import SCons.Util
import xml.dom.minidom, os, os.path

# XSLT processor

def generate(env) :
  def generate_actions(source, target, env, for_signature) :
    if not env.has_key("XSLTSTYLESHEET") :
      raise SCons.Errors.UserError, "The XSLTSTYLESHEET construction variable must be defined"

    # Process the XML catalog files
    # FIXME: It's probably not clean to do an ENV assignment globally
    env["ENV"]["XML_CATALOG_FILES"] = " ".join(env.get("XMLCATALOGS", ""))

    # Build the XMLLint command
    xmllintcmd = ["$XMLLINT", "--nonet", "--xinclude", "--postvalid", "--noout", "$SOURCE"]

    # Build the XSLT command
    xsltcmd = ["$XSLT", "--nonet", "--xinclude"]
    for (param, value) in env["XSLTPARAMS"] :
      xsltcmd += ["--stringparam", param, value]
    xsltcmd += ["-o", "$TARGET", "$XSLTSTYLESHEET", "$SOURCE"]

    return [
      SCons.Action.Action([xmllintcmd], cmdstr = "$XMLLINTCOMSTR"),
      SCons.Action.Action([xsltcmd], cmdstr = "$XSLTCOMSTR")]

  def modify_sources(target, source, env) :
    if len(env["FOCFG"]) > 0 :
    source.append(env.get("XMLCATALOGS", []))
    return target, source

  def scan_xml(node, env, path) :
    dependencies = set()
    nodes = [node]
    while len(nodes) > 0 :
      node = nodes.pop()
      try :
        document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(node.get_contents())
      except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
      for include in document.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "include") :
        include_file = include.getAttribute("href")
        if include.getAttribute("parse") != "text" :
    return list(dependencies)

  env["XMLLINT"] = "xmllint"
  env["XSLT"] = "xsltproc"
  env["XSLTPARAMS"] = []
  env["BUILDERS"]["XSLT"] = SCons.Builder.Builder(
        generator = generate_actions,
        emitter = modify_sources,
        source_scanner = SCons.Scanner.Scanner(function = scan_xml),
        src_suffix = ".xml"

def exists(env) :
  return True