AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-03-22Can now accept roster subscriptions.Kevin Smith
2009-11-05A block of the work for roster pushes.Kevin Smith
Still needs unit testing
2009-06-12Removing auto delete stuff from Request.Remko Tronçon
This should now be handled properly by using shared_ptrs.
2009-06-12Do not handle IQs directly in XMPPRosterController.Remko Tronçon
XMPPRosterController now uses a RosterPushResponder to handle roster pushes.
2009-06-12Do not register IQHandler in the constructor.Remko Tronçon
This can get us in all kinds of trouble, including that it makes it impossible to use shared_ptr<> for Requests.
2009-06-10Moved Swiften/Controllers to Swift/Controllers.Remko Tronçon