From ee22c7cde330254cd97adb9ce818b80d3b6bbbd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tobias Markmann <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 11:39:50 +0200
Subject: Remove Snarl notification support

This removes Snarl from 3rdParty, our adapter to it in
SwifTools and the integration in Swift UI.


Builds and installer still work on Windows 8. Standard
system tray balloon notifications still work.

Change-Id: Id580642932eac260c79eaf2343a94ec9d5606f11

diff --git a/3rdParty/Snarl/SConscript b/3rdParty/Snarl/SConscript
deleted file mode 100644
index a93282c..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Snarl/SConscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Flags
-if env.get("HAVE_SNARL", False) :
-    if env["SCONS_STAGE"] == "flags" :
-        env["SNARL_FLAGS"] = {
-                "CPPPATH": [Dir(".")],
-                "LIBPATH": [Dir(".")],
-                "LIBS": ["Snarl"],
-            }
-    elif env["SCONS_STAGE"] == "build" :
-        myenv = env.Clone()
-        myenv.Replace(CCFLAGS = [flag for flag in env["CCFLAGS"] if flag not in ["-W", "-Wall"]])
-        myenv.StaticLibrary("Snarl", ["SnarlInterface.cpp"], CPPPATH = ["."])
diff --git a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp b/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ae0b37..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-/// <summary>
-///  Snarl C++ interface implementation
-///  Written and maintained by Toke Noer Nøttrup (
-///  Please note the following changes compared to the VB6 (official API) dokumentation:
-///  - Function names doesn't have the prefix "sn". Naming of constants and variables are
-///    generally changed to follow Microsoft C# standard. This naming convention is kept for
-///    the C++ version, to keep them alike.
-///  - Grouped variables like SNARL_LAUNCHED, SNARL_QUIT is enums in SnarlEnums namespace.
-///  - Message events like SNARL_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED, is found in SnarlEnums::MessageEvent.
-///  - Please note that string functions return NULL when they fail and not an empty string.
-///  - Some functions in the VB API takes an appToken as first parameter. This token is a
-///    member variable in C++ version, so it is omitted from the functions.
-///    (Always call RegisterApp as first function!)
-///  - Functions manipulating messages (Update, Hide etc.) still takes a message token as
-///    parameter, but you can get the last message token calling GetLastMsgToken();
-///    Example: snarl.Hide(snarl.GetLastMsgToken());
-///  The functions in SnarlInterface both have ANSI(UTF8) and UNICODE versions.
-///  If the LPCWSTR (unicode) version of the functions are called, the strings
-///  are converted to UTF8 by SnarlInterface before sent to Snarl. So using the
-///  ANSI/UTF8/LPCSTR versions of the functions are faster!
-///  Funtions special to C++ V41 API compared to VB version:
-///    GetLastMsgToken()
-///    GetAppPath()
-///    GetIconsPath()
-/// </summary>
-/// <example>
-/// SnarlInterface snarl;
-/// snarl.RegisterApp(_T("CppTest"), _T("C++ test app"), NULL);
-/// snarl.AddClass(_T("Class1"), _T("Class 1"));
-/// snarl.EZNotify(_T("Class1"), _T("C++ example 1"), _T("Some text"), 10);
-/// snarl.UnregisterApp();
-/// Please see the SimpleTest.cpp and SnarlV41Test.cpp for more example code.
