diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2011-03-14 18:35:17 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2011-03-14 18:35:17 (GMT)
commita135c6ff4dcded5661a2321512960b14cf8c15c8 (patch)
treeb0017ecfe702304f592b9d4e8b943784cff26fb2 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/ord_index_node.hpp
parent02d6188ab335e6c62b8341b84579d9549d215118 (diff)
Updated Boost to 1.46.1.
This should hopefuily fix a hang on shutdown on Mac OS X. Resolves: #782 Release-Notes: Fixed a potential hang on shutdown on Mac OS X.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/ord_index_node.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 650 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/ord_index_node.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/ord_index_node.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index edc4329..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/multi_index/detail/ord_index_node.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2003-2008 Joaquin M Lopez Munoz.
- * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
- * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
- *
- *
- * See for library home page.
- *
- * The internal implementation of red-black trees is based on that of SGI STL
- * stl_tree.h file:
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1996,1997
- * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Silicon Graphics makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994
- * Hewlett-Packard Company
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
- * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
- * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
- * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
- * in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any
- * purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)&&(_MSC_VER>=1200)
-#pragma once
-#include <boost/config.hpp> /* keep it first to prevent nasty warns in MSVC */
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <boost/detail/allocator_utilities.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/detail/prevent_eti.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
-#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
-#include <boost/multi_index/detail/uintptr_type.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/alignment_of.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
-namespace boost{
-namespace multi_index{
-namespace detail{
-/* definition of red-black nodes for ordered_index */
-enum ordered_index_color{red=false,black=true};
-enum ordered_index_side{to_left=false,to_right=true};
-template<typename Allocator>
-struct ordered_index_node_impl; /* fwd decl. */
-template<typename Allocator>
-struct ordered_index_node_std_base
- typedef typename prevent_eti<
- Allocator,
- typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
- Allocator,
- ordered_index_node_impl<Allocator>
- >::type
- >::type::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename prevent_eti<
- Allocator,
- typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
- Allocator,
- ordered_index_node_impl<Allocator>
- >::type
- >::type::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef ordered_index_color& color_ref;
- typedef pointer& parent_ref;
- ordered_index_color& color(){return color_;}
- ordered_index_color color()const{return color_;}
- pointer& parent(){return parent_;}
- pointer parent()const{return parent_;}
- pointer& left(){return left_;}
- pointer left()const{return left_;}
- pointer& right(){return right_;}
- pointer right()const{return right_;}
- ordered_index_color color_;
- pointer parent_;
- pointer left_;
- pointer right_;
-/* If ordered_index_node_impl has even alignment, we can use the least
- * significant bit of one of the ordered_index_node_impl pointers to
- * store color information. This typically reduces the size of
- * ordered_index_node_impl by 25%.
- */
-#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)
-/* This code casts pointers to an integer type that has been computed
- * to be large enough to hold the pointer, however the metaprogramming
- * logic is not always spotted by the VC++ code analyser that issues a
- * long list of warnings.
