function url_grabber(body, muc, nick, message) url = body:match("http://.%S+") print("Looking for URL") print(url) if url then print ("found") local http = require("socket.http") http.TIMEOUT = 5 --r, c, h = http.request({method = "HEAD", url = url}) --clen = tonumber(h["content-length"]) --if clen and clen > 0 and clen < 1024 * 1024 then b, c, h = http.request(url) subjectish = b:match(".+") print("subjectish") print(subjectish) if subjectish then subject = string.gsub(subjectish, "", "") if subject then swiftob_reply_to(message, url..":\n"..subject) end end --else -- print("Skipping because missing or too long:") -- print(clen) --end end end swiftob_register_listener(url_grabber)