From a0f902844e7d83006a45c40158aa7d8256c87260 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Remko=20Tron=C3=A7on?= <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 20:26:40 +0200
Subject: Added scons2ninja script.

This script allows you to use ninja to drive your build, but
using SCons in the back to generate the ninja files.

Change-Id: I410d80d91f3c2ca6f369169d9b004b531625022f

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c1e0637..b37b74b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ qrc_*
diff --git a/.scons2ninja.conf b/.scons2ninja.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3770b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.scons2ninja.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+$scons_cmd = "python 3rdParty/SCons/"
+$scons_dependencies += Dir["BuildTools/SCons/**/*.py"] + Dir["BuildTools/SCons/SCons*"]
+ninja_post do |ninja|
+	# Unit tests
+ 'check', 'run', to_native_path("QA/UnitTest/checker#{EXE_SUFFIX}")
+	# Swift binary
+	if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win32|mingw32)/
+ ['Swift', 'swift'], 'phony', "Swift\\QtUI\\Swift.exe"
+	elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/
+ ['Swift', 'swift'], 'phony', 'Swift/QtUI/swift-im'
+	else
+ ['Swift', 'swift'], 'phony', /Swift\/QtUI\/\/(.*)/
+	end
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot b/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot
index 9f624da..9ac3cca 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/SConscript.boot
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ vars.Add(BoolVariable("set_iterator_debug_level", "Set _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0",
 # Set up default build & configure environment
 env_ENV = {
   'PATH' : os.environ['PATH'], 
   'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' : os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ""),
diff --git a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
index ada291e..75baf21 100644
--- a/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
+++ b/BuildTools/SCons/SConstruct
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def colorize(command, target, color) :
 		suffix = "\033[0m"
 	return "  " + prefix + command + suffix + " " + target
-if int(ARGUMENTS.get("V", 0)) == 0:
+if int(ARGUMENTS.get("V", 0)) == 0 and not ARGUMENTS.get("dump_trace", False) :
 	env["CCCOMSTR"] = colorize("CC", "$TARGET", "green")
 	env["SHCCCOMSTR"] = colorize("CC", "$TARGET", "green")
 	env["CXXCOMSTR"] = colorize("CXX", "$TARGET", "green")
@@ -559,6 +559,12 @@ else :
 # Project files
+if ARGUMENTS.get("dump_trace", False) :
+	env.SetOption("no_exec", True)
+	env["TEST"] = True
+	env.Decider(lambda x, y, z : True)
+	SCons.Node.Python.Value.changed_since_last_build = (lambda x, y, z: True)
 # Modules
 modules = []
 if os.path.isdir(Dir("#/3rdParty").abspath) :
diff --git a/BuildTools/scons2ninja.rb b/BuildTools/scons2ninja.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6184f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BuildTools/scons2ninja.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# scons2ninja: A script to create a Ninja build file from SCons.
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Remko Tronçon
+# Licensed under the simplified BSD license.
+# See COPYING for details.
+require 'pathname'
+require 'open3'
+# Helper for building Ninja files
+class NinjaBuilder
+  attr_reader :targets
+  def initialize
+    @header = ""
+    @variables = ""
+    @rules = ""
+    @build = ""
+    @pools = ""
+    @flags ={ |h,k| h[k] = }
+    @targets = []
+  end
+  def header(text)
+    @header << text << "\n"
+  end
+  def rule(name, opts = {})
+    @rules << "rule #{name}\n"
+    opts.each { |k, v| @rules << "  " << k.to_s << " = " << v.to_s << "\n" }
+    @rules << "\n"
+  end
+  def pool(name, opts = {})
+    @pools << "pool #{name}\n"
+    opts.each { |k, v| @pools << "  " << k.to_s << " = " << v.to_s << "\n" }
+    @pools << "\n"
+  end
+  def variable(name, value)
+    @variables << "#{name} = #{value}\n"
+  end
+  def build(target, rule, sources = nil, opts = {})
+    @build << "build " << str(target) << ": " << rule
+    @build << " " << str(sources) if sources
+    @build << " | " << str(opts[:deps]) if opts[:deps]
+    @build << " || " << str(opts[:order_deps]) if opts[:order_deps]
+    @build << "\n"
+    opts.each do |var, value| 
+      next if [:deps, :order_deps].include? var
+      var = var.to_s
+      value = str(value)
+      value = get_flags_variable(var, value) if var.end_with? "flags"
+      @build << "  #{var} = #{value}\n"
+    end
+    @targets += list(target)
+  end
+  def header_targets
+ { |target| target.end_with? '.h' or target.end_with? '.hh' }
+  end
+  def to_s
+    result = ""
+    result << @header << "\n"
+    result << @variables << "\n"
+    @flags.each { |_, prefix| prefix.each { |k, v| result << "#{v} = #{k}\n" } }
+    result << "\n"
+    result << @pools << "\n"
+    result << @rules << "\n"
+    result << @build << "\n"
+    result
+  end
+  private
+    def str(list) 
+      return{ |x| escape(x) }.join(' ') if list.is_a? Enumerable
+      return { |x| list.match(x) }.map { |x| escape(x) }.join(' ') if list.is_a? Regexp
+      list
+    end
+    def escape(s)
+      s.gsub(/ /, '$ ')
+    end
+    def get_flags_variable(type, flags)
+      return '' if flags.empty?