- */
-#pragma warning(push)
-#pragma warning(disable:4312 4311)
-template<typename Allocator>
-struct ordered_index_node_compressed_base
- typedef ordered_index_node_impl<Allocator>* pointer;
- typedef const ordered_index_node_impl<Allocator>* const_pointer;
- struct color_ref
- {
- color_ref(uintptr_type* r_):r(r_){}
- operator ordered_index_color()const
- {
- return ordered_index_color(*r&uintptr_type(1));
- }
- color_ref& operator=(ordered_index_color c)
- {
- *r&=~uintptr_type(1);
- *r|=uintptr_type(c);
- return *this;
- }
- color_ref& operator=(const color_ref& x)
- {
- return operator=(x.operator ordered_index_color());
- }
- private:
- uintptr_type* r;
- };
- struct parent_ref
- {
- parent_ref(uintptr_type* r_):r(r_){}
- operator pointer()const
- {
- return (pointer)(void*)(*r&~uintptr_type(1));
- }
- parent_ref& operator=(pointer p)
- {
- *r=((uintptr_type)(void*)p)|(*r&uintptr_type(1));
- return *this;
- }
- parent_ref& operator=(const parent_ref& x)
- {
- return operator=(x.operator pointer());
- }
- pointer operator->()const
- {
- return operator pointer();
- }
- private:
- uintptr_type* r;
- };
- color_ref color(){return color_ref(&parentcolor_);}
- ordered_index_color color()const
- {
- return ordered_index_color(parentcolor_&std::size_t(1ul));
- }
- parent_ref parent(){return parent_ref(&parentcolor_);}
- pointer parent()const
- {
- return (pointer)(void*)(parentcolor_&~uintptr_type(1));
- }
- pointer& left(){return left_;}
- pointer left()const{return left_;}
- pointer& right(){return right_;}
- pointer right()const{return right_;}
- uintptr_type parentcolor_;
- pointer left_;
- pointer right_;
-#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)
-#pragma warning(pop)
-template<typename Allocator>
-struct ordered_index_node_impl_base:
- mpl::if_c<
- !(has_uintptr_type::value)||
- (alignment_of<ordered_index_node_compressed_base<Allocator> >::value%2)||
- !(is_same<
- typename prevent_eti<
- Allocator,
- typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
- Allocator,
- ordered_index_node_impl<Allocator>
- >::type
- >::type::pointer,
- ordered_index_node_impl<Allocator>*>::value),
- ordered_index_node_std_base<Allocator>,
- ordered_index_node_compressed_base<Allocator>
- >::type
- ordered_index_node_std_base<Allocator>
-template<typename Allocator>
-struct ordered_index_node_impl:ordered_index_node_impl_base<Allocator>
- typedef ordered_index_node_impl_base<Allocator> super;
- typedef typename super::color_ref color_ref;
- typedef typename super::parent_ref parent_ref;
- typedef typename super::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename super::const_pointer const_pointer;
- /* interoperability with bidir_node_iterator */
- static void increment(pointer& x)
- {
- if(x->right()!=pointer(0)){
- x=x->right();
- while(x->left()!=pointer(0))x=x->left();
- }
- else{
- pointer y=x->parent();
- while(x==y->right()){
- x=y;
- y=y->parent();
- }
- if(x->right()!=y)x=y;
- }
- }
- static void decrement(pointer& x)
- {
- if(x->color()==red&&x->parent()->parent()==x){
- x=x->right();
- }
- else if(x->left()!=pointer(0)){
- pointer y=x->left();
- while(y->right()!=pointer(0))y=y->right();
- x=y;
- }else{
- pointer y=x->parent();
- while(x==y->left()){
- x=y;
- y=y->parent();
- }
- x=y;
- }
- }
- /* algorithmic stuff */
- static void rotate_left(pointer x,parent_ref root)
- {
- pointer y=x->right();
- x->right()=y->left();
- if(y->left()!=pointer(0))y->left()->parent()=x;
- y->parent()=x->parent();
- if(x==root) root=y;
- else if(x==x->parent()->left())x->parent()->left()=y;
- else x->parent()->right()=y;
- y->left()=x;
- x->parent()=y;
- }
- static pointer minimum(pointer x)
- {
- while(x->left()!=pointer(0))x=x->left();
- return x;
- }
- static pointer maximum(pointer x)
- {
- while(x->right()!=pointer(0))x=x->right();
- return x;
- }
- static void rotate_right(pointer x,parent_ref root)
- {
- pointer y=x->left();
- x->left()=y->right();
- if(y->right()!=pointer(0))y->right()->parent()=x;
- y->parent()=x->parent();
