// Boost string_algo library erase.hpp header file ---------------------------// // Copyright Pavol Droba 2002-2006. // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/ for updates, documentation, and revision history. #ifndef BOOST_STRING_ERASE_HPP #define BOOST_STRING_ERASE_HPP #include <boost/algorithm/string/config.hpp> #include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp> #include <boost/range/begin.hpp> #include <boost/range/end.hpp> #include <boost/range/iterator.hpp> #include <boost/range/const_iterator.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/find_format.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/formatter.hpp> /*! \file Defines various erase algorithms. Each algorithm removes part(s) of the input according to a searching criteria. */ namespace boost { namespace algorithm { // erase_range -------------------------------------------------------// //! Erase range algorithm /*! Remove the given range from the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input sequence \param SearchRange A range in the input to be removed \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template<typename OutputIteratorT, typename RangeT> inline OutputIteratorT erase_range_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const RangeT& Input, const iterator_range< BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<RangeT>::type>& SearchRange ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, range_finder(SearchRange), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase range algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT> inline SequenceT erase_range_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const iterator_range< BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_const_iterator<SequenceT>::type>& SearchRange ) { return find_format_copy( Input, range_finder(SearchRange), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase range algorithm /*! Remove the given range from the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. \param Input An input sequence \param SearchRange A range in the input to be removed */ template<typename SequenceT> inline void erase_range( SequenceT& Input, const iterator_range< BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_iterator<SequenceT>::type>& SearchRange ) { find_format( Input, range_finder(SearchRange), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_first --------------------------------------------------------// //! Erase first algorithm /*! Remove the first occurrence of the substring from the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT erase_first_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, first_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase first algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT erase_first_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search ) { return find_format_copy( Input, first_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase first algorithm /*! Remove the first occurrence of the substring from the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for. */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void erase_first( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search ) { find_format( Input, first_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_first ( case insensitive ) ------------------------------------// //! Erase first algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! Remove the first occurrence of the substring from the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. Searching is case insensitive. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT ierase_first_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, first_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase first algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT ierase_first_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_copy( Input, first_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase first algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! Remove the first occurrence of the substring from the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. Searching is case insensitive. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void ierase_first( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { find_format( Input, first_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_last --------------------------------------------------------// //! Erase last algorithm /*! Remove the last occurrence of the substring from the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for. \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT erase_last_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, last_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase last algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT erase_last_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search ) { return find_format_copy( Input, last_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase last algorithm /*! Remove the last occurrence of the substring from the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void erase_last( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search ) { find_format( Input, last_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_last ( case insensitive ) ------------------------------------// //! Erase last algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! Remove the last occurrence of the substring from the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. Searching is case insensitive. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT ierase_last_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, last_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase last algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT ierase_last_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_copy( Input, last_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase last algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! Remove the last occurrence of the substring from the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. Searching is case insensitive. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void ierase_last( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { find_format( Input, last_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_nth --------------------------------------------------------------------// //! Erase nth algorithm /*! Remove the Nth occurrence of the substring in the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for \param Nth An index of the match to be replaced. The index is 0-based. For negative N, matches are counted from the end of string. \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT erase_nth_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search, int Nth ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, nth_finder(Search, Nth), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase nth algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT erase_nth_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, int Nth ) { return find_format_copy( Input, nth_finder(Search, Nth), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase nth algorithm /*! Remove the Nth occurrence of the substring in the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for. \param Nth An index of the match to be replaced. The index is 0-based. For negative N, matches are counted from the end of string. */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void erase_nth( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, int Nth ) { find_format( Input, nth_finder(Search, Nth), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_nth ( case insensitive ) ---------------------------------------------// //! Erase nth algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! Remove the Nth occurrence of the substring in the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. Searching is case insensitive. