diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-02-11 12:14:00 (GMT)
commit0efa7c32aaf21a29b42b5926cc116007056843be (patch)
tree882f663a5dd0e65694bf6077b71086dd77fd7ff8 /3rdParty/Boost/boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp
parent1d20eabbc32274b491b4c2bedf73d19933d97bfd (diff)
Moved some modules into separate git modules.
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 529 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost b/3rdParty/Boost
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 3bbdbc8cf1996f23d9a366da8bac0f97be6ad79
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp b/3rdParty/Boost/boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 67284fc..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2005-2009 Daniel James.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// Based on Peter Dimov's proposal
-// issue 6.18.
-#include <boost/functional/hash/hash_fwd.hpp>
-#include <functional>
-#include <boost/functional/hash/detail/hash_float.hpp>
-#include <boost/detail/container_fwd.hpp>
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
-namespace boost
- std::size_t hash_value(bool);
- std::size_t hash_value(char);
- std::size_t hash_value(unsigned char);
- std::size_t hash_value(signed char);
- std::size_t hash_value(short);
- std::size_t hash_value(unsigned short);
- std::size_t hash_value(int);
- std::size_t hash_value(unsigned int);
- std::size_t hash_value(long);
- std::size_t hash_value(unsigned long);
- std::size_t hash_value(wchar_t);
-#if defined(BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG)
- std::size_t hash_value(boost::long_long_type);
- std::size_t hash_value(boost::ulong_long_type);
-#if !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__DMC__, <= 0x848)
- template <class T> std::size_t hash_value(T* const&);
- template <class T> std::size_t hash_value(T*);
- template< class T, unsigned N >
- std::size_t hash_value(const T (&x)[N]);
- template< class T, unsigned N >
- std::size_t hash_value(T (&x)[N]);
- std::size_t hash_value(float v);
- std::size_t hash_value(double v);
- std::size_t hash_value(long double v);
- template <class Ch, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::basic_string<Ch, std::BOOST_HASH_CHAR_TRAITS<Ch>, A> const&);
- template <class A, class B>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::pair<A, B> const&);
- template <class T, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::vector<T, A> const&);
- template <class T, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::list<T, A> const& v);
- template <class T, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::deque<T, A> const& v);
- template <class K, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::set<K, C, A> const& v);
- template <class K, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::multiset<K, C, A> const& v);
- template <class K, class T, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::map<K, T, C, A> const& v);
- template <class K, class T, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::multimap<K, T, C, A> const& v);
- template <class T>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::complex<T> const&);
- // Implementation
- namespace hash_detail
- {
- template <class T>
- inline std::size_t hash_value_signed(T val)
- {
- const int size_t_bits = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::digits;
- // ceiling(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits / size_t_bits) - 1
- const int length = (std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - 1)
- / size_t_bits;
- std::size_t seed = 0;
- T positive = val < 0 ? -1 - val : val;
- // Hopefully, this loop can be unrolled.
- for(unsigned int i = length * size_t_bits; i > 0; i -= size_t_bits)
- {
- seed ^= (std::size_t) (positive >> i) + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- }
- seed ^= (std::size_t) val + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- return seed;
- }
- template <class T>
- inline std::size_t hash_value_unsigned(T val)
- {
- const int size_t_bits = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::digits;
- // ceiling(std::numeric_limits<T>::digits / size_t_bits) - 1
- const int length = (std::numeric_limits<T>::digits - 1)
- / size_t_bits;
- std::size_t seed = 0;
- // Hopefully, this loop can be unrolled.
- for(unsigned int i = length * size_t_bits; i > 0; i -= size_t_bits)
- {
- seed ^= (std::size_t) (val >> i) + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- }
- seed ^= (std::size_t) val + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- return seed;
- }
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(bool v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(char v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(unsigned char v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(signed char v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(short v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(unsigned short v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(int v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(unsigned int v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(long v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(unsigned long v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(wchar_t v)
- {
- return static_cast<std::size_t>(v);
- }
-#if defined(BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG)
- inline std::size_t hash_value(boost::long_long_type v)
- {
- return hash_detail::hash_value_signed(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(boost::ulong_long_type v)
- {
- return hash_detail::hash_value_unsigned(v);
- }
- // Implementation by Alberto Barbati and Dave Harris.
