diff options
authorMateusz Piekos <>2012-08-07 06:32:43 (GMT)
committerMateusz Piekos <>2012-08-07 06:32:43 (GMT)
commit7ee66e0a35a49f71bc93f8dd6eed77efd8f4e1c1 (patch)
tree9cd76b61ec3709fc85356ff5428a6d56e704113c /Swift/QtUI
parent769a222499b6e98a8de5addc81854ff47181618b (diff)
Added option to cancel outgoing whiteboard session request
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI')
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatView.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatView.cpp
index ef55dff..375a1ad 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatView.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatView.cpp
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ void QtChatView::setWhiteboardSessionStatus(QString id, const ChatWindow::Whiteb
QWebElement divElement = findDivElementWithID(document_, id);
QString newInnerHTML;
if (state == ChatWindow::WhiteboardAccepted) {
- newInnerHTML = tr("Started whiteboard session") + "<br/>" +
- QtChatWindow::buildChatWindowButton(tr("Show whitebaord"), QtChatWindow::ButtonWhiteboardShowWindow, id);
+ newInnerHTML = tr("Started whiteboard chat") + "<br/>" +
+ QtChatWindow::buildChatWindowButton(tr("Show whiteboard"), QtChatWindow::ButtonWhiteboardShowWindow, id);
} else if (state == ChatWindow::WhiteboardCanceled) {
newInnerHTML = tr("Whiteboard session has been canceled");
} else if (state == ChatWindow::WhiteboardRejected) {
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp
index fbbbf34..027962d 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatWindow.cpp
@@ -600,7 +600,9 @@ std::string QtChatWindow::addWhiteboardRequest(bool senderIsSelf) {
QString wb_id = QString("wb%1").arg(P2QSTRING(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(idCounter_++)));
QString htmlString;
if (senderIsSelf) {
- htmlString = "<div id='" + wb_id + "'>Sent session request</div>";
+ htmlString = "<div id='" + wb_id + "'>" + tr("Sent session request") + "<br />"+
+ buildChatWindowButton(tr("Cancel"), ButtonWhiteboardSessionCancel, wb_id) +
+ "</div>";
} else {
htmlString = "<div id='" + wb_id + "'>" + Qt::escape(contact_) + tr(" would like to start whiteboard session") + ": <br/>" +
buildChatWindowButton(tr("Cancel"), ButtonWhiteboardSessionCancel, wb_id) +