AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-09-17Support for building swiften as a DLLRemko Tronçon
Added missing SWIFTEN_API declarations. Changed test infrastructure to extend path before running tests.
2010-04-08Added copyrights to Swiften.Kevin Smith
2010-03-28Moving submodule contents back.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Removing submodules.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Moved Swiften to a separate module.Remko Tronçon
2009-07-14Make all Connection instances shared_ptrs.Remko Tronçon
2009-07-14Consolidating IncomingConnection & Connection.Remko Tronçon
BoostConnections no longer have their own thread, but are managed from a central Boost IO thread instead.
2009-06-01Import.Remko Tronçon