diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'BuildTools')
17 files changed, 1045 insertions, 522 deletions
diff --git a/BuildTools/CLang/.gitignore b/BuildTools/CLang/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index df682c0..0000000
--- a/BuildTools/CLang/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/BuildTools/CLang/CLangDiagnosticsFlagsTool.cpp b/BuildTools/CLang/CLangDiagnosticsFlagsTool.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ccd5925..0000000
--- a/BuildTools/CLang/CLangDiagnosticsFlagsTool.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Remko Tronçon
- * Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.
- * See Documentation/Licenses/GPLv3.txt for more information.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <set>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp>
-#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Include diagnostics data from CLang
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#define DIAG(name, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) name,
-namespace diag {
- enum LexKinds {
-#include <clang/Basic/>
-#include <clang/Basic/>
-#include <clang/Basic/>
-#include <clang/Basic/>
-#include <clang/Basic/>
-#include <clang/Basic/>
- };
-#include <clang/Basic/>
-struct DiagTableEntry {
- const char* name;
- const short* array;
- const short* group;
-static const DiagTableEntry diagnostics[] = {
-#include <clang/Basic/>
-static const size_t diagnostics_count = sizeof(diagnostics) / sizeof(diagnostics[0]);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-using namespace boost;
-struct Properties {
- Properties() : have(false), implicitHave(false), dontWant(false), implicitDontWant(false), ignored(false), available(false), missing(false), redundant(false), alreadyCovered(false) {
- }
- std::string name;
- bool have;
- bool implicitHave;
- bool dontWant;
- bool implicitDontWant;
- bool ignored;
- bool available;
- bool missing;
- bool redundant;
- bool alreadyCovered;
-class GraphVizLabelWriter {
- public:
- GraphVizLabelWriter(const std::vector<Properties>& properties) : properties(properties) {
- }
- template <class VertexOrEdge>
- void operator()(std::ostream& out, const VertexOrEdge& v) const {
- std::string color;
- if (properties[v].missing) {
- color = "orange";
- }
- else if (properties[v].redundant) {
- color = "lightblue";
- }
- else if (properties[v].have) {
- color = "darkgreen";
- }
- else if (properties[v].implicitHave) {
- color = "green";
- }
- else if (properties[v].dontWant) {
- color = "red";
- }
- else if (properties[v].implicitDontWant) {
- color = "pink";
- }
- else if (properties[v].ignored) {
- color = "white";
- }
- else if (properties[v].available) {
- color = "yellow";
- }
- else {
- assert(false);
- }
- out << "[label=" << escape_dot_string(properties[v].name) << " fillcolor=\"" << color << "\" style=filled]";
- }
- private:
- const std::vector<Properties> properties;
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- // Parse command-line arguments
- std::set<std::string> have;
- std::set<std::string> dontWant;
- std::string outputDir;
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
- std::string arg(argv[i]);
- if (starts_with(arg, "-W")) {
- have.insert(arg.substr(2, arg.npos));
- }
- else if (starts_with(arg, "-w")) {
- dontWant.insert(arg.substr(2, arg.npos));
- }
- else if (starts_with(arg, "-O")) {
- outputDir = arg.substr(2, arg.npos) + "/";
- }
- }
- // Build the graph and initialize properties
- typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS> Graph;
- typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
- Graph g(diagnostics_count);
- std::vector<Properties> properties(num_vertices(g));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < diagnostics_count; ++i) {
- std::string name(diagnostics[i].name);
- properties[i].name = name;
- properties[i].implicitHave = properties[i].have = have.find(name) != have.end();
- properties[i].implicitDontWant = properties[i].dontWant = dontWant.find(name) != dontWant.end();
- properties[i].ignored = diagnostics[i].group == 0 && diagnostics[i].array == 0;
- properties[i].alreadyCovered = false;
- properties[i].available = true;
- for (const short* j = diagnostics[i].group; j && *j != -1; ++j) {
- add_edge(i, *j, g);
- }
- }
- // Sort the diagnostics
- std::list<Vertex> sortedDiagnostics;
- boost::topological_sort(g, std::front_inserter(sortedDiagnostics));
- // Propagate dontWant and have properties down
- for(std::list<Vertex>::const_iterator i = sortedDiagnostics.begin(); i != sortedDiagnostics.end(); ++i) {
- graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator adjacentIt, adjacentEnd;
- for (tie(adjacentIt, adjacentEnd) = adjacent_vertices(*i, g); adjacentIt != adjacentEnd; ++adjacentIt) {
- properties[*adjacentIt].implicitDontWant = properties[*i].implicitDontWant || properties[*adjacentIt].implicitDontWant;
- properties[*adjacentIt].implicitHave = properties[*i].implicitHave || properties[*adjacentIt].implicitHave;
- }
- }
- // Propagate 'available' property upwards
- for(std::list<Vertex>::const_reverse_iterator i = sortedDiagnostics.rbegin(); i != sortedDiagnostics.rend(); ++i) {
- properties[*i].available = properties[*i].available && !properties[*i].implicitDontWant;
- graph_traits<Graph>::in_edge_iterator edgesIt, edgesEnd;
- graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor edge;
- for (tie(edgesIt, edgesEnd) = in_edges(*i, g); edgesIt != edgesEnd; ++edgesIt) {
- properties[source(*edgesIt, g)].available = properties[source(*edgesIt, g)].available && properties[*i].available;
- }
- }
- // Collect missing & redundant flags
- std::set<std::string> missing;
- std::set<std::string> redundant;
- for(std::list<Vertex>::const_iterator i = sortedDiagnostics.begin(); i != sortedDiagnostics.end(); ++i) {
- bool markChildrenCovered = true;
- if (properties[*i].alreadyCovered) {
- if (properties[*i].have) {
- properties[*i].redundant = true;
- redundant.insert(properties[*i].name);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (properties[*i].available) {
- if (!properties[*i].implicitHave && !properties[*i].ignored) {
- properties[*i].missing = true;
- missing.insert(properties[*i].name);
- }
- }
- else {
- markChildrenCovered = false;
- }
- }
- if (markChildrenCovered) {
- graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator adjacentIt, adjacentEnd;
- for (tie(adjacentIt, adjacentEnd) = adjacent_vertices(*i, g); adjacentIt != adjacentEnd; ++adjacentIt) {
- properties[*adjacentIt].alreadyCovered = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // Write information
- if (!missing.empty()) {
- std::cout << "Missing diagnostic flags: ";
- for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i = missing.begin(); i != missing.end(); ++i) {
- std::cout << "-W" << *i << " ";
- }
- std::cout<< std::endl;
- }
- if (!redundant.empty()) {
- std::cout << "Redundant diagnostic flags: ";
- for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i = redundant.begin(); i != redundant.end(); ++i) {
- std::cout << "-W" << *i << " ";
- }
- std::cout<< std::endl;
- }
- // Write graphviz file
- if (!outputDir.empty()) {
- std::ofstream f((outputDir + "").c_str());
- write_graphviz(f, g, GraphVizLabelWriter(properties));
- f.close();
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/BuildTools/CLang/SConscript b/BuildTools/CLang/SConscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 850c35c..0000000
--- a/BuildTools/CLang/SConscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#myenv = Environment()
-#myenv.Append(CPPPATH = ["."])