-/// </example>
-/// <VersionHistory>
-///  2010-08-13 : First release of V41 Snarl API implementation
-/// </VersionHistory>
-#include "SnarlInterface.h"
-namespace Snarl {
-namespace V41 {
-// Constructor/Destructor
-	: appToken(0), lastMsgToken(0), localError(SnarlEnums::Success)
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RegisterApp(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, HWND hWndReply /* = NULL */, LONG32 msgReply /* = 0 */, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags /* = SnarlEnums::AppDefault */)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::RegisterApp;
-	msg.Token = 0;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, 
-		"id::%s#?title::%s#?icon::%s#?hwnd::%d#?umsg::%d#?flags::%d", 
-		signature, title, icon, hWndReply, msgReply, flags);
-	appToken = Send(msg);
-	lastMsgToken = 0;
-	return appToken;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RegisterApp(LPCWSTR signature, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR icon, HWND hWndReply /* = NULL */, LONG32 msgReply /* = 0 */, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags /* = SnarlEnums::AppDefault */)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(signature);
-	LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(title);
-	LPCSTR szParam3 = WideToUTF8(icon);
-	LONG32 result = RegisterApp(szParam1, szParam2, szParam3, hWndReply, msgReply, flags);
-	delete [] szParam1;
-	delete [] szParam2;
-	delete [] szParam3;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::UnregisterApp()
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UnregisterApp;
-	msg.Token = appToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, NULL);
-	appToken = 0;
-	lastMsgToken = 0;
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::UpdateApp(LPCSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCSTR icon /* = NULL */)
-	if (title == NULL && icon == NULL)
-		return 0;
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UpdateApp;
-	msg.Token = appToken;
-	// TODO: Uckly code ahead
-	if (title != NULL && title[0] != 0 && icon != NULL && icon[0] != 0)
-		PackData(msg.PacketData, "title::%s#?icon::%s", title, icon);
-	else if (title != NULL && title[0] != 0)
-		PackData(msg.PacketData, "title::%s", title);
-	else if (icon != NULL && icon[0] != 0)
-		PackData(msg.PacketData, "icon::%s", icon);
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::UpdateApp(LPCWSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCWSTR icon /* = NULL */)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(title);
-	LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(icon);
-	LONG32 result = UpdateApp(szParam1, szParam2);
-	delete [] szParam1;
-	delete [] szParam2;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::AddClass(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR description, bool enabled /* = true */)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::AddClass;
-	msg.Token = appToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, "id::%s#?name::%s#?enabled::%d", className, description, (enabled ? 1 : 0));
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::AddClass(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR description, bool enabled /* = true */)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
-	LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(description);
-	LONG32 result = AddClass(szParam1, szParam2, enabled);
-	delete [] szParam1;
-	delete [] szParam2;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RemoveClass(LPCSTR className, bool forgetSettings /* = false */)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::RemoveClass;
-	msg.Token = appToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, "id::%s#?forget::%d", className, (forgetSettings ? 1 : 0));
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RemoveClass(LPCWSTR className, bool forgetSettings /* = false */)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
-	LONG32 result = RemoveClass(szParam1, forgetSettings);
-	delete [] szParam1;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::RemoveAllClasses(bool forgetSettings /* = false */)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::RemoveClass;
-	msg.Token = appToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, "all::1#?forget::%d", (forgetSettings ? 1 : 0));
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZNotify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCSTR icon /* = NULL */, LONG32 priority /* = 0 */, LPCSTR acknowledge /* = NULL */, LPCSTR value /* = NULL */)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::Notify;
-	msg.Token = appToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData,
-		"id::%s#?title::%s#?text::%s#?timeout::%d#?icon::%s#?priority::%d#?ack::%s#?value::%s",
-		className, title, text, timeout, (icon ? icon : ""), priority, (acknowledge ? acknowledge : ""), (value ? value : ""));
-	lastMsgToken = Send(msg);
