diff options
authorRemko Tronçon <>2010-04-08 17:40:38 (GMT)
committerRemko Tronçon <>2010-04-08 19:10:07 (GMT)
commitf811dbf0ade076f6bab6a42dab17df7338458f2b (patch)
parent7ad73a099f4e3e55cbafd004df3eb8d4007efb20 (diff)
Fixed/rewrote copyrighter script.
Resolves: #24
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/BuildTools/ b/BuildTools/
index 189dcf5..0016037 100755
--- a/BuildTools/
+++ b/BuildTools/
@@ -1,96 +1,156 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, re, datetime
-TEMPLATE = """/*
- * Copyright (c) %(year)s %(author)s.
- * See the included COPYING file for license details.
- */
-def updateCopyright(fileName) :
- file = open(fileName)
- fileData = ""
- author = ""
- startYear = ""
- endYear = ""
- previousCopyright = ""
- # Retrieve previous copyright information
- header = ""
- inHeader = False
- inSpaceBelowHeader = False
- lines = file.readlines()
- lines2 = lines
- for line in lines2 :
- lines.pop(0)
- if inSpaceBelowHeader :
- if line.strip() != "" :
- break
- elif inHeader :
- if line.startswith(" */") :
- inSpaceBelowHeader = True
+import os, re, datetime, sys, subprocess
+LICENSE_DIR = "Documentation/Licenses"
+class License :
+ def __init__(self, name, file) :
+ = name
+ self.file = file
+licenses = {
+ "gpl3" : License("GNU General Public License v3", "GPLv3.txt"),
+ "mit" : License("MIT License", "MIT.txt"),
+ }
+class Copyright :
+ def __init__(self, author, year, license) :
+ = author
+ self.year = year
+ self.license = license
+ def to_string(self, comment_chars) :
+ return "\n".join([
+ comment_chars[0],
+ comment_chars[1] + " Copyright (c) %(year)s %(name)s" % {"year" : self.year, "name" : },
+ comment_chars[1] + " Licensed under the " + licenses[self.license].name + ".",
+ comment_chars[1] + " See " + LICENSE_DIR + "/" + licenses[self.license].file + " for more information.",
+ comment_chars[2],
+ "\n"])
+def get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename) :
+ return ("/*", " *", " */")
+def get_comment_chars_re_for_filename(filename) :
+ comment_chars = get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename)
+ return "|".join(comment_chars).replace("*", "\\*")
+def parse_file(filename) :
+ file = open(filename)
+ copyright_text = []
+ prolog = ""
+ epilog = ""
+ inProlog = True
+ inCopyright = False
+ inEpilog = False
+ for line in file.readlines() :
+ if inProlog :
+ if line.startswith("#!") or len(line.strip()) == 0 :
+ prolog += line
+ continue
else :
- header += line
- else :
- if line.strip() == "" :
+ inProlog = False
+ inCopyright = True
+ if inCopyright :
+ if re.match(get_comment_chars_re_for_filename(filename), line) != None :
+ copyright_text.append(line.rstrip())
+ continue
+ elif len(line.strip()) == 0 :
- elif line.startswith("/*") :
- inHeader = True
- header += line
else :
- fileData += line
- break
- if "Copyright" in header :
- previousCopyright = header
- m = re.match("\* Copyright \(c\) (?P<startYear>\d\d\d\d)(-(?P<endYear>\d\d\d\d))? (?P<author>.*)", header)
- if m :
- author ="author")
- startYear ="startYear")
- endYear ="endYear")
- elif header != "" :
- fileData = header
+ inCopyright = False
+ inEpilog = True
+ if inEpilog :
+ epilog += line
+ continue
+ file.close()
+ # Parse the copyright
+ copyright = None
+ if len(copyright_text) == 5 :
+ comment_chars = get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename)
+ if copyright_text[0] == comment_chars[0] and copyright_text[4] == comment_chars[2] :
+ matchstring = "(" + get_comment_chars_re_for_filename(filename) + ") Copyright \(c\) (?P<startYear>\d\d\d\d)(-(?P<endYear>\d\d\d\d))? (?P<author>.*)"