- if(x==root) root=y;
- else if(x==x->parent()->right())x->parent()->right()=y;
- else x->parent()->left()=y;
- y->right()=x;
- x->parent()=y;
- }
- static void rebalance(pointer x,parent_ref root)
- {
- x->color()=red;
- while(x!=root&&x->parent()->color()==red){
- if(x->parent()==x->parent()->parent()->left()){
- pointer y=x->parent()->parent()->right();
- if(y!=pointer(0)&&y->color()==red){
- x->parent()->color()=black;
- y->color()=black;
- x->parent()->parent()->color()=red;
- x=x->parent()->parent();
- }
- else{
- if(x==x->parent()->right()){
- x=x->parent();
- rotate_left(x,root);
- }
- x->parent()->color()=black;
- x->parent()->parent()->color()=red;
- rotate_right(x->parent()->parent(),root);
- }
- }
- else{
- pointer y=x->parent()->parent()->left();
- if(y!=pointer(0)&&y->color()==red){
- x->parent()->color()=black;
- y->color()=black;
- x->parent()->parent()->color()=red;
- x=x->parent()->parent();
- }
- else{
- if(x==x->parent()->left()){
- x=x->parent();
- rotate_right(x,root);
- }
- x->parent()->color()=black;
- x->parent()->parent()->color()=red;
- rotate_left(x->parent()->parent(),root);
- }
- }
- }
- root->color()=black;
- }
- static void link(
- pointer x,ordered_index_side side,pointer position,pointer header)
- {
- if(side==to_left){
- position->left()=x; /* also makes leftmost=x when parent==header */
- if(position==header){
- header->parent()=x;
- header->right()=x;
- }
- else if(position==header->left()){
- header->left()=x; /* maintain leftmost pointing to min node */
- }
- }
- else{
- position->right()=x;
- if(position==header->right()){
- header->right()=x; /* maintain rightmost pointing to max node */
- }
- }
- x->parent()=position;
- x->left()=pointer(0);
- x->right()=pointer(0);
- ordered_index_node_impl::rebalance(x,header->parent());
- }
- static pointer rebalance_for_erase(
- pointer z,parent_ref root,pointer& leftmost,pointer& rightmost)
- {
- pointer y=z;
- pointer x=pointer(0);
- pointer x_parent=pointer(0);
- if(y->left()==pointer(0)){ /* z has at most one non-null child. y==z. */
- x=y->right(); /* x might be null */
- }
- else{
- if(y->right()==pointer(0)){ /* z has exactly one non-null child. y==z. */
- x=y->left(); /* x is not null */
- }
- else{ /* z has two non-null children. Set y to */
- y=y->right(); /* z's successor. x might be null. */
- while(y->left()!=pointer(0))y=y->left();
- x=y->right();
- }
- }
- if(y!=z){
- z->left()->parent()=y; /* relink y in place of z. y is z's successor */
- y->left()=z->left();
- if(y!=z->right()){
- x_parent=y->parent();
- if(x!=pointer(0))x->parent()=y->parent();
- y->parent()->left()=x; /* y must be a child of left */
- y->right()=z->right();
- z->right()->parent()=y;
- }
- else{
- x_parent=y;
- }
- if(root==z) root=y;
- else if(z->parent()->left()==z)z->parent()->left()=y;
- else z->parent()->right()=y;
- y->parent()=z->parent();
- ordered_index_color c=y->color();
- y->color()=z->color();
- z->color()=c;
- y=z; /* y now points to node to be actually deleted */
- }
- else{ /* y==z */
- x_parent=y->parent();
- if(x!=pointer(0))x->parent()=y->parent();
- if(root==z){
- root=x;
- }
- else{
- if(z->parent()->left()==z)z->parent()->left()=x;
- else z->parent()->right()=x;
- }
- if(leftmost==z){
- if(z->right()==pointer(0)){ /* z->left() must be null also */
- leftmost=z->parent();
- }
- else{
- leftmost=minimum(x); /* makes leftmost==header if z==root */
- }
- }
- if(rightmost==z){
- if(z->left()==pointer(0)){ /* z->right() must be null also */
- rightmost=z->parent();
- }
- else{ /* x==z->left() */
- rightmost=maximum(x); /* makes rightmost==header if z==root */
- }
- }
- }
- if(y->color()!=red){
- while(x!=root&&(x==pointer(0)|| x->color()==black)){
- if(x==x_parent->left()){
- pointer w=x_parent->right();
- if(w->color()==red){
- w->color()=black;
- x_parent->color()=red;
- rotate_left(x_parent,root);
- w=x_parent->right();
- }
- if((w->left()==pointer(0)||w->left()->color()==black) &&
- (w->right()==pointer(0)||w->right()->color()==black)){
- w->color()=red;
- x=x_parent;
