AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-07-20Add release dates to Swift and Swiften ChangeLog.mdTobias Markmann
2016-07-14Close Swift and Swiften changelogs for 4.0-beta1Tobias Markmann
2016-07-13Update Swift changelogTobias Markmann
2013-01-13Merge branch 'swift-2.x'Remko Tronçon
2013-01-02Remove incorrect CFRelease() calls in MacOSXProxyProvider.Remko Tronçon
2012-12-23Save recent status messages and allow easy setting.Kevin Smith
2012-12-22Allow toggling of a more compact roster modeKevin Smith
2012-09-08Connection settings supportKevin Smith
2012-09-05Removed font issue from changelogRemko Tronçon
2012-09-05Added Swift ChangeLog file.Remko Tronçon