-	return lastMsgToken;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZNotify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCWSTR icon /* = NULL */, LONG32 priority /* = 0 */, LPCWSTR acknowledge /* = NULL */, LPCWSTR value /* = NULL */)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
-	LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(title);
-	LPCSTR szParam3 = WideToUTF8(text);
-	LPCSTR szParam4 = WideToUTF8(icon);
-	LPCSTR szParam5 = WideToUTF8(acknowledge);
-	LPCSTR szParam6 = WideToUTF8(value);
-	LONG32 result = EZNotify(szParam1, szParam2, szParam3, timeout, szParam4, priority, szParam5, szParam6);
-	delete [] szParam1; delete [] szParam2; delete [] szParam3;
-	delete [] szParam4; delete [] szParam5; delete [] szParam6;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR packetData)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::Notify;
-	msg.Token = appToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, "id::%s#?%s", className, packetData);
-	lastMsgToken = Send(msg);
-	return lastMsgToken;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Notify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR packetData)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(className);
-	LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(packetData);
-	LONG32 result = Notify(szParam1, szParam2);
-	delete [] szParam1; delete [] szParam2;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCSTR text /* = NULL */, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCSTR icon /* = NULL */)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UpdateNotification;
-	msg.Token = msgToken;
-	// Create packed data
-	errno_t err = 0;
-	ZeroMemory(msg.PacketData, sizeof(msg.PacketData));
-	char* pData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(msg.PacketData);
-	if (title != NULL) {
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?title::" : "title::", _TRUNCATE); //StringCbCat(tmp, SnarlPacketDataSize, "title::%s");
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, title, _TRUNCATE);
-	}
-	if (text != NULL) {
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?text::" : "text::", _TRUNCATE);
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, text, _TRUNCATE);
-	}
-	if (icon != NULL) {
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?icon::" : "icon::", _TRUNCATE);
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, icon, _TRUNCATE);
-	}
-	if (timeout != -1) {
-		char tmp[32];
-		_itoa_s(timeout, tmp, 10);
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, (pData[0] != NULL) ? "#?timeout::" : "timeout::", _TRUNCATE);
-		err |= strncat_s(pData, SnarlPacketDataSize, tmp, _TRUNCATE);
-	}
-	// Check for strcat errors and exit on error
-	if (err != 0) {
-		localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorFailed;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR title /* = NULL */, LPCWSTR text /* = NULL */, LONG32 timeout /* = -1 */, LPCWSTR icon /* = NULL */)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(title);
-	LPCSTR szParam2 = WideToUTF8(text);
-	LPCSTR szParam3 = WideToUTF8(icon);
-	LONG32 result = EZUpdate(msgToken, szParam1, szParam2, timeout, szParam3);
-	delete [] szParam1; delete [] szParam2; delete [] szParam3;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR packetData)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::UpdateNotification;
-	msg.Token = msgToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, packetData);
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR packetData)
-	LPCSTR szParam1 = WideToUTF8(packetData);
-	LONG32 result = Update(msgToken, szParam1);
-	delete [] szParam1;
-	return result;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Hide(LONG32 msgToken)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::HideNotification;
-	msg.Token = msgToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, NULL);
-	return Send(msg);
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::IsVisible(LONG32 msgToken)
-	SnarlMessage msg;
-	msg.Command = SnarlEnums::IsNotificationVisible;
-	msg.Token = msgToken;
-	PackData(msg.PacketData, NULL);
-	return Send(msg);
-SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus SnarlInterface::GetLastError()
-	return localError;
-// static
-BOOL SnarlInterface::IsSnarlRunning()
-	return IsWindow(GetSnarlWindow());
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::GetVersion()
-	localError = SnarlEnums::Success;
-	HWND hWnd = GetSnarlWindow();
-	if (!IsWindow(hWnd))
-	{
-		localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorNotRunning;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	HANDLE hProp = GetProp(hWnd, _T("_version"));
-	return reinterpret_cast<int>(hProp);
-// static
-UINT SnarlInterface::Broadcast()
-	return RegisterWindowMessage(SnarlGlobalMsg);
-// static
-UINT SnarlInterface::AppMsg()
-	return RegisterWindowMessage(SnarlAppMsg);
-// static
-HWND SnarlInterface::GetSnarlWindow()