- x_parent=x_parent->parent();
- }
- else{
- if(w->right()==pointer(0 )
- || w->right()->color()==black){
- if(w->left()!=pointer(0)) w->left()->color()=black;
- w->color()=red;
- rotate_right(w,root);
- w=x_parent->right();
- }
- w->color()=x_parent->color();
- x_parent->color()=black;
- if(w->right()!=pointer(0))w->right()->color()=black;
- rotate_left(x_parent,root);
- break;
- }
- }
- else{ /* same as above,with right <-> left */
- pointer w=x_parent->left();
- if(w->color()==red){
- w->color()=black;
- x_parent->color()=red;
- rotate_right(x_parent,root);
- w=x_parent->left();
- }
- if((w->right()==pointer(0)||w->right()->color()==black) &&
- (w->left()==pointer(0)||w->left()->color()==black)){
- w->color()=red;
- x=x_parent;
- x_parent=x_parent->parent();
- }
- else{
- if(w->left()==pointer(0)||w->left()->color()==black){
- if(w->right()!=pointer(0))w->right()->color()=black;
- w->color()=red;
- rotate_left(w,root);
- w=x_parent->left();
- }
- w->color()=x_parent->color();
- x_parent->color()=black;
- if(w->left()!=pointer(0))w->left()->color()=black;
- rotate_right(x_parent,root);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(x!=pointer(0))x->color()=black;
- }
- return y;
- }
- static void restore(pointer x,pointer position,pointer header)
- {
- if(position->left()==pointer(0)||position->left()==header){
- link(x,to_left,position,header);
- }
- else{
- decrement(position);
- link(x,to_right,position,header);
- }
- }
- /* invariant stuff */
- static std::size_t black_count(pointer node,pointer root)
- {
- if(node==pointer(0))return 0;
- std::size_t sum=0;
- for(;;){
- if(node->color()==black)++sum;
- if(node==root)break;
- node=node->parent();
- }
- return sum;
- }
-template<typename Super>
-struct ordered_index_node_trampoline:
- prevent_eti<
- Super,
- ordered_index_node_impl<
- typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
- typename Super::allocator_type,
- char
- >::type
- >
- >::type
- typedef typename prevent_eti<
- Super,
- ordered_index_node_impl<
- typename boost::detail::allocator::rebind_to<
- typename Super::allocator_type,
- char
- >::type
- >
- >::type impl_type;
-template<typename Super>
-struct ordered_index_node:Super,ordered_index_node_trampoline<Super>
- typedef ordered_index_node_trampoline<Super> trampoline;
- typedef typename trampoline::impl_type impl_type;
- typedef typename trampoline::color_ref impl_color_ref;
- typedef typename trampoline::parent_ref impl_parent_ref;
- typedef typename trampoline::pointer impl_pointer;
- typedef typename trampoline::const_pointer const_impl_pointer;
- impl_color_ref color(){return trampoline::color();}
- ordered_index_color color()const{return trampoline::color();}
- impl_parent_ref parent(){return trampoline::parent();}
- impl_pointer parent()const{return trampoline::parent();}
- impl_pointer& left(){return trampoline::left();}
- impl_pointer left()const{return trampoline::left();}
- impl_pointer& right(){return trampoline::right();}
- impl_pointer right()const{return trampoline::right();}
- impl_pointer impl()
- {
- return static_cast<impl_pointer>(
- static_cast<impl_type*>(static_cast<trampoline*>(this)));
- }
- const_impl_pointer impl()const
- {
- return static_cast<const_impl_pointer>(
- static_cast<const impl_type*>(static_cast<const trampoline*>(this)));
- }
- static ordered_index_node* from_impl(impl_pointer x)
- {
- return static_cast<ordered_index_node*>(
- static_cast<trampoline*>(&*x));
- }
- static const ordered_index_node* from_impl(const_impl_pointer x)
- {
- return static_cast<const ordered_index_node*>(
- static_cast<const trampoline*>(&*x));
- }
- /* interoperability with bidir_node_iterator */
- static void increment(ordered_index_node*& x)
- {
- impl_pointer xi=x->impl();
- trampoline::increment(xi);
- x=from_impl(xi);
- }
- static void decrement(ordered_index_node*& x)
- {
- impl_pointer xi=x->impl();
- trampoline::decrement(xi);
- x=from_impl(xi);
- }
-} /* namespace multi_index::detail */
-} /* namespace multi_index */
-} /* namespace boost */