diff options
authorVlad Voicu <>2012-03-02 10:01:11 (GMT)
committervlad <vlad@tyrion.(none)>2012-10-13 13:55:44 (GMT)
commitb21e43357c66df6824536793bf41bbd1cbdf1a72 (patch)
treea23ee2adda43c27aa1b720f524e368991264182c /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/detail/decltype.hpp
parent58efe2c43e54a3d868784a6968e52674309e2310 (diff)
Added spirit to bundled boost
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/detail/decltype.hpp')
1 files changed, 522 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/detail/decltype.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/detail/decltype.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ad6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/proto/detail/decltype.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+/// \file decltype.hpp
+/// Contains definition the BOOST_PROTO_DECLTYPE_() macro and assorted helpers
+// Copyright 2008 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost
+// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+#include <boost/get_pointer.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_trailing_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat_from_to.hpp>
+#include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/local.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_class.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_function.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_member_object_pointer.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/add_const.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/add_reference.hpp>
+#include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/addressof.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/result_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/proto/repeat.hpp>
+# define BOOST_PROTO_DECLTYPE_(EXPR, TYPE) typedef decltype(EXPR) TYPE;
+ static int const sz = sizeof(boost::proto::detail::check_reference(EXPR)); \
+ struct NESTED \
+ : boost::mpl::if_c< \
+ 1==sz \
+ , typename BOOST_PP_CAT(nested_and_hidden_, NESTED)::type & \
+ , typename BOOST_PP_CAT(nested_and_hidden_, NESTED)::type \
+ > \
+ {};
+ typedef typename BOOST_PP_CAT(nested_, TYPE)::type TYPE;
+namespace boost { namespace proto
+ namespace detail
+ {
+ namespace anyns
+ {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ struct any
+ {
+ any(...);
+ any operator=(any);
+ any operator[](any);
+ #define M0(Z, N, DATA) any operator()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS_Z(Z, N, any BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT));
+ #undef M0
+ template<typename T>
+ operator T &() const volatile;
+ any operator+();
+ any operator-();
+ any operator*();
+ any operator&();
+ any operator~();
+ any operator!();
+ any operator++();
+ any operator--();
+ any operator++(int);
+ any operator--(int);
+ friend any operator<<(any, any);
+ friend any operator>>(any, any);
+ friend any operator*(any, any);
+ friend any operator/(any, any);
+ friend any operator%(any, any);
+ friend any operator+(any, any);
+ friend any operator-(any, any);
+ friend any operator<(any, any);
+ friend any operator>(any, any);
+ friend any operator<=(any, any);
+ friend any operator>=(any, any);
+ friend any operator==(any, any);
+ friend any operator!=(any, any);
+ friend any operator||(any, any);
+ friend any operator&&(any, any);
+ friend any operator&(any, any);
+ friend any operator|(any, any);
+ friend any operator^(any, any);
+ friend any operator,(any, any);
+ friend any operator->*(any, any);
+ friend any operator<<=(any, any);
+ friend any operator>>=(any, any);
+ friend any operator*=(any, any);
+ friend any operator/=(any, any);
+ friend any operator%=(any, any);
+ friend any operator+=(any, any);
+ friend any operator-=(any, any);
+ friend any operator&=(any, any);
+ friend any operator|=(any, any);
+ friend any operator^=(any, any);
+ };
+ }
+ using anyns::any;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ struct as_mutable
+ {
+ typedef T &type;
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct as_mutable<T &>
+ {
+ typedef T &type;
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct as_mutable<T const &>
+ {
+ typedef T &type;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ T make();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ typename as_mutable<T>::type make_mutable();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ struct subscript_wrapper
+ : T
+ {
+ using T::operator[];
+ any operator[](any const volatile &) const volatile;
+ #else
+ any operator[](any const &) const volatile;
+ #endif
