diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Swift/QtUI/Roster')
19 files changed, 1236 insertions, 1209 deletions
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp
index 73cfbb5..e4a2f46 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.cpp
@@ -1,108 +1,111 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include "DelegateCommons.h"
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.h>
-#include <QtScaledAvatarCache.h>
+#include <QColor>
#include <QFileInfo>
-namespace Swift {
+#include <Swift/QtUI/QtScaledAvatarCache.h>
+namespace Swift {
void DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, const QString& text, int flags) {
- QString adjustedText(painter->fontMetrics().elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, region.width(), Qt::TextShowMnemonic));
- painter->setClipRect(region);
- painter->drawText(region, flags, adjustedText.simplified());
- painter->setClipping(false);
+ QString adjustedText(painter->fontMetrics().elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, region.width(), Qt::TextShowMnemonic));
+ painter->setClipRect(region);
+ painter->drawText(region, flags, adjustedText.simplified());
+ painter->setClipping(false);
void DelegateCommons::paintContact(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QColor& nameColor, const QString& avatarPath, const QIcon& presenceIcon, const QString& name, const QString& statusText, bool isIdle, int unreadCount, bool compact) const {
- painter->save();
- QRect fullRegion(option.rect);
- if ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) {
- painter->fillRect(fullRegion, option.palette.highlight());
- painter->setPen(option.palette.highlightedText().color());
- } else {
- painter->setPen(QPen(nameColor));
- }
- QRect presenceIconRegion(QPoint(farLeftMargin,, QSize(presenceIconWidth, fullRegion.height() - verticalMargin));
- QRect idleIconRegion(QPoint(farLeftMargin,, QSize(presenceIconWidth*2, fullRegion.height() - verticalMargin));
- int calculatedAvatarSize = presenceIconRegion.height();
- //This overlaps the presenceIcon, so must be painted first
- QRect avatarRegion(QPoint(presenceIconRegion.right() - presenceIconWidth / 2,, QSize(calculatedAvatarSize, calculatedAvatarSize));
- QPixmap avatarPixmap;
- if (!compact && !avatarPath.isEmpty()) {
- QString scaledAvatarPath = QtScaledAvatarCache(avatarRegion.height()).getScaledAvatarPath(avatarPath);
- if (QFileInfo(scaledAvatarPath).exists()) {
- avatarPixmap.load(scaledAvatarPath);
- }
- }
- if (!compact && avatarPixmap.isNull()) {
- avatarPixmap = QPixmap(":/icons/avatar.png").scaled(avatarRegion.height(), avatarRegion.width(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
- }
- if (!compact) {
- painter->drawPixmap(avatarRegion.topLeft() + QPoint(((avatarRegion.width() - avatarPixmap.width()) / 2), (avatarRegion.height() - avatarPixmap.height()) / 2), avatarPixmap);
- }
- //Paint the presence icon over the top of the avatar
- presenceIcon.paint(painter, presenceIconRegion, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter);
- if (isIdle) {
- idleIcon.paint(painter, idleIconRegion, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter);
- }
- QFontMetrics nameMetrics(nameFont);
- painter->setFont(nameFont);
- int extraFontWidth = nameMetrics.width("H");
- int leftOffset = (compact ? presenceIconRegion : avatarRegion).right() + horizontalMargin * 2 + extraFontWidth / 2;
- QRect textRegion(fullRegion.adjusted(leftOffset, 0, 0/*-leftOffset*/, 0));
- int nameHeight = nameMetrics.height() + verticalMargin;
- QRect nameRegion(textRegion.adjusted(0, verticalMargin, 0, 0));
- DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(painter, nameRegion, name);
- if (!compact) {
- painter->setFont(detailFont);
- painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(160,160,160)));
- QRect statusTextRegion(textRegion.adjusted(0, nameHeight, 0, 0));
- DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(painter, statusTextRegion, statusText);
- }
- if (unreadCount > 0) {
- QRect unreadRect(fullRegion.right() - unreadCountSize - horizontalMargin, + (fullRegion.height() - unreadCountSize) / 2, unreadCountSize, unreadCountSize);
- QPen pen(QColor("black"));
- pen.setWidth(1);
- painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
- painter->setPen(pen);
- painter->setBrush(QBrush(QColor("red"), Qt::SolidPattern));
- //painter->setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode);
- painter->drawEllipse(unreadRect);
- painter->setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode);
- painter->setPen(QColor("white"));
- drawElidedText(painter, unreadRect, QString("%1").arg(unreadCount), Qt::AlignCenter);
- }
- painter->restore();
+ painter->save();
+ QRect fullRegion(option.rect);
+ if ( option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ) {
+ painter->fillRect(fullRegion, option.palette.highlight());
+ painter->setPen(option.palette.highlightedText().color());
+ } else {
+ painter->setPen(QPen(nameColor));
+ }
+ auto secondLineColor = painter->pen().color();
+ secondLineColor.setAlphaF(0.7);
+ QRect presenceIconRegion(QPoint(farLeftMargin,, QSize(presenceIconWidth, fullRegion.height() - verticalMargin));
+ QRect idleIconRegion(QPoint(farLeftMargin,, QSize(presenceIconWidth*2, fullRegion.height() - verticalMargin));
+ int calculatedAvatarSize = presenceIconRegion.height();
+ //This overlaps the presenceIcon, so must be painted first
+ QRect avatarRegion(QPoint(presenceIconRegion.right() - presenceIconWidth / 2,, QSize(calculatedAvatarSize, calculatedAvatarSize));
+ QPixmap avatarPixmap;
+ if (!compact && !avatarPath.isEmpty()) {
+ QString scaledAvatarPath = QtScaledAvatarCache(avatarRegion.height()).getScaledAvatarPath(avatarPath);
+ if (QFileInfo(scaledAvatarPath).exists()) {
+ avatarPixmap.load(scaledAvatarPath);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!compact && avatarPixmap.isNull()) {
+ avatarPixmap = QPixmap(":/icons/avatar.svg").scaled(avatarRegion.height(), avatarRegion.width(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
+ }
+ if (!compact) {
+ painter->drawPixmap(avatarRegion.topLeft() + QPoint(((avatarRegion.width() - avatarPixmap.width()) / 2), (avatarRegion.height() - avatarPixmap.height()) / 2), avatarPixmap);
+ }
+ //Paint the presence icon over the top of the avatar
+ presenceIcon.paint(painter, presenceIconRegion, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter);
+ if (isIdle) {
+ idleIcon.paint(painter, idleIconRegion, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter);
+ }
+ QFontMetrics nameMetrics(nameFont);
+ painter->setFont(nameFont);
+ int extraFontWidth = nameMetrics.width("H");
+ int leftOffset = (compact ? presenceIconRegion : avatarRegion).right() + horizontalMargin * 2 + extraFontWidth / 2;
+ QRect textRegion(fullRegion.adjusted(leftOffset, 0, 0/*-leftOffset*/, 0));
+ int nameHeight = nameMetrics.height() + verticalMargin;
+ QRect nameRegion(textRegion.adjusted(0, verticalMargin, 0, 0));
+ DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(painter, nameRegion, name);
+ if (!compact) {
+ painter->setFont(detailFont);
+ painter->setPen(QPen(secondLineColor));
+ QRect statusTextRegion(textRegion.adjusted(0, nameHeight, 0, 0));
+ DelegateCommons::drawElidedText(painter, statusTextRegion, statusText);
+ }
+ if (unreadCount > 0) {
+ QRect unreadRect(fullRegion.right() - unreadCountSize - horizontalMargin, + (fullRegion.height() - unreadCountSize) / 2, unreadCountSize, unreadCountSize);
+ QPen pen(QColor("black"));
+ pen.setWidth(1);
+ painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
+ painter->setPen(pen);
+ painter->setBrush(QBrush(QColor("red"), Qt::SolidPattern));
+ //painter->setBackgroundMode(Qt::OpaqueMode);
+ painter->drawEllipse(unreadRect);
+ painter->setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode);
+ painter->setPen(QColor("white"));
+ drawElidedText(painter, unreadRect, QString("%1").arg(unreadCount), Qt::AlignCenter);
+ }
+ painter->restore();
QSize DelegateCommons::contactSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& /*option*/, const QModelIndex& /*index*/, bool compact ) const {
- int heightByAvatar = (compact ? presenceIconHeight : avatarSize) + verticalMargin * 2;
- QFontMetrics nameMetrics(nameFont);
- QFontMetrics statusMetrics(detailFont);
- int sizeByText = 2 * verticalMargin + nameMetrics.height() + (compact ? 0 : statusMetrics.height());
- //Doesn't work, yay! FIXME: why?
- //QSize size = (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) ? QSize(150, 80) : QSize(150, avatarSize_ + margin_ * 2);
- //qDebug() << "Returning size" << size;
- return QSize(150, sizeByText > heightByAvatar ? sizeByText : heightByAvatar);
+ int heightByAvatar = (compact ? presenceIconHeight : avatarSize) + verticalMargin * 2;
+ QFontMetrics nameMetrics(nameFont);
+ QFontMetrics statusMetrics(detailFont);
+ int sizeByText = 2 * verticalMargin + nameMetrics.height() + (compact ? 0 : statusMetrics.height());
+ //Doesn't work, yay! FIXME: why?
+ //QSize size = (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) ? QSize(150, 80) : QSize(150, avatarSize_ + margin_ * 2);
+ //qDebug() << "Returning size" << size;
+ return QSize(150, sizeByText > heightByAvatar ? sizeByText : heightByAvatar);
const int DelegateCommons::horizontalMargin = 2;
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.h
index 084d41f..74b08f2 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
@@ -8,36 +8,36 @@
#include <QApplication>
#include <QFont>
+#include <QIcon>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRect>
#include <QString>
-#include <QIcon>
#include <QStyleOptionViewItem>
namespace Swift {
- class DelegateCommons {
- public:
- DelegateCommons() : nameFont(QApplication::font()), detailFont(QApplication::font()), idleIcon(QIcon(":/icons/zzz.png")) {
- detailFontSizeDrop = nameFont.pointSize() >= 10 ? 2 : 0;
- detailFont.setStyle(QFont::StyleItalic);
- detailFont.setPointSize(nameFont.pointSize() - detailFontSizeDrop);
- }
+ class DelegateCommons {
+ public:
+ DelegateCommons() : nameFont(QApplication::font()), detailFont(QApplication::font()), idleIcon(QIcon(":/icons/zzz.png")) {
+ detailFontSizeDrop = nameFont.pointSize() >= 10 ? 2 : 0;
+ detailFont.setStyle(QFont::StyleItalic);
+ detailFont.setPointSize(nameFont.pointSize() - detailFontSizeDrop);
+ }
- static void drawElidedText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, const QString& text, int flags = Qt::AlignTop);
+ static void drawElidedText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, const QString& text, int flags = Qt::AlignTop);
- QSize contactSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index, bool compact) const;
- void paintContact(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QColor& nameColor, const QString& avatarPath, const QIcon& presenceIcon, const QString& name, const QString& statusText, bool isIdle, int unreadCount, bool compact) const;
+ QSize contactSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index, bool compact) const;
+ void paintContact(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QColor& nameColor, const QString& avatarPath, const QIcon& presenceIcon, const QString& name, const QString& statusText, bool isIdle, int unreadCount, bool compact) const;
- int detailFontSizeDrop;
- QFont nameFont;
- QFont detailFont;
- static const int horizontalMargin;
- static const int verticalMargin;
- static const int farLeftMargin;
- static const int avatarSize;
- static const int presenceIconHeight;
- static const int presenceIconWidth;
- static const int unreadCountSize;
- QIcon idleIcon;
- };
+ int detailFontSizeDrop;
+ QFont nameFont;
+ QFont detailFont;
+ static const int horizontalMargin;
+ static const int verticalMargin;
+ static const int farLeftMargin;
+ static const int avatarSize;
+ static const int presenceIconHeight;
+ static const int presenceIconWidth;
+ static const int unreadCountSize;
+ QIcon idleIcon;
+ };
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.cpp
index a9942f8..0356aa0 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include "GroupItemDelegate.h"
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.h>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPen>
@@ -13,100 +13,100 @@
namespace Swift {
GroupItemDelegate::GroupItemDelegate() : groupFont_(QApplication::font()) {
- groupFont_.setPointSize(common_.nameFont.pointSize() - common_.detailFontSizeDrop);
- groupFont_.setWeight(QFont::Bold);
+ groupFont_.setPointSize(common_.nameFont.pointSize() - common_.detailFontSizeDrop);
+ groupFont_.setWeight(QFont::Bold);
QSize GroupItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& /*option*/, const QModelIndex& /*index*/) const {
- QFontMetrics groupMetrics(groupFont_);
- return QSize(150, groupMetrics.height() + common_.verticalMargin + 2);
+ QFontMetrics groupMetrics(groupFont_);
+ return QSize(150, groupMetrics.height() + common_.verticalMargin + 2);
void GroupItemDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QString& name, int rowCount, bool expanded) const {
- painter->save();
- painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(189, 189, 189)));
- //FIXME: It looks like Qt is passing us a rectangle that's too small
- //This deliberately draws outside the lines, and we need to find a better solution.