-#if !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__DMC__, <= 0x848)
- template <class T> std::size_t hash_value(T* const& v)
- template <class T> std::size_t hash_value(T* v)
- {
- std::size_t x = static_cast<std::size_t>(
- reinterpret_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(v));
- return x + (x >> 3);
- }
- template <class T>
- inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, T& v)
- template <class T>
- inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, T const& v)
- {
- boost::hash<T> hasher;
- seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- }
- template <class It>
- inline std::size_t hash_range(It first, It last)
- {
- std::size_t seed = 0;
- for(; first != last; ++first)
- {
- hash_combine(seed, *first);
- }
- return seed;
- }
- template <class It>
- inline void hash_range(std::size_t& seed, It first, It last)
- {
- for(; first != last; ++first)
- {
- hash_combine(seed, *first);
- }
- }
- template <class T>
- inline std::size_t hash_range(T* first, T* last)
- {
- std::size_t seed = 0;
- for(; first != last; ++first)
- {
- boost::hash<T> hasher;
- seed ^= hasher(*first) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- }
- return seed;
- }
- template <class T>
- inline void hash_range(std::size_t& seed, T* first, T* last)
- {
- for(; first != last; ++first)
- {
- boost::hash<T> hasher;
- seed ^= hasher(*first) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- }
- }
- template< class T, unsigned N >
- inline std::size_t hash_value(const T (&x)[N])
- {
- return hash_range(x, x + N);
- }
- template< class T, unsigned N >
- inline std::size_t hash_value(T (&x)[N])
- {
- return hash_range(x, x + N);
- }
- template <class Ch, class A>
- inline std::size_t hash_value(std::basic_string<Ch, std::BOOST_HASH_CHAR_TRAITS<Ch>, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(float v)
- {
- return boost::hash_detail::float_hash_value(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(double v)
- {
- return boost::hash_detail::float_hash_value(v);
- }
- inline std::size_t hash_value(long double v)
- {
- return boost::hash_detail::float_hash_value(v);
- }
- template <class A, class B>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::pair<A, B> const& v)
- {
- std::size_t seed = 0;
- hash_combine(seed, v.first);
- hash_combine(seed, v.second);
- return seed;
- }
- template <class T, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::vector<T, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- template <class T, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::list<T, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- template <class T, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::deque<T, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- template <class K, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::set<K, C, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- template <class K, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::multiset<K, C, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- template <class K, class T, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::map<K, T, C, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- template <class K, class T, class C, class A>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::multimap<K, T, C, A> const& v)
- {
- return hash_range(v.begin(), v.end());
- }
- template <class T>
- std::size_t hash_value(std::complex<T> const& v)
- {
- boost::hash<T> hasher;
- std::size_t seed = hasher(v.imag());
- seed ^= hasher(v.real()) + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
- return seed;
- }
- //
- // boost::hash
- //
-#define BOOST_HASH_SPECIALIZE(type) \
- template <> struct hash<type> \
- : public std::unary_function<type, std::size_t> \
- { \
- std::size_t operator()(type v) const \
- { \
- return boost::hash_value(v); \
- } \
- };
- template <> struct hash<type> \
- : public std::unary_function<type, std::size_t> \
- { \
- std::size_t operator()(type const& v) const \
- { \
- return boost::hash_value(v); \
- } \
- };
-#define BOOST_HASH_SPECIALIZE(type) \
- template <> struct hash<type> \
- : public std::unary_function<type, std::size_t> \
- { \
- std::size_t operator()(type v) const \
- { \
- return boost::hash_value(v); \
- } \
- }; \
- \
- template <> struct hash<const type> \
- : public std::unary_function<const type, std::size_t> \
- { \
- std::size_t operator()(const type v) const \
- { \
- return boost::hash_value(v); \
- } \
- };
- template <> struct hash<type> \
- : public std::unary_function<type, std::size_t> \
- { \
- std::size_t operator()(type const& v) const \
- { \
- return boost::hash_value(v); \
- } \
- }; \
- \
- template <> struct hash<const type> \
- : public std::unary_function<const type, std::size_t> \
- { \
- std::size_t operator()(type const& v) const \
- { \
- return boost::hash_value(v); \
- } \
- };
- BOOST_HASH_SPECIALIZE(unsigned char)
- BOOST_HASH_SPECIALIZE(unsigned short)
- BOOST_HASH_SPECIALIZE(unsigned long)
-#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_WSTRING)
- template <class T>
- struct hash<T*>
- : public std::unary_function<T*, std::size_t>
- {
- std::size_t operator()(T* v) const
- {
- return boost::hash_value(v);
- std::size_t x = static_cast<std::size_t>(
- reinterpret_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(v));
- return x + (x >> 3);
- }
- };
- namespace hash_detail
- {
- template <bool IsPointer>
- struct hash_impl;
- template <>
- struct hash_impl<true>
- {
- template <class T>
- struct inner
- : public std::unary_function<T, std::size_t>
- {
- std::size_t operator()(T val) const
- {
- return boost::hash_value(val);
- std::size_t x = static_cast<std::size_t>(
- reinterpret_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(val));
- return x + (x >> 3);
- }
- };
- };
- }
- template <class T> struct hash
- : public boost::hash_detail::hash_impl<boost::is_pointer<T>::value>
- {
- };
-// Include this outside of the include guards in case the file is included
-// twice - once with BOOST_HASH_NO_EXTENSIONS defined, and then with it
-// undefined.
-#include <boost/functional/hash/extensions.hpp>