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ struct as_subscriptable
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename mpl::if_c<
+ is_class<T>::value
+ , subscript_wrapper<T>
+ , T
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct as_subscriptable<T const>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename mpl::if_c<
+ is_class<T>::value
+ , subscript_wrapper<T> const
+ , T const
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct as_subscriptable<T &>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename mpl::if_c<
+ is_class<T>::value
+ , subscript_wrapper<T> &
+ , T &
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ struct as_subscriptable<T const &>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename mpl::if_c<
+ is_class<T>::value
+ , subscript_wrapper<T> const &
+ , T const &
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ typename as_subscriptable<T>::type make_subscriptable();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ char check_reference(T &);
+ template<typename T>
+ char (&check_reference(T const &))[2];
+ namespace has_get_pointerns
+ {
+ using boost::get_pointer;
+ void *(&get_pointer(...))[2];
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ struct has_get_pointer
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = sizeof(void *) == sizeof(get_pointer(make<T &>())));
+ typedef mpl::bool_<value> type;
+ };
+ }
+ using has_get_pointerns::has_get_pointer;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ struct classtypeof;
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct classtypeof<T U::*>
+ {
+ typedef U type;
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename U BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(N, typename A)> \
+ struct classtypeof<T (U::*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, A))> \
+ { \
+ typedef U type; \
+ }; \
+ template<typename T, typename U BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(N, typename A)> \
+ struct classtypeof<T (U::*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, A)) const> \
+ { \
+ typedef U type; \
+ }; \
+ /**/
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T>
+ T &lvalue(T &t)
+ {
+ return t;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ T const &lvalue(T const &t)
+ {
+ return t;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename U, typename V, typename T>
+ U *proto_get_pointer(T &t, V *, U *)
+ {
+ return boost::addressof(t);
+ }
+ template<typename U, typename V, typename T>
+ U const *proto_get_pointer(T &t, V *, U const *)
+ {
+ return boost::addressof(t);
+ }
+ template<typename U, typename V, typename T>
+ V *proto_get_pointer(T &t, V *, ...)
+ {
+ return get_pointer(t);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ using namespace boost::proto::detail::get_pointerns \
+ /**/
+ #define BOOST_PROTO_GET_POINTER(Type, Obj) \
+ boost::proto::detail::proto_get_pointer<Type>( \
+ boost::proto::detail::lvalue(Obj) \
+ , (true ? 0 : get_pointer(Obj)) \
+ , (true ? 0 : boost::addressof(boost::proto::detail::lvalue(Obj))) \
+ ) \
+ /**/
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ namespace get_pointerns
+ {
+ using boost::get_pointer;
+ template<typename T>
+ typename disable_if_c<has_get_pointer<T>::value, T *>::type
+ get_pointer(T &t)
+ {
+ return boost::addressof(t);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ typename disable_if_c<has_get_pointer<T>::value, T const *>::type
+ get_pointer(T const &t)
+ {
+ return boost::addressof(t);
+ }
+ char test_ptr_to_const(void *);
+ char (&test_ptr_to_const(void const *))[2];
+ template<typename U> char test_V_is_a_U(U *);
+ template<typename U> char test_V_is_a_U(U const *);
+ template<typename U> char (&test_V_is_a_U(...))[2];
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // result_of_ is a wrapper around boost::result_of that also handles "invocations" of
+ // member object pointers.
+ template<typename T, typename Void = void>
+ struct result_of_
+ {};
+ template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
+ struct result_of_<T U::*(V), typename enable_if_c<is_member_object_pointer<T U::*>::value>::type>
+ {
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_V_a_smart_ptr = 2 == sizeof(test_V_is_a_U<U>(&lvalue(make<V>()))));
+ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, is_ptr_to_const = 2 == sizeof(test_ptr_to_const(BOOST_PROTO_GET_POINTER(U, make<V>()))));
+ // If V is not a U, then it is a (smart) pointer and we can always return an lvalue.
+ // Otherwise, we can only return an lvalue if we are given one.
