/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Remko Tronçon * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. */ #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include "Swiften/Client/Client.h" #include "Swiften/Network/Timer.h" #include "Swiften/Network/TimerFactory.h" #include "Swiften/Network/BoostNetworkFactories.h" #include "Swiften/EventLoop/EventLoop.h" #include "Swiften/Client/ClientXMLTracer.h" #include "Swiften/EventLoop/SimpleEventLoop.h" #include "Swiften/Disco/GetDiscoInfoRequest.h" using namespace Swift; enum ExitCodes {OK = 0, CANNOT_CONNECT, CANNOT_AUTH, NO_RESPONSE, DISCO_ERROR}; SimpleEventLoop eventLoop; BoostNetworkFactories networkFactories(&eventLoop); Client* client = 0; JID recipient; int exitCode = CANNOT_CONNECT; boost::bsignals::connection errorConnection; void handleServerDiscoInfoResponse(boost::shared_ptr<DiscoInfo> /*info*/, ErrorPayload::ref error) { if (!error) { errorConnection.disconnect(); client->disconnect(); eventLoop.stop(); exitCode = OK; } else { errorConnection.disconnect(); exitCode = DISCO_ERROR; } } void handleConnected() { exitCode = NO_RESPONSE; GetDiscoInfoRequest::ref discoInfoRequest = GetDiscoInfoRequest::create(JID(), client->getIQRouter()); discoInfoRequest->onResponse.connect(handleServerDiscoInfoResponse); discoInfoRequest->send(); } void handleDisconnected(const boost::optional<ClientError>&) { exitCode = CANNOT_AUTH; eventLoop.stop(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 4 || argc > 5) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <jid> [<connect_host>] <password> <timeout_seconds>" << std::endl; return -1; } int argi = 1; String jid = argv[argi++]; String connectHost = ""; if (argc == 5) { connectHost = argv[argi++]; } client = new Swift::Client(&eventLoop, &networkFactories, JID(jid), String(argv[argi++])); char* timeoutChar = argv[argi++]; int timeout = atoi(timeoutChar); timeout = (timeout ? timeout : 30) * 1000; ClientXMLTracer* tracer = new ClientXMLTracer(client); client->onConnected.connect(&handleConnected); errorConnection = client->onDisconnected.connect(&handleDisconnected); std::cout << "Connecting to JID " << jid << " with timeout " << timeout << "ms on host: "; ; if (!connectHost.isEmpty()) { std::cout << connectHost << std::endl; client->connect(connectHost); } else { std::cout << " Default" << std::endl; client->connect(); } { Timer::ref timer = networkFactories.getTimerFactory()->createTimer(timeout); timer->onTick.connect(boost::bind(&SimpleEventLoop::stop, &eventLoop)); timer->start(); eventLoop.run(); } delete tracer; delete client; return exitCode; }