+      type_flags = @flags[type]
+      unless id = type_flags[flags]
+        id = "#{type}_#{type_flags.size()}"
+        type_flags[flags] = id
+      end
+      "$#{id}"
+    end
+# Helper methods & variables
+if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win32|mingw32)/
+  LIB_PREFIX = ""
+  LIB_SUFFIX = ""
+  EXE_SUFFIX = ".exe"
+  LIB_PREFIX = "lib"
+  LIB_SUFFIX = ".a"
+  EXE_SUFFIX = ""
+def list(l)
+  return [] if nil
+  return l if l.is_a? Enumerable
+  [l]
+def get_unary_flags(prefix, flags)
+ {|x| /^#{prefix}/i.match(x)}.map { |x| x[prefix.size .. -1] }
+def extract_unary_flags(prefix, flags)
+  flag, flags = flags.partition { |x| /^#{prefix}/i.match(x) }
+  [ { |x| x[prefix.size .. -1] }, flags]
+def extract_unary_flag(prefix, flags)
+  flag, flags = extract_unary_flags(prefix, flags)
+  [flag[0], flags]
+def extract_binary_flag(prefix, flags)
+  i = flags.index(prefix)
+  flag = flags[i + 1]
+  flags.delete_at(i)
+  flags.delete_at(i)
+  [flag, flags]
+BINARY_FLAGS = ["-framework", "-arch", "-x", "--output-format", "-isystem", "-include"]
+def get_non_flags(flags)
+  skip = false
+  result = []
+  flags.each do |f|
+    if skip
+      skip = false
+    elsif BINARY_FLAGS.include? f
+      skip = true
+    elsif not f.start_with? "/" and not f.start_with? "-"
+      result << f
+    end
+  end
+  result
+def extract_non_flags(flags)
+  non_flags = get_non_flags(flags)
+  [non_flags, flags - non_flags]
+def to_native_path(path) 
+  path.gsub(File::SEPARATOR, File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR)
+def from_native_path(path) 
+  path.gsub(File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR, File::SEPARATOR)
+def get_dependencies(target, build_targets)
+  result = []
+  queue = $dependencies[target].dup
+  while queue.size > 0
+    n = queue.pop
+    result << n
+    queue += $dependencies[n].dup
+  end
+  # Filter out Value() results
+ {|x| build_targets.include? x or File.exists? x }
+def get_built_libs(libs, libpaths, outputs)
+  canonical_outputs = {|p| File.expand_path(p) }
+  result = []
+  libpaths.each do |libpath| 
+    libs.each do |lib|
+      lib_libpath = + "#{LIB_PREFIX}#{lib}#{LIB_SUFFIX}"
+      if canonical_outputs.include? lib_libpath.expand_path.to_s
+        result << to_native_path(lib_libpath.to_s)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  result
+script = to_native_path($0)
+# Configuration
+$ninja_post = []
+$scons_cmd = "scons"
+$scons_dependencies = Dir['SConstruct'] + Dir['**/SConscript']
+def ninja_post (&block)
+  $ninja_post << block
+CONFIGURATION_FILE = '.scons2ninja.conf'
+$scons_dependencies = $ {|x| to_native_path(x) }
+# Rules
+ninja =
+ninja.pool 'scons_pool', depth: 1
+if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win32|mingw32)/
+  ninja.rule 'cl', 
+    deps: 'msvc', 
+    command: '$cl /showIncludes $clflags -c $in /Fo$out',
+    description: 'CXX $out'
+  ninja.rule 'link',
+    command: '$link $in $linkflags $libs /out:$out',
+    description: 'LINK $out'
+  ninja.rule 'lib',
+    command: '$lib $libflags /out:$out $in',
+    description: 'AR $out'
+  ninja.rule 'rc',
+    command: '$rc $rcflags /Fo$out $in',
+    description: 'RC $out'
+  # SCons doesn't touch files if they didn't change, which makes
+  # ninja rebuild the file over and over again. There's no touch on Windows :(
+  # Could implement it with a script, but for now, delete the file if
+  # this problem occurs. I'll fix it if it occurs too much.
