diff options
authorTobias Markmann <>2016-02-17 12:23:20 (GMT)
committerKevin Smith <>2016-03-04 16:34:34 (GMT)
commit04a84b0eee359aafaafcbfe3e692c3be0b17d235 (patch)
tree96801b3233c7c823a3fbbf48200aa30dced47719 /Swift/QtUI/QtHighlightRulesItemModel.h
parent51d6af8ca422dca26ffe01756ebb3a9f4ffd8b91 (diff)
Remove unneeded files from old highlight editor UI
Test-Information: ./scons test=unit passed without errors on OS X 10.11.3. Change-Id: I9303fd2d5a08a17d1e8f2ca015bec7c883aeedad
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI/QtHighlightRulesItemModel.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtHighlightRulesItemModel.h b/Swift/QtUI/QtHighlightRulesItemModel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac85628..0000000
--- a/Swift/QtUI/QtHighlightRulesItemModel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Maciej Niedzielski
- * Licensed under the simplified BSD license.
- * See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <QAbstractItemModel>
-namespace Swift {
- class HighlightManager;
- class QtHighlightRulesItemModel : public QAbstractItemModel {
- public:
- QtHighlightRulesItemModel(QObject* parent = NULL);
- void setHighlightManager(HighlightManager* highlightManager);
- QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const;
- int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const;
- QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const;
- bool setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role = Qt::EditRole);
- QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& child) const;
- int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const;
- QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const;
- bool insertRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex());
- bool removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex());
- bool swapRows(int row1, int row2);
- static QString getApplyToString(int);
- enum Columns {
- ApplyTo = 0,
- Sender,
- Keyword,
- Action,
- NickIsKeyword,
- MatchCase,
- MatchWholeWords,
- HighlightText,
- TextColor,
- TextBackground,
- PlaySound,
- SoundFile,
- NumberOfColumns // end of list marker
- };
- enum ApplyToValues {
- ApplyToNone = 0,
- ApplyToAll,
- ApplyToChat,
- ApplyToMUC,
- ApplyToEOL // end of list marker
- };
- private:
- HighlightManager* highlightManager_;
- };