/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Kevin Smith and Remko Tronçon * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information. */ #include <Swiften/MUC/UnitTest/MockMUC.h> namespace Swift { MockMUC::MockMUC(const JID &muc) : ownMUCJID(muc) { } MockMUC::~MockMUC() { } void MockMUC::insertOccupant(const MUCOccupant& occupant) { occupants_.insert(std::make_pair(occupant.getNick(), occupant)); onOccupantJoined(occupant); } const MUCOccupant& MockMUC::getOccupant(const std::string& nick) { return occupants_.find(nick)->second; } bool MockMUC::hasOccupant(const std::string& nick) { return occupants_.find(nick) != occupants_.end(); } void MockMUC::changeAffiliation(const JID &jid, MUCOccupant::Affiliation newAffilation) { std::map<std::string, MUCOccupant>::iterator i = occupants_.find(jid.getResource()); if (i != occupants_.end()) { const MUCOccupant old = i->second; i->second = MUCOccupant(old.getNick(), old.getRole(), newAffilation); onOccupantAffiliationChanged(i->first, newAffilation, old.getAffiliation()); } } void MockMUC::changeOccupantRole(const JID &jid, MUCOccupant::Role newRole) { std::map<std::string, MUCOccupant>::iterator i = occupants_.find(jid.getResource()); if (i != occupants_.end()) { const MUCOccupant old = i->second; i->second = MUCOccupant(old.getNick(), newRole, old.getAffiliation()); onOccupantRoleChanged(i->first, i->second, old.getRole()); } } }