-#myenv.Program("CLangDiagnosticsFlagsTool", ["CLangDiagnosticsFlagsTool.cpp"])
-#disabledDiagnostics = ["-wunreachable-code", "-wunused-macros", "-wmissing-noreturn", "-wlong-long", "-wcast-align", "-wglobal-constructors", "-wmissing-prototypes", "-wpadded", "-wshadow"]
-#clangDiagnosticsFlagsToolCommand = "BuildTools/CLang/CLangDiagnosticsFlagsTool -O" + env.Dir(".").abspath + " " + " ".join(disabledDiagnostics) + " "
-#clangDiagnosticsFlagsToolCommand += " ".join([flag for flag in env["CXXFLAGS"] if flag.startswith("-W")])
-#clangDiagnosticsFlagsToolCommand += "\n"
-#clangDiagnosticsFlagsToolCommand += "dot -Tpng " + env.Dir(".").abspath + "/ > " + env.Dir(".").abspath + "/clang-diagnostics-overview.png\n"
-#v = env.WriteVal("#/BuildTools/CLang/", env.Value(clangDiagnosticsFlagsToolCommand))
-#env.AddPostAction(v, Chmod(v[0], 0755))
diff --git a/BuildTools/ b/BuildTools/
index 73f49db..274a760 100755
--- a/BuildTools/
+++ b/BuildTools/
@@ -2,20 +2,41 @@
import os, sys
+ ("iostream", ["Swiften/Base/format.h"]),
+ ("Base/Log.h", []),
+ ("Base/format.h", []),
+ ("algorithm", ["Swiften/Base/Algorithm.h", "Swiften/Base/SafeAllocator.h", "Swiften/Base/Listenable.h"]),
+ ("boost/bind.hpp", ["Swiften/Base/Listenable.h"]),
+ ("boost/filesystem.hpp", []),
+ ("Base/foreach.h", []),
+ ("boost/date_time/date_time.hpp", []),
+ ("boost/filesystem/filesystem.hpp", []),
+ # To avoid
+ ("Base/Algorithm.h", ["Swiften/StringCodecs/HMAC.h"]),
foundBadHeaders = False
-for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(".") :
- if "3rdParty" in path or ".sconf" in path or ".framework" in path :
+filename = sys.argv[1]
+if "3rdParty" in filename or ".sconf" in filename or ".framework" in filename or not filename.endswith(".h") :
+ sys.exit(0)
+if not "Swiften" in filename :
+ sys.exit(0)
+if filename.endswith("Swiften.h") :
+ sys.exit(0)
+file = open(filename, "r")
+for line in file.readlines() :
+ if not "#include" in line :
- if not "Swiften" in path :
+ if "Base/Log.h" in filename :
- for filename in [os.path.join(path, file) for file in files if file.endswith(".h")] :
- file = open(filename, "r")
- for line in file.readlines() :
- for include in ["iostream", "algorithm", "cassert", "boost/bind.hpp", "boost/filesystem.hpp", "Base/foreach.h", "Base/Log.h", "boost/date_time/date_time.hpp", "boost/filesystem/filesystem.hpp"] :
- if "#include" in line and include in line and not "Base/Log" in filename :
- print "Found " + include + " include in " + filename
- foundBadHeaders = True
+ for forbiddenInclude, ignores in FORBIDDEN_INCLUDES :
+ if forbiddenInclude in line and len([x for x in ignores if x in filename]) == 0 :
+ print "Found " + forbiddenInclude + " include in " + filename
+ foundBadHeaders = True
diff --git a/BuildTools/Copyright/ b/BuildTools/Copyright/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..63c454e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuildTools/Copyright/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import subprocess
+def print_log(full_log):
+ full_log_lines = full_log.split("\n")
+ commits = []
+ commit_bit = "commit "
+ author_bit = "Author: "
+ date_bit = "Date: "
+ commit = None
+ for line in full_log_lines:
+ if line[0:len(commit_bit)] == commit_bit:
+ if commit:
+ commits.append(commit)
+ commit = {'text':''}
+ handled = False
+ for bit in [commit_bit, author_bit, date_bit]:
+ if line[0:len(bit)] == bit:
+ commit[bit] = line
+ handled = True
+ if not handled:
+ commit['text'] += line
+ commits.append(commit)
+ contributions = []
+ for commit in commits:
+ if not "" in commit[author_bit] and not "" in commit[author_bit]:
+ contributions.append(commit)
+ #print contributions
+ contributors = {}
+ for commit in contributions:
+ if not commit[author_bit] in contributors:
+ contributors[commit[author_bit]] = []
+ contributors[commit[author_bit]].append(commit[commit_bit])
+ for contributor in contributors:
+ print contributor + " has contributed patches " + ", ".join([commit[len(commit_bit):] for commit in contributors[contributor]])
+full_swiften_log = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", "--", "Swiften"])
+print "Contributors for Swiften/ subtree:\n"
+full_all_log = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log"])
+print "\n\n\n\n"
+print "Contributors for full tree:\n"
diff --git a/BuildTools/ b/BuildTools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..53a345f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuildTools/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os, os.path, sys, re
+resultsDir = sys.argv[1]
+resultDirs = [ d for d in os.listdir(resultsDir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(resultsDir, d)) ]
+if len(resultDirs) > 0 :
+ resultDir = os.path.join(resultsDir, resultDirs[-1])
+ resultFileName = os.path.join(resultDir, "index.html")
+ resultData = []
+ f = open(resultFileName, "r")
+ skipLines = 0
+ for line in f.readlines() :
+ if skipLines > 0 :
+ skipLines -= 1
+ else :
+ if ("3rdParty" in line or "SHA1.cpp" in line or "lua.c" in line) :
+ m = re.match(".*(report-.*\.html)", line)
+ os.remove(os.path.join(resultDir,
+ skipLines = 2
+ else :
+ resultData.append(line)
+ f.close()
+ f = open(resultFileName, "w")
+ f.writelines(resultData)
+ f.close()
diff --git a/BuildTools/Git/Hooks/pre-commit b/BuildTools/Git/Hooks/pre-commit
index 11f0c2d..ad0945e 100755
--- a/BuildTools/Git/Hooks/pre-commit
+++ b/BuildTools/Git/Hooks/pre-commit
@@ -16,4 +16,8 @@ for file in $(git diff --cached --name-only); do
echo "ERROR: '$file' has a copyright error. Aborting commit."
exit -1
+ if ! BuildTools/ $file; then
+ echo "ERROR: '$file' failed header sanity test. Aborting commit."
+ exit -1
+ fi
diff --git a/BuildTools/MSVS/.gitignore b/BuildTools/MSVS/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 95a4834..0000000
--- a/BuildTools/MSVS/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/BuildTools/MSVS/ b/BuildTools/MSVS/
deleted file mode 100644
index d13df08..0000000
--- a/BuildTools/MSVS/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-import os, os.path
-projects = [("Swift", "Swift\QtUI\Swift.exe"), ("Slimber", "Slimber\Qt\Slimber.exe")]
-for (project, outputbin) in projects :
- if not os.path.exists(project) :
- os.mkdir(project)
- output = open(os.path.join(project, project + ".vcproj"), "w")
- headers = []
- sources = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join("..", "..", project)) :
- for file in files :
- if file.endswith(".h") :
- headers.append('<File RelativePath="' + os.path.join("..", root, file) + '" />')
- elif file.endswith(".cpp") :
- sources.append('<File RelativePath="' + os.path.join("..", root, file) + '" />')
- output.write("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
- ProjectType="Visual C++"
- Version="9.00"
- Name="%(project)s"
- Keyword="MakeFileProj"
- TargetFrameworkVersion="196613"
- >
- <Platforms>
- <Platform
- Name="Win32"
- />
- </Platforms>
- <ToolFiles>
- </ToolFiles>
- <Configurations>
- <Configuration
- Name="Debug|Win32"
- OutputDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
- IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
- ConfigurationType="0"
- >
- <Tool
- Name="VCNMakeTool"
- BuildCommandLine="cd ..\..\..\ &amp;&amp; scons debug=1 %(project)s"
- ReBuildCommandLine=""
- CleanCommandLine="cd ..\..\..\ &amp;&amp; scons -c debug=1 %(project)s"
- Output="..\..\..\%(output)s"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG"
- IncludeSearchPath=""
- ForcedIncludes=""
- AssemblySearchPath=""
- ForcedUsingAssemblies=""
- CompileAsManaged=""
- />
- </Configuration>
- <Configuration
- Name="Release|Win32"
- OutputDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
- IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
- ConfigurationType="0"
- >
- <Tool
- Name="VCNMakeTool"
- BuildCommandLine="cd ..\..\..\ &amp;&amp; scons %(project)s"
- ReBuildCommandLine=""
- CleanCommandLine="cd ..\..\..\ &amp;&amp; scons -c %(project)s"
- Output="..\..\..\%(output)s"
- PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG"
- IncludeSearchPath=""
- ForcedIncludes=""
- AssemblySearchPath=""
- ForcedUsingAssemblies=""
- CompileAsManaged=""
- />
- </Configuration>
- </Configurations>
- <References>
- </References>
- <Files>
- <Filter
- Name="Source Files"
- Filter="cpp;c;cc;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx"
- >
- %(sources)s
- </Filter>
- <Filter
- Name="Header Files"
- Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc;xsd"
- >
- %(headers)s
- </Filter>
- <Filter
- Name="Resource Files"
- Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav"
- >
- </Filter>
- </Files>
- <Globals>
- </Globals>
-</VisualStudioProject>""" % { "project": project, "output" : outputbin, "headers" : '\n'.join(headers), "sources": '\n'.join(sources) })
- output.close()
diff --git a/BuildTools/MSVS/Swift.sln b/BuildTools/MSVS/Swift.sln
deleted file mode 100644
index 2724f81..0000000
--- a/BuildTools/MSVS/Swift.sln
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
-# Visual C++ Express 2008
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Swift", "Swift\Swift.vcproj", "{C67C3A5B-1382-4B4A-88F7-3BFC98DA43A2}"
-Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Slimber", "Slimber\Slimber.vcproj", "{597242B2-A667-47A1-B69E-D2C4281183D0}"
- GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
- Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
- Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
- {C67C3A5B-1382-4B4A-88F7-3BFC98DA43A2}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {C67C3A5B-1382-4B4A-88F7-3BFC98DA43A2}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {C67C3A5B-1382-4B4A-88F7-3BFC98DA43A2}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {C67C3A5B-1382-4B4A-88F7-3BFC98DA43A2}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- {597242B2-A667-47A1-B69E-D2C4281183D0}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
- {597242B2-A667-47A1-B69E-D2C4281183D0}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
- {597242B2-A667-47A1-B69E-D2C4281183D0}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
- {597242B2-A667-47A1-B69E-D2C4281183D0}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
- EndGlobalSection
- GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
- HideSolutionNode = FALSE
- EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot b/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot
index 361004f..4e7e037 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot
@@ -8,19 +8,20 @@ sys.path.append(Dir("#/BuildTools/SCons").abspath)
vars = Variables(os.path.join(Dir("#").abspath, ""))
vars.Add('cc', "C compiler")
vars.Add('cxx', "C++ compiler")
-vars.Add('ccflags', "Extra C(++) compiler flags")
+vars.Add('ccflags', "Extra C/C++/ObjC compiler flags")
+vars.Add('cxxflags', "Extra C++ compiler flags")
vars.Add('link', "Linker")
vars.Add('linkflags', "Extra linker flags")
vars.Add(BoolVariable("ccache", "Use CCache", "no"))
-vars.Add(BoolVariable("distcc", "Use DistCC", "no"))
-vars.Add('distcc_hosts', "DistCC hosts (overrides DISTCC_HOSTS)")