-	return FindWindow(SnarlWindowClass, SnarlWindowTitle);;
-LPCTSTR SnarlInterface::GetAppPath()
-	HWND hWnd = GetSnarlWindow();
-	if (hWnd)
-	{
-		HWND hWndPath = FindWindowEx(hWnd, NULL, _T("static"), NULL);
-		if (hWndPath)
-		{
-			TCHAR strTmp[MAX_PATH] = {0};
-			int nReturn = GetWindowText(hWndPath, strTmp, MAX_PATH-1);
-			if (nReturn > 0) {
-				TCHAR* strReturn = AllocateString(nReturn + 1);
-				_tcsncpy(strReturn, strTmp, nReturn + 1);
-				strReturn[nReturn] = 0;
-				return strReturn;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return NULL;
-LPCTSTR SnarlInterface::GetIconsPath()
-	TCHAR* szIconPath = NULL;
-	LPCTSTR szPath = GetAppPath();
-	if (!szPath)
-		return NULL;
-	size_t nLen = 0;
-	// TODO: _tcsnlen MAX_PATH
-	if (nLen = _tcsnlen(szPath, MAX_PATH))
-	{
-		nLen += 10 + 1; // etc\\icons\\ + NULL
-		szIconPath = AllocateString(nLen);
-		_tcsncpy(szIconPath, szPath, nLen);
-		_tcsncat(szIconPath, _T("etc\\icons\\"), nLen);
-	}
-	FreeString(szPath);
-	return szIconPath;
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::GetLastMsgToken() const
-	return lastMsgToken;
-// Private functions 
-LONG32 SnarlInterface::Send(SnarlMessage msg)
-	DWORD_PTR nReturn = 0; // Failure
-	HWND hWnd = GetSnarlWindow();
-	if (!IsWindow(hWnd))
-	{
-		localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorNotRunning;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	cds.dwData = 0x534E4C02; // "SNL",2;
-	cds.cbData = sizeof(SnarlMessage);
-	cds.lpData = &msg;
-	if (SendMessageTimeout(hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)GetCurrentProcessId(), (LPARAM)&cds, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG | SMTO_NOTIMEOUTIFNOTHUNG, 500, &nReturn) == 0)
-	{
-		// return zero on failure
-		if (GetLastError() == ERROR_TIMEOUT)
-			localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorTimedOut;
-		else
-			localError = SnarlEnums::ErrorFailed;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	// return result and cache LastError
-	HANDLE hProp = GetProp(hWnd, _T("last_error"));
-	localError = static_cast<SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus>(reinterpret_cast<int>(hProp));
-	return nReturn;
-// Remember to delete [] returned string
-LPSTR SnarlInterface::WideToUTF8(LPCWSTR szWideStr)
-	if (szWideStr == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	int nSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-	LPSTR szUTF8 = new char[nSize];
-	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, szWideStr, -1, szUTF8, nSize, NULL, NULL);
-	return szUTF8;
-void SnarlInterface::PackData(BYTE* data, LPCSTR format, ...)
-	// Always zero array - Used to clear the array in member functions
-	ZeroMemory(data, SnarlPacketDataSize);
-	// Return if format string is empty
-	if (format == NULL || format[0] == 0)
-		return;
-	int cchStrTextLen = 0;
-	va_list args;
-	va_start(args, format);
-	// Get size of buffer
-	cchStrTextLen = _vscprintf(format, args) + 1; // + NULL
-	if (cchStrTextLen <= 1)
-		return;
-	// Create formated string - _TRUNCATE will ensure zero terminated
-	_vsnprintf_s((char*)data, SnarlPacketDataSize, _TRUNCATE, format, args);
-	va_end(args);
-}} // namespace Snarl::V41
diff --git a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h b/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9440451..0000000
--- a/3rdParty/Snarl/SnarlInterface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-#include <tchar.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <cstdio>
-namespace Snarl {
-	namespace V41 {
-	static const LPCTSTR SnarlWindowClass = _T("w>Snarl");
-	static const LPCTSTR SnarlWindowTitle = _T("Snarl");
-	static const LPCTSTR SnarlGlobalMsg = _T("SnarlGlobalEvent");
-	static const LPCTSTR SnarlAppMsg = _T("SnarlAppMessage");
-	static const int SnarlPacketDataSize = 4096;
-	// Enums put in own namespace, because ANSI C++ doesn't decorate enums with tagname :(
-	namespace SnarlEnums {
-		/// <summary>
-		/// Global event identifiers.
-		/// Identifiers marked with a '*' are sent by Snarl in two ways:
-		///   1. As a broadcast message (uMsg = 'SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG')
-		///   2. To the window registered in snRegisterConfig() or snRegisterConfig2()
-		///      (uMsg = reply message specified at the time of registering)
-		/// In both cases these values appear in wParam.
-		///   
-		/// Identifiers not marked are not broadcast; they are simply sent to the application's registered window.
-		/// </summary>
-		enum GlobalEvent
-		{
-			SnarlLaunched = 1,      // Snarl has just started running*
-			SnarlQuit = 2,          // Snarl is about to stop running*
-			SnarlAskAppletVer = 3,  // (R1.5) Reserved for future use
-			SnarlShowAppUi = 4      // (R1.6) Application should show its UI
-		};
-		/// <summary>
-		/// Message event identifiers.
-		/// These are sent by Snarl to the window specified in RegisterApp() when the
-		/// Snarl Notification raised times out or the user clicks on it.
