AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-10-04Prevent connect on active sluift clients and componentsEdwin Mons
Connect should not be called twice on clients or compoments without disconnecting first. While this worked in some cases, mixing connect options, specifically first trying without, and then with a bosh_url, would lead to asserts being triggered. The connect logic now checks whether there's already a connection in progress or established, and raises a Lua exception early if there is. Test-Information: Tested on macOS 10.13 Connected components and clients with invalid and valid hosts, and with valid and invalid bosh_urls, all with and without disconnecting in between attempts. No asserts were triggered, and appropriate Lua exceptions were thrown. Change-Id: I6b91b57945844bce7fce0073e5d0fe199ab815d5
2016-04-04Modernize code to use C++11 shared_ptr instead of Boost'sTobias Markmann
This change was done by applying the following 'gsed' replacement calls to all source files: 's/\#include <boost\/shared_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/enable_shared_from_this\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/smart_ptr\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/weak_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/boost::make_shared/std::make_shared/g' 's/boost::dynamic_pointer_cast/std::dynamic_pointer_cast/g' 's/boost::shared_ptr/std::shared_ptr/g' 's/boost::weak_ptr/std::weak_ptr/g' 's/boost::enable_shared_from_this/std::enable_shared_from_this/g' The remaining issues have been fixed manually. Test-Information: Code builds on OS X 10.11.4 and unit tests pass. Change-Id: Ia7ae34eab869fb9ad6387a1348426b71ae4acd5f
2016-04-01Modernize code to use C++11 nullptr using clang-tidyTobias Markmann
Run 'clang-tidy -fix -checks=modernize-use-nullptr' on all source code files on OS X. This does not modernize platform specific code on Linux and Windows Test-Information: Code builds and unit tests pass on OS X 10.11.4. Change-Id: Ic43ffeb1b76c1a933a55af03db3c54977f5f60dd
2016-03-31Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source filesTobias Markmann
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
2016-03-30Apply consistent #include grouping and sorting styleTobias Markmann
Changed "" style includes to <> style. Test-Information: Build with Clang 3.9.0 and ran all tests on OS X 10.11.4. Change-Id: Ic05e53f2e5dba39cc1307b116fc5f17b62ab9eb8
2014-12-15Update Copyright In SluiftKevin Smith
Change-Id: I19f8ae342e028a6a7b4b13758f2e8c170a1db80c
2014-10-23Fix code in response to clang warnings.Tobias Markmann
Removes some unused private members and restructure switch statement to handle all cases. Test-Information: Fixed code does not emit the clang warnings anymore. Change-Id: I06a9036b307014e2f882e3cee45a6881b24c3f70
2014-06-22Sluift component supportEdwin Mons
Change-Id: Ib8af01c04c866e198c04d35236dea4da464c9116