vars.Add(EnumVariable("test", "Compile and run tests", "none", ["none", "all", "unit", "system"]))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("optimize", "Compile with optimizations turned on", "no"))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("debug", "Compile with debug information", "yes"))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("allow_warnings", "Allow compilation warnings during compilation", "yes"))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("assertions", "Compile with assertions", "yes"))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("max_jobs", "Build with maximum number of parallel jobs", "no"))
-vars.Add(EnumVariable("target", "Choose a target platform for compilation", "native", ["native", "iphone-simulator", "iphone-device", "xcode"]))
+vars.Add(EnumVariable("target", "Choose a target platform for compilation", "native", ["native", "iphone-simulator", "iphone-device", "xcode", "android"]))
+vars.Add('android_toolchain', "Path to Android toolchain")
+vars.Add('android_sdk_bin', "Path to Android SDK's tools directory")
vars.Add(BoolVariable("swift_mobile", "Build mobile Swift", "no"))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("swiften_dll", "Build Swiften as dynamically linked library", "no"))
if != "nt" :
@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ if == "nt" :
if == "nt" :
vars.Add(PackageVariable("bonjour", "Bonjour SDK location", "yes"))
vars.Add(PackageVariable("openssl", "OpenSSL location", "yes"))
+vars.Add(BoolVariable("openssl_force_bundled", "Force use of the bundled OpenSSL", "no"))
+vars.Add(PackageVariable("hunspell", "Hunspell location", False))
vars.Add(PathVariable("boost_includedir", "Boost headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(PathVariable("boost_libdir", "Boost library location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(PathVariable("expat_includedir", "Expat headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
@@ -47,27 +50,41 @@ vars.Add(PackageVariable("icu", "ICU library location", "no"))
vars.Add(PathVariable("libidn_includedir", "LibIDN headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(PathVariable("libidn_libdir", "LibIDN library location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add("libidn_libname", "LibIDN library name", "libidn" if == "nt" else "idn")
+vars.Add(PathVariable("libminiupnpc_includedir", "LibMiniUPNPC headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
+vars.Add(PathVariable("libminiupnpc_libdir", "LibMiniUPNPC library location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
+vars.Add("libminiupnpc_libname", "LibMiniUPNPC library name", "libminiupnpc" if == "nt" else "miniupnpc")
+vars.Add(PathVariable("libnatpmp_includedir", "LibNATPMP headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
+vars.Add(PathVariable("libnatpmp_libdir", "LibNATPMP library location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
+vars.Add("libnatpmp_libname", "LibNATPMP library name", "libnatpmp" if == "nt" else "natpmp")
vars.Add(PathVariable("sqlite_includedir", "SQLite headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(PathVariable("sqlite_libdir", "SQLite library location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add("sqlite_libname", "SQLite library name", "libsqlite3" if == "nt" else "sqlite3")
vars.Add("sqlite_force_bundled", "Force use of the bundled SQLite", None)
+vars.Add(PathVariable("lua_includedir", "Lua headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
+vars.Add(PathVariable("lua_libdir", "Lua library location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
+vars.Add("lua_libname", "Lua library name", "liblua" if == "nt" else "lua")
+vars.Add("lua_force_bundled", "Force use of the bundled Lua", None)
vars.Add(PathVariable("avahi_includedir", "Avahi headers location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(PathVariable("avahi_libdir", "Avahi library location", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(PathVariable("qt", "Qt location", "", PathVariable.PathAccept))
+vars.Add(BoolVariable("qt5", "Compile in Qt5 mode", "no")) # TODO: auto-detect this
vars.Add(PathVariable("docbook_xml", "DocBook XML", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(PathVariable("docbook_xsl", "DocBook XSL", None, PathVariable.PathAccept))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("build_examples", "Build example programs", "yes"))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("enable_variants", "Build in a separate dir under build/, depending on compile flags", "no"))
-vars.Add(BoolVariable("experimental", "Build experimental features", "no"))
+vars.Add(BoolVariable("experimental", "Build experimental features", "yes"))
vars.Add(BoolVariable("set_iterator_debug_level", "Set _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0", "yes"))
+vars.Add(BoolVariable("unbound", "Build bundled ldns and unbound. Use them for DNS lookup.", "no"))
# Set up default build & configure environment
env_ENV = {
'PATH' : os.environ['PATH'],
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ""),
+ 'TERM' : os.environ.get("TERM", ""),
env = Environment(ENV = env_ENV, variables = vars, MSVC_VERSION = ARGUMENTS["MSVC_VERSION"])
@@ -76,8 +93,18 @@ else :
+# Workaround for missing Visual Studio 2012 support in SCons
+# Requires scons to be run from a VS2012 console
+if env.get("MSVC_VERSION", "").startswith("11.0") :
+ env["ENV"]["LIB"] = os.environ["LIB"]
+ env["ENV"]["INCLUDE"] = os.environ["INCLUDE"]
# Default environment variables
-env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"] = {}
+env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"] = {
+ "LIBPATH": [],
+ "LIBS": [],
# Default custom tools
env.Tool("Test", toolpath = ["#/BuildTools/SCons/Tools"])
@@ -104,33 +131,50 @@ if env["max_jobs"] :
except ImportError :
-# Default compiler flags
-if env.get("distcc", False) :
- env["ENV"]["HOME"] = os.environ["HOME"]
- env["ENV"]["DISTCC_HOSTS"] = os.environ.get("DISTCC_HOSTS", "")
- if "distcc_hosts" in env :
- env["ENV"]["DISTCC_HOSTS"] = env["distcc_hosts"]
- env["CC"] = "distcc gcc"
- env["CXX"] = "distcc g++"
+# Set speed options
+env.SetOption("max_drift", 1)
+env.SetOption("implicit_cache", True)
+# Set the default compiler to CLang on OS X, and set the necessary flags
+if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" and env["target"] == "native" :
+ if "cc" not in env :
+ env["CC"] = "clang"
+ if platform.machine() == "x86_64" :
+ env["CCFLAGS"] = ["-arch", "x86_64"]
+ if "cxx" not in env :
+ env["CXX"] = "clang++"
+ # Compiling Qt5 in C++0x mode includes headers that we don't have
+ if not env["qt5"] :
+ env["CXXFLAGS"] = ["-std=c++11"]
+ if "link" not in env :
+ env["LINK"] = "clang"
+ if platform.machine() == "x86_64" :
+ env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ["-arch", "x86_64"])
+# Check whether we are running inside scan-build, and override compiler if so
+if "CCC_ANALYZER_HTML" in os.environ :
+ for key, value in os.environ.items() :
+ if key.startswith("CCC_") or key.startswith("CLANG") :
+ env["ENV"][key] = value
+ env["CC"] = os.environ["CC"]
+ env["CXX"] = os.environ["CXX"]
+# Override the compiler with custom variables set at config time
if "cc" in env :
env["CC"] = env["cc"]
if "cxx" in env :
env["CXX"] = env["cxx"]
-ccflags = env.get("ccflags", [])
-if isinstance(ccflags, str) :
- # FIXME: Make the splitting more robust
- env["CCFLAGS"] = ccflags.split(" ")
-else :
- env["CCFLAGS"] = ccflags
if "link" in env :
env["SHLINK"] = env["link"]
env["LINK"] = env["link"]
-linkflags = env.get("linkflags", [])
-if isinstance(linkflags, str) :
- # FIXME: Make the splitting more robust
- env["LINKFLAGS"] = linkflags.split(" ")
-else :
- env["LINKFLAGS"] = linkflags
+for flags_type in ["ccflags", "cxxflags", "linkflags"] :
+ if flags_type in env :
+ if isinstance(env[flags_type], str) :
+ # FIXME: Make the splitting more robust
+ env[flags_type.upper()] = env[flags_type].split(" ")
+ else :
+ env[flags_type.upper()] = env[flags_type]
# This isn't a real flag (yet) AFAIK. Be sure to append it to the CXXFLAGS
# where you need it
env["OBJCCFLAGS"] = []
@@ -146,7 +190,7 @@ if env["target"] == "xcode" and os.environ["CONFIGURATION"] == "Release" :
if env["debug"] :
if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
- env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["/Z7"])
+ env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["/Zi"])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ["/DEBUG"])
if env["set_iterator_debug_level"] :
@@ -184,7 +228,6 @@ if env.get("mac105", 0) :
"-isysroot", "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk",
"-arch", "i386"])
- env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ["Security"])
if env.get("mac106", 0) :
assert(env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin")
env.Append(CCFLAGS = [
@@ -194,7 +237,6 @@ if env.get("mac106", 0) :
"-isysroot", "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk",
"-arch", "i386"])
- env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ["Security"])
if not env["assertions"] :
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["NDEBUG"])
@@ -209,24 +251,33 @@ if env["PLATFORM"] == "posix" and platform.machine() == "x86_64" :
# Warnings
if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
- # TODO: Find the ideal set of warnings
- #env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["/Wall"])
- pass
+ env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["/wd4068"])
else :
- env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wextra", "-Wall", "-Wnon-virtual-dtor", "-Wundef", "-Wold-style-cast", "-Wno-long-long", "-Woverloaded-virtual", "-Wfloat-equal", "-Wredundant-decls"])
+ if "clang" in env["CXX"] :
+ env.Append(CXXFLAGS = [
+ "-Weverything",
+ "-Wno-unknown-warning-option", # To stay compatible between CLang versions
+ "-Wno-unknown-pragmas", # To stay compatible between CLang versions
+ "-Wno-weak-vtables", # Virtually none of our elements have outlined methods. This also seems to affect classes in .cpp files, which in turn affects all our tests, which may need fixing in CLang
+ "-Wno-shadow", # Also warns for shadowing on constructor arguments, which we do a lot
+ "-Wno-documentation", # We don't care about documentation warnings
+ "-Wno-exit-time-destructors", # Used a lot in e.g. CPPUnit
+ "-Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic", # We do different things that violate this, but they could be fixed
+ "-Wno-global-constructors", # We depend on this for e.g. string constants
+ "-Wno-disabled-macro-expansion", # Caused due to system headers
+ "-Wno-c++11-extensions", # We use C++11; turn this off when we use -std=c++11
+ "-Wno-long-long", # We use long long
+ "-Wno-padded",
+ "-Wno-missing-variable-declarations", # Getting rid of CPPUnit warnings
+ "-Wno-direct-ivar-access", # Obj-C code warning
+ ])
+ else :
+ env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wextra", "-Wall", "-Wnon-virtual-dtor", "-Wundef", "-Wold-style-cast", "-Wno-long-long", "-Woverloaded-virtual", "-Wfloat-equal", "-Wredundant-decls", "-Wno-unknown-pragmas"])
+ gccVersion = env.get("CCVERSION", "0.0.0").split(".")