+  ninja.rule 'scons',
+    command: "#{$scons_cmd} $out",
+    pool: 'scons_pool',
+    description: 'GEN $out'
+  ninja.rule 'install', command: 'cmd /c copy $in $out'
+  ninja.rule 'run', command: '$in'
+  ninja.rule 'cxx',
+    deps: 'gcc',
+    depfile: '$out.d',
+    command: '$cxx -MMD -MF $out.d $cxxflags -c $in -o $out',
+    description: 'CXX $out'
+  ninja.rule 'cc',
+    deps: 'gcc',
+    depfile: '$out.d',
+    command: '$cc -MMD -MF $out.d $ccflags -c $in -o $out',
+    description: 'CC $out'
+  ninja.rule 'link',
+    command: '$glink -o $out $in $linkflags',
+    description: 'LINK $out'
+  ninja.rule 'ar',
+    command: 'ar $arflags $out $in && ranlib $out',
+    description: 'AR $out'
+  # SCons doesn't touch files if they didn't change, which makes
+  # ninja rebuild the file over and over again. Touching solves this.
+  ninja.rule 'scons',
+    command: "#{$scons_cmd} $out && touch $out",
+    pool: 'scons_pool',
+    description: 'GEN $out'
+  ninja.rule 'install', command: 'install $in $out'
+  ninja.rule 'run', command: './$in'
+ninja.rule 'moc',
+  command: '$moc $mocflags -o $out $in',
+  description: 'MOC $out'
+ninja.rule 'rcc',
+  command: '$rcc $rccflags -name $name -o $out $in',
+  description: 'RCC $out'
+ninja.rule 'uic',
+  command: '$uic $uicflags -o $out $in',
+  description: 'UIC $out'
+ninja.rule 'lrelease',
+  command: '$lrelease $lreleaseflags $in -qm $out',
+  description: 'LRELEASE $out'
+ninja.rule 'ibtool',
+  command: '$ibtool $ibtoolflags --compile $out $in',
+  description: 'IBTOOL $out'
+ninja.rule 'generator',
+  command: "ruby #{script} ${generator_args}",
+  pool: 'scons_pool',
+  generator: '1',
+  description: 'Regenerating'
+# Build Statements
+generator_args = ARGV.join(' ')
+scons_generate_cmd = "#{$scons_cmd} #{generator_args} --tree=all,prune dump_trace=1"
+#scons_generate_cmd = 'cmd /c type'
+#scons_generate_cmd = 'cat'
+# Pass 1: Parse dependencies (and prefilter some build rules)
+build_lines = []
+$dependencies = {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
+previous_file = nil
+Open3.popen3(scons_generate_cmd) do |stdin, f, stderr, thread|
+  stage = :preamble
+  skip_nth_line = -1
+  stack = ['.']
+  f.each_line do |line|
+    # Skip lines if requested from previous command
+    skip_nth_line -= 1 if skip_nth_line >= 0
+    next if skip_nth_line == 0
+    line.chop!
+    break if line.start_with? 'scons: done building targets'
+    case stage
+      # Pass all lines from the SCons configuration step to output
+      when :preamble
+        if /^scons: Building targets .../.match(line)
+          stage = :build
+        else
+          puts line
+        end
+      when :build
+        if line.start_with? '+-'
+          stage = :dependencies
+        # Ignore response files from MSVS
+        elsif /^Using tempfile/.match(line)
+          skip_nth_line = 2
+        else
+          build_lines << line
+        end
+      when :dependencies
+        # Work around bug in SCons that splits output over multiple lines
+        next unless /^[\s|]+\+\-/.match(line)
+        level = line.index('+-') / 2
+        file = line[level*2+2..-1]
+        file = file[1..-2] if file.start_with? '['
+        # Check if we use the 'fixed' format which escapes filenames
+        file = eval('"' + file[1..-2].gsub('"', '\\"') + '"') if file.start_with? '\''
+        if level < stack.length
+          stack = stack[0..level-1]
+        elsif level > stack.length
+          raise "Internal Error" if level != stack.length + 1
+          stack << previous_file
+        end
+        # Skip absolute paths
+        $dependencies[stack[-1]] << file unless
+        previous_file = file
+    end
+  end
+  unless thread.value.success?
+    print "Error calling '#{scons_generate_cmd}': "
+    print
+    exit(-1)
+  end
+# Pass 2: Parse build rules
+tools = {}
+build_lines.each do |line|
+  # Custom python function
+  if m = /^(\w+)\(\[([^\]]*)\]/.match(line)
+    out = m[2].split(',').map { |x| x[1..-2] }
+    out.each do |x| 
+      # Note: To be more correct, deps should also include $scons_dependencies,
+      # but this regenerates a bit too often, so leaving it out for now.
