=(sizeof(T)/sizeof((*((T*)NULL))[0])));
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U[value],ID> test(void(*)(U volatile[]));
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (void(*)(T))(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T type;
- };
- };
- template<> //Const Array
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<false,true,true,false> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,value=(sizeof(T)/sizeof((*((T*)NULL))[0])));
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U[value],ID> test(void(*)(U const[]));
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (void(*)(T))(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T type;
- };
- };
- template<> //CV Array
- struct remove_cv_impl_typeof<false,true,true,true> {
- template<typename T,typename ID>
- struct inner {
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,value=(sizeof(T)/sizeof((*((T*)NULL))[0])));
- template<typename U>
- static msvc_register_type<U[value],ID> test(void(*)(U const volatile[]));
- static msvc_register_type<T,ID> test(...);
- BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned,register_test=sizeof(test( (void(*)(T))(NULL) ) ));
- typedef typename msvc_extract_type<ID>::id2type::type type;
- };
- template<typename T>
- struct transform_type {
- typedef T type;
- };
- };
- } //namespace detail
- template<typename T>
- struct remove_cv {
- typedef detail::remove_cv_impl_typeof<
- boost::is_pointer<T>::value,
- boost::is_array<T>::value,
- boost::is_const<T>::value,
- boost::is_volatile<T>::value
- > remove_cv_type;
- typedef typename
- remove_cv_type::template inner<
- typename remove_cv_type::template transform_type<T>::type,
- remove_cv<T>
- >::type
- type;
- };
-}//namespace boost