+ if gccVersion >= ["4", "5", "0"] and not "clang" in env["CC"] :
+ env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wlogical-op"])
if not env.get("allow_warnings", False) :
env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-Werror"])
- gccVersion = env.get("CCVERSION", "0.0.0").split(".")
- if gccVersion >= ["4", "5", "0"] and not "clang" in env["CC"] :
- env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-Wlogical-op"])
- if "clang" in env["CC"] :
- env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-W#warnings", "-Wc++0x-compat", "-Waddress-of-temporary", "-Wambiguous-member-template", "-Warray-bounds", "-Watomic-properties", "-Wbind-to-temporary-copy", "-Wbuiltin-macro-redefined", "-Wc++-compat", "-Wc++0x-extensions", "-Wcomments", "-Wconditional-uninitialized", "-Wconstant-logical-operand", "-Wdeclaration-after-statement", "-Wdeprecated", "-Wdeprecated-implementations", "-Wdeprecated-writable-strings", "-Wduplicate-method-arg", "-Wempty-body", "-Wendif-labels", "-Wenum-compare", "-Wformat=2", "-Wfour-char-constants", "-Wgnu", "-Wincomplete-implementation", "-Winvalid-noreturn", "-Winvalid-offsetof", "-Winvalid-token-paste", "-Wlocal-type-template-args", "-Wmethod-signatures", "-Wmicrosoft", "-Wmissing-declarations", "-Wnon-pod-varargs", "-Wnull-dereference", "-Wout-of-line-declaration", "-Woverlength-strings", "-Wpacked", "-Wpointer-arith", "-Wpointer-sign", "-Wprotocol", "-Wreadonly-setter-attrs", "-Wselector", "-Wshift-overflow", "-Wshift-sign-overflow", "-Wstrict-selector-match", "-Wsuper-class-method-mismatch", "-Wtautological-compare", "-Wtypedef-redefinition", "-Wundeclared-selector", "-Wunknown-warning-option", "-Wunnamed-type-template-args", "-Wunused-exception-parameter", "-Wunused-member-function", "-Wused-but-marked-unused", "-Wvariadic-macros", "-Wno-c++11-extensions"])
-# To enable:
-# "-Wnonfragile-abi2" -> deprecated, is now -Warc-abi i think
-# "-Wheader-hygiene"
-# "-Wnon-gcc",
-# "-Wweak-vtables",
-# "-Wlarge-by-value-copy",
if env.get("coverage", 0) :
assert(env["PLATFORM"] != "win32")
@@ -235,14 +286,14 @@ if env.get("coverage", 0) :
if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
env.Append(LIBS = ["user32", "crypt32", "dnsapi", "iphlpapi", "ws2_32", "wsock32", "Advapi32"])
- env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["/EHsc", "/nologo"])
+ env.Append(CCFLAGS = ["/EHsc", "/nologo", "/Zm256"])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = ["/INCREMENTAL:no", "/NOLOGO"])
if int(env["MSVS_VERSION"].split(".")[0]) < 10 :
env["LINKCOM"] = [env["LINKCOM"], 'mt.exe -nologo -manifest ${TARGET}.manifest -outputresource:$TARGET;1']
env["SHLINKCOM"] = [env["SHLINKCOM"], 'mt.exe -nologo -manifest ${TARGET}.manifest -outputresource:$TARGET;2']
-if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" and not env["target"] in ["iphone-device", "iphone-simulator", "xcode"] :
- env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ["IOKit", "AppKit", "SystemConfiguration", "Security", "SecurityInterface"])
+if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" and not env["target"] in ["iphone-device", "iphone-simulator", "xcode", "android"] :
+ env["PLATFORM_FLAGS"]["FRAMEWORKS"] += ["IOKit", "AppKit", "SystemConfiguration", "Security", "SecurityInterface"]
# Testing
env["TEST_TYPE"] = env["test"]
@@ -257,13 +308,14 @@ env["TEST_CREATE_LIBRARIES"] = "create_test_libraries" in ARGUMENTS
# Packaging
env["DIST"] = "dist" in ARGUMENTS or env.GetOption("clean")
if ARGUMENTS.get(path, "") :
if os.path.isabs(ARGUMENTS[path]) :
env[path] = Dir(ARGUMENTS[path]).abspath
else :
env[path] = Dir("#/" + ARGUMENTS[path]).abspath
# XCode / iPhone / ...
@@ -281,15 +333,15 @@ if target in ["iphone-device", "iphone-simulator", "xcode"] :
else :
# Hard code values
- env["XCODE_PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR"] = "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin"
+ env["XCODE_PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR"] = "/Applications/"
if target == "iphone-device":
env["XCODE_ARCH_FLAGS"] = ["-arch", "armv6", "-arch", "armv7"]
sdkPart = "iPhoneOS"
else :
env["XCODE_ARCH_FLAGS"] = ["-arch", "i386"]
sdkPart = "iPhoneSimulator"
- sdkVer = "4.3"
- env["XCODE_SDKROOT"] = "/Developer/Platforms/" + sdkPart + ".platform/Developer/SDKs/" + sdkPart + sdkVer + ".sdk"
+ sdkVer = "6.0"
+ env["XCODE_SDKROOT"] = "/Applications/" + sdkPart + ".platform/Developer/SDKs/" + sdkPart + sdkVer + ".sdk"
# Set the build flags
@@ -307,6 +359,17 @@ if target in ["iphone-device", "iphone-simulator", "xcode"] :
# Bit of a hack, because BOOST doesn't know the endianness for ARM
+# Android
+if target in ["android"] :
+ env["ENV"]["PATH"] = env["android_toolchain"] + "/bin:" + env["ENV"]["PATH"]
+ env["CC"] = "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc"
+ env["CXX"] = "arm-linux-androideabi-g++"
+ env["RANLIB"] = "arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib"
+ env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["ANDROID"])
# CCache
if env.get("ccache", False) :
env["ENV"]["HOME"] = os.environ["HOME"]
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
index a0a6e8d..ce78d03 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def colorize(command, target, color) :
suffix = "\033[0m"
return " " + prefix + command + suffix + " " + target
-if int(ARGUMENTS.get("V", 0)) == 0:
+if int(ARGUMENTS.get("V", 0)) == 0 and not ARGUMENTS.get("dump_trace", False) :
env["CCCOMSTR"] = colorize("CC", "$TARGET", "green")
env["SHCCCOMSTR"] = colorize("CC", "$TARGET", "green")
env["CXXCOMSTR"] = colorize("CXX", "$TARGET", "green")
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ if int(ARGUMENTS.get("V", 0)) == 0:
env["SHLINKCOMSTR"] = colorize("LINK", "$TARGET", "red")
env["ARCOMSTR"] = colorize("AR", "$TARGET", "red")
env["RANLIBCOMSTR"] = colorize("RANLIB", "$TARGET", "red")
+ env["PCHCOMSTR"] = colorize("PCH", "$TARGET", "blue")
env["QT4_RCCCOMSTR"] = colorize("RCC", "$TARGET", "blue")
env["QT4_UICCOMSTR"] = colorize("UIC", "$TARGET", "blue")
env["QT4_MOCFROMHCOMSTR"] = colorize("MOC", "$TARGET", "blue")
@@ -82,6 +83,12 @@ def CheckPKG(context, name):
def CheckVersion(context, library, version, define, header, value) :
context.Message("Checking " + library + " version (>= " + version + ") ...")