- int correctionAmount = groupCornerRadius_ > 0 ? 0 : 1;
- QRect region(QPoint(option.rect.left() - correctionAmount,, QSize(option.rect.width() + correctionAmount, option.rect.height() - common_.verticalMargin));
- QLinearGradient fillGradient(region.topLeft(), region.bottomLeft());
- fillGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(244, 244, 244));
- fillGradient.setColorAt(0.1, QColor(231, 231, 231));
- fillGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(209, 209, 209));
- QBrush backgroundBrush = QBrush(fillGradient);
- QPainterPath fillPath;
- fillPath.addRoundedRect(region, groupCornerRadius_, groupCornerRadius_);
- QPainterPath linePath;
- linePath.addRoundedRect(region, groupCornerRadius_, groupCornerRadius_);
- painter->fillPath(fillPath, backgroundBrush);
- painter->drawPath(linePath);
- int triangleHorizontalOffset = 1;
- int triangleWidth = 9;
- int triangleHeight = 5;
- paintExpansionTriangle(painter, region.adjusted(common_.horizontalMargin + triangleHorizontalOffset + 1, 0, 0, 0), triangleWidth, triangleHeight, expanded);
- int textLeftOffset = 3 * common_.horizontalMargin + 1 + triangleWidth + triangleHorizontalOffset;
- QFontMetrics fontMetrics(groupFont_);
- int textTopOffset = (region.height() - fontMetrics.height()) / 2;
- painter->setFont(groupFont_);
- int contactCountWidth = 0;
- QRect textRect = region.adjusted(textLeftOffset, textTopOffset, -1 * textLeftOffset, -1 * textTopOffset);
- if (!expanded) {
- QFontMetrics groupMetrics(groupFont_);
- int contactCount = rowCount;
- QString countString = QString("%1").arg(contactCount);
- contactCountWidth = groupMetrics.width(countString) + 2 * common_.horizontalMargin;
- int offsetAmount = textRect.width() - contactCountWidth + common_.horizontalMargin;
- QRect countRect = textRect.adjusted(offsetAmount, 0, 0/*-1 * offsetAmount*/, 0);
- paintShadowText(painter, countRect, countString);
- }
- QRect nameTextRect = expanded ? textRect : textRect.adjusted(0, 0, -contactCountWidth, 0);
- QString elidedName = fontMetrics.elidedText(name, Qt::ElideRight, nameTextRect.width(), Qt::TextShowMnemonic);
- paintShadowText(painter, nameTextRect, elidedName);
- painter->restore();
+ painter->save();
+ painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(189, 189, 189)));
+ //FIXME: It looks like Qt is passing us a rectangle that's too small
+ //This deliberately draws outside the lines, and we need to find a better solution.
+ int correctionAmount = groupCornerRadius_ > 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ QRect region(QPoint(option.rect.left() - correctionAmount,, QSize(option.rect.width() + correctionAmount, option.rect.height() - common_.verticalMargin));
+ QLinearGradient fillGradient(region.topLeft(), region.bottomLeft());
+ fillGradient.setColorAt(0, QColor(244, 244, 244));
+ fillGradient.setColorAt(0.1, QColor(231, 231, 231));
+ fillGradient.setColorAt(1, QColor(209, 209, 209));
+ QBrush backgroundBrush = QBrush(fillGradient);
+ QPainterPath fillPath;
+ fillPath.addRoundedRect(region, groupCornerRadius_, groupCornerRadius_);
+ QPainterPath linePath;
+ linePath.addRoundedRect(region, groupCornerRadius_, groupCornerRadius_);
+ painter->fillPath(fillPath, backgroundBrush);
+ painter->drawPath(linePath);
+ int triangleHorizontalOffset = 1;
+ int triangleWidth = 9;
+ int triangleHeight = 5;
+ paintExpansionTriangle(painter, region.adjusted(common_.horizontalMargin + triangleHorizontalOffset + 1, 0, 0, 0), triangleWidth, triangleHeight, expanded);
+ int textLeftOffset = 3 * common_.horizontalMargin + 1 + triangleWidth + triangleHorizontalOffset;
+ QFontMetrics fontMetrics(groupFont_);
+ int textTopOffset = (region.height() - fontMetrics.height()) / 2;
+ painter->setFont(groupFont_);
+ int contactCountWidth = 0;
+ QRect textRect = region.adjusted(textLeftOffset, textTopOffset, -1 * textLeftOffset, -1 * textTopOffset);
+ if (!expanded) {
+ QFontMetrics groupMetrics(groupFont_);
+ int contactCount = rowCount;
+ QString countString = QString("%1").arg(contactCount);
+ contactCountWidth = groupMetrics.width(countString) + 2 * common_.horizontalMargin;
+ int offsetAmount = textRect.width() - contactCountWidth + common_.horizontalMargin;
+ QRect countRect = textRect.adjusted(offsetAmount, 0, 0/*-1 * offsetAmount*/, 0);
+ paintShadowText(painter, countRect, countString);
+ }
+ QRect nameTextRect = expanded ? textRect : textRect.adjusted(0, 0, -contactCountWidth, 0);
+ QString elidedName = fontMetrics.elidedText(name, Qt::ElideRight, nameTextRect.width(), Qt::TextShowMnemonic);
+ paintShadowText(painter, nameTextRect, elidedName);
+ painter->restore();
void GroupItemDelegate::paintExpansionTriangle(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, int width, int height, bool expanded) const {
- // height is the height of the downward pointing triangle
- QPolygonF triangle;
- if (expanded) {
- QPointF triangleTopLeft(region.left(), + region.height() / 2 - height / 2);
- triangle << triangleTopLeft;
- triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(width, 0);
- triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(width / 2, height);
- // The expanded triangle should be a little lower, because its pointy shape makes it feel
- // as if it's too high.
- triangle.translate(QPointF(0,1));
- }
- else {
- QPointF triangleTopLeft(region.left() + ((width - height) / 2), + region.height() / 2 - width / 2);
- triangle << triangleTopLeft;
- triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(height, width / 2);
- triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(0, width);
- }
- //qDebug() << "Painting triangle: " << triangle;
- QPolygonF triangleShadow(triangle);
- triangleShadow.translate(QPointF(0, -1));
- QPainterPath trianglePath;
- QPainterPath triangleShadowPath;
- QBrush triangleBrush(QColor(110, 110, 110));
- QBrush triangleShadowBrush(QColor(47, 47, 47));
- trianglePath.addPolygon(triangle);
- triangleShadowPath.addPolygon(triangleShadow);
- painter->fillPath(triangleShadowPath, triangleShadowBrush);
- painter->fillPath(trianglePath, triangleBrush);
+ // height is the height of the downward pointing triangle
+ QPolygonF triangle;
+ if (expanded) {
+ QPointF triangleTopLeft(region.left(), + region.height() / 2 - height / 2);
+ triangle << triangleTopLeft;
+ triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(width, 0);
+ triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(width / 2, height);
+ // The expanded triangle should be a little lower, because its pointy shape makes it feel
+ // as if it's too high.
+ triangle.translate(QPointF(0,1));
+ }
+ else {
+ QPointF triangleTopLeft(region.left() + ((width - height) / 2), + region.height() / 2 - width / 2);
+ triangle << triangleTopLeft;
+ triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(height, width / 2);
+ triangle << triangleTopLeft + QPointF(0, width);
+ }
+ //qDebug() << "Painting triangle: " << triangle;
+ QPolygonF triangleShadow(triangle);
+ triangleShadow.translate(QPointF(0, -1));
+ QPainterPath trianglePath;
+ QPainterPath triangleShadowPath;
+ QBrush triangleBrush(QColor(110, 110, 110));
+ QBrush triangleShadowBrush(QColor(47, 47, 47));
+ trianglePath.addPolygon(triangle);
+ triangleShadowPath.addPolygon(triangleShadow);
+ painter->fillPath(triangleShadowPath, triangleShadowBrush);
+ painter->fillPath(trianglePath, triangleBrush);
void GroupItemDelegate::paintShadowText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, const QString& text) const {
- painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(254, 254, 254)));
- painter->drawText(region.adjusted(0, 1, 0, 0), Qt::AlignTop, text);
- painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(115, 115, 115)));
- painter->drawText(region, Qt::AlignTop, text);
+ painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(254, 254, 254)));
+ painter->drawText(region.adjusted(0, 1, 0, 0), Qt::AlignTop, text);
+ painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(115, 115, 115)));
+ painter->drawText(region, Qt::AlignTop, text);
const int GroupItemDelegate::groupCornerRadius_ = 0;
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.h
index 859f3ec..f989ed0 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
#pragma once
-#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
#include <QColor>
#include <QFont>
+#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
-#include "DelegateCommons.h"
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.h>
namespace Swift {
- class QtTreeWidgetItem;
- class GroupItemDelegate {
- public:
- GroupItemDelegate();
- QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QString& name, int rowCount, bool expanded) const;
- private:
- void paintShadowText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, const QString& text) const;
- void paintExpansionTriangle(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, int width, int height, bool expanded) const;
- QFont groupFont_;
- static const int groupCornerRadius_;
- DelegateCommons common_;
- };
+ class QtTreeWidgetItem;
+ class GroupItemDelegate {
+ public:
+ GroupItemDelegate();
+ QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QString& name, int rowCount, bool expanded) const;
+ private:
+ void paintShadowText(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, const QString& text) const;
+ void paintExpansionTriangle(QPainter* painter, const QRect& region, int width, int height, bool expanded) const;
+ QFont groupFont_;
+ static const int groupCornerRadius_;
+ DelegateCommons common_;
+ };
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.cpp
index acfd50f..2e1ead9 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2014 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
* See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information.
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.h>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QLayout>
@@ -18,31 +20,31 @@
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RequestChatUIEvent.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/UIEventStream.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtClosableLineEdit.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtSwiftUtil.h>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.h>
namespace Swift {
-QtFilterWidget::QtFilterWidget(QWidget* parent, QtTreeWidget* treeView, UIEventStream* eventStream, QBoxLayout* layout) : QWidget(parent), treeView_(treeView), eventStream_(eventStream), fuzzyRosterFilter_(0), isModifierSinglePressed_(false) {
- int targetIndex = layout->indexOf(treeView);
+QtFilterWidget::QtFilterWidget(QWidget* parent, QtTreeWidget* treeView, UIEventStream* eventStream, QBoxLayout* layout) : QWidget(parent), treeView_(treeView), eventStream_(eventStream), fuzzyRosterFilter_(nullptr), isModifierSinglePressed_(false) {
+ int targetIndex = layout->indexOf(treeView);
- QVBoxLayout* vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
- vboxLayout->setSpacing(0);
- vboxLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
+ QVBoxLayout* vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ vboxLayout->setSpacing(0);
+ vboxLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
- filterLineEdit_ = new QtClosableLineEdit(this);
- filterLineEdit_->hide();
- vboxLayout->addWidget(filterLineEdit_);
+ filterLineEdit_ = new QtClosableLineEdit(this);
+ filterLineEdit_->hide();
+ vboxLayout->addWidget(filterLineEdit_);
- vboxLayout->addWidget(treeView);
- setLayout(vboxLayout);
- layout->insertWidget(targetIndex, this);
+ vboxLayout->addWidget(treeView);
+ setLayout(vboxLayout);
+ layout->insertWidget(targetIndex, this);
- filterLineEdit_->installEventFilter(this);
- treeView->installEventFilter(this);
+ filterLineEdit_->installEventFilter(this);
+ treeView->installEventFilter(this);
- sourceModel_ = treeView_->model();
+ sourceModel_ = treeView_->model();
QtFilterWidget::~QtFilterWidget() {
@@ -50,118 +52,118 @@ QtFilterWidget::~QtFilterWidget() {
bool QtFilterWidget::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* event) {
- if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ||
- event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ||
- // InputMethodQuery got introduced in Qt 5.
+ if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ||
+ event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ||
+ // InputMethodQuery got introduced in Qt 5.
