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authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
commit0efa7c32aaf21a29b42b5926cc116007056843be (patch)
tree882f663a5dd0e65694bf6077b71086dd77fd7ff8 /3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/Asserter.h
parent1d20eabbc32274b491b4c2bedf73d19933d97bfd (diff)
Moved some modules into separate git modules.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/Asserter.h')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit b/3rdParty/CppUnit
new file mode 160000
+Subproject b4c34eb947c6497c6387c55c7581ec875f4e7d4
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/Asserter.h b/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/Asserter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 94dadaa..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/Asserter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#include <cppunit/AdditionalMessage.h>
-#include <cppunit/SourceLine.h>
-#include <string>
-class Message;
-/*! \brief A set of functions to help writing assertion macros.
- * \ingroup CreatingNewAssertions
- *
- * Here is an example of assertion, a simplified version of the
- * actual assertion implemented in examples/cppunittest/XmlUniformiser.h:
- * \code
- * #include <cppunit/SourceLine.h>
- * #include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
- *
- * void
- * checkXmlEqual( std::string expectedXml,
- * std::string actualXml,
- * CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine )
- * {
- * std::string expected = XmlUniformiser( expectedXml ).stripped();
- * std::string actual = XmlUniformiser( actualXml ).stripped();
- *
- * if ( expected == actual )
- * return;
- *
- * ::CppUnit::Asserter::failNotEqual( expected,
- * actual,
- * sourceLine );
- * }
- *
- * /// Asserts that two XML strings are equivalent.
- * #define CPPUNITTEST_ASSERT_XML_EQUAL( expected, actual ) \
- * checkXmlEqual( expected, actual, \
- * \endcode
- */
-struct Asserter
- /*! \brief Throws a Exception with the specified message and location.
- */
- static void CPPUNIT_API fail( const Message &message,
- const SourceLine &sourceLine = SourceLine() );
- /*! \brief Throws a Exception with the specified message and location.
- * \deprecated Use fail( Message, SourceLine ) instead.
- */
- static void CPPUNIT_API fail( std::string message,
- const SourceLine &sourceLine = SourceLine() );
- /*! \brief Throws a Exception with the specified message and location.
- * \param shouldFail if \c true then the exception is thrown. Otherwise
- * nothing happen.
- * \param message Message explaining the assertion failiure.
- * \param sourceLine Location of the assertion.
- */
- static void CPPUNIT_API failIf( bool shouldFail,
- const Message &message,
- const SourceLine &sourceLine = SourceLine() );
- /*! \brief Throws a Exception with the specified message and location.
- * \deprecated Use failIf( bool, Message, SourceLine ) instead.
- * \param shouldFail if \c true then the exception is thrown. Otherwise
- * nothing happen.
- * \param message Message explaining the assertion failiure.
- * \param sourceLine Location of the assertion.
- */
- static void CPPUNIT_API failIf( bool shouldFail,
- std::string message,
- const SourceLine &sourceLine = SourceLine() );
- /*! \brief Returns a expected value string for a message.
- * Typically used to create 'not equal' message, or to check that a message
- * contains the expected content when writing unit tests for your custom
- * assertions.
- *
- * \param expectedValue String that represents the expected value.
- * \return \a expectedValue prefixed with "Expected: ".
- * \see makeActual().
- */
- static std::string CPPUNIT_API makeExpected( const std::string &expectedValue );
- /*! \brief Returns an actual value string for a message.
- * Typically used to create 'not equal' message, or to check that a message
- * contains the expected content when writing unit tests for your custom
- * assertions.
- *
- * \param actualValue String that represents the actual value.
- * \return \a actualValue prefixed with "Actual : ".
- * \see makeExpected().
- */
- static std::string CPPUNIT_API makeActual( const std::string &actualValue );
- static Message CPPUNIT_API makeNotEqualMessage( const std::string &expectedValue,
- const std::string &actualValue,
- const AdditionalMessage &additionalMessage = AdditionalMessage(),
- const std::string &shortDescription = "equality assertion failed");
- /*! \brief Throws an Exception with the specified message and location.
- * \param expected Text describing the expected value.
- * \param actual Text describing the actual value.
- * \param sourceLine Location of the assertion.
- * \param additionalMessage Additional message. Usually used to report
- * what are the differences between the expected and actual value.
- * \param shortDescription Short description for the failure message.
- */
- static void CPPUNIT_API failNotEqual( std::string expected,
- std::string actual,
- const SourceLine &sourceLine,
- const AdditionalMessage &additionalMessage = AdditionalMessage(),
- std::string shortDescription = "equality assertion failed" );
- /*! \brief Throws an Exception with the specified message and location.
- * \param shouldFail if \c true then the exception is thrown. Otherwise
- * nothing happen.
- * \param expected Text describing the expected value.
- * \param actual Text describing the actual value.
- * \param sourceLine Location of the assertion.
- * \param additionalMessage Additional message. Usually used to report
- * where the "difference" is located.
- * \param shortDescription Short description for the failure message.
- */
- static void CPPUNIT_API failNotEqualIf( bool shouldFail,
- std::string expected,
- std::string actual,
- const SourceLine &sourceLine,
- const AdditionalMessage &additionalMessage = AdditionalMessage(),
- std::string shortDescription = "equality assertion failed" );