-		/// </summary>
-		enum MessageEvent
-		{
-			NotificationClicked = 32,      // Notification was right-clicked by user
-			NotificationCancelled = 32,    // Added in V37 (R1.6) -- same value, just improved the meaning of it
-			NotificationTimedOut = 33,     // 
-			NotificationAck = 34,          // Notification was left-clicked by user
-			NotificationMenu = 35,         // Menu item selected (V39)
-			NotificationMiddleButton = 36, // Notification middle-clicked by user (V39)
-			NotificationClosed = 37        // User clicked the close gadget (V39)
-		};
-		/// <summary>
-		/// Error values returned by calls to GetLastError().
-		/// </summary>
-		enum SnarlStatus
-		{
-			Success = 0,
-			ErrorFailed = 101,        // miscellaneous failure
-			ErrorUnknownCommand,      // specified command not recognised
-			ErrorTimedOut,            // Snarl took too long to respond
-			ErrorArgMissing = 109,    // required argument missing
-			ErrorSystem,              // internal system error
-			ErrorNotRunning = 201,    // Snarl handling window not found
-			ErrorNotRegistered,       // 
-			ErrorAlreadyRegistered,   // not used yet; RegisterApp() returns existing token
-			ErrorClassAlreadyExists,  // not used yet; AddClass() returns existing token
-			ErrorClassBlocked,
-			ErrorClassNotFound,
-			ErrorNotificationNotFound
-		};
-		/// <summary>
-		/// Application flags - features this app supports.
-		/// </summary>
-		enum AppFlags
-		{
-			AppDefault = 0,
-			AppHasPrefs = 1,
-			AppHasAbout = 2,
-			AppIsWindowless = 0x8000
-		};
-		enum SnarlCommand
-		{
-			RegisterApp = 1,
-			UnregisterApp,
-			UpdateApp,
-			SetCallback,
-			AddClass,
-			RemoveClass,
-			Notify,
-			UpdateNotification,
-			HideNotification,
-			IsNotificationVisible,
-			LastError                  // deprecated but retained for backwards compatability
-		};
-	}
-	struct SnarlMessage
-	{
-		SnarlEnums::SnarlCommand Command;
-		LONG32 Token;
-		BYTE PacketData[SnarlPacketDataSize];
-	};
-	static const DWORD WM_SNARLTEST = WM_USER + 237;
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	/// SnarlInterface class definition
-	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	class SnarlInterface {
-		public:
-			SnarlInterface();
-			~SnarlInterface();
-			LPTSTR AllocateString(size_t n) { return new TCHAR[n]; }
-			void FreeString(LPTSTR str)     { delete [] str; str = NULL; }
-			void FreeString(LPCTSTR str)    { delete [] str; }
-			/// <summary>Register application with Snarl.</summary>
-			/// <returns>The application token or 0 on failure.</returns>
-			/// <remarks>The application token is saved in SnarlInterface member variable, so just use return value to check for error.</remarks>
-			LONG32 RegisterApp(LPCSTR signature, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR icon, HWND hWndReply = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags = SnarlEnums::AppDefault);
-			LONG32 RegisterApp(LPCWSTR  signature, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR icon, HWND hWndReply = NULL, LONG32 msgReply = 0, SnarlEnums::AppFlags flags = SnarlEnums::AppDefault);
-			/// <summary>Unregister application with Snarl when application is closing.</summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 UnregisterApp();
-			/// <summary>Update information provided when calling RegisterApp.</summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 UpdateApp(LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR icon = NULL);
-			LONG32 UpdateApp(LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR icon = NULL);
-			/// <summary>Add a notification class to Snarl.</summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 AddClass(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR description, bool enabled = true);
-			LONG32 AddClass(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR description, bool enabled = true);
-			/// <summary>Remove a notification class added with AddClass().</summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 RemoveClass(LPCSTR className, bool forgetSettings = false);
-			LONG32 RemoveClass(LPCWSTR className, bool forgetSettings = false);
-			/// <summary>Remove all notification classes in one call.</summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 RemoveAllClasses(bool forgetSettings = false);
-			/// <summary>Show a Snarl notification.</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns the notification token or 0 on failure.</returns>
-			/// <remarks>You can use <see cref="GetLastMsgToken()" /> to get the last token.</remarks>
-			LONG32 EZNotify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR title, LPCSTR text, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR icon = NULL, LONG32 priority = 0, LPCSTR acknowledge = NULL, LPCSTR value = NULL);
-			LONG32 EZNotify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR text, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR icon = NULL, LONG32 priority = 0, LPCWSTR acknowledge = NULL, LPCWSTR value = NULL);
-			/// <summary>
-			///     Show a Snarl notification.
