AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-06-07Remove TODO.Remko Tronçon
2010-06-06Use delay when printing MUC history.Remko Tronçon
2010-06-01Don't try and send messages with labels until we've got a valid catalogue.Kevin Smith
2010-05-06Rewrite of large amounts of roster code.Kevin Smith
2010-04-23Make latency stats optional.Kevin Smith
2010-04-23Add XEP-0203 (Delay) support.Kevin Smith
2010-04-08Added copyrights to Swift.Remko Tronçon
2010-02-17Add /me support it QtUIKevin Smith
2010-02-17Preliminary Chat State Notifications support.Kevin Smith
2010-02-10Move the Chat stuff in Controllers into Chat folder.Kevin Smith