+ version = GetVersion(context, define, header)
+ ok = version >= value
+ context.Result(ok)
+ return ok
+def GetVersion(context, define, header, extension = ".c") :
ret = context.TryRun("""
#include <%(header)s>
#include <stdio.h>
@@ -90,10 +97,12 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
printf("%%d\\n", %(define)s);
return 0;
-""" % { "header" : header, "define": define }, ".c")
- ok = ret[0] and int(ret[1]) >= value
- context.Result(ok)
- return ok
+""" % { "header" : header, "define": define }, extension)
+ if ret[0] :
+ return int(ret[1])
+ else :
+ return -1
conf = Configure(conf_env)
@@ -142,7 +151,7 @@ if env.get("boost_includedir", None) :
boost_flags["CPPFLAGS"] = [("-isystem", env["boost_includedir"])]
conf = Configure(boost_conf_env)
-boostLibs = [("signals", None), ("thread", None), ("regex", None), ("program_options", None), ("filesystem", None), ("system", "system/system_error.hpp"), ("date_time", "date_time/date.hpp")]
+boostLibs = [("signals", None), ("thread", None), ("regex", None), ("program_options", None), ("filesystem", None), ("serialization", "archive/text_oarchive.hpp"), ("system", "system/system_error.hpp"), ("date_time", "date_time/date.hpp")]
allLibsPresent = True
libNames = []
for (lib, header) in boostLibs :
@@ -168,6 +177,7 @@ if allLibsPresent :
if not conf.CheckCXXHeader("boost/uuid/uuid.hpp") :
# FIXME: Remove this workaround when UUID is available in most distros
else :
env["BOOST_BUNDLED"] = True
@@ -332,27 +342,53 @@ if not env.get("HAVE_ICU", False) and not env.get("HAVE_LIBIDN", False) :
env["HAVE_LIBIDN"] = 1
+# Unbound
+if env["unbound"] :
+ env["LDNS_BUNDLED"] = 1
+ env["UNBOUND_BUNDLED"] = 1
+else :
+ env["LDNS_FLAGS"] = {}
+ env["UNBOUND_FLAGS"] = {}
# LibMiniUPnPc
if env["experimental"] :
- #libminiupnpc_conf_env = conf_env.Clone()
- #conf = Configure(libminiupnpc_conf_env)
- #if conf.CheckCHeader("miniupnpc.h") and conf.CheckLib(env["libminiupnpc_libname"]) :
- #else :
- #conf.Finish()
+ libminiupnpc_flags = {"CPPPATH": ["/usr/include/miniupnpc/"]}
+ libminiupnpc_conf_env = conf_env.Clone()
+ if env.get("libminiupnpc_libdir", None) :
+ libminiupnpc_flags["LIBPATH"] = [env["libminiupnpc_libdir"]]
+ if env.get("libminiupnpc_includedir", None) :
+ libminiupnpc_flags["CPPPATH"] = [env["libminiupnpc_includedir"]]
+ libminiupnpc_conf_env.MergeFlags(libminiupnpc_flags)
+ conf = Configure(libminiupnpc_conf_env)
+ if conf.CheckCHeader("miniupnpc.h") and conf.CheckLib(env["libminiupnpc_libname"]) and False :
+ # ^ False because APIs aren't stable
+ env["LIBMINIUPNPC_FLAGS"] = { "LIBS": ["miniupnpc"] }
+ env["LIBMINIUPNPC_FLAGS"].update(libminiupnpc_flags)
+ else :
+ conf.Finish()
else :
if env["experimental"] :
- #libnatpmp_conf_env = conf_env.Clone()
- #conf = Configure(libnatpmp_conf_env)
- #if conf.CheckCHeader("natpmp.h") and conf.CheckLib(env["libnatpmp_libname"]) :
- #else :
- #conf.Finish()
+ libnatpmp_flags = {}
+ libnatpmp_conf_env = conf_env.Clone()
+ if env.get("libnatpmp_libdir", None) :
+ libnatpmp_flags["LIBPATH"] = [env["libnatpmp_libdir"]]
+ if env.get("libnatpmp_includedir", None) :
+ libnatpmp_flags["CPPPATH"] = [env["libnatpmp_includedir"]]
+ libnatpmp_conf_env.MergeFlags(libnatpmp_flags)
+ conf = Configure(libnatpmp_conf_env)
+ if conf.CheckCHeader("natpmp.h") and conf.CheckLib(env["libnatpmp_libname"]) and False:
+ # ^ False because APIs aren't stable
+ env["HAVE_LIBNATPMP"] = 1
+ env["LIBNATPMP_FLAGS"] = { "LIBS": ["natpmp"] }
+ env["LIBNATPMP_FLAGS"].update(libnatpmp_flags)
+ else :
+ conf.Finish()
else :
@@ -372,14 +408,32 @@ if env["experimental"] :
else :
else :
env["SQLITE_FLAGS"] = {}
# Lua
-env["LUA_BUNDLED"] = 1
+lua_conf_env = conf_env.Clone()
+lua_flags = {}
+if env.get("lua_libdir", None) :
+ lua_flags["LIBPATH"] = [env["lua_libdir"]]
+if env.get("lua_includedir", None) :
+ lua_flags["CPPPATH"] = [env["lua_includedir"]]
+conf = Configure(lua_conf_env)
+if not env.get("lua_force_bundled", False) and conf.CheckCXXHeader("lua.hpp") and conf.CheckLib(env["lua_libname"]) :
+ env["HAVE_LUA"] = 1
+ env["LUA_FLAGS"] = { "LIBS": [env["lua_libname"]] }
+ lua_version = GetVersion(conf, "LUA_VERSION_NUM", "lua.h")
+ if lua_version > 0 :
+ env["LUA_FLAGS"]["LUA_VERSION"] = str(lua_version // 100) + "." + str(lua_version % 100)
+ else :
+ print "Warning: Unable to determine Lua version. Not installing Lua libraries."
+ env["LUA_FLAGS"].update(lua_flags)
+else :
+ env["LUA_BUNDLED"] = 1
# Readline
conf = Configure(conf_env)
@@ -409,43 +463,60 @@ if env["qt"] :
# OpenSSL
openssl_env = conf_env.Clone()
-use_openssl = bool(env["openssl"])
-openssl_prefix = env["openssl"] if isinstance(env["openssl"], str) else ""
-openssl_flags = {}
-if openssl_prefix :
- openssl_flags = { "CPPPATH": [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "include")] }
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
- openssl_flags["LIBPATH"] = [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "lib", "VC")]
- env["OPENSSL_DIR"] = openssl_prefix
- else :
- openssl_flags["LIBPATH"] = [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "lib")]
- openssl_env.MergeFlags(openssl_flags)
-openssl_conf = Configure(openssl_env)
-if use_openssl and openssl_conf.CheckCHeader("openssl/ssl.h") :
- env["HAVE_OPENSSL"] = 1
- env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"] = openssl_flags
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
- env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = ["libeay32MD", "ssleay32MD"]
- else:
- env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = ["ssl", "crypto"]
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" :
- if platform.mac_ver()[0].startswith("10.5") :
- env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["FRAMEWORKS"] = ["Security"]
-elif env["target"] in ("iphone-device", "iphone-simulator", "xcode") :
+if env.get("openssl_force_bundled", False) or env["target"] in ("iphone-device", "iphone-simulator", "xcode", "android") :
env["HAVE_OPENSSL"] = True
else :
- env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"] = {}
- if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
- env["HAVE_SCHANNEL"] = True
- # If we're compiling for Windows and OpenSSL isn't being used, use Schannel
- env.Append(LIBS = ["secur32"])
+ use_openssl = bool(env["openssl"])
+ openssl_prefix = env["openssl"] if isinstance(env["openssl"], str) else ""
+ openssl_flags = {}
+ if openssl_prefix :
+ openssl_flags = { "CPPPATH": [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "include")] }
+ if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ openssl_flags["LIBPATH"] = [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "lib", "VC")]
+ env["OPENSSL_DIR"] = openssl_prefix
+ else :
+ openssl_flags["LIBPATH"] = [os.path.join(openssl_prefix, "lib")]
+ openssl_env.MergeFlags(openssl_flags)
+ openssl_conf = Configure(openssl_env)
+ if use_openssl and openssl_conf.CheckCHeader("openssl/ssl.h") :
+ env["HAVE_OPENSSL"] = 1
+ env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"] = openssl_flags
+ if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = ["libeay32MD", "ssleay32MD"]
+ else:
+ env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["LIBS"] = ["ssl", "crypto"]
+ if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" :
+ if platform.mac_ver()[0].startswith("10.5") :
+ env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"]["FRAMEWORKS"] = ["Security"]
+ else :
+ env["OPENSSL_FLAGS"] = {}
+ if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ env["HAVE_SCHANNEL"] = True
+ # If we're compiling for Windows and OpenSSL isn't being used, use Schannel
+ env.Append(LIBS = ["secur32"])
+ openssl_conf.Finish()
+hunspell_env = conf_env.Clone()
+hunspell_prefix = env["hunspell"] if isinstance(env.get("hunspell", False), str) else ""
+hunspell_flags = {}
+if hunspell_prefix :
+ hunspell_flags = {"CPPPATH":[os.path.join(hunspell_prefix, "include")], "LIBPATH":[os.path.join(hunspell_prefix, "lib")]}
+env["HAVE_HUNSPELL"] = 0;
+hunspell_conf = Configure(hunspell_env)
+if hunspell_conf.CheckCXXHeader("hunspell/hunspell.hxx") and hunspell_conf.CheckLib("hunspell") :
+ env["HAVE_HUNSPELL"] = 1
+ hunspell_flags["LIBS"] = ["hunspell"]
+ env["HUNSPELL_FLAGS"] = hunspell_flags