-			///     This function requires that you write your own packet data.
-			/// </summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns the notification token or 0 on failure.</returns>
-			/// <remarks>You can use <see cref="GetLastMsgToken()" /> to get the last token.</remarks>
-			LONG32 Notify(LPCSTR className, LPCSTR packetData);
-			LONG32 Notify(LPCWSTR className, LPCWSTR packetData);
-			/// <summary>Update the text or other parameters of a visible Snarl notification.</summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR title = NULL, LPCSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCSTR icon = NULL);
-			LONG32 EZUpdate(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR title = NULL, LPCWSTR text = NULL, LONG32 timeout = -1, LPCWSTR icon = NULL);
-			/// <summary>
-			///     Update the text or other parameters of a visible Snarl notification.
-			///     This function requires that you write your own packet data.
-			/// </summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCSTR packetData);
-			LONG32 Update(LONG32 msgToken, LPCWSTR packetData);
-			/// <summary>Hide a Snarl notification.</summary>
-			/// <returns>0 on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 Hide(LONG32 msgToken);
-			/// <summary>Test if a Snarl notification is visible.</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns -1 if message is visible. 0 if not visible or if an error occured.</returns>
-			LONG32 IsVisible(LONG32 msgToken);
-			/// <summary>Get the last error from Snarl. Call after other functions return 0 to know why it failed.</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns one of the SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus values.</returns>
-			SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus GetLastError();
-			/// <summary>Get Snarl version, if it is running.</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns a number indicating Snarl version.</returns>
-			LONG32 GetVersion();
-			/// <summary>
-			///     Get the path to where Snarl is installed.
-			///     ** Remember to call <see cref="FreeString(LPCTSTR)" /> on the returned string !!!
-			/// </summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns the path to where Snarl is installed.</returns>
-			/// <remarks>This is a V39 API method.</remarks>
-			LPCTSTR  GetAppPath();
-			/// <summary>
-			///     Get the path to where the default Snarl icons are located.
-			///     <para>** Remember to call <see cref="FreeString(LPCTSTR)" /> on the returned string !!!</para>
-			/// </summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns the path to where the default Snarl icons are located.</returns>
-			/// <remarks>This is a V39 API method.</remarks>
-			LPCTSTR  GetIconsPath();
-			/// <summary>GetLastMsgToken() returns token of the last message sent to Snarl.</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns message token of last message.</returns>
-			/// <remarks>This function is not in the official API!</remarks>
-			LONG32 GetLastMsgToken() const;
-			/// <summary>Check whether Snarl is running</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns true if Snarl system was found running.</returns>
-			static BOOL IsSnarlRunning();
-			/// <summary>
-			///     Returns the value of Snarl's global registered message.
-			///     Notes:
-			///       Snarl registers SNARL_GLOBAL_MSG during startup which it then uses to communicate
-			///       with all running applications through a Windows broadcast message. This function can
-			///       only fail if for some reason the Windows RegisterWindowMessage() function fails
-			///       - given this, this function *cannnot* be used to test for the presence of Snarl.