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for. \param Nth An index of the match to be replaced. The index is 0-based. For negative N, matches are counted from the end of string. \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT ierase_nth_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search, int Nth, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, nth_finder(Search, Nth, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase nth algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT ierase_nth_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, int Nth, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_copy( Input, nth_finder(Search, Nth, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase nth algorithm /*! Remove the Nth occurrence of the substring in the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. Searching is case insensitive. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for. \param Nth An index of the match to be replaced. The index is 0-based. For negative N, matches are counted from the end of string. \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void ierase_nth( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, int Nth, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { find_format( Input, nth_finder(Search, Nth, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_all --------------------------------------------------------// //! Erase all algorithm /*! Remove all the occurrences of the string from the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input sequence \param Search A substring to be searched for. \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT erase_all_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search ) { return find_format_all_copy( Output, Input, first_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase all algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT erase_all_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search ) { return find_format_all_copy( Input, first_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase all algorithm /*! Remove all the occurrences of the string from the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for. */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void erase_all( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search ) { find_format_all( Input, first_finder(Search), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_all ( case insensitive ) ------------------------------------// //! Erase all algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! Remove all the occurrences of the string from the input. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. Searching is case insensitive. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename Range1T, typename Range2T> inline OutputIteratorT ierase_all_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const Range1T& Input, const Range2T& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_all_copy( Output, Input, first_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase all algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline SequenceT ierase_all_copy( const SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { return find_format_all_copy( Input, first_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } //! Erase all algorithm ( case insensitive ) /*! Remove all the occurrences of the string from the input. The input sequence is modified in-place. Searching is case insensitive. \param Input An input string \param Search A substring to be searched for. \param Loc A locale used for case insensitive comparison */ template<typename SequenceT, typename RangeT> inline void ierase_all( SequenceT& Input, const RangeT& Search, const std::locale& Loc=std::locale() ) { find_format_all( Input, first_finder(Search, is_iequal(Loc)), empty_formatter(Input) ); } // erase_head --------------------------------------------------------------------// //! Erase head algorithm /*! Remove the head from the input. The head is a prefix of a sequence of given size. If the sequence is shorter then required, the whole string is considered to be the head. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param N Length of the head. For N>=0, at most N characters are extracted. For N<0, size(Input)-|N| characters are extracted. \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename RangeT> inline OutputIteratorT erase_head_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const RangeT& Input, int N ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, head_finder(N), empty_formatter( Input ) ); } //! Erase head algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT> inline SequenceT erase_head_copy( const SequenceT& Input, int N ) { return find_format_copy( Input, head_finder(N), empty_formatter( Input ) ); } //! Erase head algorithm /*! Remove the head from the input. The head is a prefix of a sequence of given size. If the sequence is shorter then required, the whole string is considered to be the head. The input sequence is modified in-place. \param Input An input string \param N Length of the head For N>=0, at most N characters are extracted. For N<0, size(Input)-|N| characters are extracted. */ template<typename SequenceT> inline void erase_head( SequenceT& Input, int N ) { find_format( Input, head_finder(N), empty_formatter( Input ) ); } // erase_tail --------------------------------------------------------------------// //! Erase tail algorithm /*! Remove the tail from the input. The tail is a suffix of a sequence of given size. If the sequence is shorter then required, the whole string is considered to be the tail. The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence or copied to the output iterator. \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied \param Input An input string \param N Length of the head. For N>=0, at most N characters are extracted. For N<0, size(Input)-|N| characters are extracted. \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or a modified copy of the input \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee */ template< typename OutputIteratorT, typename RangeT> inline OutputIteratorT erase_tail_copy( OutputIteratorT Output, const RangeT& Input, int N ) { return find_format_copy( Output, Input, tail_finder(N), empty_formatter( Input ) ); } //! Erase tail algorithm /*! \overload */ template<typename SequenceT> inline SequenceT erase_tail_copy( const SequenceT& Input, int N ) { return find_format_copy( Input, tail_finder(N), empty_formatter( Input ) ); } //! Erase tail algorithm /*! Remove the tail from the input. The tail is a suffix of a sequence of given size. If the sequence is shorter then required, the whole string is considered to be the tail. The input sequence is modified in-place. \param Input An input string \param N Length of the head For N>=0, at most N characters are extracted. For N<0, size(Input)-|N| characters are extracted. */ template<typename SequenceT> inline void erase_tail( SequenceT& Input, int N ) { find_format( Input, tail_finder(N), empty_formatter( Input ) ); } } // namespace algorithm // pull names into the boost namespace using algorithm::erase_range_copy; using algorithm::erase_range; using algorithm::erase_first_copy; using algorithm::erase_first; using algorithm::ierase_first_copy; using algorithm::ierase_first; using algorithm::erase_last_copy; using algorithm::erase_last; using algorithm::ierase_last_copy; using algorithm::ierase_last; using algorithm::erase_nth_copy; using algorithm::erase_nth; using algorithm::ierase_nth_copy; using algorithm::ierase_nth; using algorithm::erase_all_copy; using algorithm::erase_all; using algorithm::ierase_all_copy; using algorithm::ierase_all; using algorithm::erase_head_copy; using algorithm::erase_head; using algorithm::erase_tail_copy; using algorithm::erase_tail; } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_ERASE_HPP