diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation/SwiftenDevelopersGuide/SConscript')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Documentation/SwiftenDevelopersGuide/SConscript b/Documentation/SwiftenDevelopersGuide/SConscript
index 145663f..fb08a8f 100644
--- a/Documentation/SwiftenDevelopersGuide/SConscript
+++ b/Documentation/SwiftenDevelopersGuide/SConscript
@@ -2,4 +2,89 @@ Import("env")
env.Tool("DocBook", toolpath = ["#/BuildTools/DocBook/SCons"])
+# Code generation helper
+import sys, re, os.path
+def generateDocBookCode(env, target, source) :
+ # Strips empty lines from the beginning & end of a program
+ def stripEmptyLines(program) :
+ programLines = program.split('\n')
+ newProgramLines = []
+ inProgram = False
+ for line in programLines :
+ if not re.match("^\s*$", line) or inProgram :
+ inProgram = True
+ newProgramLines.append(line)
+ return '\n'.join(newProgramLines).rstrip()
+ def createCallouts(program, calloutPrefix) :
+ newProgramLines = []
+ calloutLines = []
+ nextID = 0
+ for line in program.split("\n") :
+ # FIXME: Takes the largest match
+ m = re.match(".*\/* \(\*\) (.*) \*/.*", line)
+ if m :
+ cobID = "cob-" + calloutPrefix + "-" + str(nextID)
+ coID = "co-" + calloutPrefix + "-" + str(nextID)
+ nextID += 1
+ line = re.sub("/\*.*\*/", "]]><co id=\"%(cobID)s\" linkends=\"%(coID)s\"/><![CDATA[" % {"cobID" : cobID, "coID" : coID}, line)
+ calloutLines.append("<callout arearefs=\"%(cobID)s\" id=\"%(coID)s\"><para>%(text)s</para></callout>" % {"cobID": cobID, "coID": coID, "text":})
+ newProgramLines.append(line)
+ callouts = "<calloutlist>" + "\n".join(calloutLines) + "</calloutlist>" if len(calloutLines) > 0 else ""
+ return ("\n".join(newProgramLines), callouts)
+ # Parse program
+ filename = source[0].abspath
+ filenameBase = os.path.basename(filename).replace(".cpp", "")
+ inputfile = open(filename)
+ program = ""
+ programs = {}
+ programName = ""
+ inEllipsis = False
+ for line in inputfile.readlines() :
+ if inEllipsis :
+ if "//..." in line :
+ inEllipsis = False
+ else :
+ if line.startswith("/*") or line.startswith(" *") :
+ continue
+ if "//..." in line :
+ inEllipsis = True
+ line = line.replace("//...", "]]>&#x2026;<![CDATA[")
+ else :
+ m = re.match("^/// (.*)", line)
+ if m :
+ if programName :
+ programs[programName] = program
+ program = ""
+ programName =" ", "")
+ continue
+ line = re.sub("\t", " ", line)
+ program += line
+ programs[programName] = program
+ inputfile.close()
+ for programName, program in programs.items() :
+ program = stripEmptyLines(program)
+ (program, callouts) = createCallouts(program, filenameBase + "-" + programName)
+ document = "<foo><programlisting><![CDATA[" + program + "]]></programlisting>" + callouts + "</foo>"
+ # Generate code
+ output = open(target[0].abspath, 'w')
+ output.write(document)
+ output.close()
env.DocBook("Swiften Developers Guide.xml")
+for i in range(1, 6) :
+ source = "Examples/EchoBot/EchoBot" + str(i) + ".cpp"
+ env.Command(source + ".xml", source, Action(generateDocBookCode, cmdstr = "$GENCOMSTR"))
+SConscript(dirs = ["Examples"])