# Bonjour
-if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" :
+if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" and env["target"] == "native" :
env["HAVE_BONJOUR"] = 1
elif env.get("bonjour", False) :
bonjour_env = conf_env.Clone()
@@ -524,18 +595,23 @@ else :
# Project files
-# Build tools
-env.SConscript(dirs = ["#/BuildTools/CLang"])
+if ARGUMENTS.get("dump_trace", False) :
+ env.SetOption("no_exec", True)
+ env["TEST"] = True
+ env["BOOST_BUILD_BCP"] = True
+ env.Decider(lambda x, y, z : True)
+ SCons.Node.Python.Value.changed_since_last_build = (lambda x, y, z: True)
# Modules
modules = []
-for dir in os.listdir(Dir("#/3rdParty").abspath) :
- full_dir = os.path.join(Dir("#/3rdParty").abspath, dir)
- if not os.path.isdir(full_dir) :
- continue
- sconscript = os.path.join(full_dir, "SConscript")
- if os.path.isfile(sconscript) :
- modules.append("3rdParty/" + dir)
+if os.path.isdir(Dir("#/3rdParty").abspath) :
+ for dir in os.listdir(Dir("#/3rdParty").abspath) :
+ full_dir = os.path.join(Dir("#/3rdParty").abspath, dir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(full_dir) :
+ continue
+ sconscript = os.path.join(full_dir, "SConscript")
+ if os.path.isfile(sconscript) :
+ modules.append("3rdParty/" + dir)
for dir in os.listdir(Dir("#").abspath) :
full_dir = os.path.join(Dir("#").abspath, dir)
if not os.path.isdir(full_dir) :
@@ -544,9 +620,13 @@ for dir in os.listdir(Dir("#").abspath) :
if os.path.isfile(sconscript) :
+# QA comes last
# Flags
env["PROJECTS"] = [m for m in modules if m not in ["Documentation", "QA", "SwifTools"] and not m.startswith("3rdParty")]
-for stage in ["flags", "build", "test"] :
+for stage in ["flags", "build"] :
env["SCONS_STAGE"] = stage
SConscript(dirs = map(lambda x : root + "/" + x, modules))
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
index 13fbb32..c130faf 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ import SCons.Util
def generate(env) :
def useFlags(env, flags) :
for flag in flags :
- env[flag] = env.get(flag, []) + flags[flag]
+ if flag in env :
+ env[flag] = env[flag] + flags[flag]
+ else :
+ env[flag] = flags[flag]
env.AddMethod(useFlags, "UseFlags")
def exists(env) :
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
index c52f448..95fcce9 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
@@ -19,13 +19,24 @@ def generate(env) :
for i in ["HOME", "USERPROFILE", "APPDATA"]:
if os.environ.get(i, "") :
test_env["ENV"][i] = os.environ[i]
- if test_env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" :
- test_env["ENV"]["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join(map(lambda x : str(x), test_env.get("LIBPATH", [])))
- elif test_env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
- test_env["ENV"]["PATH"] = ";".join(map(lambda x : str(x), test_env.get("LIBRUNPATH", []))) + ";" + test_env["ENV"]["PATH"]
+ if env["target"] == "android" :
+ test_env["ENV"]["PATH"] = env["android_sdk_bin"] + ";" + test_env["ENV"]["PATH"]
+ else :
+ if test_env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" :
+ test_env["ENV"]["DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join(map(lambda x : str(x), test_env.get("LIBPATH", [])))
+ elif test_env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
+ test_env["ENV"]["PATH"] = ";".join(map(lambda x : str(x), test_env.get("LIBRUNPATH", []))) + ";" + test_env["ENV"]["PATH"]
# Run the test
- test_env.Command("**dummy**", target,
+ if env["target"] == "android":
+ exec_name = os.path.basename(cmd)
+ test_env.Command("**dummy**", target, SCons.Action.Action(
+ ["adb shell mount -o rw,remount /system",
+ "adb push " + cmd + " /system/bin/" + exec_name,
+ "adb shell SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_JID=\"" + os.getenv("SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_JID") + "\" SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_PASS=\"" + os.getenv("SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_PASS") + "\" " + env.get("TEST_RUNNER", "") + "/system/bin/" + exec_name], cmdstr = "$TESTCOMSTR"))
+ else :
+ test_env.Command("**dummy**", target,
SCons.Action.Action(ignore_prefix + env.get("TEST_RUNNER", "") + cmd + " " + params, cmdstr = "$TESTCOMSTR"))
def registerScriptTests(env, scripts, name, type) :
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
index c3c77aa..2915141 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
import SCons.Util, os
def generate(env) :
- def createWindowsBundle(env, bundle, resources = {}, qtimageformats = [], qtlibs = []) :
+ def createWindowsBundle(env, bundle, resources = {}, qtplugins = {}, qtlibs = [], qtversion = '4') :
all_files = []
all_files += env.Install(bundle, bundle + ".exe")
for lib in qtlibs :
all_files += env.Install(bundle, os.path.join(env["QTDIR"], "bin", lib + ".dll"))
- all_files += env.Install(os.path.join(bundle, "imageformats"), [os.path.join(env["QTDIR"], "plugins", "imageformats", "q" + codec + "4.dll") for codec in qtimageformats])
+ plugins_suffix = '4'
+ if qtversion == '5' :
+ plugins_suffix = ''
+ for plugin_type in qtplugins:
+ all_files += env.Install(os.path.join(bundle, plugin_type), [os.path.join(env["QTDIR"], "plugins", plugin_type, "q" + plugin + plugins_suffix + ".dll") for plugin in qtplugins[plugin_type]])
for dir, resourceFiles in resources.items() :
for resource in resourceFiles :
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
index 671fd08..02701e7 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/Tools/
@@ -286,9 +286,9 @@ def generate(env):
# Commands for the qt support ...
- # FIXME: The -DBOOST_TT_HAS_OPERATOR_HPP_INCLUDED flag is a hack to work
- # around an issue in Qt
- # See
+ # FIXME: The -DBOOST_TT_HAS_OPERATOR_HPP_INCLUDED flag is a hack to work
+ # around an issue in Qt
+ # See
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ def generate(env):
# TODO: Does dbusxml2cpp need an adapter
env.AddMethod(enable_modules, "EnableQt4Modules")
-def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False) :
+def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False, version='4') :
import sys
validModules = [
@@ -420,6 +420,11 @@ def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False) :
+ # Qt5 modules
+ 'QtWidgets',
+ 'QtMultimedia',
+ 'QtWebKitWidgets',
staticModules = [
@@ -440,6 +445,8 @@ def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False) :
'QtXml' : ['QT_XML_LIB'],
'QtOpenGL' : ['QT_OPENGL_LIB'],
'QtGui' : ['QT_GUI_LIB'],
+ 'QtWidgets' : ['QT_WIDGETS_LIB'],
+ 'QtWebKitWidgets' : [],
'QtNetwork' : ['QT_NETWORK_LIB'],
'QtCore' : ['QT_CORE_LIB'],
@@ -450,7 +457,8 @@ def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False) :
if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and not crosscompiling :
if debug : debugSuffix = '_debug'
- self.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=[os.path.join("$QTDIR","include", "phonon")])
+ if version == '4' :
+ self.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=[os.path.join("$QTDIR","include", "phonon")])
for module in modules :
@@ -471,12 +479,17 @@ def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False) :
- # FIXME: Phonon Hack
- self.AppendUnique(LIBS=['phonon'+debugSuffix+'4'])
- self.AppendUnique(LIBS=[lib+debugSuffix+'4' for lib in modules if lib not in staticModules])
+ if version == '4' :
+ # FIXME: Phonon Hack
+ self.AppendUnique(LIBS=['phonon'+debugSuffix+version])
+ self.AppendUnique(LIBS=[lib+debugSuffix+version for lib in modules if lib not in staticModules])
+ else :
+ self.AppendUnique(LIBS=[lib.replace('Qt', 'Qt5') + debugSuffix for lib in modules if lib not in staticModules])
self.PrependUnique(LIBS=[lib+debugSuffix for lib in modules if lib in staticModules])
if 'QtOpenGL' in modules:
+ elif version == '5' :
+ self.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["QT_NO_OPENGL"])
self.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=[ '$QTDIR/include/'])
self.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=[ '$QTDIR/include/'+module for module in modules])
if crosscompiling :
@@ -498,7 +511,8 @@ def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False) :
self.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS="-L$QTDIR/lib") #TODO clean!
