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Diffstat (limited to 'Sluift/Examples/SendReference.lua')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Sluift/Examples/SendReference.lua b/Sluift/Examples/SendReference.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e60182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sluift/Examples/SendReference.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sluift --
+-- This is an example of sending a custom payload, a XEP-0372 reference in this
+-- case.
+-- Running this requires a sluift binary somewhere in the PATH. Alternatively,
+-- you can feed this to sluift, or to a Lua that has in its library
+-- path.
+function usage(err)
+ print("Usage: SendReference.lua jid [tojid] [datauri]")
+ print()
+ print("This tool will log in as jid, and send a reference to tojid. If no tojid")
+ print("is provided, a message to itself is sent. The datauri defaults to")
+ print(DEFAULT_URI .. ", but can be overridden.")
+ if err then
+ print("")
+ print("Error: " .. err)
+ end
+ os.exit(1)
+function get_password(prompt)
+ if prompt then
+ io.write(prompt)
+ end
+ local stty_ret = os.execute("stty -echo 2>/dev/null")
+ if stty_ret then
+ io.write("\027[8m")
+ end
+ local ok, pass = pcall(, "*l")
+ if stty_ret then
+ io.write("\027[m")
+ else
+ os.execute("stty echo")
+ end
+ io.write("\n");
+ if ok then
+ return pass
+ end
+if #arg < 1 then
+ usage("no jid specified")
+jid = arg[1]
+password = os.getenv("XMPP_PASSWORD") or get_password("Password: ")
+tojid = #arg > 1 and arg[2] or jid
+datauri = #arg > 2 and arg[3] or DEFAULT_URI
+sluift.debug = 1
+sluift.with(sluift.new_client(jid, password), function()
+ options = { host=os.getenv("XMPP_HOST"), port=os.getenv("XMPP_PORT") }
+ connect(options)
+ reference = {
+ ['_type'] = 'dom',
+ ['tag'] = 'reference',
+ ['ns'] = 'urn:xmpp:reference:0',
+ ['attributes'] = {
+ { ['name'] = 'type', ['value'] = 'data' },
+ { ['name'] = 'uri', ['value'] = datauri },
+ { ['name'] = 'mimeType', ['value'] = arg[4] },
+ { ['name'] = 'begin', ['value'] = arg[5] },
+ { ['name'] = 'end', ['value'] = arg[6] }
+ },
+ }
+ send_message{to=tojid, body="Check out this data!", payloads={reference}}
+ disconnect()