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
- event->type() == QEvent::InputMethodQuery ||
+ event->type() == QEvent::InputMethodQuery ||
- event->type() == QEvent::InputMethod) {
- event->ignore();
- QKeyEvent* keyEvent = dynamic_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
- if (keyEvent) {
- if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Up || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Down) {
- return false;
- } else if ((keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Left || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Right) && filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty()) {
- return false;
- } else if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Alt && event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
- isModifierSinglePressed_ = true;
- } else if ((keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Alt && event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease && isModifierSinglePressed_)
- || (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Menu)) {
- QPoint itemOffset(2,2);
- QPoint contextMenuPosition = treeView_->visualRect(treeView_->currentIndex()).topLeft() + itemOffset;;
- QApplication::postEvent(treeView_, new QContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent::Keyboard, contextMenuPosition, treeView_->mapToGlobal(contextMenuPosition)));
- return true;
- } else if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
- JID target = treeView_->selectedJID();
- if (target.isValid()) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::shared_ptr<UIEvent>(new RequestChatUIEvent(target)));
- }
- filterLineEdit_->setText("");
- updateRosterFilters();
- } else if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) {
- filterLineEdit_->setText("");
- } else {
- isModifierSinglePressed_ = false;
- }
- }
- filterLineEdit_->event(event);
- if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) {
- updateRosterFilters();
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ event->type() == QEvent::InputMethod) {
+ event->ignore();
+ QKeyEvent* keyEvent = dynamic_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
+ if (keyEvent) {
+ if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Up || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Down) {
+ return false;
+ } else if ((keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Left || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Right) && filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty()) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Alt && event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
+ isModifierSinglePressed_ = true;
+ } else if ((keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Alt && event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease && isModifierSinglePressed_)
+ || (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Menu)) {
+ QPoint itemOffset(2,2);
+ QPoint contextMenuPosition = treeView_->visualRect(treeView_->currentIndex()).topLeft() + itemOffset;;
+ QApplication::postEvent(treeView_, new QContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent::Keyboard, contextMenuPosition, treeView_->mapToGlobal(contextMenuPosition)));
+ return true;
+ } else if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
+ JID target = treeView_->selectedJID();
+ if (target.isValid()) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestChatUIEvent>(target));
+ }
+ filterLineEdit_->setText("");
+ updateRosterFilters();
+ } else if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) {
+ filterLineEdit_->setText("");
+ } else {
+ isModifierSinglePressed_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ filterLineEdit_->event(event);
+ if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease) {
+ updateRosterFilters();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
void QtFilterWidget::popAllFilters() {
- std::vector<RosterFilter*> filters = treeView_->getRoster()->getFilters();
- foreach(RosterFilter* filter, filters) {
- filters_.push_back(filter);
- treeView_->getRoster()->removeFilter(filter);
- }
- treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterAdded.connect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterAdded, this, _1));
- treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterRemoved, this, _1));
+ std::vector<RosterFilter*> filters = treeView_->getRoster()->getFilters();
+ for (auto filter : filters) {
+ filters_.push_back(filter);
+ treeView_->getRoster()->removeFilter(filter);
+ }
+ treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterAdded.connect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterAdded, this, _1));
+ treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterRemoved.connect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterRemoved, this, _1));
void QtFilterWidget::pushAllFilters() {
- treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterAdded.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterAdded, this, _1));
- treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterRemoved.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterRemoved, this, _1));
- foreach(RosterFilter* filter, filters_) {
- treeView_->getRoster()->addFilter(filter);
- }
- filters_.clear();
+ treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterAdded.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterAdded, this, _1));
+ treeView_->getRoster()->onFilterRemoved.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtFilterWidget::handleFilterRemoved, this, _1));
+ for (auto filter : filters_) {
+ treeView_->getRoster()->addFilter(filter);
+ }
+ filters_.clear();
void QtFilterWidget::updateRosterFilters() {
- if (fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
- if (filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty()) {
- // remove currently installed search filter and put old filters back
- treeView_->getRoster()->removeFilter(fuzzyRosterFilter_);
- delete fuzzyRosterFilter_;
- fuzzyRosterFilter_ = NULL;
- pushAllFilters();
- } else {
- // remove currently intsalled search filter and put new search filter in place
- updateSearchFilter();
- }
- } else {
- if (!filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty()) {
- // remove currently installed filters and put a search filter in place
- popAllFilters();
- updateSearchFilter();
- }
- }
- filterLineEdit_->setVisible(!filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty());
+ if (fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
+ if (filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty()) {
+ // remove currently installed search filter and put old filters back
+ treeView_->getRoster()->removeFilter(fuzzyRosterFilter_);
+ delete fuzzyRosterFilter_;
+ fuzzyRosterFilter_ = nullptr;
+ pushAllFilters();
+ } else {
+ // remove currently intsalled search filter and put new search filter in place
+ updateSearchFilter();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty()) {
+ // remove currently installed filters and put a search filter in place
+ popAllFilters();
+ updateSearchFilter();
+ }
+ }
+ filterLineEdit_->setVisible(!filterLineEdit_->text().isEmpty());
void QtFilterWidget::updateSearchFilter() {
- if (fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
- treeView_->getRoster()->removeFilter(fuzzyRosterFilter_);
- delete fuzzyRosterFilter_;
- fuzzyRosterFilter_ = NULL;
- }
- fuzzyRosterFilter_ = new FuzzyRosterFilter(Q2PSTRING(filterLineEdit_->text()));
- treeView_->getRoster()->addFilter(fuzzyRosterFilter_);
- treeView_->setCurrentIndex(sourceModel_->index(0, 0, sourceModel_->index(0,0)));
+ if (fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
+ treeView_->getRoster()->removeFilter(fuzzyRosterFilter_);
+ delete fuzzyRosterFilter_;
+ fuzzyRosterFilter_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ fuzzyRosterFilter_ = new FuzzyRosterFilter(Q2PSTRING(filterLineEdit_->text()));
+ treeView_->getRoster()->addFilter(fuzzyRosterFilter_);
+ treeView_->setCurrentIndex(sourceModel_->index(0, 0, sourceModel_->index(0,0)));
void QtFilterWidget::handleFilterAdded(RosterFilter* filter) {
- if (filter != fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
- filterLineEdit_->setText("");
- updateRosterFilters();
- }
+ if (filter != fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
+ filterLineEdit_->setText("");
+ updateRosterFilters();
+ }
void QtFilterWidget::handleFilterRemoved(RosterFilter* filter) {
- /* make sure we don't end up adding this one back in later */
- filters_.erase(std::remove(filters_.begin(), filters_.end(), filter), filters_.end());
- if (filter != fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
- filterLineEdit_->setText("");
- updateRosterFilters();
- }
+ /* make sure we don't end up adding this one back in later */
+ filters_.erase(std::remove(filters_.begin(), filters_.end(), filter), filters_.end());
+ if (filter != fuzzyRosterFilter_) {
+ filterLineEdit_->setText("");
+ updateRosterFilters();
+ }
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.h
index d0307ea..ea3c325 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtFilterWidget.h
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
* See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Isode Limited.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * See the COPYING file for more information.
+ */
#pragma once
#include <vector>
@@ -11,8 +17,8 @@
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QWidget>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/RosterFilter.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/FuzzyRosterFilter.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/RosterFilter.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
@@ -20,32 +26,32 @@ namespace Swift {
class UIEventStream;
class QtClosableLineEdit;
class QtFilterWidget : public QWidget {
- public:
- QtFilterWidget(QWidget* parent, QtTreeWidget* treeView, UIEventStream* eventStream, QBoxLayout* layout = 0);
- virtual ~QtFilterWidget();
- protected:
- bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* event);
- private:
- void popAllFilters();
- void pushAllFilters();
- void updateRosterFilters();
- void updateSearchFilter();
- void handleFilterAdded(RosterFilter* filter);
- void handleFilterRemoved(RosterFilter* filter);
- private:
- QtClosableLineEdit* filterLineEdit_;
- QtTreeWidget* treeView_;
- UIEventStream* eventStream_;
- std::vector<RosterFilter*> filters_;
- QAbstractItemModel* sourceModel_;
- FuzzyRosterFilter* fuzzyRosterFilter_;
- bool isModifierSinglePressed_;
+ public:
+ QtFilterWidget(QWidget* parent, QtTreeWidget* treeView, UIEventStream* eventStream, QBoxLayout* layout = nullptr);
+ virtual ~QtFilterWidget();
+ protected:
+ bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent* event);
+ private:
+ void popAllFilters();
+ void pushAllFilters();
+ void updateRosterFilters();
+ void updateSearchFilter();
+ void handleFilterAdded(RosterFilter* filter);
+ void handleFilterRemoved(RosterFilter* filter);
+ private:
+ QtClosableLineEdit* filterLineEdit_;
+ QtTreeWidget* treeView_;
+ UIEventStream* eventStream_;
+ std::vector<RosterFilter*> filters_;
+ QAbstractItemModel* sourceModel_;
+ FuzzyRosterFilter* fuzzyRosterFilter_;
+ bool isModifierSinglePressed_;
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.cpp
index 4d7a543..a12863d 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.h>
-#include <QContextMenuEvent>
-#include <QMenu>
#include <QAction>
+#include <QContextMenuEvent>
#include <QInputDialog>
+#include <QMenu>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h>
@@ -29,47 +29,47 @@ QtOccupantListWidget::~QtOccupantListWidget() {
void QtOccupantListWidget::setAvailableOccupantActions(const std::vector<ChatWindow::OccupantAction>& actions) {
- availableOccupantActions_ = actions;
+ availableOccupantActions_ = actions;
void QtOccupantListWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event) {
- QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
- if (!index.isValid()) {
- return;
- }
+ QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
+ if (!index.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
- RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- if (contact) {
- onSomethingSelectedChanged(contact);
- QMenu contextMenu;
- if (availableOccupantActions_.empty()) {
- QAction* noAction = contextMenu.addAction(tr("No actions for this user"));
- noAction->setEnabled(false);
- contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
- }
- else {
- std::map<QAction*, ChatWindow::OccupantAction> actions;
- foreach (ChatWindow::OccupantAction availableAction, availableOccupantActions_) {
- QString text = "Error: missing string";
- switch (availableAction) {
- case ChatWindow::Kick: text = tr("Kick user"); break;
- case ChatWindow::Ban: text = tr("Kick and ban user"); break;
- case ChatWindow::MakeModerator: text = tr("Make moderator"); break;
- case ChatWindow::MakeParticipant: text = tr("Make participant"); break;
- case ChatWindow::MakeVisitor: text = tr("Remove voice"); break;
- case ChatWindow::AddContact: text = tr("Add to contacts"); break;
- case ChatWindow::ShowProfile: text = tr("Show profile"); break;
- }
- QAction* action = contextMenu.addAction(text);
- actions[action] = availableAction;
- }
- QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
- if (result) {
- onOccupantActionSelected(actions[result], contact);
- }
- }
- }
+ RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ if (contact) {
+ onSomethingSelectedChanged(contact);
+ QMenu contextMenu;
+ if (availableOccupantActions_.empty()) {
+ QAction* noAction = contextMenu.addAction(tr("No actions for this user"));
+ noAction->setEnabled(false);
+ contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
+ }
+ else {
+ std::map<QAction*, ChatWindow::OccupantAction> actions;
+ for (const auto& availableAction : availableOccupantActions_) {
+ QString text = "Error: missing string";
+ switch (availableAction) {
+ case ChatWindow::Kick: text = tr("Kick user"); break;
+ case ChatWindow::Ban: text = tr("Kick and ban user"); break;
+ case ChatWindow::MakeModerator: text = tr("Make moderator"); break;
+ case ChatWindow::MakeParticipant: text = tr("Make participant"); break;
+ case ChatWindow::MakeVisitor: text = tr("Remove voice"); break;
+ case ChatWindow::AddContact: text = tr("Add to contacts"); break;
+ case ChatWindow::ShowProfile: text = tr("Show profile"); break;
+ }
+ QAction* action = contextMenu.addAction(text);
+ actions[action] = availableAction;
+ }
+ QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
+ if (result) {
+ onOccupantActionSelected(actions[result], contact);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.h
index 645c21a..0f80943 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtOccupantListWidget.h
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
#pragma once
-#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
-#include <Swiften/Base/boost_bsignals.h>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIInterfaces/ChatWindow.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
namespace Swift {
class SettingsProvider;
class QtOccupantListWidget : public QtTreeWidget {
- public:
- QtOccupantListWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, MessageTarget privateMessageTarget, QWidget* parent = NULL);
- virtual ~QtOccupantListWidget();
- void setAvailableOccupantActions(const std::vector<ChatWindow::OccupantAction>& actions);
- boost::signal<void (ChatWindow::OccupantAction, ContactRosterItem*)> onOccupantActionSelected;
- protected:
- void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event);
- private:
- std::vector<ChatWindow::OccupantAction> availableOccupantActions_;
+ public:
+ QtOccupantListWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, MessageTarget privateMessageTarget, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
+ virtual ~QtOccupantListWidget();
+ void setAvailableOccupantActions(const std::vector<ChatWindow::OccupantAction>& actions);
+ boost::signals2::signal<void (ChatWindow::OccupantAction, ContactRosterItem*)> onOccupantActionSelected;
+ protected:
+ void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event);
+ private:
+ std::vector<ChatWindow::OccupantAction> availableOccupantActions_;
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.cpp
index bef8635..935d6f6 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
@@ -7,23 +7,24 @@
#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.h>
#include <QContextMenuEvent>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QInputDialog>
-#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QPushButton>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RequestContactEditorUIEvent.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RemoveRosterItemUIEvent.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RenameGroupUIEvent.h>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/SendFileUIEvent.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RequestContactEditorUIEvent.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RequestWhiteboardUIEvent.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/SendFileUIEvent.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/ShowProfileForRosterItemUIEvent.h>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent.h>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/QtContactEditWindow.h>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/UIEventStream.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/QtContactEditWindow.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtSwiftUtil.h>
namespace Swift {
@@ -37,125 +38,125 @@ QtRosterWidget::~QtRosterWidget() {
void QtRosterWidget::handleEditUserActionTriggered(bool /*checked*/) {
- QModelIndexList selectedIndexList = getSelectedIndexes();
- if (selectedIndexList.empty()) {
- return;
- }
- QModelIndex index = selectedIndexList[0];
- if (!index.isValid()) {
- return;
- }
- RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestContactEditorUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
- }
