diff options
authorArnt Gulbrandsen <>2011-01-06 14:53:07 (GMT)
committerKevin Smith <>2011-01-13 23:27:11 (GMT)
commit4feb5e9e8844bc68e13d5119f4749e39fdec0ccc (patch)
treee116753594057317ad3445597c1e6f711976ad68 /Swift/QtUI
parenta400bc47e66d18d0d6a2ed195e8ace5697515fcb (diff)
Add keyboard accelerators for tabs (alt-s to switch to the swift room, etc).
Handle window titles that happen to contain the '&' character correctly. Abbreviate the tab bars generated from some long JID localparts (e.g. License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see My future patches are also BSD-licensed, unless I explicitly note a different license in that patch.
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatTabs.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatTabs.cpp
index de3b6ed..3493ba7 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/QtChatTabs.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/QtChatTabs.cpp
@@ -168,22 +168,75 @@ void QtChatTabs::handleTabTitleUpdated(QWidget* widget) {
if (index < 0) {
- tabs_->setTabText(index, tabbable->getCount() > 0 ? QString("(%1) %2").arg(tabbable->getCount()).arg(tabbable->windowTitle()) : tabbable->windowTitle());
+ QString tabText = tabbable->windowTitle().simplified();
+ // look for spectrum-generated and other long JID localparts, and
+ // try to abbreviate the resulting long tab texts
+ QRegExp hasTrailingGarbage( "^(.[-\\w\\s&]+)([^\\s\\w].*)$" );
+ if (hasTrailingGarbage.exactMatch(tabText) &&
+ hasTrailingGarbage.cap(1).simplified().length() >= 2 &&
+ hasTrailingGarbage.cap(2).length() >= 7) {
+ // there may be some trailing garbage, and it's long
+ // enough to be worth removing, and we'd leave at
+ // least a couple of characters.
+ tabText = hasTrailingGarbage.cap(1).simplified();
+ }
+ // QTabBar interprets &, so escape that
+ tabText.replace( "&", "&&" );
+ // see which alt[a-z] keys other tabs use
+ bool accelsTaken[26];
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < 26)
+ accelsTaken[i++] = false;
+ int other = tabs_->tabBar()->count();
+ while (other >= 0) {
+ other--;
+ if ( other != index ) {
+ QString t = tabs_->tabBar()->tabText(other).toLower();
+ int r = t.indexOf( '&' );
+ if ( r >= 0 && t[r+1] >= 'a' && t[r+1] <= 'z' )
+ accelsTaken[t[r+1].unicode()-'a'] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // then look to see which letters in tabText may be used
+ i = 0;
+ int accelPos = -1;
+ while (i < tabText.length() && accelPos < 0) {
+ if ( tabText[i] >= 'A' && tabText[i] <= 'Z' &&
+ !accelsTaken[tabText[i].unicode()-'A'] )
+ accelPos = i;
+ if ( tabText[i] >= 'a' && tabText[i] <= 'z' &&
+ !accelsTaken[tabText[i].unicode()-'a'] )
+ accelPos = i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (accelPos >= 0)
+ tabText = tabText.mid(0, accelPos) + "&" +
+ tabText.mid(accelPos);
+ // this could be improved on some european keyboards, such as
+ // the German one (where alt-� is available) and basically
+ // doesn't work on Arabic/Indic keyboards (where Latin letters
+ // aren't available), but I don't care to deal with those.
+ tabs_->setTabText(index, tabbable->getCount() > 0 ? QString("(%1) %2").arg(tabbable->getCount()).arg(tabText) : tabText);
QColor tabTextColor;
switch (tabbable->getWidgetAlertState()) {
case QtTabbable::WaitingActivity : tabTextColor = QColor(217, 20, 43); break;
case QtTabbable::ImpendingActivity : tabTextColor = QColor(27, 171, 32); break;
default : tabTextColor = QColor();
- tabs_->tabBar()->setTabTextColor(index, tabTextColor);
+ tabs_->tabBar()->setTabTextColor(index, tabTextColor);
int unread = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tabs_->count(); i++) {
QtTabbable* tab = qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(tabs_->widget(i));
if (tab) {
- unread += tab->getCount();
+ unread += tab->getCount();
QtTabbable* current = qobject_cast<QtTabbable*>(tabs_->currentWidget());
setWindowTitle(unread > 0 ? QString("(%1) %2").arg(unread).arg(current->windowTitle()) : current->windowTitle());
@@ -199,7 +252,7 @@ void QtChatTabs::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) {
void QtChatTabs::moveEvent(QMoveEvent*) {
- emit geometryChanged();
+ emit geometryChanged();
void QtChatTabs::checkForFirstShow() {