diff options
authorKevin Smith <>2011-07-09 18:54:55 (GMT)
committerKevin Smith <>2011-07-09 18:54:55 (GMT)
commit26ac55fc087fb49abbdd164e125e41207e66f9fd (patch)
treec2187cd35e1c55af023de38d72150ab6e1530d91 /Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp
parent54ae49f8485bce7794b1f061f4d1a305f2063f10 (diff)
Update QtChatList for recent backend changes
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp
index 164b80f..1e02086 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
#include "DelegateCommons.h"
+#include <QtScaledAvatarCache.h>
+#include <QFileInfo>
namespace Swift {
@@ -14,10 +17,76 @@ void DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, con
painter->drawText(region, Qt::AlignTop, adjustedText);
+void DelegateCommons::paintContact(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QColor& nameColor, const QString& avatarPath, const QIcon& presenceIcon, const QString& name, const QString& statusText) const {
+ painter->save();
+ QRect fullRegion(option.rect);
+ if ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) {
+ painter->fillRect(fullRegion, option.palette.highlight());
+ painter->setPen(option.palette.highlightedText().color());
+ } else {
+ painter->setPen(QPen(nameColor));
+ }
+ QRect presenceIconRegion(QPoint(farLeftMargin,, QSize(presenceIconWidth, fullRegion.height() - verticalMargin));
+ int calculatedAvatarSize = presenceIconRegion.height();
+ //This overlaps the presenceIcon, so must be painted first
+ QRect avatarRegion(QPoint(presenceIconRegion.right() - presenceIconWidth / 2,, QSize(calculatedAvatarSize, calculatedAvatarSize));
+ QPixmap avatarPixmap;
+ if (!avatarPath.isEmpty()) {
+ QString scaledAvatarPath = QtScaledAvatarCache(avatarRegion.height()).getScaledAvatarPath(avatarPath);
+ if (QFileInfo(scaledAvatarPath).exists()) {
+ avatarPixmap.load(scaledAvatarPath);
+ }
+ }
+ if (avatarPixmap.isNull()) {
+ avatarPixmap = QPixmap(":/icons/avatar.png").scaled(avatarRegion.height(), avatarRegion.width(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
+ }
+ painter->drawPixmap(avatarRegion.topLeft() + QPoint(((avatarRegion.width() - avatarPixmap.width()) / 2), (avatarRegion.height() - avatarPixmap.height()) / 2), avatarPixmap);
+ //Paint the presence icon over the top of the avatar
+ presenceIcon.paint(painter, presenceIconRegion, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter);
+ QFontMetrics nameMetrics(nameFont);
+ painter->setFont(nameFont);
+ int extraFontWidth = nameMetrics.width("H");
+ int leftOffset = avatarRegion.right() + horizontalMargin * 2 + extraFontWidth / 2;
+ QRect textRegion(fullRegion.adjusted(leftOffset, 0, 0/*-leftOffset*/, 0));
+ int nameHeight = nameMetrics.height() + verticalMargin;
+ QRect nameRegion(textRegion.adjusted(0, verticalMargin, 0, 0));
+ DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(painter, nameRegion, name);
+ painter->setFont(detailFont);
+ painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(160,160,160)));
+ QRect statusTextRegion(textRegion.adjusted(0, nameHeight, 0, 0));
+ DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(painter, statusTextRegion, statusText);
+ painter->restore();
+QSize DelegateCommons::contactSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& /*option*/, const QModelIndex& /*index*/ ) const {
+ int heightByAvatar = avatarSize + verticalMargin * 2;
+ QFontMetrics nameMetrics(nameFont);
+ QFontMetrics statusMetrics(detailFont);
+ int sizeByText = 2 * verticalMargin + nameMetrics.height() + statusMetrics.height();
+ //Doesn't work, yay! FIXME: why?
+ //QSize size = (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) ? QSize(150, 80) : QSize(150, avatarSize_ + margin_ * 2);
+ //qDebug() << "Returning size" << size;
+ return QSize(150, sizeByText > heightByAvatar ? sizeByText : heightByAvatar);
const int DelegateCommons::horizontalMargin = 2;
const int DelegateCommons::verticalMargin = 2;
const int DelegateCommons::farLeftMargin = 2;
+const int DelegateCommons::avatarSize = 20;
+const int DelegateCommons::presenceIconHeight = 16;
+const int DelegateCommons::presenceIconWidth = 16;