+ QModelIndexList selectedIndexList = getSelectedIndexes();
+ if (selectedIndexList.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ QModelIndex index = selectedIndexList[0];
+ if (!index.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestContactEditorUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
+ }
void QtRosterWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event) {
- QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
- if (!index.isValid()) {
- return;
- }
- RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- QMenu contextMenu;
- if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
- QAction* editContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Edit…"));
- editContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
- QAction* removeContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Remove"));
- removeContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
- QAction* showProfileForContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Show Profile"));
- QAction* unblockContact = NULL;
- if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsBlocked ||
- contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsDomainBlocked) {
- unblockContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Unblock"));
- unblockContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
- }
- QAction* blockContact = NULL;
- if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsUnblocked) {
- blockContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Block"));
- blockContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
- }
+ QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
+ if (!index.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ QMenu contextMenu;
+ if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
+ QAction* editContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Edit…"));
+ editContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
+ QAction* removeContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Remove"));
+ removeContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
+ QAction* showProfileForContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Show Profile"));
+ QAction* unblockContact = nullptr;
+ if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsBlocked ||
+ contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsDomainBlocked) {
+ unblockContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Unblock"));
+ unblockContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
+ }
+ QAction* blockContact = nullptr;
+ if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsUnblocked) {
+ blockContact = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Block"));
+ blockContact->setEnabled(isOnline());
+ }
- QAction* sendFile = NULL;
- if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::FileTransferFeature)) {
- sendFile = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Send File"));
- sendFile->setEnabled(isOnline());
- }
+ QAction* sendFile = nullptr;
+ if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::FileTransferFeature)) {
+ sendFile = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Send File"));
+ sendFile->setEnabled(isOnline());
+ }
- QAction* startWhiteboardChat = NULL;
- if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::WhiteboardFeature)) {
- startWhiteboardChat = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Start Whiteboard Chat"));
- startWhiteboardChat->setEnabled(isOnline());
- }
+ QAction* startWhiteboardChat = nullptr;
+ if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::WhiteboardFeature)) {
+ startWhiteboardChat = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Start Whiteboard Chat"));
+ startWhiteboardChat->setEnabled(isOnline());
+ }
- QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
- if (result == editContact) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestContactEditorUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
- }
- else if (result == removeContact) {
- if (QtContactEditWindow::confirmContactDeletion(contact->getJID())) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RemoveRosterItemUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
- }
- }
- else if (result == showProfileForContact) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<ShowProfileForRosterItemUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
- }
- else if (unblockContact && result == unblockContact) {
- if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsDomainBlocked) {
- QMessageBox messageBox(QMessageBox::Question, tr("Swift"), tr("%2 is currently blocked because of a block on all users of the %1 service.\n %2 cannot be unblocked individually; do you want to unblock all %1 users?").arg(P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().getDomain()), P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().toString())), QMessageBox::NoButton, this);
- QPushButton* unblockDomainButton = messageBox.addButton(tr("Unblock %1 domain").arg(P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().getDomain())), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
- messageBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Abort);
- messageBox.exec();
- if (messageBox.clickedButton() == unblockDomainButton) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Unblocked, contact->getJID().getDomain()));
- }
- } else {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Unblocked, contact->getJID()));
- }
- }
- else if (blockContact && result == blockContact) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Blocked, contact->getJID()));
- }
+ QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
+ if (result == editContact) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestContactEditorUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
+ }
+ else if (result == removeContact) {
+ if (QtContactEditWindow::confirmContactDeletion(contact->getJID())) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RemoveRosterItemUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (result == showProfileForContact) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<ShowProfileForRosterItemUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
+ }
+ else if (unblockContact && result == unblockContact) {
+ if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsDomainBlocked) {
+ QMessageBox messageBox(QMessageBox::Question, tr("Swift"), tr("%2 is currently blocked because of a block on all users of the %1 service.\n %2 cannot be unblocked individually; do you want to unblock all %1 users?").arg(P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().getDomain()), P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().toString())), QMessageBox::NoButton, this);
+ QPushButton* unblockDomainButton = messageBox.addButton(tr("Unblock %1 domain").arg(P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().getDomain())), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
+ messageBox.addButton(QMessageBox::Abort);
+ messageBox.exec();
+ if (messageBox.clickedButton() == unblockDomainButton) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Unblocked, contact->getJID().getDomain()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Unblocked, contact->getJID()));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (blockContact && result == blockContact) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent>(RequestChangeBlockStateUIEvent::Blocked, contact->getJID()));
+ }
- else if (sendFile && result == sendFile) {
- QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Send File"), "", tr("All Files (*);;"));
- if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<SendFileUIEvent>(contact->getJID(), Q2PSTRING(fileName)));
- }
- }
+ else if (sendFile && result == sendFile) {
+ QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Send File"), "", tr("All Files (*);;"));
+ if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<SendFileUIEvent>(contact->getJID(), Q2PSTRING(fileName)));
+ }
+ }
- else if (startWhiteboardChat && result == startWhiteboardChat) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RequestWhiteboardUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
- }
+ else if (startWhiteboardChat && result == startWhiteboardChat) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestWhiteboardUIEvent>(contact->getJID()));
+ }
- }
- else if (GroupRosterItem* group = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item)) {
- QAction* renameGroupAction = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Rename"));
- if (P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName()) == tr("Contacts")) {
- renameGroupAction->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else {
- renameGroupAction->setEnabled(isOnline());
- }
- QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
- if (result == renameGroupAction) {
- renameGroup(group);
- }
- }
+ }
+ else if (GroupRosterItem* group = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item)) {
+ QAction* renameGroupAction = contextMenu.addAction(tr("Rename"));
+ if (P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName()) == tr("Contacts")) {
+ renameGroupAction->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ renameGroupAction->setEnabled(isOnline());
+ }
+ QAction* result = contextMenu.exec(event->globalPos());
+ if (result == renameGroupAction) {
+ renameGroup(group);
+ }
+ }
void QtRosterWidget::renameGroup(GroupRosterItem* group) {
- bool ok;
- QString newName = QInputDialog::getText(NULL, tr("Rename group"), tr("Enter a new name for group '%1':").arg(P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName())), QLineEdit::Normal, P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName()), &ok);
- if (ok) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<RenameGroupUIEvent>(group->getDisplayName(), Q2PSTRING(newName)));
- }
+ bool ok;
+ QString newName = QInputDialog::getText(nullptr, tr("Rename group"), tr("Enter a new name for group '%1':").arg(P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName())), QLineEdit::Normal, P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName()), &ok);
+ if (ok) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RenameGroupUIEvent>(group->getDisplayName(), Q2PSTRING(newName)));
+ }
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.h
index d785af2..2cf8315 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtRosterWidget.h
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
#pragma once
-#include "Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h"
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
namespace Swift {
class QtUIPreferences;
class QtRosterWidget : public QtTreeWidget {
- public:
- QtRosterWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, QWidget* parent = 0);
- virtual ~QtRosterWidget();
- public slots:
- void handleEditUserActionTriggered(bool checked);
- protected:
- void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event);
- private:
- void renameGroup(GroupRosterItem* group);
+ public:
+ QtRosterWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
+ virtual ~QtRosterWidget();
+ public slots:
+ void handleEditUserActionTriggered(bool checked);
+ protected:
+ void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event);
+ private:
+ void renameGroup(GroupRosterItem* group);
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.cpp
index 06a76c3..1264a09 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.cpp
@@ -1,263 +1,267 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
-#include <boost/smart_ptr/make_shared.hpp>
+#include <memory>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <QUrl>
+#include <QFont>
+#include <QLabel>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QObject>
-#include <QLabel>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QToolTip>
+#include <QUrl>
#include <Swiften/Base/Platform.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/UIEventStream.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Settings/SettingsProvider.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/RequestChatUIEvent.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/SendFileUIEvent.h>
-#include <Swift/Controllers/Settings/SettingsProvider.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/UIEvents/UIEventStream.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/QtSwiftUtil.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtUISettingConstants.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h>
-#include <QtSwiftUtil.h>
namespace Swift {
-QtTreeWidget::QtTreeWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, MessageTarget messageTarget, QWidget* parent) : QTreeView(parent), tooltipShown_(false), messageTarget_(messageTarget) {
- eventStream_ = eventStream;
- settings_ = settings;
- model_ = new RosterModel(this, settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::USE_SCREENREADER));
- setModel(model_);
- delegate_ = new RosterDelegate(this, settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::COMPACT_ROSTER));
- setItemDelegate(delegate_);
- setHeaderHidden(true);
+QtTreeWidget::QtTreeWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, MessageTarget messageTarget, QWidget* parent) : QTreeView(parent), eventStream_(eventStream), settings_(settings), messageTarget_(messageTarget) {
+ model_ = new RosterModel(this, settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::USE_SCREENREADER));
+ setModel(model_);
+ delegate_ = new RosterDelegate(this, settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::COMPACT_ROSTER));
+ setItemDelegate(delegate_);
+ setHeaderHidden(true);
- setAlternatingRowColors(true);
+ setAlternatingRowColors(true);
- setVerticalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel);
- expandAll();
- setAnimated(true);
- setIndentation(0);
+ setVerticalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel);
+ expandAll();
+ setAnimated(true);
+ setIndentation(0);
- setAcceptDrops(true);
+ setAcceptDrops(true);
- setDragEnabled(true);
- setRootIsDecorated(true);
- connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleItemActivated(const QModelIndex&)));
- connect(model_, SIGNAL(itemExpanded(const QModelIndex&, bool)), this, SLOT(handleModelItemExpanded(const QModelIndex&, bool)));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(expanded(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleExpanded(const QModelIndex&)));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(collapsed(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleCollapsed(const QModelIndex&)));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleClicked(const QModelIndex&)));
- settings_->onSettingChanged.connect(boost::bind(&QtTreeWidget::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
+ setDragEnabled(true);
+ setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleItemActivated(const QModelIndex&)));
+ connect(model_, SIGNAL(itemExpanded(const QModelIndex&, bool)), this, SLOT(handleModelItemExpanded(const QModelIndex&, bool)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(expanded(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleExpanded(const QModelIndex&)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(collapsed(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleCollapsed(const QModelIndex&)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT(handleClicked(const QModelIndex&)));
+ settings_->onSettingChanged.connect(boost::bind(&QtTreeWidget::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
+ QFont lato = font();
+ lato.setFamily("Lato");
+ setFont(lato);
QtTreeWidget::~QtTreeWidget() {
- settings_->onSettingChanged.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtTreeWidget::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
- delete model_;
- delete delegate_;
+ settings_->onSettingChanged.disconnect(boost::bind(&QtTreeWidget::handleSettingChanged, this, _1));
+ delete model_;
+ delete delegate_;
void QtTreeWidget::handleSettingChanged(const std::string& setting) {
- if (setting == QtUISettingConstants::COMPACT_ROSTER.getKey()) {
- delegate_->setCompact(settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::COMPACT_ROSTER));
- repaint();
- }
+ if (setting == QtUISettingConstants::COMPACT_ROSTER.getKey()) {
+ delegate_->setCompact(settings_->getSetting(QtUISettingConstants::COMPACT_ROSTER));
+ repaint();
+ }
void QtTreeWidget::handleRefreshTooltip() {
- if (tooltipShown_) {
- QPoint position = QCursor::pos();
- QModelIndex index = indexAt(mapFromGlobal(position));
- QToolTip::showText(position, model_->data(index, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString());
- }
+ if (tooltipShown_) {
+ QPoint position = QCursor::pos();
+ QModelIndex index = indexAt(mapFromGlobal(position));
+ QToolTip::showText(position, model_->data(index, Qt::ToolTipRole).toString());
+ }
void QtTreeWidget::setRosterModel(Roster* roster) {
- roster_ = roster;
- model_->setRoster(roster);
- expandAll();
+ roster_ = roster;
+ model_->setRoster(roster);
+ expandAll();
void QtTreeWidget::refreshTooltip() {
- // Qt needs some time to emit the events we need to detect tooltip's visibility correctly; 20 ms should be enough
- QTimer::singleShot(20, this, SLOT(handleRefreshTooltip()));
+ // Qt needs some time to emit the events we need to detect tooltip's visibility correctly; 20 ms should be enough
+ QTimer::singleShot(20, this, SLOT(handleRefreshTooltip()));
QtTreeWidgetItem* QtTreeWidget::getRoot() {
- return treeRoot_;
+ return treeRoot_;
void QtTreeWidget::handleClicked(const QModelIndex& index) {
- GroupRosterItem* item = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()));
- if (item) {
- setExpanded(index, !isExpanded(index));
- }
- currentChanged(index, QModelIndex());
+ GroupRosterItem* item = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()));
+ if (item) {
+ setExpanded(index, !isExpanded(index));
+ }
+ currentChanged(index, QModelIndex());
QModelIndexList QtTreeWidget::getSelectedIndexes() const {
- // Not using selectedIndexes(), because this seems to cause a crash in Qt (4.7.0) in the
- // QModelIndexList destructor.
