From 4dbd27df03a98d4480ed105b1fb401426aeb9a86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tobias Markmann <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 14:36:44 +0100
Subject: Add build and test documentation for Android.


Tested documentation with Android NDK android-ndk-r10c on Mac OS X 10.9.5,
Android NDK API level 14 and ARM architecture. Successfully ran all integration
and unit tests.

Change-Id: Ief0e7493e410a9c6cf80c4ca147ec0058293d1b1

diff --git a/Documentation/BuildingOnAndroid.txt b/Documentation/BuildingOnAndroid.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7122aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/BuildingOnAndroid.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+- Android SDK
+- Android NDK
+- Python
+- Other requirements that are obtained during this guide
+  - LDNS
+  - Unbound
+  - OpenSSL
+Supported Components
+- Swiften
+  Note: File-transfer support has not been tested on Android. Link-local features are not supported under Android.
+Supported Android NDK Level
+The minimal supported Android NDK API level is 14 (see --platform parameter of
+This is the NDK API level associated with Android 4.0. Higher Android NDK API levels however should work.
+Preparation of Build Environment
+1. Fetch 3rd-party dependencies
+1.1 LDNS
+    cd 3rdParty/Ldns
+    bash
+1.2 Unbound
+    cd 3rdParty/Unbound
+    bash
+1.3 OpenSSL
+    cd 3rdParty/OpenSSL
+    curl -O
+    tar -xf openssl-1.0.0a.tar.gz
+    mv openssl-1.0.0a openssl
+2. Patch 3rd-party dependencies
+    patch -p0 < 3rdParty/Ldns/01_andoird_compilation_fixes.diff
+    patch -p1 < 3rdParty/LibMiniUPnPc/01_android_compilation_fixes.diff
+    patch -p1 < 3rdParty/Unbound/01_android_fixes.diff
+3. Create Android NDK Toolchain
+  cd $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT (this is the folder where you extracted Android NDK)
+  bash ./build/tools/ --platform=android-14 --install-dir=$HOME/android-14-tc
+Configuring Swift Build
+1. Set to (probably other paths, replace $NDK_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_DIR with the expanded path of the install dir used in the previous step):
+  > android_toolchain=$NDK_TOOLCHAIN_INSTALL_DIR
+  > android_sdk_bin="/usr/local/bin"
+  > target = "android"
+  > unbound = 1
+./scons test=none Swiften Swift/Controllers QA max_jobs=1
+Running Swift's test suite on Android requires a one time preparation of a testing environment.
+This creates an Android VM where the test will be deployed to and run on.
+1. Preparation of test environment (one time)
+1.1 Starting AVD (Android Device Manager)
+  android avd
+1.2 Create a test VM
+  Click "Create..." button
+1.3 Fill out dialog
+  AVD Name: swift_test
+  Device: Nexus 4
+  Target: Anything with API level equal or greater than your toolchain you build
+  CPU/ABI: ARM (unless you build a different toolchain)
+  Click "Ok" button
+1.4 Close AVD
+2. Running integration and unit tests
+To run the unit tests you need to have an Android VM running while the test suite is running.
+This requires to leave the command under step 2.1 running while you execute step 2.2.
+Running the test suite on Android can take quite some time ( >30 minutes ) compared to a native run.
+This is due to
+  a) the slow transfer speed from host machine to VM (~ 2 MB/s) and
+  b) the test environment being emulated for an different CPU architecture.
+2.1 Start Android VM with resized /system partition
+  emulator -partition-size 2048 @swift_test
+2.2 Run integration and unit tests (wait until the android boot screen is gone)
+  env SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_JID="some jabber id" SWIFT_CLIENTTEST_PASS="password for the jabber id" ./scons test=all Swiften Swift/Controllers QA
cgit v0.10.2-6-g49f6