diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2014-10-19 20:22:58 (GMT)
committerTobias Markmann <>2014-10-20 13:49:33 (GMT)
commit6b22dfcf59474dd016a0355a3102a1dd3692d92c (patch)
tree2b1fd33be433a91e81fee84fdc2bf1b52575d934 /3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/impl
parent38b0cb785fea8eae5e48fae56440695fdfd10ee1 (diff)
Update Boost in 3rdParty to version 1.56.0.
This updates Boost in our 3rdParty directory to version 1.56.0. Updated our script to stop on error. Changed error reporting in SwiftTools/CrashReporter.cpp to SWIFT_LOG due to missing include of <iostream> with newer Boost. Change-Id: I4b35c77de951333979a524097f35f5f83d325edc
Diffstat (limited to '3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/impl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/impl/directives.ipp b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/impl/directives.ipp
index b25b25f..96b2dd7 100644
--- a/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/impl/directives.ipp
+++ b/3rdParty/Boost/src/boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/impl/directives.ipp
return s.parse(scan);
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // from spirit 1.1 (copyright (c) 2001 Bruce Florman)
- // various workarounds to support longest and shortest directives
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename T>
- struct is_alternative
- {
- // Determine at compile time (without partial specialization)
- // whether a given type is an instance of the alternative<A,B>
- static T t();
- template <typename A, typename B>
- static char test_(alternative<A, B> const&); // no implementation
- static int test_(...); // no implementation
- enum { r = sizeof(char) == sizeof(test_(t())) };
- typedef mpl::bool_<r> value;
- };
- template <typename T> struct select_to_longest;
- template <typename T>
- struct to_longest_alternative
- {
- typedef typename select_to_longest<T>::result_t result_t;
- typedef typename select_to_longest<T>::plain_t plain_t;
- typedef typename select_to_longest<T>::choose_t choose_t;
- static result_t convert(T const& a);
- };
- template <typename T>
- struct to_longest_generic
- {
- typedef T const& result_t;
- typedef T plain_t;
- typedef mpl::false_ choose_t;
- };
- template <typename T>
- inline T const&
- to_longest_convert(T const& a, mpl::false_)
- { return a; }
- template <typename T>
- struct to_longest_recursive
- {
- typedef typename to_longest_alternative<
- typename T::left_t>::plain_t a_t;
- typedef typename to_longest_alternative<
- typename T::right_t>::plain_t b_t;
- typedef longest_alternative<a_t, b_t> result_t;
- typedef result_t plain_t;
- typedef mpl::true_ choose_t;
- };
- template <typename A, typename B>
- inline typename to_longest_alternative<alternative<A, B> >::result_t
- to_longest_convert(alternative<A, B> const& alt, mpl::true_)
- {
- typedef typename to_longest_alternative<
- alternative<A, B> >::result_t result_t;
- return result_t(
- to_longest_alternative<A>::convert(alt.left()),
- to_longest_alternative<B>::convert(alt.right()));
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline typename to_longest_alternative<T>::result_t
- to_longest_alternative<T>::convert(T const& a)
- {
- return to_longest_convert(
- a, to_longest_alternative<T>::choose_t());
- }
- template <typename T>
- struct select_to_longest
- {
- typedef typename mpl::if_<
- is_alternative<T> // IF
- , to_longest_recursive<T> // THEN
- , to_longest_generic<T> // ELSE
- >::type type;
- typedef typename select_to_longest::type::result_t result_t;
- typedef typename select_to_longest::type::plain_t plain_t;
- typedef typename select_to_longest::type::choose_t choose_t;
- };
- template <typename T> struct select_to_shortest;
- template <typename T>
- struct to_shortest_alternative
- {
- typedef typename select_to_shortest<T>::result_t result_t;
- typedef typename select_to_shortest<T>::plain_t plain_t;
- typedef typename select_to_shortest<T>::choose_t choose_t;
- static result_t convert(T const& a);
- };
- template <typename T>
- struct to_shortest_generic
- {
- typedef T const& result_t;
- typedef T plain_t;
- typedef mpl::false_ choose_t;
- };
- template <typename T>
- inline T const&
- to_shortest_convert(T const& a, mpl::false_) { return a; }
- template <typename T>
- struct to_shortest_recursive
- {
- typedef typename to_shortest_alternative<
- typename T::left_t>::plain_t a_t;
- typedef typename to_shortest_alternative<
- typename T::right_t>::plain_t b_t;
- typedef shortest_alternative<a_t, b_t> result_t;
- typedef result_t plain_t;
- typedef mpl::true_ choose_t;
- };
- template <typename A, typename B>
- inline typename to_shortest_alternative<alternative<A, B> >::result_t
- to_shortest_convert(alternative<A, B> const& alt, mpl::true_)
- {
- typedef typename to_shortest_alternative<
- alternative<A, B> >::result_t result_t;
- return result_t(
- to_shortest_alternative<A>::convert(alt.left()),
- to_shortest_alternative<B>::convert(alt.right()));
- }
- template <typename T>
- inline typename to_shortest_alternative<T>::result_t
- to_shortest_alternative<T>::convert(T const& a)
- {
- return to_shortest_convert(
- a, to_shortest_alternative<T>::choose_t());
- }
- template <typename T>
- struct select_to_shortest
- {
- typedef typename mpl::if_<
- is_alternative<T> // IF
- , to_shortest_recursive<T> // THEN
- , to_shortest_generic<T> // ELSE
- >::type type;
- typedef typename select_to_shortest::type::result_t result_t;
- typedef typename select_to_shortest::type::plain_t plain_t;
- typedef typename select_to_shortest::type::choose_t choose_t;
- };
template <typename T>
struct to_longest_alternative