- // This is a workaround posted in (although this case
- // was resolved by linking against the debug libs, ours isn't, and we're not alone)
- QItemSelection ranges = selectionModel()->selection();
- QModelIndexList selectedIndexList;
- for (int i = 0; i < ranges.count(); ++i) {
- QModelIndex parent =;
- int right =>columnCount(parent) - 1;
- if ( == 0 && == right) {
- for (int r =; r <=; ++r) {
- selectedIndexList.append(>index(r, 0, parent));
- }
- }
- }
- return selectedIndexList;
+ // Not using selectedIndexes(), because this seems to cause a crash in Qt (4.7.0) in the
+ // QModelIndexList destructor.
+ // This is a workaround posted in (although this case
+ // was resolved by linking against the debug libs, ours isn't, and we're not alone)
+ QItemSelection ranges = selectionModel()->selection();
+ QModelIndexList selectedIndexList;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ranges.count(); ++i) {
+ QModelIndex parent =;
+ int right =>columnCount(parent) - 1;
+ if ( == 0 && == right) {
+ for (int r =; r <=; ++r) {
+ selectedIndexList.append(>index(r, 0, parent));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return selectedIndexList;
void QtTreeWidget::currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous) {
- RosterItem* item = NULL;
- QModelIndexList selectedIndexList = getSelectedIndexes();
- if (selectedIndexList.empty() || !selectedIndexList[0].isValid()) {
- /* I didn't quite understand why using current didn't seem to work here.*/
- }
- else if (current.isValid()) {
- item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(current.internalPointer());
- item = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- }
- onSomethingSelectedChanged(item);
- QTreeView::currentChanged(current, previous);
+ RosterItem* item = nullptr;
+ QModelIndexList selectedIndexList = getSelectedIndexes();
+ if (selectedIndexList.empty() || !selectedIndexList[0].isValid()) {
+ /* I didn't quite understand why using current didn't seem to work here.*/
+ }
+ else if (current.isValid()) {
+ item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(current.internalPointer());
+ item = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ }
+ onSomethingSelectedChanged(item);
+ QTreeView::currentChanged(current, previous);
void QtTreeWidget::handleItemActivated(const QModelIndex& index) {
- JID target = jidFromIndex(index);
- if (target.isValid()) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::shared_ptr<UIEvent>(new RequestChatUIEvent(target)));
- }
+ JID target = jidFromIndex(index);
+ if (target.isValid()) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<RequestChatUIEvent>(target));
+ }
void QtTreeWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) {
- if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() && event->mimeData()->urls().size() == 1) {
- event->acceptProposedAction();
- }
+ if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls() && event->mimeData()->urls().size() == 1) {
+ event->acceptProposedAction();
+ }
void QtTreeWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) {
- QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
- if (index.isValid()) {
- RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
- if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::FileTransferFeature)) {
- QString filename = event->mimeData()->urls().at(0).toLocalFile();
- if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
- eventStream_->send(boost::make_shared<SendFileUIEvent>(contact->getJID(), Q2PSTRING(filename)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
+ if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::FileTransferFeature)) {
+ QString filename = event->mimeData()->urls().at(0).toLocalFile();
+ if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
+ eventStream_->send(std::make_shared<SendFileUIEvent>(contact->getJID(), Q2PSTRING(filename)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
void QtTreeWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event) {
- QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
- if (index.isValid()) {
- RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
- if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::FileTransferFeature)) {
- event->accept();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- QTreeView::dragMoveEvent(event);
+ QModelIndex index = indexAt(event->pos());
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ if (ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item)) {
+ if (contact->supportsFeature(ContactRosterItem::FileTransferFeature)) {
+ event->accept();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QTreeView::dragMoveEvent(event);
bool QtTreeWidget::event(QEvent* event) {
- QChildEvent* childEvent = NULL;
- if ((childEvent = dynamic_cast<QChildEvent*>(event))) {
- if (childEvent->polished()) {
- if (dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(childEvent->child())) {
- tooltipShown_ = true;
- }
- }
- else if (childEvent->removed()) {
- if (childEvent->child()->objectName() == "qtooltip_label") {
- tooltipShown_ = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return QAbstractItemView::event(event);
+ QChildEvent* childEvent = nullptr;
+ if ((childEvent = dynamic_cast<QChildEvent*>(event))) {
+ if (childEvent->polished()) {
+ if (dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(childEvent->child())) {
+ tooltipShown_ = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (childEvent->removed()) {
+ if (childEvent->child()->objectName() == "qtooltip_label") {
+ tooltipShown_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return QAbstractItemView::event(event);
void QtTreeWidget::handleExpanded(const QModelIndex& index) {
- GroupRosterItem* item = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()));
- if (item) {
- item->setExpanded(true);
- }
+ GroupRosterItem* item = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()));
+ if (item) {
+ item->setExpanded(true);
+ }
void QtTreeWidget::handleCollapsed(const QModelIndex& index) {
- GroupRosterItem* item = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()));
- if (item) {
- item->setExpanded(false);
- }
+ GroupRosterItem* item = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()));
+ if (item) {
+ item->setExpanded(false);
+ }
void QtTreeWidget::handleModelItemExpanded(const QModelIndex& index, bool shouldExpand) {
- if (!index.isValid()) {
- return;
- }
- bool alreadyRight = this->isExpanded(index) == shouldExpand;
- if (alreadyRight) {
- return;
- }
- setExpanded(index, shouldExpand);
+ if (!index.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ bool alreadyRight = this->isExpanded(index) == shouldExpand;
+ if (alreadyRight) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setExpanded(index, shouldExpand);
void QtTreeWidget::drawBranches(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QModelIndex&) const {
void QtTreeWidget::show() {
- QWidget::show();
+ QWidget::show();
void QtTreeWidget::setMessageTarget(MessageTarget messageTarget) {
- messageTarget_ = messageTarget;
+ messageTarget_ = messageTarget;
JID QtTreeWidget::jidFromIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const {
- JID target;
- if (messageTarget_ == MessageDisplayJID) {
- target = JID(Q2PSTRING(;
- target = target.toBare();
- }
- if (!target.isValid()) {
- target = JID(Q2PSTRING(;
- }
- return target;
+ JID target;
+ if (messageTarget_ == MessageDisplayJID) {
+ target = JID(Q2PSTRING(;
+ target = target.toBare();
+ }
+ if (!target.isValid()) {
+ target = JID(Q2PSTRING(;
+ }
+ return target;
JID QtTreeWidget::selectedJID() const {
- QModelIndexList list = selectedIndexes();
- if (list.size() != 1) {
- return JID();
- }
- return jidFromIndex(list[0]);
+ QModelIndexList list = selectedIndexes();
+ if (list.size() != 1) {
+ return JID();
+ }
+ return jidFromIndex(list[0]);
void QtTreeWidget::setOnline(bool isOnline) {
- isOnline_ = isOnline;
+ isOnline_ = isOnline;
bool QtTreeWidget::isOnline() const {
- return isOnline_;
+ return isOnline_;
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h
index ff45547..331458a 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
@@ -7,74 +7,74 @@
#pragma once
#include <QDragEnterEvent>
-#include <QDropEvent>
#include <QDragMoveEvent>
+#include <QDropEvent>
#include <QModelIndex>
#include <QTreeView>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.h>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/UIInterfaces/ChatWindow.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h>
namespace Swift {
class UIEventStream;
class SettingsProvider;
class QtTreeWidget : public QTreeView {
- public:
- enum MessageTarget {MessageDefaultJID, MessageDisplayJID};
+ public:
+ enum MessageTarget {MessageDefaultJID, MessageDisplayJID};
- QtTreeWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, MessageTarget messageTarget, QWidget* parent = 0);
- ~QtTreeWidget();
- void show();
- QtTreeWidgetItem* getRoot();
- void setRosterModel(Roster* roster);
- Roster* getRoster() {return roster_;}
- void refreshTooltip();
- void setMessageTarget(MessageTarget messageTarget);
- JID jidFromIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const;
- JID selectedJID() const;
- void setOnline(bool isOnline);
+ QtTreeWidget(UIEventStream* eventStream, SettingsProvider* settings, MessageTarget messageTarget, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
+ ~QtTreeWidget();
+ void show();
+ QtTreeWidgetItem* getRoot();
+ void setRosterModel(Roster* roster);
+ Roster* getRoster() {return roster_;}
+ void refreshTooltip();
+ void setMessageTarget(MessageTarget messageTarget);
+ JID jidFromIndex(const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ JID selectedJID() const;
+ void setOnline(bool isOnline);
- public:
- boost::signal<void (RosterItem*)> onSomethingSelectedChanged;
+ public:
+ boost::signals2::signal<void (RosterItem*)> onSomethingSelectedChanged;
- private slots:
- void handleItemActivated(const QModelIndex&);
- void handleModelItemExpanded(const QModelIndex&, bool expanded);
- void handleExpanded(const QModelIndex&);
- void handleCollapsed(const QModelIndex&);
- void handleClicked(const QModelIndex&);
- void handleSettingChanged(const std::string& setting);
- void handleRefreshTooltip();
+ private slots:
+ void handleItemActivated(const QModelIndex&);
+ void handleModelItemExpanded(const QModelIndex&, bool expanded);
+ void handleExpanded(const QModelIndex&);
+ void handleCollapsed(const QModelIndex&);
+ void handleClicked(const QModelIndex&);
+ void handleSettingChanged(const std::string& setting);
+ void handleRefreshTooltip();
- protected:
- void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event);
- void dropEvent(QDropEvent* event);
- void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event);
- bool event(QEvent* event);
- QModelIndexList getSelectedIndexes() const;
- bool isOnline() const;
+ protected:
+ void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event);
+ void dropEvent(QDropEvent* event);
+ void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event);
+ bool event(QEvent* event);
+ QModelIndexList getSelectedIndexes() const;
+ bool isOnline() const;
- private:
- void drawBranches(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QModelIndex&) const;
+ private:
+ void drawBranches(QPainter*, const QRect&, const QModelIndex&) const;
- protected slots:
- virtual void currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous);
- protected:
- UIEventStream* eventStream_;
+ protected slots:
+ virtual void currentChanged(const QModelIndex& current, const QModelIndex& previous);
+ protected:
+ UIEventStream* eventStream_;
- private:
- RosterModel* model_;
- Roster* roster_;
- RosterDelegate* delegate_;
- QtTreeWidgetItem* treeRoot_;
- SettingsProvider* settings_;
- bool tooltipShown_;
- MessageTarget messageTarget_;
- bool isOnline_;
+ private:
+ RosterModel* model_;
+ Roster* roster_ = nullptr;
+ RosterDelegate* delegate_;
+ QtTreeWidgetItem* treeRoot_ = nullptr;
+ SettingsProvider* settings_;
+ bool tooltipShown_ = false;
+ MessageTarget messageTarget_;
+ bool isOnline_ = false;
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.cpp
index c5bb290..061982e 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.cpp
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
-#include "RosterDelegate.h"
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.h>
#include <QApplication>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QColor>
+#include <QBitmap>
#include <QBrush>
+#include <QColor>
+#include <QDebug>
#include <QFontMetrics>
+#include <QPainter>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QPolygon>
-#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <QBitmap>
-#include "Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h"
-#include "Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h"
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h>
-#include "QtTreeWidget.h"