+ typedef
+ typename mpl::eval_if_c<
+ (is_V_a_smart_ptr || is_reference<V>::value)
+ , mpl::eval_if_c<
+ is_ptr_to_const
+ , add_reference<typename add_const<T>::type>
+ , add_reference<T>
+ >
+ , mpl::identity<T>
+ >::type
+ type;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<
+ typename T
+ , typename U
+ , bool IsMemPtr = is_member_object_pointer<
+ typename remove_reference<U>::type
+ >::value
+ >
+ struct mem_ptr_fun
+ {
+ proto::detail::make_mutable<T>() ->* proto::detail::make<U>()
+ , result_type
+ )
+ result_type operator()(
+ typename add_reference<typename add_const<T>::type>::type t
+ , typename add_reference<typename add_const<U>::type>::type u
+ ) const
+ {
+ return t ->* u;
+ }
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct mem_ptr_fun<T, U, true>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename classtypeof<
+ typename uncvref<U>::type
+ >::type
+ V;
+ BOOST_PROTO_GET_POINTER(V, proto::detail::make_mutable<T>()) ->* proto::detail::make<U>()
+ , result_type
+ )
+ result_type operator()(
+ typename add_reference<typename add_const<T>::type>::type t
+ , U u
+ ) const
+ {
+ return BOOST_PROTO_GET_POINTER(V, t) ->* u;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ using get_pointerns::result_of_;
+ using get_pointerns::mem_ptr_fun;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<typename A0, typename A1>
+ struct comma_result
+ {
+ BOOST_PROTO_DECLTYPE_((proto::detail::make<A0>(), proto::detail::make<A1>()), type)
+ };
+ template<typename A0>
+ struct comma_result<A0, void>
+ {
+ typedef void type;
+ };
+ template<typename A1>
+ struct comma_result<void, A1>
+ {
+ typedef A1 type;
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct comma_result<void, void>
+ {
+ typedef void type;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // normalize a function type for use with boost::result_of
+ template<typename T, typename U = T>
+ struct result_of_fixup
+ : mpl::if_c<is_function<T>::value, T *, U>
+ {};
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct result_of_fixup<T &, U>
+ : result_of_fixup<T, T>
+ {};
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct result_of_fixup<T const &, U>
+ : result_of_fixup<T, T>
+ {};
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct result_of_fixup<T *, U>
+ : result_of_fixup<T, U>
+ {};
+ template<typename R, typename T, typename U>
+ struct result_of_fixup<R T::*, U>
+ {
+ typedef R T::*type;
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename U>
+ struct result_of_fixup<T const, U>
+ : result_of_fixup<T, U>
+ {};
+ //// Tests for result_of_fixup
+ //struct bar {};
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<bar, result_of_fixup<bar>::type>));
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<bar const, result_of_fixup<bar const>::type>));
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<bar, result_of_fixup<bar &>::type>));
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<bar const, result_of_fixup<bar const &>::type>));
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<void(*)(), result_of_fixup<void(*)()>::type>));
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<void(*)(), result_of_fixup<void(* const)()>::type>));
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<void(*)(), result_of_fixup<void(* const &)()>::type>));
+ //BOOST_MPL_ASSERT((is_same<void(*)(), result_of_fixup<void(&)()>::type>));
+ template<typename T, typename PMF>
+ struct memfun
+ {
+ typedef typename uncvref<PMF>::type pmf_type;
+ typedef typename classtypeof<pmf_type>::type V;
+ typedef typename BOOST_PROTO_RESULT_OF<pmf_type(T)>::type result_type;
+ memfun(T t, PMF p)
+ : obj(t)
+ , pmf(p)
+ {}
+ result_type operator()() const
+ {
+ return (BOOST_PROTO_GET_POINTER(V, obj) ->* pmf)();
+ }
+ #define BOOST_PROTO_LOCAL_MACRO(N, typename_A, A_const_ref, A_const_ref_a, a) \
+ template<typename_A(N)> \
+ result_type operator()(A_const_ref_a(N)) const \
+ { \
+ return (BOOST_PROTO_GET_POINTER(V, obj) ->* pmf)(a(N)); \
+ } \
+ /**/
+ private:
+ T obj;
+ PMF pmf;
+ };
+ } // namespace detail