#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import os, re, datetime, sys, subprocess DEFAULT_LICENSE = "gpl3" CONTRIBUTOR_LICENSE = "mit" LICENSE_DIR = "Documentation/Licenses" class License : def __init__(self, name, file) : self.name = name self.file = file licenses = { "gpl3" : License("GNU General Public License v3", "GPLv3.txt"), "mit" : License("MIT License", "MIT.txt"), } class Copyright : def __init__(self, author, year, license) : self.author = author self.year = year self.license = license def to_string(self, comment_chars) : return "\n".join([ comment_chars[0], comment_chars[1] + " Copyright (c) %(year)s %(name)s" % {"year" : self.year, "name" : self.author }, comment_chars[1] + " Licensed under the " + licenses[self.license].name + ".", comment_chars[1] + " See " + LICENSE_DIR + "/" + licenses[self.license].file + " for more information.", comment_chars[2], "\n"]) def get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename) : return ("/*", " *", " */") def get_comment_chars_re_for_filename(filename) : comment_chars = get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename) return "|".join(comment_chars).replace("*", "\\*") def parse_file(filename) : file = open(filename) copyright_text = [] prolog = "" epilog = "" inProlog = True inCopyright = False inEpilog = False for line in file.readlines() : if inProlog : if line.startswith("#!") or len(line.strip()) == 0 : prolog += line continue else : inProlog = False inCopyright = True if inCopyright : if re.match(get_comment_chars_re_for_filename(filename), line) != None : copyright_text.append(line.rstrip()) continue elif len(line.strip()) == 0 : continue else : inCopyright = False inEpilog = True if inEpilog : epilog += line continue file.close() # Parse the copyright copyright = None if len(copyright_text) == 5 : comment_chars = get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename) if copyright_text[0] == comment_chars[0] and copyright_text[4] == comment_chars[2] : matchstring = "(" + get_comment_chars_re_for_filename(filename) + ") Copyright \(c\) (?P<startYear>\d\d\d\d)(-(?P<endYear>\d\d\d\d))? (?P<author>.*)" m = re.match(matchstring, copyright_text[1]) if m != None : # FIXME: Do better copyright reconstruction here copyright = True if not copyright : epilog = "\n".join(copyright_text) + epilog return (prolog, copyright, epilog) def get_userinfo() : p = subprocess.Popen("git config user.name", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=(os.name != "nt")) username = p.stdout.read().rstrip() p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0 : return None p = subprocess.Popen("git config user.email", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=(os.name != "nt")) email = p.stdout.read().rstrip() p.stdin.close() if p.wait() != 0 : return None return (username, email) def get_copyright(username, email) : if email in ["git@el-tramo.be", "git@kismith.co.uk"] : license = DEFAULT_LICENSE else : license = CONTRIBUTOR_LICENSE return Copyright(username, datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y"), license) def check_copyright(filename) : (prolog, copyright, epilog) = parse_file(filename) if copyright == None : print "No copyright found in: " + filename return False else : return True def set_copyright(filename, copyright) : (prolog, c, epilog) = parse_file(filename) comment_chars = get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename) copyright_text = copyright.to_string(comment_chars) file = open(filename, "w") if prolog != "": file.write(prolog) file.write(copyright_text) if epilog != "" : file.write(epilog) file.close() if sys.argv[1] == "check-copyright" : if not check_copyright(sys.argv[2]) : sys.exit(-1) elif sys.argv[1] == "check-all-copyrights" : ok = True for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(".") : if "3rdParty" in path or ".sconf" in path : continue for filename in [os.path.join(path, file) for file in files if (file.endswith(".cpp") or file.endswith(".h")) and not "ui_" in file and not "moc_" in file and not "qrc_" in file] : ok &= check_copyright(filename) if not ok : sys.exit(-1) elif sys.argv[1] == "set-copyright" : (username, email) = get_userinfo() copyright = get_copyright(username, email) set_copyright(sys.argv[2], copyright) elif sys.argv[1] == "set-all-copyrights" : (username, email) = get_userinfo() copyright = get_copyright(username, email) for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(".") : if "3rdParty" in path or ".sconf" in path : continue for filename in [os.path.join(path, file) for file in files if (file.endswith(".cpp") or file.endswith(".h")) and not "ui_" in file and not "moc_" in file and not "qrc_" in file] : set_copyright(filename, copyright) else : print "Unknown command: " + sys.argv[1] sys.exit(-1)