diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
commit0efa7c32aaf21a29b42b5926cc116007056843be (patch)
tree882f663a5dd0e65694bf6077b71086dd77fd7ff8 /3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/TestResult.h
parent1d20eabbc32274b491b4c2bedf73d19933d97bfd (diff)
Moved some modules into separate git modules.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/TestResult.h')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit b/3rdParty/CppUnit
new file mode 160000
+Subproject b4c34eb947c6497c6387c55c7581ec875f4e7d4
diff --git a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/TestResult.h b/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/TestResult.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e1050..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/CppUnit/cppunit/TestResult.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-#include <cppunit/Portability.h>
-#pragma warning( push )
-#pragma warning( disable: 4251 ) // X needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class Z
-#include <cppunit/SynchronizedObject.h>
-#include <cppunit/portability/CppUnitDeque.h>
-#include <string>
-class Exception;
-class Functor;
-class Protector;
-class ProtectorChain;
-class Test;
-class TestFailure;
-class TestListener;
-// template class CPPUNIT_API std::deque<TestListener *>;
-/*! \brief Manages TestListener.
- * \ingroup TrackingTestExecution
- *
- * A single instance of this class is used when running the test. It is usually
- * created by the test runner (TestRunner).
- *
- * This class shouldn't have to be inherited from. Use a TestListener
- * or one of its subclasses to be informed of the ongoing tests.
- * Use a Outputter to receive a test summary once it has finished
- *
- * TestResult supplies a template method 'setSynchronizationObject()'
- * so that subclasses can provide mutual exclusion in the face of multiple
- * threads. This can be useful when tests execute in one thread and
- * they fill a subclass of TestResult which effects change in another
- * thread. To have mutual exclusion, override setSynchronizationObject()
- * and make sure that you create an instance of ExclusiveZone at the
- * beginning of each method.
- *
- * \see Test, TestListener, TestResultCollector, Outputter.
- */
-class CPPUNIT_API TestResult : protected SynchronizedObject
- /// Construct a TestResult
- TestResult( SynchronizationObject *syncObject = 0 );
- /// Destroys a test result
- virtual ~TestResult();
- virtual void addListener( TestListener *listener );
- virtual void removeListener( TestListener *listener );
- /// Resets the stop flag.
- virtual void reset();
- /// Stop testing
- virtual void stop();
- /// Returns whether testing should be stopped
- virtual bool shouldStop() const;
- /// Informs TestListener that a test will be started.
- virtual void startTest( Test *test );
- /*! \brief Adds an error to the list of errors.
- * The passed in exception
- * caused the error
- */
- virtual void addError( Test *test, Exception *e );
- /*! \brief Adds a failure to the list of failures. The passed in exception
- * caused the failure.
- */
- virtual void addFailure( Test *test, Exception *e );
- /// Informs TestListener that a test was completed.
- virtual void endTest( Test *test );
- /// Informs TestListener that a test suite will be started.
- virtual void startSuite( Test *test );
- /// Informs TestListener that a test suite was completed.
- virtual void endSuite( Test *test );
- /*! \brief Run the specified test.
- *
- * Calls startTestRun(), test->run(this), and finally endTestRun().
- */
- virtual void runTest( Test *test );
- /*! \brief Protects a call to the specified functor.
- *
- * See Protector to understand how protector works. A default protector is
- * always present. It captures CppUnit::Exception, std::exception and
- * any other exceptions, retrieving as much as possible information about
- * the exception as possible.
- *
- * Additional Protector can be added to the chain to support other exception
- * types using pushProtector() and popProtector().
- *
- * \param functor Functor to call (typically a call to setUp(), runTest() or
- * tearDown().
- * \param test Test the functor is associated to (used for failure reporting).
- * \param shortDescription Short description override for the failure message.
- */
- virtual bool protect( const Functor &functor,
- Test *test,
- const std::string &shortDescription = std::string("") );
- /// Adds the specified protector to the protector chain.
- virtual void pushProtector( Protector *protector );
- /// Removes the last protector from the protector chain.
- virtual void popProtector();
- /*! \brief Called to add a failure to the list of failures.
- */
- void addFailure( const TestFailure &failure );
- virtual void startTestRun( Test *test );
- virtual void endTestRun( Test *test );
- typedef CppUnitDeque<TestListener *> TestListeners;
- TestListeners m_listeners;
- ProtectorChain *m_protectorChain;
- bool m_stop;
- TestResult( const TestResult &other );
- TestResult &operator =( const TestResult &other );
-#pragma warning( pop )