-#include "RosterModel.h"
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h>
namespace Swift {
RosterDelegate::RosterDelegate(QtTreeWidget* tree, bool compact) : compact_(compact) {
- tree_ = tree;
- groupDelegate_ = new GroupItemDelegate();
+ tree_ = tree;
+ groupDelegate_ = new GroupItemDelegate();
RosterDelegate::~RosterDelegate() {
- delete groupDelegate_;
+ delete groupDelegate_;
void RosterDelegate::setCompact(bool compact) {
- compact_ = compact;
- emit sizeHintChanged(QModelIndex());
+ compact_ = compact;
+ emit sizeHintChanged(QModelIndex());
QSize RosterDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const {
- RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item)) {
- return groupDelegate_->sizeHint(option, index);
- }
- return contactSizeHint(option, index);
+ RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ if (dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item)) {
+ return groupDelegate_->sizeHint(option, index);
+ }
+ return contactSizeHint(option, index);
QSize RosterDelegate::contactSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index ) const {
- return common_.contactSizeHint(option, index, compact_);
+ return common_.contactSizeHint(option, index, compact_);
void RosterDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const {
- RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
- if (dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item)) {
- paintGroup(painter, option, index);
- } else {
- paintContact(painter, option, index);
- }
+ RosterItem* item = static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer());
+ if (dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item)) {
+ paintGroup(painter, option, index);
+ } else {
+ paintContact(painter, option, index);
+ }
void RosterDelegate::paintGroup(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const {
- if (index.isValid()) {
- groupDelegate_->paint(painter, option,,, tree_->isExpanded(index));
- }
+ if (index.isValid()) {
+ groupDelegate_->paint(painter, option,,, tree_->isExpanded(index));
+ }
void RosterDelegate::paintContact(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const {
- QColor nameColor =<QColor>();
- QString avatarPath;
- if ( && !<QString>().isNull()) {
- avatarPath =<QString>();
- }
- QIcon presenceIcon = && !<QIcon>().isNull()
- ?<QIcon>()
- : QIcon(":/icons/offline.png");
- bool isIdle = ? : false;
- QString name =;
- QString statusText =;
- common_.paintContact(painter, option, nameColor, avatarPath, presenceIcon, name, statusText, isIdle, 0, compact_);
+ QColor nameColor =<QColor>();
+ QString avatarPath;
+ if ( && !<QString>().isNull()) {
+ avatarPath =<QString>();
+ }
+ QIcon presenceIcon = && !<QIcon>().isNull()
+ ?<QIcon>()
+ : QIcon(":/icons/offline.png");
+ bool isIdle = ? : false;
+ QString name =;
+ QString statusText =;
+ common_.paintContact(painter, option, nameColor, avatarPath, presenceIcon, name, statusText, isIdle, 0, compact_);
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.h
index aedb6d6..34c1569 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterDelegate.h
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
#pragma once
-#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
#include <QColor>
#include <QFont>
+#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
-#include "GroupItemDelegate.h"
-#include "DelegateCommons.h"
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/DelegateCommons.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/GroupItemDelegate.h>
namespace Swift {
- class QtTreeWidget;
- class RosterDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate {
- public:
- RosterDelegate(QtTreeWidget* tree, bool compact);
- ~RosterDelegate();
- QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- public slots:
- void setCompact(bool compact);
- private:
- QSize contactSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- void paintGroup(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- void paintContact(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
- bool compact_;
- DelegateCommons common_;
- GroupItemDelegate* groupDelegate_;
- QtTreeWidget* tree_;
- };
+ class QtTreeWidget;
+ class RosterDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate {
+ public:
+ RosterDelegate(QtTreeWidget* tree, bool compact);
+ ~RosterDelegate();
+ QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ public slots:
+ void setCompact(bool compact);
+ private:
+ QSize contactSizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ void paintGroup(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ void paintContact(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ bool compact_;
+ DelegateCommons common_;
+ GroupItemDelegate* groupDelegate_;
+ QtTreeWidget* tree_;
+ };
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.cpp
index b7a1d0a..ef4d778 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
@@ -11,268 +11,269 @@
#include <QColor>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <qdebug.h>
-#include <Swiften/Elements/StatusShow.h>
#include <Swiften/Base/Path.h>
+#include <Swiften/Elements/StatusShow.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/GroupRosterItem.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/StatusUtil.h>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtResourceHelper.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtSwiftUtil.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.h>
namespace Swift {
-RosterModel::RosterModel(QtTreeWidget* view, bool screenReaderMode) : roster_(NULL), view_(view), screenReader_(screenReaderMode) {
- const int tooltipAvatarSize = 96; // maximal suggested size according to XEP-0153
- cachedImageScaler_ = new QtScaledAvatarCache(tooltipAvatarSize);
+RosterModel::RosterModel(QtTreeWidget* view, bool screenReaderMode) : roster_(nullptr), view_(view), screenReader_(screenReaderMode) {
+ const int tooltipAvatarSize = 96; // maximal suggested size according to XEP-0153
+ cachedImageScaler_ = new QtScaledAvatarCache(tooltipAvatarSize);
RosterModel::~RosterModel() {
- delete cachedImageScaler_;
+ delete cachedImageScaler_;
void RosterModel::setRoster(Roster* roster) {
- roster_ = roster;
- if (roster_) {
- roster->onChildrenChanged.connect(boost::bind(&RosterModel::handleChildrenChanged, this, _1));
- roster->onDataChanged.connect(boost::bind(&RosterModel::handleDataChanged, this, _1));
- }
- reLayout();
+ roster_ = roster;
+ if (roster_) {
+ roster->onChildrenChanged.connect(boost::bind(&RosterModel::handleChildrenChanged, this, _1));
+ roster->onDataChanged.connect(boost::bind(&RosterModel::handleDataChanged, this, _1));
+ }
+ reLayout();
void RosterModel::reLayout() {
- //emit layoutChanged();
- beginResetModel();
- endResetModel(); // TODO: Not sure if this isn't too early?
- if (!roster_) {
- return;
- }
- foreach (RosterItem* item, roster_->getRoot()->getDisplayedChildren()) {
- GroupRosterItem* child = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item);
- if (!child) continue;
- emit itemExpanded(index(child), child->isExpanded());
- }
+ //emit layoutChanged();
+ beginResetModel();
+ endResetModel(); // TODO: Not sure if this isn't too early?
+ if (!roster_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (auto item : roster_->getRoot()->getDisplayedChildren()) {
+ GroupRosterItem* child = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item);
+ if (!child) continue;
+ emit itemExpanded(index(child), child->isExpanded());
+ }
void RosterModel::handleChildrenChanged(GroupRosterItem* /*group*/) {
- reLayout();
+ reLayout();
void RosterModel::handleDataChanged(RosterItem* item) {
- Q_ASSERT(item);
- QModelIndex modelIndex = index(item);
- if (modelIndex.isValid()) {
- emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex);
- view_->refreshTooltip();
- }
+ Q_ASSERT(item);
+ QModelIndex modelIndex = index(item);
+ if (modelIndex.isValid()) {
+ emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex);
+ view_->refreshTooltip();
+ }
Qt::ItemFlags RosterModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const {
- Qt::ItemFlags flags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
- if (dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(getItem(index)) == NULL) {
- flags |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
- }
- return flags;
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
+ if (dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(getItem(index)) == nullptr) {
+ flags |= Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled;
+ }
+ return flags;
int RosterModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex& /*parent*/) const {
- return 1;
+ return 1;
RosterItem* RosterModel::getItem(const QModelIndex& index) const {
- return index.isValid() ? static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()) : NULL;
+ return index.isValid() ? static_cast<RosterItem*>(index.internalPointer()) : nullptr;
QVariant RosterModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const {
- RosterItem* item = getItem(index);
- if (!item) return QVariant();
- switch (role) {
- case Qt::DisplayRole: return getScreenReaderTextOr(item, P2QSTRING(item->getDisplayName()));
- case Qt::TextColorRole: return getTextColor(item);
- case Qt::BackgroundColorRole: return getBackgroundColor(item);
- case Qt::ToolTipRole: return getToolTip(item);
- case StatusTextRole: return getStatusText(item);
- case AvatarRole: return getAvatar(item);
- case PresenceIconRole: return getPresenceIcon(item);
- case ChildCountRole: return getChildCount(item);
- case IdleRole: return getIsIdle(item);
- case JIDRole: return getJID(item);
- case DisplayJIDRole: return getDisplayJID(item);
- default: return QVariant();
- }
+ RosterItem* item = getItem(index);
+ if (!item) return QVariant();
+ switch (role) {
+ case Qt::DisplayRole: return getScreenReaderTextOr(item, P2QSTRING(item->getDisplayName()));
+ case Qt::TextColorRole: return getTextColor(item);
+ case Qt::BackgroundColorRole: return getBackgroundColor(item);
+ case Qt::ToolTipRole: return getToolTip(item);
+ case StatusTextRole: return getStatusText(item);
+ case AvatarRole: return getAvatar(item);
+ case PresenceIconRole: return getPresenceIcon(item);
+ case ChildCountRole: return getChildCount(item);
+ case IdleRole: return getIsIdle(item);
+ case JIDRole: return getJID(item);
+ case DisplayJIDRole: return getDisplayJID(item);
+ default: return QVariant();
+ }
QString RosterModel::getScreenReaderTextOr(RosterItem* item, const QString& alternative) const {
- QString name = P2QSTRING(item->getDisplayName());
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- if (contact && screenReader_) {
- name += ": " + P2QSTRING(statusShowTypeToFriendlyName(contact->getStatusShow()));
- if (!contact->getStatusText().empty()) {
- name += " (" + P2QSTRING(contact->getStatusText()) + ")";
- }
- return name;
- }
- else {
- return alternative;
- }
+ QString name = P2QSTRING(item->getDisplayName());
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ if (contact && screenReader_) {
+ name += ": " + P2QSTRING(statusShowTypeToFriendlyName(contact->getStatusShow()));
+ if (!contact->getStatusText().empty()) {
+ name += " (" + P2QSTRING(contact->getStatusText()) + ")";
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ else {
+ return alternative;
+ }
int RosterModel::getChildCount(RosterItem* item) const {
- GroupRosterItem* group = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item);
- return group ? group->getDisplayedChildren().size() : 0;
+ GroupRosterItem* group = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item);
+ return group ? group->getDisplayedChildren().size() : 0;
bool RosterModel::getIsIdle(RosterItem* item) const {
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- return contact ? !contact->getIdleText().empty() : false;
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ return contact ? !contact->getIdleText().empty() : false;
QColor RosterModel::intToColor(int color) const {
- return QColor(
- ((color & 0xFF0000)>>16),
- ((color & 0xFF00)>>8),
- (color & 0xFF));
+ return QColor(
+ ((color & 0xFF0000)>>16),
+ ((color & 0xFF00)>>8),
+ (color & 0xFF));
QColor RosterModel::getTextColor(RosterItem* item) const {
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- int color = 0;
- if (contact) {
- switch (contact->getStatusShow()) {
- case StatusShow::Online: color = 0x000000; break;
- case StatusShow::Away: color = 0x336699; break;
- case StatusShow::XA: color = 0x336699; break;
- case StatusShow::FFC: color = 0x000000; break;
- case StatusShow::DND: color = 0x990000; break;
- case StatusShow::None: color = 0x7F7F7F;break;
- }
- }
- return intToColor(color);
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ int color = 0;
+ if (contact) {
+ switch (contact->getStatusShow()) {
+ case StatusShow::Online: color = 0x595959; break;
+ case StatusShow::Away: color = 0x336699; break;