-			/// </summary>
-			/// <returns>A 16-bit value (translated to 32-bit) which is the registered Windows message for Snarl.</returns>
-			static UINT Broadcast();
-			/// <summary>Returns the global Snarl Application message  (V39)</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns Snarl application registered message.</returns>
-			static UINT AppMsg();
-			/// <summary>Returns a handle to the Snarl Dispatcher window  (V37)</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns handle to Snarl Dispatcher window, or zero if it's not found.</returns>
-			/// <remarks>This is now the preferred way to test if Snarl is actually running.</remarks>
-			static HWND GetSnarlWindow();
-		private:
-			/// <summary>Send message to Snarl.</summary>
-			/// <returns>Return zero on failure.</returns>
-			LONG32 Send(SnarlMessage msg);
-			/// <summary>Convert a unicode string to UTF8</summary>
-			/// <returns>Returns pointer to the new string - Remember to delete [] returned string !</returns>
-			/// <remarks>Remember to delete [] returned string !!!</remarks>
-			LPSTR  WideToUTF8(LPCWSTR szWideStr);
-			/// <summary>Pack data into the PackedData member field.</summary>
-			/// <param name="data">Should always be a pointer to the PackedData field</param>
-			/// <param name="format">The format string. Can be NULL or "" to just zero PackedData!</param>
-			/// <param name="...">Variable number of objects to convert</param>
-			void   PackData(BYTE* data, LPCSTR format, ...);
-			LONG32 appToken;
-			LONG32 lastMsgToken;
-			SnarlEnums::SnarlStatus localError;
-	}; // class
-	} // namespace V41
-} // namespace Snarl
-#endif // SNARL_INTERFACE_V41
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
index 70cd9d8..6dd1115 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
@@ -317,10 +317,6 @@ if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" :
         env["GROWL_FRAMEWORK"] = "/Library/Frameworks/Growl.framework"
-# Snarl
-if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32" :
-    env["HAVE_SNARL"] = True
 # LibXML
 conf = Configure(conf_env, custom_tests = {"CheckVersion": CheckVersion})
 if env.get("try_libxml", True) and conf.CheckCHeader("libxml/parser.h") and conf.CheckLib("xml2") :
diff --git a/SwifTools/Notifier/SConscript b/SwifTools/Notifier/SConscript
index a8e8590..e87312c 100644
--- a/SwifTools/Notifier/SConscript
+++ b/SwifTools/Notifier/SConscript
@@ -17,11 +17,5 @@ elif myenv["PLATFORM"] == "darwin" :
-if swiftools_env.get("HAVE_SNARL", False) :
-    myenv.MergeFlags(myenv["SNARL_FLAGS"])
-    sources += [
-            "SnarlNotifier.cpp",
-        ]
 objects = myenv.StaticObject(sources)
 swiftools_env.Append(SWIFTOOLS_OBJECTS = objects)
diff --git a/SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.cpp b/SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e3977a7..0000000
--- a/SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Isode Limited.
- * All rights reserved.
- * See the COPYING file for more information.
- */
-#include <SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.h>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <Swiften/Base/foreach.h>
-#include <SwifTools/Notifier/Win32NotifierWindow.h>
-#define SWIFT_SNARLNOTIFIER_MESSAGE_ID 0x4567 // Sounds sick to pick a number, but this is windows
-namespace Swift {
-SnarlNotifier::SnarlNotifier(const std::string& name, Win32NotifierWindow* window, const boost::filesystem::path& icon) : window(window), available(false) {
-    window->onMessageReceived.connect(boost::bind(&SnarlNotifier::handleMessageReceived, this, _1));
-    available = snarl.RegisterApp(name.c_str(), name.c_str(), icon.string().c_str(), window->getID(), SWIFT_SNARLNOTIFIER_MESSAGE_ID);
-    foreach(Notifier::Type type, getAllTypes()) {
-        snarl.AddClass(typeToString(type).c_str(), typeToString(type).c_str());
-    }
-SnarlNotifier::~SnarlNotifier() {
-    snarl.UnregisterApp();
-    window->onMessageReceived.disconnect(boost::bind(&SnarlNotifier::handleMessageReceived, this, _1));
-    if (!notifications.empty()) {
-        std::cerr << "Warning: " << notifications.size() << " Snarl notifications pending" << std::endl;
-    }
-bool SnarlNotifier::isAvailable() const {
-    return available;
-void SnarlNotifier::showMessage(Type type, const std::string& subject, const std::string& description, const boost::filesystem::path& picture, boost::function<void()> callback) {
-    int notificationID = snarl.EZNotify(
-            typeToString(type).c_str(),
-            subject.c_str(),
-            description.c_str(),
-            timeout,
-            picture.string().c_str());
-    if (notificationID > 0) {
-        notifications.insert(std::make_pair(notificationID, callback));
-    }
-void SnarlNotifier::handleMessageReceived(MSG* message) {
-    if (message->message == SWIFT_SNARLNOTIFIER_MESSAGE_ID) {
-        int action = message->wParam;
-        if (action == Snarl::V41::SnarlEnums::NotificationTimedOut || action == Snarl::V41::SnarlEnums::NotificationAck || action == Snarl::V41::SnarlEnums::NotificationClosed) {
-            int notificationID = message->lParam;
-            NotificationsMap::iterator i = notifications.find(notificationID);
-            if (i != notifications.end()) {
-                if (action == Snarl::V41::SnarlEnums::NotificationAck && !i->second.empty()) {
-                    i->second();
-                }
-                notifications.erase(i);
-            }
-            else {
-                std::cerr << "Warning: Orphaned Snarl notification received";
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.h b/SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5006185..0000000
--- a/SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Isode Limited.
