/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Tobias Markmann * Licensed under the simplified BSD license. * See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information. */ #pragma once #include <string> #include <vector> #include <Swift/Controllers/Contact.h> namespace Swift { class ContactProvider; class ContactSuggester { public: ContactSuggester(); ~ContactSuggester(); void addContactProvider(ContactProvider* provider); std::vector<Contact> getSuggestions(const std::string& search) const; private: static bool matchContact(const std::string& search, const Contact& c); /** * Performs fuzzy matching on the string text. Matches when each character of match string is present in sequence in text string. */ static bool fuzzyMatch(std::string text, std::string match); static bool chatSortPredicate(const Contact& a, const Contact& b); private: std::vector<ContactProvider*> contactProviders_; }; }