+ case StatusShow::XA: color = 0x336699; break;
+ case StatusShow::FFC: color = 0x595959; break;
+ case StatusShow::DND: color = 0x990000; break;
+ case StatusShow::None: color = 0x7F7F7F;break;
+ }
+ }
+ return intToColor(color);
QColor RosterModel::getBackgroundColor(RosterItem* item) const {
- return dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item) ? intToColor(0xFFFFFF) : intToColor(0x969696);
+ return dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item) ? intToColor(0xFFFFFF) : intToColor(0x969696);
QString RosterModel::getToolTip(RosterItem* item) const {
- QString tip(P2QSTRING(item->getDisplayName()));
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- if (contact) {
- return RosterTooltip::buildDetailedTooltip(contact, cachedImageScaler_);
- }
- return tip;
+ QString tip(P2QSTRING(item->getDisplayName()));
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ if (contact) {
+ return RosterTooltip::buildDetailedTooltip(contact, cachedImageScaler_);
+ }
+ return tip;
QString RosterModel::getAvatar(RosterItem* item) const {
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- if (!contact) {
- return "";
- }
- return P2QSTRING(pathToString(contact->getAvatarPath()));
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ if (!contact) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return P2QSTRING(pathToString(contact->getAvatarPath()));
QString RosterModel::getStatusText(RosterItem* item) const {
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- if (!contact) return "";
- return P2QSTRING(contact->getStatusText());
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ if (!contact) return "";
+ return P2QSTRING(contact->getStatusText());
QString RosterModel::getJID(RosterItem* item) const {
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- return contact ? P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().toString()) : QString();
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ return contact ? P2QSTRING(contact->getJID().toString()) : QString();
QString RosterModel::getDisplayJID(RosterItem* item) const {
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- QString result = contact ? P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayJID().toString()) : QString();
- if (result.isEmpty()) {
- result = getJID(item);
- }
- return result;
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ QString result = contact ? P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayJID().toString()) : QString();
+ if (result.isEmpty()) {
+ result = getJID(item);
+ }
+ return result;
QIcon RosterModel::getPresenceIcon(RosterItem* item) const {
- ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
- if (!contact) return QIcon();
- if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsBlocked ||
- contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsDomainBlocked) {
- return QIcon(":/icons/stop.png");
- }
- return QIcon(statusShowTypeToIconPath(contact->getStatusShow()));
+ ContactRosterItem* contact = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(item);
+ if (!contact) return QIcon();
+ if (contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsBlocked ||
+ contact->blockState() == ContactRosterItem::IsDomainBlocked) {
+ return QIcon(":/icons/stop.png");
+ }
+ return QIcon(statusShowTypeToIconPath(contact->getStatusShow()));
QModelIndex RosterModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex& parent) const {
- if (!roster_) {
- return QModelIndex();
- }
- GroupRosterItem* parentItem;
- if (!parent.isValid()) {
- //top level
- parentItem = roster_->getRoot();
- } else {
- parentItem = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(getItem(parent));
- if (!parentItem) return QModelIndex();
- }
- return static_cast<size_t>(row) < parentItem->getDisplayedChildren().size() ? createIndex(row, column, parentItem->getDisplayedChildren()[row]) : QModelIndex();
+ if (!roster_) {
+ return QModelIndex();
+ }
+ GroupRosterItem* parentItem;
+ if (!parent.isValid()) {
+ //top level
+ parentItem = roster_->getRoot();
+ } else {
+ parentItem = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(getItem(parent));
+ if (!parentItem) return QModelIndex();
+ }
+ return static_cast<size_t>(row) < parentItem->getDisplayedChildren().size() ? createIndex(row, column, parentItem->getDisplayedChildren()[row]) : QModelIndex();
QModelIndex RosterModel::index(RosterItem* item) const {
- GroupRosterItem* parent = item->getParent();
- /* Recursive check that it's ok to create such an item
- Assuming there are more contacts in a group than groups in a
- group, this could save a decent chunk of search time at startup.*/
- if (parent == NULL || roster_ == NULL || (parent != roster_->getRoot() && !index(parent).isValid())) {
- return QModelIndex();
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < parent->getDisplayedChildren().size(); i++) {
- if (parent->getDisplayedChildren()[i] == item) {
- return createIndex(i, 0, item);
- }
- }
- return QModelIndex();
+ GroupRosterItem* parent = item->getParent();
+ /* Recursive check that it's ok to create such an item
+ Assuming there are more contacts in a group than groups in a
+ group, this could save a decent chunk of search time at startup.*/
+ if (parent == nullptr || roster_ == nullptr || (parent != roster_->getRoot() && !index(parent).isValid())) {
+ return QModelIndex();
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < parent->getDisplayedChildren().size(); i++) {
+ if (parent->getDisplayedChildren()[i] == item) {
+ return createIndex(i, 0, item);
+ }
+ }
+ return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex RosterModel::parent(const QModelIndex& child) const {
- if (!roster_ || !child.isValid()) {
- return QModelIndex();
- }
- GroupRosterItem* parent = getItem(child)->getParent();
- return (parent != roster_->getRoot()) ? index(parent) : QModelIndex();
+ if (!roster_ || !child.isValid()) {
+ return QModelIndex();
+ }
+ GroupRosterItem* parent = getItem(child)->getParent();
+ return (parent != roster_->getRoot()) ? index(parent) : QModelIndex();
int RosterModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const {
- if (!roster_) return 0;
- RosterItem* item = parent.isValid() ? static_cast<RosterItem*>(parent.internalPointer()) : roster_->getRoot();
- Q_ASSERT(item);
- GroupRosterItem* group = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item);
- int count = group ? group->getDisplayedChildren().size() : 0;
-// qDebug() << "rowCount = " << count << " where parent.isValid() == " << parent.isValid() << ", group == " << (group ? P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName()) : "*contact*");
- return count;
+ if (!roster_) return 0;
+ RosterItem* item = parent.isValid() ? static_cast<RosterItem*>(parent.internalPointer()) : roster_->getRoot();
+ Q_ASSERT(item);
+ GroupRosterItem* group = dynamic_cast<GroupRosterItem*>(item);
+ int count = group ? group->getDisplayedChildren().size() : 0;
+// qDebug() << "rowCount = " << count << " where parent.isValid() == " << parent.isValid() << ", group == " << (group ? P2QSTRING(group->getDisplayName()) : "*contact*");
+ return count;
QMimeData* RosterModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList& indexes) const {
- QMimeData* data = QAbstractItemModel::mimeData(indexes);
- ContactRosterItem *item = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(getItem(indexes.first()));
- if (item == NULL) {
- return data;
- }
- /* only a single JID in this list */
- QByteArray itemData;
- QDataStream dataStream(&itemData, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- dataStream << P2QSTRING(item->getJID().toString());
- data->setData("application/", itemData);
- return data;
+ QMimeData* data = QAbstractItemModel::mimeData(indexes);
+ ContactRosterItem *item = dynamic_cast<ContactRosterItem*>(getItem(indexes.first()));
+ if (item == nullptr) {
+ return data;
+ }
+ /* only a single JID in this list */
+ QByteArray itemData;
+ QDataStream dataStream(&itemData, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ dataStream << P2QSTRING(item->getJID().toString());
+ data->setData("application/", itemData);
+ return data;
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h
index 47ed614..af0d43a 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterModel.h
@@ -14,58 +14,58 @@
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtScaledAvatarCache.h>
namespace Swift {
- enum RosterRoles {
- StatusTextRole = Qt::UserRole,
- AvatarRole = Qt::UserRole + 1,
- PresenceIconRole = Qt::UserRole + 2,
- StatusShowTypeRole = Qt::UserRole + 3,
- ChildCountRole = Qt::UserRole + 4,
- IdleRole = Qt::UserRole + 5,
- JIDRole = Qt::UserRole + 6,
- DisplayJIDRole = Qt::UserRole + 7
- };
+ enum RosterRoles {
+ StatusTextRole = Qt::UserRole,
+ AvatarRole = Qt::UserRole + 1,
+ PresenceIconRole = Qt::UserRole + 2,
+ StatusShowTypeRole = Qt::UserRole + 3,
+ ChildCountRole = Qt::UserRole + 4,
+ IdleRole = Qt::UserRole + 5,
+ JIDRole = Qt::UserRole + 6,
+ DisplayJIDRole = Qt::UserRole + 7
+ };
- class QtTreeWidget;
+ class QtTreeWidget;
- class RosterModel : public QAbstractItemModel {
- public:
- RosterModel(QtTreeWidget* view, bool screenReaderMode);
- ~RosterModel();
- void setRoster(Roster* swiftRoster);
- Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex& index) const;
- int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
- QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
- QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
- QModelIndex index(RosterItem* item) const;
- QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& index) const;
- int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
- QMimeData* mimeData(const QModelIndexList& indexes) const;
+ class RosterModel : public QAbstractItemModel {
+ public:
+ RosterModel(QtTreeWidget* view, bool screenReaderMode);
+ ~RosterModel();
+ void setRoster(Roster* swiftRoster);
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ int columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+ QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
+ QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+ QModelIndex index(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+ QMimeData* mimeData(const QModelIndexList& indexes) const;
- signals:
- void itemExpanded(const QModelIndex& item, bool expanded);
- private:
- void handleDataChanged(RosterItem* item);
- void handleChildrenChanged(GroupRosterItem* item);
- RosterItem* getItem(const QModelIndex& index) const;
- QColor intToColor(int color) const;
- QColor getTextColor(RosterItem* item) const;
- QColor getBackgroundColor(RosterItem* item) const;
- QString getToolTip(RosterItem* item) const;
- QString getAvatar(RosterItem* item) const;
- QString getStatusText(RosterItem* item) const;
- QString getJID(RosterItem* item) const;
- QString getDisplayJID(RosterItem* item) const;
- QIcon getPresenceIcon(RosterItem* item) const;
- int getChildCount(RosterItem* item) const;
- bool getIsIdle(RosterItem* item) const;
- void reLayout();
- /** calculates screenreader-friendly text if in screenreader mode, otherwise uses alternative text */
- QString getScreenReaderTextOr(RosterItem* item, const QString& alternative) const;
- private:
- Roster* roster_;
- QtTreeWidget* view_;
- QtScaledAvatarCache* cachedImageScaler_;
- bool screenReader_;
- };
+ signals:
+ void itemExpanded(const QModelIndex& item, bool expanded);
+ private:
+ void handleDataChanged(RosterItem* item);
+ void handleChildrenChanged(GroupRosterItem* item);
+ RosterItem* getItem(const QModelIndex& index) const;
+ QColor intToColor(int color) const;
+ QColor getTextColor(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QColor getBackgroundColor(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QString getToolTip(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QString getAvatar(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QString getStatusText(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QString getJID(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QString getDisplayJID(RosterItem* item) const;
+ QIcon getPresenceIcon(RosterItem* item) const;
+ int getChildCount(RosterItem* item) const;
+ bool getIsIdle(RosterItem* item) const;
+ void reLayout();
+ /** calculates screenreader-friendly text if in screenreader mode, otherwise uses alternative text */
+ QString getScreenReaderTextOr(RosterItem* item, const QString& alternative) const;
+ private:
+ Roster* roster_;
+ QtTreeWidget* view_;
+ QtScaledAvatarCache* cachedImageScaler_;
+ bool screenReader_;
+ };
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.cpp
index 86f175d..ea4c9cd 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.cpp
@@ -4,163 +4,172 @@
* See Documentation/Licenses/BSD-simplified.txt for more information.
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Isode Limited.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * See the COPYING file for more information.
