
set -e -x

export PYTHONPATH=../../../BuildTools/SCons
VERSION=`../../../BuildTools/GetBuildVersion.py swift`
DEBIAN_VERSION=`../../../BuildTools/DebianizeVersion.py $VERSION`
SWIFTEN_SOVERSION=`../../../BuildTools/GetBuildVersion.py swift --major`

if [ -z "$DEBIAN_VERSION" ]; then
	echo "Unable to determine version"
	exit -1

echo "Cleaning up old packages ..."
rm -f swift-im_*
rm -f libswiften*
rm -rf swift-im-*

echo "Checking out a fresh copy ..."
rm -rf $DIRNAME
git clone ../../../.git $DIRNAME

# Clean out 3rdParty
find $DIRNAME/3rdParty -type f | grep -v uuid | grep -v SConscript | xargs rm -f
find $DIRNAME/3rdParty -depth -empty -type d -exec rmdir {} \;
rm -rf $DIRNAME/3rdParty/SCons

# Fork local Boost UUID copy
# FIXME: This shouldn't be necessary, but SCons isn't picking up the generated headers for compilation
mkdir -p $DIRNAME/3rdParty/Boost/uuid/boost
cp -r $DIRNAME/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/uuid $DIRNAME/3rdParty/Boost/uuid/boost

# Create orig tarball for debuild
tar czf swift-im_$DEBIAN_VERSION.orig.tar.gz --exclude=$DIRNAME/.git $DIRNAME

# Initialize debian files
ln -s Swift/Packaging/Debian/debian $DIRNAME/debian
../../../BuildTools/UpdateDebianChangelog.py $DIRNAME/debian/changelog $DEBIAN_VERSION
cat $DIRNAME/debian/control.in | sed -e "s/%SWIFTEN_SOVERSION%/$SWIFTEN_SOVERSION/g" > $DIRNAME/debian/control
mv $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften.install $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften$SWIFTEN_SOVERSION.install
mv $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften-dev.install $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften$SWIFTEN_SOVERSION-dev.install
mv $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften-dev.manpages $DIRNAME/debian/libswiften$SWIFTEN_SOVERSION-dev.manpages

# Build
set +e
debuild -i -I
#dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot -i -I
#dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -i -I