+ m = re.match(matchstring, copyright_text[1])
+ if m != None :
+ # FIXME: Do better copyright reconstruction here
+ copyright = True
+ if not copyright :
+ epilog = "\n".join(copyright_text) + epilog
+ return (prolog, copyright, epilog)
+def get_userinfo() :
+ p = subprocess.Popen("git config", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=( != "nt"))
+ username =
+ p.stdin.close()
+ if p.wait() != 0 :
+ return None
+ p = subprocess.Popen("git config", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=( != "nt"))
+ email =
+ p.stdin.close()
+ if p.wait() != 0 :
+ return None
+ return (username, email)
+def get_copyright(username, email) :
+ if email in ["", ""] :
+ else :
+ return Copyright(username,"%Y"), license)
+def check_copyright(filename) :
+ (prolog, copyright, epilog) = parse_file(filename)
+ if copyright == None :
+ print "No copyright found in: " + filename
+ return False
+ else :
+ return True
+def set_copyright(filename, copyright) :
+ (prolog, c, epilog) = parse_file(filename)
+ comment_chars = get_comment_chars_for_filename(filename)
+ copyright_text = copyright.to_string(comment_chars)
+ file = open(filename, "w")
+ if prolog != "":
+ file.write(prolog)
+ file.write(copyright_text)
+ if epilog != "" :
+ file.write(epilog)
- # Read in the rest of the data
- fileData += "".join(lines)
- # Guess empty values
- if author == "" :
- if "Swift/" in fileName :
- author = "Kevin Smith"
- else :
- author = u"Remko Tronçon"
- if startYear == "" :
- startYear ="%Y")
- elif endYear == "" :
- ## TODO: Guess end year by looking at git log --pretty=format:%ai -- <filename>
- pass
- # Generate a copyright
- year = startYear + "-" + endYear if len(endYear) > 0 else startYear
- copyright = TEMPLATE % {
- "author" : author,
- "year" : year
- }
- # Write the copyright to the file
- if copyright.encode("utf-8") != previousCopyright :
- file = open(fileName, "w")
- file.write(copyright.encode("utf-8"))
- file.write(fileData)
- file.close()
-for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk("Swiften/JID") :
- if "3rdParty" in path :
- continue
- for filename in files :
- if not filename.endswith(".cpp") and not filename.endswith(".h") :
+if sys.argv[1] == "check-copyright" :
+ if not check_copyright(sys.argv[2]) :
+ sys.exit(-1)
+elif sys.argv[1] == "check-all-copyrights" :
+ ok = True
+ for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(".") :
+ if "3rdParty" in path or ".sconf" in path :
- if filename.startswith("moc_") :
+ for filename in [os.path.join(path, file) for file in files if (file.endswith(".cpp") or file.endswith(".h")) and not "ui_" in file and not "moc_" in file and not "qrc_" in file] :
+ ok &= check_copyright(filename)
+ if not ok :
+ sys.exit(-1)
+elif sys.argv[1] == "set-copyright" :
+ (username, email) = get_userinfo()
+ copyright = get_copyright(username, email)
+ set_copyright(sys.argv[2], copyright)
+elif sys.argv[1] == "set-all-copyrights" :
+ (username, email) = get_userinfo()
+ copyright = get_copyright(username, email)
+ for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(".") :
+ if "3rdParty" in path or ".sconf" in path :
- fullFilename = path + "/" + filename
- updateCopyright(fullFilename)
+ for filename in [os.path.join(path, file) for file in files if (file.endswith(".cpp") or file.endswith(".h")) and not "ui_" in file and not "moc_" in file and not "qrc_" in file] :
+ set_copyright(filename, copyright)
+else :
+ print "Unknown command: " + sys.argv[1]
+ sys.exit(-1)