+ */
#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.h>
+#include <QApplication>
#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
-#include <QApplication>
#include <Swiften/Base/Path.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/Roster/ContactRosterItem.h>
#include <Swift/Controllers/StatusUtil.h>
+#include <Swift/Controllers/Translator.h>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/QtSwiftUtil.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/QtResourceHelper.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtScaledAvatarCache.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/QtSwiftUtil.h>
#include <Swift/QtUI/QtUtilities.h>
-#include <Swift/QtUI/QtResourceHelper.h>
using namespace QtUtilities;
namespace Swift {
QString RosterTooltip::buildDetailedTooltip(ContactRosterItem* contact, QtScaledAvatarCache* cachedImageScaler) {
- QString tooltipTemplate;
- if (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) {
- tooltipTemplate = QString(
- "<table style='white-space:pre'>"
- "<tr>"
- "<td>"
- "<img src=\"%1\" />"
- "</td>"
- "<td>"
- "<p style='font-size: 14px'>%3 %2</p>"
- "<table><tr><td valign='middle'>%5</td><td valign='middle'>%4</td></tr></table>"
- "%6"
- "%7"
- "%8"
- "%9"
- "</td>"
- "</tr>"
- "</table>");
- } else {
- tooltipTemplate = QString(
- "<table style='white-space:pre'>"
- "<tr>"
- "<td>"
- "<img src=\"%1\" />"
- "</td>"
- "<td>"
- "<p style='font-size: 14px'>%2 %3</p>"
- "<table><tr><td valign='middle'>%4</td><td valign='middle'>%5</td></tr></table>"
- "%6"
- "%7"
- "%8"
- "%9"
- "</td>"
- "</tr>"
- "</table>");
- }
- // prepare tooltip
- QString fullName = P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayName());
- QString vCardSummary;
- VCard::ref vCard = contact->getVCard();
- if (vCard) {
- fullName = P2QSTRING(vCard->getFullName()).trimmed();
- if (fullName.isEmpty()) {
- fullName = (P2QSTRING(vCard->getGivenName()) + " " + P2QSTRING(vCard->getFamilyName())).trimmed();
- }
- if (fullName.isEmpty()) {
- fullName = P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayName());
- }
- vCardSummary = buildVCardSummary(vCard);
- } else {
- contact->onVCardRequested();
- }
- QString scaledAvatarPath = cachedImageScaler->getScaledAvatarPath(P2QSTRING(contact->getAvatarPath().empty() ? ":/icons/avatar.png" : pathToString(contact->getAvatarPath())));
- QString bareJID = contact->getDisplayJID().toString().empty() ? "" : "( " + P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayJID().toString()) + " )";
- QString presenceIconTag = QString("<img src='%1' />").arg(statusShowTypeToIconPath(contact->getStatusShow()));
- QString statusMessage = contact->getStatusText().empty() ? QObject::tr("(No message)") : P2QSTRING(contact->getStatusText());
- QString idleString = P2QSTRING(contact->getIdleText());
- if (!idleString.isEmpty()) {
- idleString = QObject::tr("Idle since %1").arg(idleString);
- idleString = htmlEscape(idleString) + "<br/>";
- }
- QString lastSeen = P2QSTRING(contact->getOfflineSinceText());
- if (!lastSeen.isEmpty()) {
- lastSeen = QObject::tr("Last seen %1").arg(lastSeen);
- lastSeen = htmlEscape(lastSeen) + "<br/>";
- }
- QString mucOccupant= P2QSTRING(contact->getMUCAffiliationText());
- if (!mucOccupant.isEmpty()) {
- mucOccupant = htmlEscape(mucOccupant) + "<br/>";
- }
- return tooltipTemplate.arg(scaledAvatarPath, htmlEscape(fullName), htmlEscape(bareJID), presenceIconTag, htmlEscape(statusMessage), mucOccupant, idleString, lastSeen, vCardSummary);
+ QString tooltipTemplate;
+ if (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) {
+ tooltipTemplate = QString(
+ "<table style='white-space:pre'>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td>"
+ "<img src=\"%1\" />"
+ "</td>"
+ "<td>"
+ "<p style='font-size: 14px'>%3 %2</p>"
+ "<table><tr><td valign='middle'>%5</td><td valign='middle'>%4</td></tr></table>"
+ "%6"
+ "%7"
+ "%8"
+ "%9"
+ "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "</table>");
+ } else {
+ tooltipTemplate = QString(
+ "<table style='white-space:pre'>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td>"
+ "<img src=\"%1\" />"
+ "</td>"
+ "<td>"
+ "<p style='font-size: 14px'>%2 %3</p>"
+ "<table><tr><td valign='middle'>%4</td><td valign='middle'>%5</td></tr></table>"
+ "%6"
+ "%7"
+ "%8"
+ "%9"
+ "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "</table>");
+ }
+ // prepare tooltip
+ QString fullName = P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayName());
+ QString vCardSummary;
+ VCard::ref vCard = contact->getVCard();
+ if (vCard) {
+ fullName = P2QSTRING(vCard->getFullName()).trimmed();
+ if (fullName.isEmpty()) {
+ fullName = (P2QSTRING(vCard->getGivenName()) + " " + P2QSTRING(vCard->getFamilyName())).trimmed();
+ }
+ if (fullName.isEmpty()) {
+ fullName = P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayName());
+ }
+ vCardSummary = buildVCardSummary(vCard);
+ } else {
+ contact->onVCardRequested();
+ }
+ QString scaledAvatarPath = cachedImageScaler->getScaledAvatarPath(P2QSTRING(contact->getAvatarPath().empty() ? ":/icons/avatar.svg" : pathToString(contact->getAvatarPath())));
+ QString bareJID = contact->getDisplayJID().toString().empty() ? "" : "( " + P2QSTRING(contact->getDisplayJID().toString()) + " )";
+ QString presenceIconTag = QString("<img src='%1' />").arg(statusShowTypeToIconPath(contact->getStatusShow()));
+ QString statusMessage = contact->getStatusText().empty() ? QObject::tr("(No message)") : P2QSTRING(contact->getStatusText());
+ boost::posix_time::ptime idleTime = contact->getIdle();
+ QString idleString;
+ if (!idleTime.is_not_a_date_time()) {
+ idleString = QObject::tr("Idle since %1").arg(P2QSTRING(Swift::Translator::getInstance()->ptimeToHumanReadableString(idleTime)));
+ idleString = htmlEscape(idleString) + "<br/>";
+ }
+ boost::posix_time::ptime lastSeenTime = contact->getOfflineSince();
+ QString lastSeen;
+ if (!lastSeenTime.is_not_a_date_time()) {
+ lastSeen = QObject::tr("Last seen %1").arg(P2QSTRING(Swift::Translator::getInstance()->ptimeToHumanReadableString(lastSeenTime)));
+ lastSeen = htmlEscape(lastSeen) + "<br/>";
+ }
+ QString mucOccupant= P2QSTRING(contact->getMUCAffiliationText());
+ if (!mucOccupant.isEmpty()) {
+ mucOccupant = htmlEscape(mucOccupant) + "<br/>";
+ }
+ return tooltipTemplate.arg(scaledAvatarPath, htmlEscape(fullName), htmlEscape(bareJID), presenceIconTag, htmlEscape(statusMessage), mucOccupant, idleString, lastSeen, vCardSummary);
QString RosterTooltip::buildVCardSummary(VCard::ref vcard) {
- QString summary;
- summary = "<table>";
- // star | name | content
- QString currentBlock;
- foreach (const VCard::Telephone& tel, vcard->getTelephones()) {
- QString type = tel.isFax ? QObject::tr("Fax") : QObject::tr("Telephone");
- QString field = buildVCardField(tel.isPreferred, type, htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(tel.number)));
- if (tel.isPreferred) {
- currentBlock = field;
- break;
- }
- currentBlock += field;
- }
- summary += currentBlock;
- currentBlock = "";
- foreach (const VCard::EMailAddress& mail, vcard->getEMailAddresses()) {
- QString field = buildVCardField(mail.isPreferred, QObject::tr("E-Mail"), htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(mail.address)));
- if (mail.isPreferred) {
- currentBlock = field;
- break;
- }
- currentBlock += field;
- }
- summary += currentBlock;
- currentBlock = "";
- foreach (const VCard::Organization& org, vcard->getOrganizations()) {
- QString field = buildVCardField(false, QObject::tr("Organization"), htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(;
- currentBlock += field;
- }
- summary += currentBlock;
- currentBlock = "";
- foreach(const std::string& title, vcard->getTitles()) {
- QString field = buildVCardField(false, QObject::tr("Title"), htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(title)));
- currentBlock += field;
- }
- summary += currentBlock;
- summary += "</table>";
- return summary;
+ QString summary;
+ summary = "<table>";
+ // star | name | content
+ QString currentBlock;
+ for (const auto& tel : vcard->getTelephones()) {
+ QString type = tel.isFax ? QObject::tr("Fax") : QObject::tr("Telephone");
+ QString field = buildVCardField(tel.isPreferred, type, htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(tel.number)));
+ if (tel.isPreferred) {
+ currentBlock = field;
+ break;
+ }
+ currentBlock += field;
+ }
+ summary += currentBlock;
+ currentBlock = "";
+ for (const auto& mail : vcard->getEMailAddresses()) {
+ QString field = buildVCardField(mail.isPreferred, QObject::tr("E-Mail"), htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(mail.address)));
+ if (mail.isPreferred) {
+ currentBlock = field;
+ break;
+ }
+ currentBlock += field;
+ }
+ summary += currentBlock;
+ currentBlock = "";
+ for (const auto& org : vcard->getOrganizations()) {
+ QString field = buildVCardField(false, QObject::tr("Organization"), htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(;
+ currentBlock += field;
+ }
+ summary += currentBlock;
+ currentBlock = "";
+ for (const auto& title : vcard->getTitles()) {
+ QString field = buildVCardField(false, QObject::tr("Title"), htmlEscape(P2QSTRING(title)));
+ currentBlock += field;
+ }
+ summary += currentBlock;
+ summary += "</table>";
+ return summary;
QString RosterTooltip::buildVCardField(bool preferred, const QString& name, const QString& content) {
- QString rowTemplate;
- if (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) {
- rowTemplate = QString("<tr><td>%3</td><td valign='middle'><strong>%2</strong></td><td valign='middle'>%1</td></tr>");
- } else {
- rowTemplate = QString("<tr><td>%1</td><td valign='middle'><strong>%2</strong></td><td valign='middle'>%3</td></tr>");
- }
- return rowTemplate.arg(preferred ? "<img src=':/icons/star-checked.png' />" : "", name, content);
+ QString rowTemplate;
+ if (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft) {
+ rowTemplate = QString("<tr><td>%3</td><td valign='middle'><strong>%2</strong></td><td valign='middle'>%1</td></tr>");
+ } else {
+ rowTemplate = QString("<tr><td>%1</td><td valign='middle'><strong>%2</strong></td><td valign='middle'>%3</td></tr>");
+ }
+ return rowTemplate.arg(preferred ? "<img src=':/icons/star-checked.png' />" : "", name, content);
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.h b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.h
index 37f5da2..642809f 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/RosterTooltip.h
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ class ContactRosterItem;
class QtScaledAvatarCache;
class RosterTooltip {
- public:
- static QString buildDetailedTooltip(ContactRosterItem* contact, QtScaledAvatarCache* cachedImageScaler);
+ public:
+ static QString buildDetailedTooltip(ContactRosterItem* contact, QtScaledAvatarCache* cachedImageScaler);
- private:
- static QString buildVCardSummary(VCard::ref vcard);
- static QString buildVCardField(bool preferred, const QString& name, const QString& content);
+ private:
+ static QString buildVCardSummary(VCard::ref vcard);
+ static QString buildVCardField(bool preferred, const QString& name, const QString& content);
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/main.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/main.cpp
index c2fecb5..c0402e8 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/Roster/main.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/Roster/main.cpp
@@ -1,66 +1,67 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
* All rights reserved.
* See the COPYING file for more information.
#include <QtGui>
-#include "QtTreeWidget.h"
-#include "QtTreeWidgetFactory.h"
-#include "Swiften/Elements/StatusShow.h"
+#include <Swiften/Elements/StatusShow.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidget.h>
+#include <Swift/QtUI/Roster/QtTreeWidgetFactory.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ //Swift::RosterModel model;
+ //QTreeView view;
+ //view.setModel(&model);
+ //view.setWindowTitle("A roster");
+ //;
- //Swift::RosterModel model;
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetFactory treeWidgetFactory;
+ Swift::QtTreeWidget* tree = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidget*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidget());
+ tree->show();
+ QList<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*> item3s;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* group = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(tree));
+ group->setText("People");
+ group->setBackgroundColor(0xBBBBBB);
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item1 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item2 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item3 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item4 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
+ item1->setText("Remko");
+ item2->setText("Kevin");
+ item3->setText("Cath");
+ item4->setText("KimTypo");
+ item4->setText("Kim");
+ item3s.push_back(item3);
+ }
- //QTreeView view;
- //view.setModel(&model);
- //view.setWindowTitle("A roster");
- //;
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* group = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(tree));
+ group->setText("Many People");
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetFactory treeWidgetFactory;
- Swift::QtTreeWidget* tree = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidget*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidget());
- tree->show();
- QList<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*> item3s;
- for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* group = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(tree));
- group->setText("People");
- group->setBackgroundColor(0xBBBBBB);
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item1 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item2 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item3 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item4 = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
- item1->setText("Remko");
- item2->setText("Kevin");
- item3->setText("Cath");
- item4->setText("KimTypo");
- item4->setText("Kim");
- item3s.push_back(item3);
- }
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* group = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(tree));
- group->setText("Many People");
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* person350;
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* person1200;
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* person350;
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* person1200;
- for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) {
- Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
- item->setText(Q2PSTRING(QString("Some person %1").arg(i)));
- item->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::Away);
- if (i == 350) person350 = item;
- if (i == 1200) person1200 = item;
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) {
+ Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem* item = dynamic_cast<Swift::QtTreeWidgetItem*>(treeWidgetFactory.createTreeWidgetItem(group));
+ item->setText(Q2PSTRING(QString("Some person %1").arg(i)));
+ item->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::Away);
+ if (i == 350) person350 = item;
+ if (i == 1200) person1200 = item;
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < item3s.size(); i++) {
- item3s[i]->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::XA);
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < item3s.size(); i++) {
+ item3s[i]->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::XA);
+ }
- person350->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::DND);
- person1200->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::Online);
+ person350->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::DND);
+ person1200->setStatusShow(Swift::StatusShow::Online);
- return app.exec();
+ return app.exec();