- * All rights reserved.
- * See the COPYING file for more information.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <map>
-#include <SnarlInterface.h>
-#include <SwifTools/Notifier/Notifier.h>
-namespace Swift {
-    class Win32NotifierWindow;
-    class SnarlNotifier : public Notifier {
-        public:
-            SnarlNotifier(const std::string& name, Win32NotifierWindow* window, const boost::filesystem::path& icon);
-            ~SnarlNotifier();
-            virtual void showMessage(Type type, const std::string& subject, const std::string& description, const boost::filesystem::path& picture, boost::function<void()> callback);
-            virtual bool isAvailable() const;
-            virtual void purgeCallbacks() {
-                notifications.clear();
-            }
-        private:
-            void handleMessageReceived(MSG* message);
-        private:
-            Snarl::V41::SnarlInterface snarl;
-            Win32NotifierWindow* window;
-            bool available;
-            typedef std::map<int, boost::function<void()> > NotificationsMap;
-            NotificationsMap notifications;
-    };
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/SConscript b/Swift/QtUI/SConscript
index 4b3d716..7e2aafe 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/SConscript
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/SConscript
@@ -43,9 +43,6 @@ if myenv.get("HAVE_GROWL", False) :
     myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["HAVE_GROWL"])
 if myenv["swift_mobile"] :
     myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["SWIFT_MOBILE"])
-if myenv.get("HAVE_SNARL", False) :
-    myenv.UseFlags(myenv["SNARL_FLAGS"])
-    myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["HAVE_SNARL"])
 if myenv.get("HAVE_HUNSPELL", True):
     myenv.Append(CPPDEFINES = ["HAVE_HUNSPELL"])
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.cpp b/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.cpp
index c954fab..d6e8ba9 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.cpp
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.cpp
@@ -20,20 +20,14 @@ namespace Swift {
 WindowsNotifier::WindowsNotifier(const std::string& name, const boost::filesystem::path& icon, QSystemTrayIcon* tray) : tray(tray) {
     notifierWindow = new QtWin32NotifierWindow();
-    snarlNotifier = new SnarlNotifier(name, notifierWindow, icon);
     connect(tray, SIGNAL(messageClicked()), SLOT(handleMessageClicked()));
 WindowsNotifier::~WindowsNotifier() {
-    delete snarlNotifier;
     delete notifierWindow;
 void WindowsNotifier::showMessage(Type type, const std::string& subject, const std::string& description, const boost::filesystem::path& picture, boost::function<void()> callback) {
-    if (snarlNotifier->isAvailable()) {
-        snarlNotifier->showMessage(type, subject, description, picture, callback);
-        return;
-    }
     std::vector<Notifier::Type> defaultTypes = getDefaultTypes();
     if (std::find(defaultTypes.begin(), defaultTypes.end(), type) == defaultTypes.end()) {
diff --git a/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.h b/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.h
index fae0795..945ef6b 100644
--- a/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.h
+++ b/Swift/QtUI/WindowsNotifier.h
@@ -11,11 +11,12 @@
 #include <QObject>
 #include <SwifTools/Notifier/Notifier.h>
-#include <SwifTools/Notifier/SnarlNotifier.h>
 class QSystemTrayIcon;
 namespace Swift {
+    class Win32NotifierWindow;
     class WindowsNotifier : public QObject, public Notifier {
@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ namespace Swift {
             QSystemTrayIcon* tray;
             Win32NotifierWindow* notifierWindow;
-            SnarlNotifier* snarlNotifier;
             boost::function<void()> lastCallback;
cgit v0.10.2-6-g49f6