 * Copyright (c) 2003 Dr John Maddock
 * Use, modification and distribution is subject to the 
 * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file 
 * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

#include "licence_info.hpp"
#include "bcp_imp.hpp"
#include "fileview.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

const int boost_license_lines = 3;
static const std::string boost_license_text[boost_license_lines] = {
  "Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See",
  "accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at",

context_before_license(const fileview& v, fileview::const_iterator start,
                       int context_lines = 3)
  char last_char = '\0';
  while (start != v.begin() && context_lines >= 0) {
    if (*start == '\r' || *start == '\n'
        && (last_char == *start || (last_char != '\r' && last_char != '\n')))

    last_char = *start;

  // Unless we hit the beginning, we need to step forward one to start
  // on the next line.
  if (start != v.begin()) ++start;

  return start;

context_after_license(const fileview& v, fileview::const_iterator end,
                      int context_lines = 3)
  char last_char = '\0';
  while (end != v.end() && context_lines >= 0) {
    if (*end == '\r' || *end == '\n'
        && (last_char == *end || (last_char != '\r' && last_char != '\n')))

    last_char = *end;

  return end;

static std::string
find_prefix(const fileview& v, fileview::const_iterator start_of_line)
  while (start_of_line != v.begin()
         && *start_of_line != '\n'
         && *start_of_line != '\r')
  if (start_of_line != v.begin())

  fileview::const_iterator first_noncomment_char = start_of_line;
  while (*first_noncomment_char == '/'
         || *first_noncomment_char == '*'
         || *first_noncomment_char == ' '
         || *first_noncomment_char == '#')

  return std::string(start_of_line, first_noncomment_char);

static std::string 
html_escape(fileview::const_iterator first, fileview::const_iterator last)
  std::string result;
  while (first != last) {
    switch (*first) {
    case '<': result += "&lt;"; break;
    case '>': result += "&gt;"; break;
    case '&': result += "&amp;"; break;
    default: result += *first;
  return result;

static bool is_non_bsl_license(int index)
  return index > 2;

void bcp_implementation::scan_license(const fs::path& p, const fileview& v)
   std::pair<const license_info*, int> licenses = get_licenses();
   // scan file for all the licenses in the list:
   int license_count = 0;
   int author_count = 0;
   int nonbsl_author_count = 0;
   bool has_non_bsl_license = false;
   fileview::const_iterator start_of_license = v.begin(), 
                            end_of_license = v.end();
   bool start_in_middle_of_line = false;

   for(int i = 0; i < licenses.second; ++i)
      boost::match_results<fileview::const_iterator> m;
      if(boost::regex_search(v.begin(), v.end(), m, licenses.first[i].license_signature))
           start_of_license = m[0].first;
         end_of_license = m[0].second;

         if (is_non_bsl_license(i) && i < licenses.second - 1) 
           has_non_bsl_license = true;

         // add this license to the list:
         // scan for the associated copyright declarations:
         boost::regex_iterator<const char*> cpy(v.begin(), v.end(), licenses.first[i].copyright_signature);
         boost::regex_iterator<const char*> ecpy;
         while(cpy != ecpy)
#if 0
             // Not dealing with copyrights because we don't have the years
            if ((*cpy)[0].first < start_of_license) 
              start_of_license = (*cpy)[0].first;
            if ((*cpy)[0].second > end_of_license) 
              end_of_license = (*cpy)[0].second;

            // extract the copy holders as a list:
            std::string author_list = cpy->format(licenses.first[i].copyright_formatter, boost::format_all);
            // now enumerate that list for all the names:
            static const boost::regex author_separator("(?:\\s*,(?!\\s*(?:inc|ltd)\\b)\\s*|\\s+(,\\s*)?(and|&)\\s+)|by\\s+", boost::regex::perl | boost::regex::icase);
            boost::regex_token_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> atr(author_list.begin(), author_list.end(), author_separator, -1);
            boost::regex_token_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> eatr;
            while(atr != eatr)
               // get the reformatted authors name:
               std::string name = format_authors_name(*atr);
               // add to list of authors for this file:
               if(name.size() && name[0] != '-')
                  // add file to author index:

                  // If this is not the Boost Software License (license 0), and the author hasn't given 
                  // blanket permission, note this for the report.
                  if (has_non_bsl_license
                      && m_bsl_authors.find(name) == m_bsl_authors.end()) {

         while (start_of_license != v.begin()
                && *start_of_license != '\r'
                && *start_of_license != '\n'
                && *start_of_license != '.')

         if (start_of_license != v.begin()) {
           if (*start_of_license == '.')
             start_in_middle_of_line = true;

         while (end_of_license != v.end()
                && *end_of_license != '\r'
                && *end_of_license != '\n')
   if(license_count == 0)
   if(license_count && !author_count)

   if (has_non_bsl_license) {
     bool converted = false;
     if (nonbsl_author_count == 0 
         && license_count == 1) {
       // Grab a few lines of context
       fileview::const_iterator context_start = 
         context_before_license(v, start_of_license);
       fileview::const_iterator context_end = 
         context_after_license(v, end_of_license);

       // TBD: For files that aren't C++ code, this will have to
       // change.
       std::string prefix = find_prefix(v, start_of_license);

       // Create enough information to permit manual verification of
       // the correctness of the transformation
       std::string before_conversion = 
         html_escape(context_start, start_of_license);
       before_conversion += "<b>";
       before_conversion += html_escape(start_of_license, end_of_license);
       before_conversion += "</b>";
       before_conversion += html_escape(end_of_license, context_end);

       std::string after_conversion = 
         html_escape(context_start, start_of_license);
       if (start_in_middle_of_line)
         after_conversion += '\n';

       after_conversion += "<b>";
       for (int i = 0; i < boost_license_lines; ++i) {
         if (i > 0) after_conversion += '\n';
         after_conversion += prefix + boost_license_text[i];
       after_conversion += "</b>";
       after_conversion += html_escape(end_of_license, context_end);

       m_converted_to_bsl[p] = 
         std::make_pair(before_conversion, after_conversion);

       // Perform the actual conversion
       if (m_bsl_convert_mode) {
            std::ofstream out((m_boost_path / p).native_file_string().c_str());
            if (!out) {
               std::string msg("Cannot open file for license conversion: ");
               msg += p.native_file_string();
               std::runtime_error e(msg);

            out << std::string(v.begin(), start_of_license);
            if (start_in_middle_of_line)
               out << std::endl;

            for (int j = 0; j < boost_license_lines; ++j) {
               if (j > 0) out << std::endl;
               out << prefix << boost_license_text[j];
            out << std::string(end_of_license, v.end());

            converted = true;
       catch(const std::exception& e)
          std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

     if (!converted) {
       if (nonbsl_author_count > 0) m_cannot_migrate_to_bsl.insert(p);
       else m_can_migrate_to_bsl.insert(p);