# FIXME: Phonon Hack
- self.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-framework', "phonon"])
+ if version == '4' :
+ self.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-framework', "phonon"])
for module in modules :
if module in staticModules :
@@ -506,9 +520,9 @@ def enable_modules(self, modules, debug=False, crosscompiling=False) :
else :
if len(self["QTDIR"]) > 0 :
- self.Append(CPPFLAGS = ["-I" + os.path.join("$QTDIR", "lib", module + ".framework", "Versions", "4", "Headers")])
+ self.Append(CPPFLAGS = ["-I" + os.path.join("$QTDIR", "lib", module + ".framework", "Versions", version, "Headers")])
else :
- self.Append(CPPFLAGS = ["-I" + os.path.join("/Library/Frameworks", module + ".framework", "Versions", "4", "Headers")])
+ self.Append(CPPFLAGS = ["-I" + os.path.join("/Library/Frameworks", module + ".framework", "Versions", version, "Headers")])
self.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-framework', module])
if 'QtOpenGL' in modules:
diff --git a/BuildTools/ b/BuildTools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2666ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuildTools/
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# scons2ninja: A script to create a Ninja build file from SCons.
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Remko Tronçon
+# Licensed under the simplified BSD license.
+# See COPYING for details.
+import re, os, os.path, subprocess, sys, fnmatch, shlex
+# Helper methods & variables
+SCRIPT = sys.argv[0]
+SCONS_ARGS = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])
+# TODO: Make this a tool-specific map
+BINARY_FLAGS = ["-framework", "-arch", "-x", "--output-format", "-isystem", "-include"]
+if sys.platform == 'win32' :
+ EXE_SUFFIX = ".exe"
+else :
+ LIB_PREFIX = "lib"
+ LIB_SUFFIX = ".a"
+def is_regexp(x) :
+ return 'match' in dir(x)
+def is_list(l) :
+ return type(l) is list
+def escape(s) :
+ return s.replace(' ', '$ ').replace(':', '$:')
+def quote_spaces(s) :
+ if ' ' in s :
+ return '"' + s + '"'
+ else :
+ return s
+def to_list(l) :
+ if not l :
+ return []
+ if is_list(l) :
+ return l
+ return [l]
+def partition(l, f) :
+ x = []
+ y = []
+ for v in l :
+ if f(v) :
+ x.append(v)
+ else :
+ y.append(v)
+ return (x, y)
+def get_unary_flags(prefix, flags) :
+ return [x[len(prefix):] for x in flags if x.lower().startswith(prefix.lower())]
+def extract_unary_flags(prefix, flags) :
+ f1, f2 = partition(flags, lambda x : x.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()))
+ return ([f[len(prefix):] for f in f1], f2)
+def extract_unary_flag(prefix, flags) :
+ flag, flags = extract_unary_flags(prefix, flags)
+ return (flag[0], flags)
+def extract_binary_flag(prefix, flags) :
+ i = flags.index(prefix)
+ flag = flags[i + 1]
+ del flags[i]
+ del flags[i]
+ return (flag, flags)
+def get_non_flags(flags) :
+ skip = False
+ result = []
+ for f in flags :
+ if skip :
+ skip = False
+ elif f in BINARY_FLAGS :
+ skip = True
+ elif not f.startswith("/") and not f.startswith("-") :
+ result.append(f)
+ return result
+def extract_non_flags(flags) :
+ non_flags = get_non_flags(flags)
+ return (non_flags, filter(lambda x : x not in non_flags, flags))
+def get_dependencies(target, build_targets) :
+ result = []
+ queue = list(dependencies.get(target, []))
+ while len(queue) > 0 :
+ n = queue.pop()
+ # Filter out Value() results
+ if n in build_targets or os.path.exists(n) :
+ result.append(n)
+ queue += list(dependencies.get(n, []))
+ return result
+def get_built_libs(libs, libpaths, outputs) :
+ canonical_outputs = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in outputs]
+ result = []
+ for libpath in libpaths :
+ for lib in libs :
+ lib_libpath = os.path.join(libpath, LIB_PREFIX + lib + LIB_SUFFIX)
+ if os.path.abspath(lib_libpath) in canonical_outputs :
+ result.append(lib_libpath)
+ return result
+def parse_tool_command(line) :
+ command = shlex.split(line)
+ flags = command[1:]
+ tool = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(command[0]))[0]
+ if tool.startswith('clang++') or tool.startswith('g++') :
+ tool = "cxx"
+ elif tool.startswith('clang') or tool.startswith('gcc') :
+ tool = "cc"
+ if tool in ["cc", "cxx"] and not "-c" in flags :
+ tool = "glink"
+ tool = tool.replace('-qt4', '')
+ return tool, command, flags
+def rglob(pattern, root = '.') :
+ return [os.path.join(path, f) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root) for f in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern)]
+# Helper for building Ninja files
+class NinjaBuilder :
+ def __init__(self) :
+ self._header = ""
+ self.variables = ""
+ self.rules = ""
+ self._build = ""
+ self.pools = ""
+ self._flags = {}
+ self.targets = []
+ def header(self, text) :
+ self._header += text + "\n"
+ def rule(self, name, **kwargs) :
+ self.rules += "rule " + name + "\n"
+ for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() :
+ self.rules += " " + str(k) + " = " + str(v) + "\n"
+ self.rules += "\n"
+ def pool(self, name, **kwargs) :
+ self.pools += "pool " + name + "\n"
+ for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() :
+ self.pools += " " + str(k) + " = " + str(v) + "\n"
+ self.pools += "\n"
+ def variable(self, name, value) :
+ self.variables += str(name) + " = " + str(value) + "\n"
+ def build(self, target, rule, sources = None, **kwargs) :
+ self._build += "build " + self.to_string(target) + ": " + rule
+ if sources :
+ self._build += " " + self.to_string(sources)
+ if 'deps' in kwargs and kwargs['deps'] :
+ self._build += " | " + self.to_string(kwargs["deps"])
+ if 'order_deps' in kwargs :
+ self._build += " || " + self.to_string(kwargs['order_deps'])
+ self._build += "\n"
+ for var, value in kwargs.iteritems() :
+ if var in ['deps', 'order_deps'] :
+ continue
+ value = self.to_string(value, quote = True)
+ if var.endswith("flags") :
+ value = self.get_flags_variable(var, value)
+ self._build += " " + var + " = " + value + "\n"
+ self.targets += to_list(target)
+ def header_targets(self) :
+ return [x for x in self.targets if x.endswith('.h') or x.endswith('.hh')]
+ def serialize(self) :
+ result = ""
+ result += self._header + "\n"
+ result += self.variables + "\n"
+ for prefix in self._flags.values() :
+ for k, v in prefix.iteritems() :
+ result += v + " = " + k + "\n"
+ result += "\n"
+ result += self.pools + "\n"
+ result += self.rules + "\n"
+ result += self._build + "\n"
+ return result
+ def to_string(self, lst, quote = False) :
+ if is_list(lst) :
+ if quote :
+ return ' '.join([quote_spaces(x) for x in lst])
+ else :
+ return ' '.join([escape(x) for x in lst])
+ if is_regexp(lst) :
+ return ' '.join([escape(x) for x in self.targets if lst.match(x)])
+ return escape(lst)
+ def get_flags_variable(self, flags_type, flags) :
+ if len(flags) == 0 :
+ return ''
+ if flags_type not in self._flags :
+ self._flags[flags_type] = {}
+ type_flags = self._flags[flags_type]
+ if flags not in type_flags :
+ type_flags[flags] = flags_type + "_" + str(len(type_flags))
+ return "$" + type_flags[flags]
+# Configuration
+ninja_post = []
+scons_cmd = "scons"
+scons_dependencies = ['SConstruct'] + rglob('SConscript')
+def ninja_custom_command(ninja, line) :
+ return False
+CONFIGURATION_FILE = '.scons2ninja.conf'
+scons_dependencies = [os.path.normpath(x) for x in scons_dependencies]
+# Rules
+ninja = NinjaBuilder()
+ninja.pool('scons_pool', depth = 1)
+if sys.platform == 'win32' :
+ ninja.rule('cl',
+ deps = 'msvc',
+ command = '$cl /showIncludes $clflags -c $in /Fo$out',
+ description = 'CXX $out')
+ ninja.rule('link',
+ command = '$link $in $linkflags $libs /out:$out',
+ description = 'LINK $out')
+ ninja.rule('link_mt',
+ command = '$link $in $linkflags $libs /out:$out ; $mt $mtflags',
+ description = 'LINK $out')
+ ninja.rule('lib',
+ command = '$lib $libflags /out:$out $in',
+ description = 'AR $out')
+ ninja.rule('rc',
+ command = '$rc $rcflags /Fo$out $in',
+ description = 'RC $out')
+ # SCons doesn't touch files if they didn't change, which makes
+ # ninja rebuild the file over and over again. There's no touch on Windows :(
+ # Could implement it with a script, but for now, delete the file if
+ # this problem occurs. I'll fix it if it occurs too much.