+ x, 'scons', nil, deps: get_dependencies(x, ninja.targets)
+    end
+  # TextFile
+  elsif m = /^Creating '([^']+)'/.match(line)
+    out = m[1]
+    # Note: To be more correct, deps should also include $scons_dependencies,
+    # but this regenerates a bit too often, so leaving it out for now.
+ out, 'scons', nil, deps: get_dependencies(out, ninja.targets)
+  # Install
+  elsif m = /^Install file: "(.*)" as "(.*)"/.match(line)
+ m[2], 'install', m[1]
+  elsif m = /^Install directory: "(.*)" as "(.*)"/.match(line)
+    Dir["#{m[1]}/**"].each do |file|
+      source =
+      native_source = to_native_path(source.to_s)
+      target =[2]) + source.relative_path_from([1]))
+      native_target = to_native_path(target.to_s)
+ native_target, 'install', native_source
+    end
+  # Tools
+  else
+    command = line.split
+    flags = command[1..-1]
+    tool = File.basename(command[0], File.extname(command[0]))
+    tool = "cxx" if ["clang++", "g++"].include? tool
+    tool = "cc" if ["clang", "gcc"].include? tool
+    tool = "glink" if ["cc", "cxx"].include? tool and not flags.include? "-c"
+    tool.gsub!(/-qt4$/, '')
+    tools[tool] = command[0]
+    case tool
+      ############################################################
+      # clang/gcc tools
+      ############################################################
+      when 'cc'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'cc', files, order_deps: '_generated_headers', ccflags: flags
+      when 'cxx'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'cxx', files, order_deps: '_generated_headers', cxxflags: flags
+      when 'glink'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+        libs = get_unary_flags('-l', flags)
+        libpaths = get_unary_flags("-L", flags)
+        dependencies = get_built_libs(libs, libpaths, ninja.targets)
+ out, 'link', files, deps: dependencies, linkflags: flags
+      when 'ar'
+        objects, flags = flags.partition { |x| x.end_with? ".o" }
+        libs, flags = flags.partition { |x| x.end_with? ".a" }
+        out = libs[0]
+ out, 'ar', objects, arflags: flags
+      when 'ranlib'
+      ############################################################
+      # MSVC tools
+      ############################################################
+      when 'cl'
+        out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/Fo", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'cl', files, order_deps: '_generated_headers', clflags: flags
+      when 'lib'
+        out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/out:", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'lib', files, libflags: flags
+      when 'link'
+        objects, flags = flags.partition { |x| x.end_with? ".obj" }
+        out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/out:", flags)
+        libs, flags = flags.partition { |x| not x.start_with? "/" and x.end_with? ".lib" }
+        libpaths = get_unary_flags("/libpath:", flags)
+        dependencies = get_built_libs(libs, libpaths, ninja.targets)
+ out, 'link', objects, deps: dependencies, 
+          libs: libs, linkflags: flags
+      when 'rc'
+        out, flags = extract_unary_flag("/fo", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'rc', files[0], order_deps: '_generated_headers', rcflags: flags
+      ############################################################
+      # Qt tools
+      ############################################################
+      when 'moc'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'moc', files, mocflags: flags
+      when 'uic'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'uic', files, uicflags: flags
+      when 'lrelease'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-qm", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'lrelease', files, lreleaseflags: flags
+      when 'rcc'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("-o", flags)
+        name, flags = extract_binary_flag("-name", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+        deps = get_dependencies(out, ninja.targets) - files
+ out, 'rcc', files, deps: deps, name: name, rccflags: flags
+      ############################################################
+      # OS X tools
+      ############################################################
+      when 'ibtool'
+        out, flags = extract_binary_flag("--compile", flags)
+        files, flags = extract_non_flags(flags)
+ out, 'ibtool', files, ibtoolflags: flags
+      else
+        raise "Unknown tool: '#{line}'"
+    end
+  end
+# Phony target for all generated headers, used as an order-only dependency from all C/C++ sources '_generated_headers', 'phony', ninja.header_targets
+# Regenerate file '', 'generator', [], deps: [script, CONFIGURATION_FILE] + $scons_dependencies
+# Header & variables
+ninja.header "# This file is generated by #{script}"
+ninja.variable "ninja_required_version", "1.3"
+ninja.variable "generator_args", generator_args
+tools.each { |k, v| ninja.variable k, v }
+# Extra customizations
+$ninja_post.each { |p| }
+# Result
+'', 'w') { |f| f.write ninja }
cgit v0.10.2-6-g49f6