AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-11-28Correctly handle server initiated closing of streamTobias Markmann
If a server closes the XMPP stream, it sends a </stream:stream> tag. The client is supposed to respond with the same tag and then both parties can close the TLS/TCP socket. Previously Swift(-en) would simply ignore </stream:stream> tag if it was not directly followed by a shutdown of the TCP connection. In addition there is now a timeout timer started as soon as Swiften or the server initiates a shutdown. It will close the socket and cleanup the ClientSession if the server does not respond in time or the network is faulty. Refactored some code in ClientSession in the process. Moved ClientSession::State to a C++11 strongly typed enum class. This also fixes issues where duplicated </stream:stream> tags would be send by Swift. Test-Information: Tested against Prosody ba782a093b14 and M-Link 16.3v6-0, which provide ad-hoc commands to end a user session. Previously this was ignored by Swift. Now it correctly responds to the server, detects it as a disconnect and tries to reconnect afterwards. Added unit test for the case where the server closes the session stream. Change-Id: I59dfde3aa6b50dc117f340e5db6b9e58b54b3c60
2016-04-04Modernize code to use C++11 shared_ptr instead of Boost'sTobias Markmann
This change was done by applying the following 'gsed' replacement calls to all source files: 's/\#include <boost\/shared_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/enable_shared_from_this\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/smart_ptr\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/weak_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/boost::make_shared/std::make_shared/g' 's/boost::dynamic_pointer_cast/std::dynamic_pointer_cast/g' 's/boost::shared_ptr/std::shared_ptr/g' 's/boost::weak_ptr/std::weak_ptr/g' 's/boost::enable_shared_from_this/std::enable_shared_from_this/g' The remaining issues have been fixed manually. Test-Information: Code builds on OS X 10.11.4 and unit tests pass. Change-Id: Ia7ae34eab869fb9ad6387a1348426b71ae4acd5f
2016-03-31Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source filesTobias Markmann
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
2016-03-30Apply consistent #include grouping and sorting styleTobias Markmann
Changed "" style includes to <> style. Test-Information: Build with Clang 3.9.0 and ran all tests on OS X 10.11.4. Change-Id: Ic05e53f2e5dba39cc1307b116fc5f17b62ab9eb8
2014-12-15Update Copyright in SwiftenKevin Smith
Change-Id: I94ab4bbb68c603fe872abeb8090575de042f5cb4
2014-04-28Create ToplevelElement to replace Element.Richard Maudsley
Change-Id: I3460f6f4a2ffa9b795080664f49d9138440de72d
2013-04-27Removing third-party hash implementations.Remko Tronçon
Using library/platform implementation instead. Change-Id: I2457c2dad80e6fdda023a7f31c3906ff10fe09ed
2013-04-06Make IDN implementation abstract.Remko Tronçon
Change-Id: I4c64f954ddeca7147d729b8be07237baa15c1795
2012-06-18Handle unexpected challenges.Remko Tronçon
Resolves: #1132
2012-05-11Showing stream encryption status in the roster header. Provide native ↵Tobias Markmann
certificate viewers on click. Native viewers for Windows and Mac OS X are implemented. Added TODOs to OpenSSL based TLS interface related to CRL and OCSP. Resolves: #167 License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see
2012-03-23Allow TLS errors to bubble further up the stackKevin Smith
2012-03-20boost::shared_ptr<?>(new ?(...)) -> boost::make_shared<?>(...) ↵Tobias Markmann
transformation where possible. License: This patch is BSD-licensed, see
2011-12-13BOSH Support for SwiftenKevin Smith
This adds support for BOSH to Swiften. It does not expose it to Swift. Release-Notes: Swiften now allows connects over BOSH, if used appropriately.
2011-09-20Swiften support for requiring TLSKevin Smith
2011-06-13Fixed some CppCheck warnings.Remko Tronçon
2011-06-03Limit the use of the SafeString type.Remko Tronçon
2011-05-18Introduce safe containers for storing passwords.Remko Tronçon
2011-05-14Ack pending stanzas on logout.Remko Tronçon
Resolves: #877
2011-04-30Replace #icnlude "" by #include <> in Swiften.Remko Tronçon
2011-03-01Some more Sluift enhancements.Remko Tronçon
2011-02-14Removed Swift::String.Remko Tronçon
2011-02-06Only assume we are logged in when we have bound our resource.Remko Tronçon
Resolves: #758
2011-01-22Close connection properly before quitting.Remko Tronçon
2011-01-22Renaming SessionStream::onError to SessionStream::onClosed.Remko Tronçon
2010-12-11Added SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS support.Remko Tronçon
Release-Notes: Swift now supports SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS authentication.
2010-12-09Handle stream errors in client session.Remko Tronçon
2010-11-11Added server identity check.Remko Tronçon
2010-11-07Refactoring certificates & certificate checking.Remko Tronçon
2010-11-07Added security error handling to Swiften.Remko Tronçon
2010-09-11Fixed some memory leaks.Remko Tronçon
2010-09-03Establish stream management after resource bind.Remko Tronçon
2010-08-29Added stanza acking support to client.Remko Tronçon
2010-05-08Don't allow PLAIN over Non-TLS.Remko Tronçon
2010-04-08Added copyrights to Swiften.Kevin Smith
2010-03-28Moving submodule contents back.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Removing submodules.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Moved Swiften to a separate module.Remko Tronçon
2009-11-25Enabled stream compression again.Remko Tronçon
2009-11-20Added ClientSessionTest.Remko Tronçon
2009-11-08Added Error class.Remko Tronçon
2009-09-11Disable WhitespacePingLayer on disconnect + Timer refactoring.Remko Tronçon
Timer now no longer runs in its own thread, but in the main Boost IOService thread.
2009-07-24Fix uninitialized streamstack.Remko Tronçon
2009-07-22Temporarily disable client test.Remko Tronçon
2009-07-22Started refactoring ClientSessionTest.Remko Tronçon
2009-07-19Factor out remote & local JID into Session.Remko Tronçon
2009-07-19Factor out common session stuff into Session class.Remko Tronçon
2009-07-19Rename Session to ClientSession.Remko Tronçon