+ ninja.rule('scons',
+ command = scons_cmd + " ${scons_args} $out",
+ pool = 'scons_pool',
+ description = 'GEN $out')
+ ninja.rule('install', command = 'cmd /c copy $in $out')
+ ninja.rule('run', command = '$in')
+else :
+ ninja.rule('cxx',
+ deps = 'gcc',
+ depfile = '$out.d',
+ command = '$cxx -MMD -MF $out.d $cxxflags -c $in -o $out',
+ description = 'CXX $out')
+ ninja.rule('cc',
+ deps = 'gcc',
+ depfile = '$out.d',
+ command = '$cc -MMD -MF $out.d $ccflags -c $in -o $out',
+ description = 'CC $out')
+ ninja.rule('link',
+ command = '$glink -o $out $in $linkflags',
+ description = 'LINK $out')
+ ninja.rule('ar',
+ command = 'ar $arflags $out $in && ranlib $out',
+ description = 'AR $out')
+ # SCons doesn't touch files if they didn't change, which makes
+ # ninja rebuild the file over and over again. Touching solves this.
+ ninja.rule('scons',
+ command = scons_cmd + " $out && touch $out",
+ pool = 'scons_pool',
+ description = 'GEN $out')
+ ninja.rule('install', command = 'install $in $out')
+ ninja.rule('run', command = './$in')
+ command = '$moc $mocflags -o $out $in',
+ description = 'MOC $out')
+ command = '$rcc $rccflags -name $name -o $out $in',
+ description = 'RCC $out')
+ command = '$uic $uicflags -o $out $in',
+ description = 'UIC $out')
+ command = '$lrelease $lreleaseflags $in -qm $out',
+ description = 'LRELEASE $out')
+ command = '$ibtool $ibtoolflags --compile $out $in',
+ description = 'IBTOOL $out')
+ command = '$dsymutil $dsymutilflags -o $out $in',
+ description = 'DSYMUTIL $out')
+ command = "python " + SCRIPT + " ${scons_args}",
+ depfile = ".scons2ninja.deps",
+ pool = 'scons_pool',
+ generator = '1',
+ description = 'Regenerating')
+# Build Statements
+scons_generate_cmd = scons_cmd + " " + SCONS_ARGS + " --tree=all,prune dump_trace=1"
+#scons_generate_cmd = 'cmd /c type'
+#scons_generate_cmd = 'cat'
+# Pass 1: Parse dependencies (and prefilter some build rules)
+build_lines = []
+dependencies = {}
+mtflags = {}
+previous_file = None
+f = subprocess.Popen(scons_generate_cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+stage = 'preamble'
+skip_nth_line = -1
+stack = ['.']
+for line in f.stdout.readlines() :
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ # Skip lines if requested from previous command
+ if skip_nth_line >= 0 :
+ skip_nth_line -= 1
+ if skip_nth_line == 0 :
+ continue
+ if line.startswith('scons: done building targets') :
+ break
+ if stage == "preamble" :
+ # Pass all lines from the SCons configuration step to output
+ if re.match("^scons: Building targets ...", line) :
+ stage = "build"
+ else :
+ print line
+ elif stage == "build" :
+ if line.startswith('+-') :
+ stage = "dependencies"
+ elif re.match("^Using tempfile", line) :
+ # Ignore response files from MSVS
+ skip_nth_line = 2
+ else :
+ build_lines.append(line)
+ # Already detect targets that will need 'mt'
+ tool, _, flags = parse_tool_command(line)
+ if tool == 'mt' :
+ target = get_unary_flags("-outputresource:", flags)[0]
+ target = target[0:target.index(';')]
+ mtflags[target] = flags
+ elif stage == "dependencies" :
+ if not re.match('^[\s|]+\+\-', line) :
+ # Work around bug in SCons that splits output over multiple lines
+ continue
+ level = line.index('+-') / 2
+ filename = line[level*2+2:]
+ if filename.startswith('[') :
+ filename = filename[1:-1]
+ # Check if we use the 'fixed' format which escapes filenamenames
+ if filename.startswith('\'') and filename.endswith('\'') :
+ filename = eval(filename)
+ if level < len(stack) :
+ stack = stack[0:level]
+ elif level > len(stack) :
+ if level != len(stack) + 1 :
+ raise Exception("Internal Error" )
+ stack.append(previous_filename)
+ # Skip absolute paths
+ if not os.path.isabs(filename) :
+ target = stack[-1]
+ if target not in dependencies :
+ dependencies[target] = []
+ dependencies[target].append(filename)
+ previous_filename = filename
+if f.wait() != 0 :
+ print "Error calling '" + scons_generate_cmd + "'"
+ print
+ exit(-1)
+# Pass 2: Parse build rules
+tools = {}
+for line in build_lines :
+ # Custom python function
+ m = re.match('^(\w+)\(\[([^\]]*)\]', line)
+ if m :
+ out = [x[1:-1] for x in',')]
+ for x in out :
+ # 'Note' = To be more correct, deps should also include $scons_dependencies,
+ # but this regenerates a bit too often, so leaving it out for now.
+, 'scons', None, deps = sorted(get_dependencies(x, ninja.targets)))
+ continue
+ # TextFile
+ m = re.match("^Creating '([^']+)'", line)
+ if m :
+ out =
+ # Note: To be more correct, deps should also include $scons_dependencies,
+ # but this regenerates a bit too often, so leaving it out for now.
+, 'scons', None, deps = sorted(get_dependencies(out, ninja.targets)))
+ continue
+ # Install
+ m = re.match('^Install file: "(.*)" as "(.*)"', line)
+ if m :
+, 'install',
+ continue
+ m = re.match('^Install directory: "(.*)" as "(.*)"', line)
+ if m :
+ for source in rglob('*', :
+ if os.path.isdir(source) :
+ continue
+ target = os.path.join(, os.path.relpath(source,
+, 'install', source)
+ continue
+ # Tools
+ tool, command, flags = parse_tool_command(line)
+ tools[tool] = command[0]
+ ############################################################
+ # clang/gcc tools
+ ############################################################
+ if tool == 'cc':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'cc', files, order_deps = '_generated_headers', ccflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'cxx':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'cxx', files, order_deps = '_generated_headers', cxxflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'glink':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ libs = get_unary_flags('-l', flags)
+ libpaths = get_unary_flags("-L", flags)
+ deps = get_built_libs(libs, libpaths, ninja.targets)
+, 'link', files, deps = sorted(deps), linkflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'ar':
+ objects, flags = partition(flags, lambda x: x.endswith('.o'))
+ libs, flags = partition(flags, lambda x: x.endswith('.a'))
+ out = libs[0]
+, 'ar', objects, arflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'ranlib':
+ pass
+ ############################################################
+ # MSVC tools
+ ############################################################
+ elif tool == 'cl':
+ out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/Fo", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'cl', files, order_deps = '_generated_headers', clflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'lib':
+ out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/out:", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'lib', files, libflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'link':
+ objects, flags = partition(flags, lambda x: x.endswith('.obj') or x.endswith('.res'))
+ out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/out:", flags)
+ libs, flags = partition(flags, lambda x: not x.startswith("/") and x.endswith(".lib"))
+ libpaths = get_unary_flags("/libpath:", flags)
+ deps = get_built_libs(libs, libpaths, ninja.targets)
+ if out in mtflags :
+, 'link_mt', objects, deps = sorted(deps),
+ libs = libs, linkflags = flags, mtflags = mtflags[out])
+ else :
+, 'link', objects, deps = sorted(deps),
+ libs = libs, linkflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'rc':
+ out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/fo", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'rc', files[0], order_deps = '_generated_headers', rcflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'mt':
+ # Already handled
+ pass
+ ############################################################
+ # Qt tools
+ ############################################################
+ elif tool == 'moc':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'moc', files, mocflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'uic':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'uic', files, uicflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'lrelease':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-qm", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'lrelease', files, lreleaseflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'rcc':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+ name, flags = extract_binary_flag("-name", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ deps = list(set(get_dependencies(out, ninja.targets)) - set(files))
+, 'rcc', files, deps = sorted(deps), name = name, rccflags = flags)
+ ############################################################
+ # OS X tools
+ ############################################################
+ elif tool == 'ibtool':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("--compile", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'ibtool', files, ibtoolflags = flags)
+ elif tool == 'dsymutil':
+ out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+ files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+, 'dsymutil', files, dsymutilflags = flags)
+ elif not ninja_custom_command(ninja, line) :
+ raise Exception("Unknown tool: '" + line + "'")
+# Phony target for all generated headers, used as an order-only depency from all C/C++ sources'_generated_headers', 'phony', ninja.header_targets())
+# Regenerate file'', 'generator', [], deps = [SCRIPT, CONFIGURATION_FILE])
+# Header & variables
+ninja.header("# This file is generated by " + SCRIPT)
+ninja.variable("ninja_required_version", "1.3")
+ninja.variable("scons_args", SCONS_ARGS)
+for k, v in tools.iteritems() :
+ ninja.variable(k, v)
+# Extra customizations
+if 'ninja_post' in dir() :
+ ninja_post(ninja)
+# Result
+f = open(".scons2ninja.deps", "w")
+f.write(" " + " ".join([d for d in scons_dependencies if os.path.exists(d)]) + "\n")
+f = open("", "w")