AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-04-04Modernize code to use C++11 shared_ptr instead of Boost'sTobias Markmann
This change was done by applying the following 'gsed' replacement calls to all source files: 's/\#include <boost\/shared_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/enable_shared_from_this\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/smart_ptr\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/make_shared\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/\#include <boost\/weak_ptr\.hpp>/\#include <memory>/g' 's/boost::make_shared/std::make_shared/g' 's/boost::dynamic_pointer_cast/std::dynamic_pointer_cast/g' 's/boost::shared_ptr/std::shared_ptr/g' 's/boost::weak_ptr/std::weak_ptr/g' 's/boost::enable_shared_from_this/std::enable_shared_from_this/g' The remaining issues have been fixed manually. Test-Information: Code builds on OS X 10.11.4 and unit tests pass. Change-Id: Ia7ae34eab869fb9ad6387a1348426b71ae4acd5f
2016-03-31Convert tabs to 4 spaces for all source filesTobias Markmann
Removed trailing spaces and whitespace on empty lines in the process. Changed tool to disallow hard tabs in source files. Test-Information: Manually checked 30 random files that the conversion worked as expected. Change-Id: I874f99d617bd3d2bb55f02d58f22f58f9b094480
2015-06-14Fix Swiften DLL building on WindowsTobias Markmann
Template classes cannot have SWIFTEN_API annotations as with annotation code for instantiations of the template are expected to be in the DLL which cannot be guaranteed for any user type. With the complete implementation in available in the header it is not needed because 3rdParty Swiften users can instantiate an implementation as needed. This also conditionally includes SQLiteHistoryStorage.h conditionally in MemoryStorages.cpp, as otherwise the linker will expect an implementation of SQLiteHistoryStorage in the DLL. However, it is only built into the DLL if experimental features are turned on. Test-Information: Tested with experimental=on/off and swiften_dll=on/off. Change-Id: Ieec85675c167ec34cffd4745ac854a5949fb2037
2015-06-08Add missing SWIFTEN_API annotations to public Swiften APITobias Markmann
Test-Information: Tested build on Windows 8 with VS 2014 and ran unit tests. Change-Id: I3d8096df4801be6901f22564e36eecba0e7310c4
2014-12-15Update Copyright in SwiftenKevin Smith
Change-Id: I94ab4bbb68c603fe872abeb8090575de042f5cb4
2011-09-23Whitespace tweaks.Remko Tronçon
2011-09-23Cleanup of previous patchKevin Smith
2011-09-23Add support for kicking people from MUCs.Kevin Smith
This also introduces a new DOM-like parser structure, used for the MUC parsers. Partially Resolves: #689
2010-03-28Removing submodules.Remko Tronçon
2010-03-28Moved Swiften to a separate module.Remko Tronçon